This directory contains the framework for KBabel to be easily extensible with plugins for searching translations. For an examples of modules see subdirectory "modules". Here is a short description, how to write an module: First off all, the module must inherit the interface class SearchEngine and has to implement all the virtual functions in there. Also a preferences widget must be available, that has to inherit from PrefWidget. Just include searchengine.h to have everything necessary available. Then you module has to be compiled as shared library and there must be a factory available, so that it can be loaded with KLibLoader. See documentation of KLibLoader for more details. The library should be prefixed by "kbabeldict_" instead of more common "lib". This is to indicate that it is a module for KBabelDict. The method of dictionary loading has changed in KBabel 1.2, but the modules for previous versions should work. Here is how to install the dictionary: You should define a standard KDE service desktop file. The most important entry is X-KDE-Library= where is the name of the shared library, that contains your SearchEngine, for example "kbabeldict_pocompendium". Additionally you can add a list of applications, to them your module is restricted to with "Applications=". For example with "Applications=kbabel", your module will only be used in KBabel. If you omit the entry, the module can be used in any application.