#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern "C" { /* Options passed to cplus_demangle (in 2nd parameter). */ #define DMGL_NO_OPTS 0 /* For readability... */ #define DMGL_PARAMS (1 << 0) /* Include function args */ #define DMGL_ANSI (1 << 1) /* Include const, volatile, etc */ #define DMGL_JAVA (1 << 2) /* Demangle as Java rather than C++. */ #define DMGL_AUTO (1 << 8) #define DMGL_GNU (1 << 9) #define DMGL_LUCID (1 << 10) #define DMGL_ARM (1 << 11) #define DMGL_HP (1 << 12) /* For the HP aCC compiler; same as ARM except for template arguments, etc. */ #define DMGL_EDG (1 << 13) #define DMGL_GNU_V3 (1 << 14) #define DMGL_GNAT (1 << 15) extern char *cplus_demangle(const char *mangled, int options); } struct Entry { int base; int size; int signature; int count; int total_size; int backtrace[1]; bool operator==(const Entry &e) { return total_size == e.total_size; } bool operator<(const Entry &e) { return total_size > e.total_size; } }; TQIntDict *entryDict = 0; TQIntDict *symbolDict = 0; TQIntDict *formatDict = 0; TQSortedList *entryList = 0; TQStrList *excludes = 0; const char * const unknown = ""; const char * const excluded = ""; int allocCount = 0; int leakedCount = 0; int count = 0; int maxCount; int totalBytesAlloced = 0; int totalBytesLeaked = 0; int totalBytes = 0; int maxBytes; int fromHex(const char *str); void parseLine(const TQCString &_line, char operation); void dumpBlocks(); int fromHex(const char *str) { if (*str == '[') str++; str += 2; // SKip "0x" return strtoll(str, NULL, 16); } // [address0][address1] .... [address] + base size void parseLine(const TQCString &_line, char operation) { char *line= (char *) _line.data(); const char *cols[200]; int i = 0; cols[i++] = line; while(*line) { if (*line == ' ') { *line = 0; line++; while (*line && (*line==' ')) line++; if (*line) cols[i++] = line; } else line++; } int cols_count = i; if (cols_count > 199) fprintf(stderr, "Error cols_count = %d\n", cols_count); if (cols_count < 4) return; switch (operation) { case '+': { Entry *entry = (Entry *) malloc((cols_count+3) *sizeof(int)); entry->base = fromHex(cols[cols_count-2]); entry->size = fromHex(cols[cols_count-1]); int signature = 0; for(int i = cols_count-3; i--;) { signature += (entry->backtrace[i-1] = fromHex(cols[i])); } entry->signature = (signature / 4)+cols_count; entry->count = 1; entry->total_size = entry->size; entry->backtrace[cols_count-4] = 0; totalBytesAlloced += entry->size; totalBytes += entry->size; count++; if (totalBytes > maxBytes) maxBytes = totalBytes; if (count > maxCount) maxCount = count; if (entryDict->find(entry->base)) fprintf(stderr, "\rAllocated twice: 0x%08x \n", entry->base); entryDict->replace(entry->base, entry); } break; case '-': { int base = fromHex(cols[cols_count-1]); Entry *entry = entryDict->take(base); if (!entry) { if (base) fprintf(stderr, "\rFreeing unalloacted memory: 0x%08x \n", base); } else { totalBytes -= entry->size; count--; free(entry); } } break; default: break; } } void sortBlocks() { TQIntDictIterator it(*entryDict); for(;it.current(); ++it) { Entry *entry = it.current(); totalBytesLeaked += entry->total_size; entryList->append(entry); for(int i = 0; entry->backtrace[i]; i++) { if (!symbolDict->find(entry->backtrace[i])) symbolDict->insert(entry->backtrace[i], unknown); } } entryList->sort(); } void collectDupes() { TQIntDict dupeDict; TQIntDictIterator it(*entryDict); for(;it.current();) { Entry *entry = it.current(); ++it; Entry *entry2 = dupeDict.find(entry->signature); if (entry2) { entry2->count++; entry2->total_size += entry->size; entryDict->remove(entry->base); } else { dupeDict.insert(entry->signature, entry); } } } int lookupSymbols(FILE *stream) { int i = 0; int symbols = 0; char line2[1024]; while(!feof(stream)) { fgets(line2, 1023, stream); if (line2[0] == '=' ) { if(strcmp(line2,"= End") == 0 ) break; } else if (line2[0] == '#') ; else if (line2[0] == '@') ; else if (line2[0] == '[') ; else