BenBurtonbab@debian.orgApril 7, 2003reportview1reportviewask KWeatherService to display a weather report reportview;Descriptionreportview is not intended to be used
directly.reportview is a small program that asks
KWeatherService to display a weather report. Information shown
includes the temperature, wind speed and air pressure.KWeatherService is a DCOP service used by both reportview and
the &kweather; panel applet to provide weather data. There is no need to
start KWeatherService separately; reportview will start the service
itself if needed.See Alsokweather(1)More detailed user documentation is available from help:/kweather (either enter this
URL into &konqueror;, or run
khelpcenterhelp:/kweather).Authors&kweather; was written by &Ian.Reinhart.Geiser; &Ian.Reinhart.Geiser.mail; and &Nadeem.Hasan; &Nadeem.Hasan.mail;This manual page was prepared by BenBurtonbab@debian.org