$Id$ 2001-10-24: Roberto Selbach Teixeira * Renamed all .cc files to .cpp to make things more logic. 2001-06-23: Roberto Selbach Teixeira * Fixed a bug in tar addition with non-compressed tar archives 2001-06-10: Roberto Selbach Teixeira * Made extraction use KURL instead of QString. * Made extractDlg use a KHistoryCombo. 2001-05-31 Roberto Selbach Teixeira * Fixed a bug that made the file list freeze. * Fixed extractDlg size to use QLayout 2001-05-30 Roberto Selbach Teixeira * Began using KMimeMagic to figure file types * Began cleaning up Ark's code a bit. 2001-05-29 Roberto Selbach Teixeira * compressedfile.cc (unarchFile): move to fromLocal8Bit() to allow non-Latin1 characters in filenames. * ar.cc (unarchFile): .latin1() to .local8Bit() * zip.cc (unarchFile): .latin1() to .local8Bit() 2000-07-10: Emily Ezust * Added checks for available disk space 2000-07-05: Emily Ezust * Added some more mimetype magic. 2000-06-28: Emily Ezust * Made Extract dialog prettier 2000-06-27: Emily Ezust * Added code to let users load rar, lha, ar and tar archives that do not have the standard extensions. You can also "Save As" into a file with no extension provided the original is rar, lha or ar. Zip and zoo don't like having no extension. Tar doesn't mind but I haven't explored that tangle yet. It's complicated with all the compressors! * Made shell output dialog a tiny bit prettier. 2000-06-22: Emily Ezust * Overhaul of Directories Preferences dialog * For Save As, ark will add proper extension if user does not have one. 2000-06-13: Emily Ezust * Fixed "Save As" code so that it prevents the user from saving a zip as a tar * Fixed bug preventing you from opening a network file after having opened one before in the same session. * Added a check for utilities (it will notify you e.g. that "The utility zip is not in your PATH. Please install it or contact your system administrator."). * Added support for drag/adding files or drag/opening network archives from konqy. 2000-06-12: Emily Ezust * Began adding network transparency * Added a Save As option so that people can rename arks that are temporary files 2000-05-23: Emily Ezust * Odds and ends: fixed problem with selecting multiple files in Add File; added some better option enabling in the extract dialog. 2000-05-16: Emily Ezust * Fixed a bug in ArArch - wasn't reading TOCs properly 2000-05-12: Emily Ezust * Added some code to notify the user about file(s) that were not extracted. This happens when the user disallows overwrites and then extracts file(s) that already exist in the destination directory. The notification happens before the extract, so that the user can decide whether to continue or not. * Fixed a possible memory corruption having to do with the lists passed via the stack to unarchFile which cease to exist because unarchFile returns before the job is done. 2000-05-04: Emily Ezust * Added control/shift LMB selection rules * Added code to allow drag/extract but it doesn't work yet. Commented it out. Not too sure about when to start the drag anyhow... have to extract first! * Added an "Edit With" option to let you edit files in the archive. It would be too complicated to let the user edit more than one file at a time, so like view, this freezes the app until the user quits the editor. It even works with files that have paths! (I think - haven't tested thoroughly) 2000-04-27: Emily Ezust * Got rid of a segfault that occured whenever you closed an archive (I was deleting something that the statusbar needed (but had not needed before KStatusBar was adopted by QStatusBar!)) * Added code to let users drag files to extract them. Not working yet: when I drag to konqy, it requests a filename for clipboard content. 2000-04-18: Emily Ezust * Added some code to prevent tar from adding duplicate filenames (having duplicates really screws up deletion and particular extracts) * More archive-specific options (for all types: update only with newer files; tar: keep absolute paths; zip, rar: store file as symlinks (although my version of rar doesn't seem to know how to extract a symlink??) 2000-04-06: Emily Ezust * Switched to KListView * Some work on settings and archive-specific actions * Couldn't load LHA archives with files that were symlinks; fixed * Added more entries to the Settings and RMB menu. Toggle menu bar will display help in the titlebar for getting the menubar back (just as konsole does) * Seems I need a KFileOpenWithHandler for OpenWith now... * Moved archive column header strings from archive classes to the base class header file on Francois-Xavier Duranceau's suggestion. 2000-04-03: Emily Ezust * Struggling with the Recent Files popup (fixed next day with help of Kurt Granroth) * Ar had a problem with some of my files; fixed * ArkWidget destructor was never being called; fixed 2000-03-29: Emily Ezust * Extra GUI tweaks * Fixed faulty drop/add into compressed file (if you chose to create a real archive, it didn't actually add the files, just the compressed file). 2000-03-23: Emily Ezust * Began migration to the XML-GUI framework. RMB menus disabled for the moment... 