# Sample configuration file for kdesvn-build. (Applies to KDE 3.5) # # To use this sample configuration file, copy it to ~/.kdesvn-buildrc, and then # edit it to suit your desires. # Global settings go in this section. They apply to every module unless # overridden later. global # binpath controls the value of the PATH environment variable during # compilation. If you have unusual tools that need to be in the path to build # KDE, add them here. KDE's and Qt's programs are automatically added. binpath /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin # binpath /usr/lib/ccache/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin # This is the directory that your KDE sources are downloaded to. This # directory also holds the build and log directories by default. # source-dir ~/kdesvn # This is the Qt installation to use to build KDE. The default is qt-copy # from Subversion. qtdir ~/kdesvn/build/qt-copy # You might want to use your system's built-in Qt already (3.3 or greater, not # 4.x). If so, assign the qtdir option appropriately. # qtdir /path/to/system/qt # This is the Subversion server to download the KDE sources from. Developers: # Don't forget to add your username to the URL if necessary! # svn-server svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde # This controls the configure flags passed to every module (except qt-copy) by # default. If you have module-specific configure flags, they will be placed # after these flags to allow the module setting to override the global setting. configure-flags --enable-debug # These are the compilation flags to use by default when compiling KDE. # gcc supports a -march option in order to generate specific code for pentium4, athlon-xp, # etc. See the gcc man page for more information. cxxflags -pipe # These are the default options passed to the make command. The default tries # to build with 2 parallel compiles. If you are using distcc or have SMP, you # should experiment with setting this value higher for best performance. # make-options -j2 # These are the default options passed to unsermake, which supports some # options not present with make. The default tries to run 2 compile jobs # in parallel. The -p option is used to display progress information. # unsermake-options --compile-jobs=2 -p # This option is used to decide whether to use the unsermake build system, which # is usually faster and more efficient than the standard automake-based build # system. It is generally stable enough to use, so it defaults to on. You # can disable this on a module-by-module basis if it gives you problems. # use-unsermake true # This directory is where everything gets built before it is installed. By # default it is relative to the value for source-dir. You can specify an # absolute path if you'd like (begin the path with a slash). # build-dir build # This is the directory that KDE will end up installed at. The default is # appropriate for a single-user installation of KDE, which requires no root # permissions. If you'd like, you can install and use the sudo program to # install KDE anywhere on your system, in conjunction with the # make-install-prefix option. # kdedir ~/kde # # You can overwrite the installation directory for a given module using # the per-module "prefix" option. Note that when doing this you need to # set KDEDIRS, PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point to both directories, # and that you should use separate test users or KDEHOME values to separate # the ksycoca databases. Only set prefix if you know what you're doing. # If you would like install KDE to the system (DO NOT INSTALL *over* a prior # installation!), then you'll probably need to use sudo to install everything. # make-install-prefix sudo # You can use the set-env option to add values to the build environment. set-env LDFLAGS -Wl,-O1 # Optimize the linker, takes longer. # If you use software which requires pkg-config, and you need to add entries # to your pkg-config path, you can also use set-env for that. Some broken # systems require you to set this to find e.g. glib. # set-env PKG_CONFIG_PATH /opt/gnome/lib/pkgconfig end global # qt-copy is a copy of Trolltech's Qt, optionally with some bugfixes and # optimizations added. It is the easiest way to get Qt if you don't already # have it (and you don't want to use your distro's tools to install it.) module qt-copy configure-flags -system-zlib -qt-gif -system-libjpeg -system-libpng \ -plugin-imgfmt-mng -thread -no-exceptions -debug \ -fast -dlopen-opengl apply-qt-patches true use-qt-builddir-hack true # trunk's qt-copy is 4.x now. module-base-path branches/qt/3.3 end module # arts is the KDE sound library. module arts end module # tdesupport contains taglib and QCA. taglib is required for JuK, amarok, and # the meta info reader for music files in Konqueror. module tdesupport end module # kdelibs are the base KDE libraries needed by all KDE applications. module kdelibs configure-flags --enable-sendfile --enable-mitshm # If you're a programmer you may want to build the API docs. Note that # it takes some time. :( # apidox true end module # kdebase contains useful general-purpose programs, normally people would # expect a usable desktop to have these. module kdebase configure-flags --with-pam --with-shadow end module # kdemultimedia contains JuK, noatun, Kaboodle, and other KDE multimedia # applications. It does not include amarok, which is in extragear/multimedia module kdemultimedia end module # kdesdk is a useful module for software developers. It is where kdesvn-build # is developed. module kdesdk end module # kdenetwork has Kopete and other useful applications for the Internet and # other networks. module kdenetwork end module # kdeadmin has system administration tools for your computer. module kdeadmin configure-flags --with-shadow --with-pam=yes end module # kdebindings is useful for software developers, and for those who wish to run # some KDE programs that don't use C++. The python bindings are not included # by default as they never build for me. If you'd like to build all the # bindings, comment out the checkout-only option below. module kdebindings checkout-only admin dcopc kalyptus smoke qtruby korundum kjsembed dcoppython # kdebindings will probably need to use the following option to install # successfully. You must configure the sudo program first to allow for # passwordless operation. # make-install-prefix sudo use-unsermake false end module # tdepim contains KMail, Kontact, KOrganizer, and other insanely useful # programs that help you keep track of things. module tdepim configure-flags --disable-exchange end module # kdeutils has miscellaneous programs which can be useful. You probably won't # die if you remove this from the config file though. module kdeutils end module # kdegraphics contains various programs useful for graphics editing. It # doesn't include Krita, which is part of KOffice, but it is worth it just for # KolourPaint. module kdegraphics end module # kdeaddons are nifty additions to some programs in other KDE modules. For # example, there are addons for Konqueror, extra Kicker applets, and Noatun # plugins. module kdeaddons end module # ... Well, they're games. ;) module tdegames # use-unsermake false end module # Contains nifty diversions of time, which generally aren't games. module kdetoys end module # Educational programs. Some are actually quite fun even if you're not trying # to learn anything. module kdeedu end module # The KDE Office Suite. Includes a pretty expansive collection of programs. # It is rather large, so you can cut download and build times by removing it # from this file. module koffice # branch 1.5 # KOffice /trunk is not compatible with KDE 3. end module # The KDevelop IDE, useful for developing all kinds of programs. If you don't # plan on being a software developer you can save time by removing this from # your configuration. module kdevelop use-unsermake false end module # Includes Quanta Plus and other web design tools. module kdewebdev end module # Modules in extragear and playground can also be added. # To see what you can find in the various modules, browse # http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/extragear and # http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground # Includes various libraries needed by other applications in extragear. module extragear/libs # If you don't like the default name that kdesvn-build gives modules on-disk, # you can use dest-dir to change it. # dest-dir extragear-libs end module # Includes the popular K3B and Amarok programs. module extragear/multimedia end module # Includes various photo management applications. module extragear/graphics checkout-only digikamimageplugins digikam gwenview kimdaba end module # module extragear/network # # Options like checkout-only should work as before. # checkout-only konversation # end module # module playground/games # end module # Add more modules as needed, they support the same options as before.