/* This file is part of the KDE Project Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Mickael Marchand This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "config.h" #include "ksvnd.h" #include "commitdlg.h" extern "C" { KDE_EXPORT KDEDModule *create_ksvnd(const TQCString &name) { return new KSvnd(name); } } KSvnd::KSvnd(const TQCString &name) : KDEDModule(name) { } KSvnd::~KSvnd() { } TQString KSvnd::commitDialog(TQString modifiedFiles) { CommitDlg commitDlg; commitDlg.setLog( modifiedFiles ); int result = commitDlg.exec(); if ( result == TQDialog::Accepted ) { return commitDlg.logMessage(); } else return TQString(); } bool KSvnd::AreAnyFilesInSvn( const KURL::List& wclist ) { for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = wclist.begin(); it != wclist.end() ; ++it ) { kdDebug( 7128 ) << "Checking file " << ( *it ) << endl; TQDir bdir ( ( *it ).path() ); if ( bdir.exists() && TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) { return true; } else if ( !bdir.exists() ) { if ( isFileInSvnEntries( ( *it ).fileName(), ( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) || isFileInExternals ( ( *it ).fileName(), ( *it ).directory()+"/.svn/dir-props" ) ) return true; } } return false; } bool KSvnd::AreAnyFilesNotInSvn( const KURL::List& wclist ) { for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = wclist.begin(); it != wclist.end() ; ++it ) { kdDebug( 7128 ) << "Checking file " << ( *it ) << endl; TQDir bdir ( ( *it ).path() ); if ( bdir.exists() && !TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) { return true; } else if ( !bdir.exists() ) { if ( !isFileInSvnEntries( ( *it ).fileName(),( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) && !isFileInExternals ( ( *it ).fileName(), ( *it ).directory()+"/.svn/dir-props" ) ) return true; } } return false; } bool KSvnd::AreAllFilesInSvn( const KURL::List& wclist ) { for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = wclist.begin(); it != wclist.end() ; ++it ) { kdDebug( 7128 ) << "Checking file " << ( *it ) << endl; TQDir bdir ( ( *it ).path() ); if ( bdir.exists() && !TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) { return false; } else if ( !bdir.exists() ) { if ( !isFileInSvnEntries( ( *it ).fileName(),( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) && !isFileInExternals ( ( *it ).fileName(), ( *it ).directory()+"/.svn/dir-props" ) ) return false; } } return true; } bool KSvnd::AreAllFilesNotInSvn( const KURL::List& wclist ) { for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = wclist.begin(); it != wclist.end() ; ++it ) { kdDebug( 7128 ) << "Checking file " << ( *it ) << endl; TQDir bdir ( ( *it ).path() ); if ( bdir.exists() && TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) { return false; } else if ( !bdir.exists() ) { if ( isFileInSvnEntries( ( *it ).fileName(),( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) || isFileInExternals ( ( *it ).fileName(), ( *it ).directory()+"/.svn/dir-props" ) ) return false; } } return true; } bool KSvnd::isFileInSvnEntries ( const TQString filename, const TQString entfile ) { TQFile file( entfile ); if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &file ); TQString line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { line = stream.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( line == "name=\""+ filename + "\"" ) { file.close(); return true; } } file.close(); } return false; } bool KSvnd::isFileInExternals ( const TQString filename, const TQString propfile ) { TQFile file( propfile ); if ( file.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &file ); TQStringList line; while ( !stream.atEnd() ) line << stream.readLine().simplifyWhiteSpace(); for ( uint i = 0 ; i < line.count(); i++ ) { if ( line[ i ] == "K 13" && line[ i+1 ] == "svn:externals" ) { //Key 13 : svn:externals //next line should be "V xx" if ( line [ i+2 ].startsWith( "V " ) ) { //ok browse the values now i+=2; while ( i < line.count() ) { if ( line[ i ].startsWith( filename+" " ) ) { //found it ! file.close( ); return true; } else if ( line[ i ].isEmpty() ) { file.close( ); return false; //we are out of svn:externals now... } i++; } } } } file.close(); } return false; } bool KSvnd::anyNotValidWorkingCopy( const KURL::List& wclist ) { bool result = true; //one negative match is enough for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = wclist.begin(); it != wclist.end() ; ++it ) { //exception for .svn dirs if ( ( *it ).path(-1).endsWith( "/.svn" ) ) return true; //if is a directory check whether it contains a .svn/entries file TQDir dir( ( *it ).path() ); if ( dir.exists() ) { //it's a dir if ( !TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) result = false; } //else check if ./.svn/entries exists if ( !TQFile::exists( ( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) result = false; } return result; } bool KSvnd::anyValidWorkingCopy( const KURL::List& wclist ) { for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = wclist.begin(); it != wclist.end() ; ++it ) { //skip .svn dirs if ( ( *it ).path(-1).endsWith( "/.svn" ) ) continue; //if is a directory check whether it contains a .svn/entries file TQDir dir( ( *it ).path() ); if ( dir.exists() ) { //it's a dir if ( TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) return