if (line2[0] == '-') ; else if (line2[0] == '<') ; else if (line2[0] == '>') ; else if (line2[0] == '+') { i++; if (i & 1024) { fprintf(stderr, "\rLooking up symbols: %d found %d of %d symbols", i, symbols, symbolDict->count()); } } else { char *addr = index(line2, '['); if (addr) { long i_addr = fromHex(addr); const char* str = symbolDict->find(i_addr); if (str == unknown) { *addr = 0; char* str; if( rindex(line2, '/') != NULL ) str = qstrdup(rindex(line2, '/')+1); else str = qstrdup(line2); symbolDict->replace(i_addr, str); symbols++; } } } } fprintf(stderr, "\rLooking up symbols: %d found %d of %d symbols\n", i, symbols, symbolDict->count()); return symbolDict->count()-symbols; } void lookupUnknownSymbols(const char *appname) { KTempFile inputFile; KTempFile outputFile; inputFile.setAutoDelete(true); outputFile.setAutoDelete(true); FILE *fInputFile = inputFile.fstream(); TQIntDict oldDict = *symbolDict; TQIntDictIterator it(oldDict); for(;it.current(); ++it) { fprintf(fInputFile, "%08lx\n", it.currentKey()); } inputFile.close(); TQCString command; command.sprintf("addr2line -e %s -f -C -s < %s > %s", appname, TQFile::encodeName(KProcess::quote(inputFile.name())).data(), TQFile::encodeName(KProcess::quote(outputFile.name())).data()); system(command.data()); fInputFile = fopen(TQFile::encodeName(outputFile.name()), "r"); if (!fInputFile) { fprintf(stderr, "Error opening temp file.\n"); return; } TQIntDictIterator it2(oldDict); char buffer1[1024]; char buffer2[1024]; for(;it2.current(); ++it2) { if (feof(fInputFile)) { fprintf(stderr, "Premature end of symbol output.\n"); fclose(fInputFile); return; } if (!fgets(buffer1, 1023, fInputFile)) continue; if (!fgets(buffer2, 1023, fInputFile)) continue; buffer1[strlen(buffer1)-1]=0; buffer2[strlen(buffer2)-1]=0; TQCString symbol; symbol.sprintf("%s(%s)", buffer2, buffer1); if(*buffer1 != '?') symbolDict->replace(it2.currentKey(),qstrdup(symbol.data())); } fclose(fInputFile); } int match(const char *s1, const char *s2) { register int result; while(true) { result = *s1 - *s2; if (result) return result; s1++; s2++; if (!*s2) return 0; if (!*s1) return -1; } return 0; } const char *lookupAddress(int addr) { char *str = formatDict->find(addr); if (str) return str; TQCString s = symbolDict->find(addr); if (s.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error!\n"); exit(1); } else { int start = s.find('('); int end = s.findRev('+'); if (end < 0) end = s.findRev(')'); if ((start > 0) && (end > start)) { TQCString symbol = s.mid(start+1, end-start-1); char *res = 0; if (symbol.find(')') == -1) res = cplus_demangle(symbol.data(), DMGL_PARAMS | DMGL_AUTO | DMGL_ANSI ); if (res) { symbol = res; free(res); } res = (char *) symbol.data(); for(const char *it = excludes->first();it;it = excludes->next()) { int i = match(res, it); if (i == 0) { formatDict->insert(addr,excluded); return excluded; } } s.replace(start+1, end-start-1, symbol); } } str = qstrdup(s.data()); formatDict->insert(addr,str); return str; } void dumpBlocks() { int filterBytes = 0; int filterCount = 0; for(Entry *entry = entryList->first();entry; entry = entryList->next()) { for(int i = 0; entry->backtrace[i]; i++) { const char *str = lookupAddress(entry->backtrace[i]); if (str == excluded) { entry->total_size = 0; continue; } } if (!entry->total_size) continue; filterBytes += entry->total_size; filterCount++; } printf("Leaked memory after filtering: %d bytes in %d blocks.