&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; 2002-02-12 3.00.00 KDE KControl Battery Power The Low Battery Warning and Low Battery Critical Panels Introduction These two modules work together to control what happens when a predetermined low battery condition occurs. There are two of them, so you can set a warning for when time is getting close, and something more desperate for the last minute save or suspend. Use Low trigger This field specifies at which point the battery low state is detected - it is the number of minutes left (according to APM) in your batteries. When this number is crossed the low state is triggered and one or more of the following things will occur Run Command This is a shell command that will be executed when the battery low is detected. By default, this is turned off. Play Sound This specifies a sound to play when battery low is detected. Simply specify the path to the file to have it played. By default, this is turned off. System Beep Enabling this will cause the battery monitor to beep whenever the battery level drops below the preset value. This is probably the least intrusive, yet still active, method of alerting the user that the battery is low. By default, this is on. Notify Enabling this will cause Battery to pop up a window when the battery becomes low. Suspend If you have set up /usr/bin/apm to be run setuid (see the instructions for the Power panel) then this check box will appear - if checked it will cause your computer to be put into Suspend mode. Standby Like Suspend above, but it puts your computer into Standby mode. Section Author This section written by &Paul.Campbell; &Paul.Campbell.mail; Converted to Docbook by &Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;