ConfigDlgBase configDlgBase 0 0 447 378 Configuration unnamed 11 6 tabWidget2 tab General unnamed tqlayout10 unnamed precisionEdit 7 0 2 0 TextLabel2 Truncated when more/longer than: TextLabel4_3 Precision of percentage values: TextLabel3 Symbols in tooltips and context menus symbolLength 4 0 0 0 Spacer6_2_2_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 maxListEdit symbolCount 4 0 0 0 TextLabel5 Maximum number of items in lists: TextLabel1 1 NoFrame Plain Cost Item Colors Layout9 unnamed 0 6 Spacer9 Vertical Fixed 20 16 Spacer6 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 Layout9 unnamed 0 6 classCombo 300 32767 true fileCheck Automatic TextLabel4 Object: TextLabel4_2_2 Class: fileColor 0 0 0 0 classCheck Automatic objectColor objectCheck Automatic TextLabel4_2 File: classColor 0 0 0 0 fileCombo 300 32767 true objectCombo 3 0 0 0 300 32767 true tab Annotations unnamed tqlayout8 unnamed TextLabel4_3_2 Context lines in annotations: contextEdit 7 0 2 0 TextLabel1_2 1 Source Folders tqlayout11 unnamed Spacer6_2 Horizontal Fixed 16 20 Object / Related Source Base true true dirList true tqlayout10 unnamed addDirButton Add... Spacer5 Vertical Expanding 16 49 deleteDirButton Delete Spacer9_2 Vertical Fixed 20 16 Line1 HLine Sunken Horizontal Layout4 unnamed 0 6 Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 210 0 PushButton2 &OK true PushButton1 &Cancel PushButton2 clicked() configDlgBase accept() PushButton1 clicked() configDlgBase reject() classCheck toggled(bool) classColor setDisabled(bool) fileCheck toggled(bool) fileColor setDisabled(bool) objectCheck toggled(bool) objectColor setDisabled(bool) objectCombo objectCheck classCombo classCheck classColor fileCombo fileCheck fileColor maxListEdit PushButton1 PushButton2 kcolorbutton.h