\n", filterBytes, filterCount); for(Entry *entry = entryList->first();entry; entry = entryList->next()) { if (!entry->total_size) continue; printf("[%d bytes in %d blocks, 1st. block is %d bytes at 0x%08x] ", entry->total_size, entry->count, entry->size, entry->base); printf("\n"); for(int i = 0; entry->backtrace[i]; i++) { const char *str = lookupAddress(entry->backtrace[i]); printf(" 0x%08x %s\n", entry->backtrace[i], str); } } } struct TreeEntry { int address; // backtrace int total_size; int total_count; typedef TQValueList < TreeEntry > TreeList; TreeList *subentries () const; mutable TreeList *_subentries; TreeEntry (int adr = 0, int size = 0, int count = 0, TreeList * sub = NULL ); bool operator == (const TreeEntry &) const; bool operator < (const TreeEntry &) const; }; typedef TQValueList < TreeEntry > TreeList; inline TreeEntry::TreeEntry (int adr, int size, int count, TreeList * sub) : address (adr), total_size (size), total_count (count), _subentries (sub) { } inline bool TreeEntry::operator == (const TreeEntry & r) const { // this one is for QValueList return address == r.address; } inline bool TreeEntry::operator < (const TreeEntry & r) const { // this one is for qBubbleSort() ... yes, ugly hack // the result is also reversed to get descending order return total_size > r.total_size; } inline TreeList * TreeEntry::subentries () const { // must be allocated only on-demand if (_subentries == NULL) _subentries = new TreeList; // this leaks memory, but oh well return _subentries; } TreeList * treeList = 0; void buildTree () { for (Entry * entry = entryList->first (); entry != NULL; entry = entryList->next ()) { if (!entry->total_size) continue; TreeList * list = treeList; int i; for (i = 0; entry->backtrace[i]; ++i) ; // find last (topmost) backtrace entry for (--i; i >= 0; --i) { TreeList::Iterator pos = list->find (entry->backtrace[i]); if (pos == list->end ()) { list->prepend (TreeEntry (entry->backtrace[i], entry->total_size, entry->count)); pos = list->find (entry->backtrace[i]); } else *pos = TreeEntry (entry->backtrace[i], entry->total_size + (*pos).total_size, entry->count + (*pos).total_count, (*pos)._subentries); list = (*pos).subentries (); } } } void processTree (TreeList * list, int threshold, int maxdepth, int depth) { if (++depth > maxdepth && maxdepth > 0) // maxdepth <= 0 means no limit return; for (TreeList::Iterator it = list->begin (); it != list->end ();) { if ((*it).subentries ()->count () > 0) processTree ((*it).subentries (), threshold, maxdepth, depth); if ((*it).total_size < threshold || (depth > maxdepth && maxdepth > 0)) { it = list->remove (it); continue; } ++it; } qBubbleSort (*list); } void dumpTree (const TreeEntry & entry, int level, char *indent, FILE * file) { bool extra_ind = (entry.subentries ()->count () > 0); if(extra_ind) indent[level++] = '+'; indent[level] = '\0'; char savindent[2]; const char * str = lookupAddress (entry.address); fprintf (file, "%s- %d/%d %s[0x%08x]\n", indent, entry.total_size, entry.total_count, str, entry.address); if (level > 1) { savindent[0] = indent[level - 2]; savindent[1] = indent[level - 1]; if (indent[level - 2] == '+') indent[level - 2] = '|'; else if (indent[level - 2] == '\\') indent[level - 2] = ' '; } int pos = 0; int last = entry.subentries ()->count() - 1; for (TreeList::ConstIterator it = entry.subentries ()->begin (); it != entry.subentries ()->end (); ++it) { if (pos == last) indent[level - 1] = '\\'; dumpTree ((*it), level, indent, file); ++pos; } if (level > 1) { indent[level - 2] = savindent[0]; indent[level - 1] = savindent[1]; } if (extra_ind) --level; indent[level] = '\0'; } void dumpTree (FILE * file) { char indent[1024]; indent[0] = '\0'; for (TreeList::ConstIterator it = treeList->begin (); it != treeList->end (); ++it) dumpTree (*it, 0, indent, file); } void createTree (const TQCString & treefile, int threshold, int maxdepth) { FILE * file = fopen (treefile, "w"); if (file == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Can't write tree file.\n"); return; } treeList = new TreeList; buildTree (); processTree (treeList, threshold, maxdepth, 0); dumpTree (file); fclose (file); } void readExcludeFile(const char *name) { FILE *stream = fopen(name, "r"); if (!stream) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Can't open %s.