true; } //else check if ./.svn/entries exists if ( TQFile::exists( ( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) return true; } return false; } int KSvnd::gettqStatus( const KURL::List& list ) { int result = 0; uint files = 0, folders = 0, tqparentsentries = 0, tqparentshavesvn = 0, subdirhavesvn = 0, external = 0; for ( TQValueListConstIterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end() ; ++it ) { if ( isFolder ( ( *it ) ) ) { folders++; } else { files++; } if ( isFileInSvnEntries ( (*it).filename(),( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) { // normal subdir known in the working copy tqparentsentries++; } else if ( isFolder( *it ) ) { // other subfolders (either another module checkouted or an external, or something not known at all) if ( TQFile::exists( ( *it ).path() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) subdirhavesvn++; if ( isFileInExternals( (*it).filename(), ( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/dir-props" ) ) { external++; } } if ( ( isFolder( ( *it ) ) && TQFile::exists( ( *it ).directory() + "../.svn/entries" ) ) || TQFile::exists( ( *it ).directory() + "/.svn/entries" ) ) //tqparent has a .svn ? tqparentshavesvn++; } if ( files > 0 ) result |= SomeAreFiles; if ( folders == list.count() ) { result |= AllAreFolders; result |= SomeAreFolders; } if ( folders > 0 ) result |= SomeAreFolders; if ( tqparentsentries == list.count() ) { result |= AllAreInParentsEntries; result |= SomeAreInParentsEntries; } else if ( tqparentsentries != 0 ) result |= SomeAreInParentsEntries; if ( tqparentshavesvn == list.count() ) { result |= AllParentsHaveSvn; result |= SomeParentsHaveSvn; } else if ( tqparentshavesvn > 0 ) result |= SomeParentsHaveSvn; if ( subdirhavesvn == list.count() ) { result |= AllHaveSvn; result |= SomeHaveSvn; } else if ( subdirhavesvn > 0 ) result |= SomeHaveSvn; if ( external == list.count() ) { result |= AllAreExternalToParent; result |= SomeAreExternalToParent; } else if ( external > 0 ) result |= SomeAreExternalToParent; return result; } bool KSvnd::isFolder( const KURL& url ) { TQDir d( url.path() ); return d.exists(); } TQStringList KSvnd::getActionMenu ( const KURL::List &list ) { TQStringList result; int listtqStatus = gettqStatus( list ); if ( !(listtqStatus & SomeAreInParentsEntries) && !(listtqStatus & SomeAreExternalToParent) && !(listtqStatus & SomeHaveSvn)) { if( list.size() == 1 && listtqStatus & SomeAreFolders) { result << "Checkout"; result << "Export"; // result << "CreateRepository"; result << "Import"; } } else if ( (listtqStatus & AllAreInParentsEntries) ) { result << "Diff"; //In SVN // result << "ShowLog"; // result << "CheckForModifications"; // result << "RevisionGraph"; // result << "_SEPARATOR_"; // result << "Update to revision..." result << "Rename"; result << "Delete"; if( listtqStatus & SomeAreFolders && !(listtqStatus & SomeAreFiles)) { result << "Revert"; // result << "Cleanup"; } result << "_SEPARATOR_"; // result << "BranchTag"; result << "Switch"; result << "Merge"; if( listtqStatus & SomeAreFolders && !(listtqStatus & SomeAreFiles)) { // result << "Export"; // result << "Relocate"; result << "_SEPARATOR_"; result << "Add"; } result << "_SEPARATOR_"; if( listtqStatus & SomeAreFiles && !(listtqStatus & SomeAreFolders)) { result << "Blame"; } result << "CreatePatch"; if( list.size() == 1 && listtqStatus & SomeAreFolders) { // result << "ApplyPatchToFolder"; } } return result; } TQStringList KSvnd::getTopLevelActionMenu ( const KURL::List &list ) { TQStringList result; int listtqStatus = gettqStatus( list ); if ( ( listtqStatus & AllParentsHaveSvn && ( ( listtqStatus & SomeAreExternalToParent ) || ( listtqStatus & SomeAreInParentsEntries ) ) || ( listtqStatus & SomeHaveSvn ) ) ) { result << "Update"; result << "Commit"; } return result; } #if 0 void KSvnd::notify(const TQString& path, int action, int kind, const TQString& mime_type, int content_state, int prop_state, long int revision, const TQString& userstring) { kdDebug(7128) << "KDED/Subversion : notify " << path << " action : " << action << " mime_type : " << mime_type << " content_state : " << content_state << " prop_state : " << prop_state << " revision : " << revision << " userstring : " << userstring << endl; TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << path << action << kind << mime_type << content_state << prop_state << revision << userstring; emitDCOPSignal( "subversionNotify(TQString,int,int,TQString,int,int,long int,TQString)", params ); } void KSvnd::status(const TQString& path, int text_status, int prop_status, int repos_text_status, int repos_prop_status, long int rev ) { kdDebug(7128) << "KDED/Subversion : status " << path << " " << text_status << " " << prop_status << " " << repos_text_status << " " << repos_prop_status << " " << rev << endl; TQByteArray params; TQDataStream stream(params, IO_WriteOnly); stream << path << text_status << prop_status << repos_text_status << repos_prop_status << rev; emitDCOPSignal( "subversiontqStatus(TQString,int,int,int,int,long int)", params ); } void KSvnd::popupMessage( const TQString& message ) { kdDebug(7128) << "KDED/Subversion : popupMessage" << message << endl; KMessageBox::information(0, message, i18n( "Subversion" ) ); } #endif #include "ksvnd.moc"