&Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail; 2002-10-16 3.1 KDE KControl Laptop Power Laptop Power Control Introduction This tab provides a screensaver-style interface to the APM suspend/standby modes. It allows you to configure different wait times and/or actions depending on whether or not your laptop is plugged into the wall. It's intended to be used in addition to the existing &kde; screensavers - you could for example disable suspend/standby when plugged in to the wall, but enable suspend with a shorter time than your normal screensaver kicks in while running on batteries. Standby mode seems to do different things on different laptops - in particular on some it may not stay in standby mode and your laptop may be continually waking/sleeping if you leave it in this mode. Use This panel configures the power-down feature of your laptop. It works as a sort of extreme screen saver. You can configure different timeouts and behavior depending on whether your computer is plugged in or running on battery power. For both the Powered and Not Powered, you should select one of the following options: Standby - Puts your laptop into standby state Suspend - Puts your laptop into suspend state Off - Nothing happens at the specified time. Below that, is a text box labeled Wait for. Enter the time in minutes, that your computer should remain unused, before the laptop is powered down. Section Author This section written by &Paul.Campbell; &Paul.Campbell.mail; Converted to Docbook by &Mike.McBride; &Mike.McBride.mail;