\n", name); exit(1); } char line[1024]; while(!feof(stream)) { if (!fgets(line, 1023, stream)) break; if ((line[0] == 0) || (line[0] == '#')) continue; line[strlen(line)-1] = 0; excludes->append(line); } fclose(stream); excludes->sort(); } static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "x", 0, 0 }, { "exclude ", "File containing symbols to exclude from output", 0}, { "e", 0, 0 }, { "exe ", "Executable to use for looking up unknown symbols", 0}, { "+", "Log file to investigate", 0}, {"t", 0, 0}, {"tree ", "File to write allocations tree", 0}, {"th", 0, 0}, {"treethreshold ", "Don't print subtrees which allocated less than memory", 0}, {"td", 0, 0}, {"treedepth ", "Don't print subtrees that are deeper than ", 0}, KCmdLineLastOption }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { KInstance instance("kmtrace"); KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, "kmtrace", "KDE Memory leak tracer", "v1.0"); KCmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions(options); KCmdLineArgs *args = KCmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); (void) args->count(); const char *logfile; if(args->count()) logfile = args->arg(0); else logfile = "ktrace.out"; TQCString exe = args->getOption("exe"); TQCString exclude; excludes = new TQStrList; exclude = TQFile::encodeName(locate("data", "kmtrace/kde.excludes")); if(!exclude.isEmpty()) readExcludeFile(exclude); exclude = args->getOption("exclude"); if (!exclude.isEmpty()) { fprintf(stderr, "Reading %s\n", exclude.data()); readExcludeFile(exclude); } FILE *stream = fopen(logfile, "r"); if (!stream) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open %s\n", logfile); exit(1); } entryDict = new TQIntDict(9973); symbolDict = new TQIntDict(9973); formatDict = new TQIntDict(9973); entryList = new TQSortedList; fprintf(stderr, "Running\n"); TQCString line; char line2[1024]; while(!feof(stream)) { fgets(line2, 1023, stream); line2[strlen(line2)-1] = 0; if (line2[0] == '=') { printf("%s\n", line2); if( strcmp( line2, "= End" ) == 0 ) break; } else if (line2[0] == '#') { TQCString app(line2+1); if(exe.isEmpty()) { exe = app.stripWhiteSpace(); fprintf(stderr, "ktrace.out: malloc trace of %s\n", exe.data()); } else if(!app.contains(exe.data())) { fprintf(stderr, "trace file was for application '%s', not '%s'\n", app.data(), exe.data()); exit(1); } } else if (line2[0] == '@') line = 0; else if (line2[0] == '[') line = line + ' ' + line2; else if (line2[0] == '+') { allocCount++; line = line + ' ' + line2; parseLine(line, '+'); line = 0; if (allocCount & 128) { fprintf(stderr, "\rTotal long term allocs: %d still allocated: %d ", allocCount, entryDict->count()); } } else if (line2[0] == '-') { line = line + ' ' + line2; parseLine(line, '-'); line = 0; } else if (line2[0] == '<') { line2[0] = '-'; // First part of realloc (free) TQCString reline = line + ' ' + line2; parseLine(reline, '-'); } else if (line2[0] == '>') { line2[0] = '+'; // Second part of realloc (alloc) line = line + ' ' + line2; parseLine(line, '+'); line = 0; } else { char *addr = index(line2,'['); if (addr) { line = line + ' ' + addr; } } } leakedCount = count; fprintf(stderr, "\rTotal long term allocs: %d still allocated: %d(%d) \n", allocCount, leakedCount, entryDict->count()); printf("Totals allocated: %d bytes in %d blocks.\n", totalBytesAlloced, allocCount); printf("Maximum allocated: %d bytes / %d blocks.\n", maxBytes, maxCount); fprintf(stderr, "Collecting duplicates...\n"); collectDupes(); fprintf(stderr, "Sorting...\n"); sortBlocks(); printf("Totals leaked: %d bytes in %d blocks.\n", totalBytesLeaked, leakedCount); fprintf(stderr, "Looking up symbols...\n"); rewind(stream); lookupSymbols(stream); fprintf(stderr, "Looking up unknown symbols...\n"); lookupUnknownSymbols(exe); fprintf(stderr, "Printing...\n"); dumpBlocks(); TQCString treeFile = args->getOption ("tree"); if (!treeFile.isEmpty ()) { fprintf (stderr, "Creating allocation tree...\n"); createTree (treeFile, args->getOption ("treethreshold").toInt (), args->getOption ("treedepth").toInt ()); } fprintf(stderr, "Done.\n"); return 0; }