2000-03-20: Emily Ezust * Fixed up Ar format. 2000-03-20: Emily Ezust * Added Rar format. Added disabling of buttons and menu entries during operations 2000-03-16: Emily Ezust * Added Zoo format 2000-03-15: Emily Ezust * Added the class CompressedFile to the hierarchy. This allows ark to be used to view, create, and extract compressed files. The user will be asked if he/she wants to create a real archive if she/he tries to add a file to the thing when there's already a file in there. * Added an Open With option (RMB and Action menu) * Made use of statusbar improvements * Made the time and date stamp in LHA sortable 2000-03-09: Emily Ezust * Fixed TarArch so that it warns the user before deleting the contents of a directory. (Delete a directory entry in tar and tar deletes everything in it, unlike zip & lha!!) * Finished TarArch so that extract and view work. * Added LHA format * Simplified the Arch API a little (got rid of useless return values) 2000-03-06: Emily Ezust * Fixed TarArch so that the other compressors work * Dealt with readonly archives (if the user views an archive from within an archive, it is extracted to the /tmp directory, so all changes will be lost.) 2000-03-06: Emily Ezust * Got rid of KProcess data member in Arch - no need for it with the new way that KProcess does its work: we are always passing it around to the functions that need it. This way we won't get confused when there are more than one processes happening. * Made tar more asynchronous, redid the temp file creation & updating. 2000-03-03: Emily Ezust * Made zip fully asynchronous. 2000-03-02: Emily Ezust * add and delete now work for tar files, although I'll probably change how temp files are created from compressed tars and how they are used to update the original archive... Note: ark uses KTar for display and shell process for everything else. * Reduced the number of calls of slotSelectionChanged * OK, _now_ I'm done with the enable/disable stuff - I swear! * Other miscellaneous abstractions with zip->arch code 2000-02-24: Emily Ezust * Got showFile interface working (see zip) * Started using KTar in tar. Seems to display OK. No other functionality yet for tar. 2000-02-22: Emily Ezust * More work on the abstract base class for archives - moved lots of slots dealing with the KProcess from zip.cpp to arch.cpp * Some work on tar. Doesn't work yet. 2000-02-16: Emily Ezust * More consistent disabling/enabling of menu items and toolbar buttons. * Added "add directory" - might need some more tweaking in zip so it doesn't flatten the files out. 2000-02-15: Emily Ezust * Added drop support. Doesn't seem to work with directories though. * Toolbar icons stopped working briefly - renamed them to ensure no ambiguity. 2000-02-14: Emily Ezust * Separated GUI and backend in zip, which will be the model for the other formats once it's just-right. Next I'll make sure drag and drop works. 2000-02-09: Emily Ezust * Finally have Add and Extract working for zip 2000-02-07: Emily Ezust * new locking scheme to prevent users from opening the same archive in two different windows. Handles symlinks. But I can't figure out why raise() alone doesn't do it - I hide and show the window instead - blech! * made classes more const correct * add dialog still doesn't work. Problem with KFileView? 2000-01-18: Emily Ezust * KUniqueApplication stuff was enabled by waba, with TDECmdLineArgs code. Modified it to work according to Cooperating-SDI model. * Moved windowList to ArkApplication (accessed through a static function). ArkApplication is now modelled on the singleton pattern. 2000-01-10: Emily Ezust * Finished renaming ArkData to ArkSettings. * Tried using KDialogBase for Add dialog - not working too well. 2000-01-6: Emily Ezust * Disabled KUniqueApplication stuff for now... was interfering with development with crashes. Will add later. * Asks "Are you sure?" when you try to "New" over an existing zip * Began work on new extract dialog - old one doesn't work any longer due to tdelibs changes. Doesn't do anything yet - just trying out for look&feel with error-checking. Idea of extract: highlight the ones to be extracted and then let the right archiver grab all the highlighted files (or current). 1999-12-16 Emily Ezust * created ArkApplication : public KUniqueApplication * Code now to follow the Co-operating SDI model. * Some problems with dcop still... exiting the last window doesn't get you back the prompt! 1999-12-13 Emily Ezust * fixed up icons, continued with merge: enabling toolbar buttons and menu items. Close enables don't work yet... * Fixed status bar totals for selection, number and size. 1999-12-09 Emily Ezust * started merge with Corel Linux code. * added toolbar icons (with two more on the way), lock files, and fixed the sorting for numeric column data. * added preliminary code to count number of files and total sizes in the status bar, but it does nothing so far. * created a new problem: action_add in zip now segfaults. 1999-07-05 Francois-Xavier Duranceau * added selection with regular expressions 1999-04-11 Francois-Xavier Duranceau * created this file