/* * brightness.cpp * * Copyright (c) 2003 Paul Campbell * * Requires the Qt widget libraries, available at no cost at * http://www.troll.no/ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ // my headers: #include "profile.h" #include "version.h" #include "portable.h" #include #include #include // other KDE headers: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // other Qt headers: #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include extern void wake_laptop_daemon(); ProfileConfig::ProfileConfig(QWidget * parent, const char *name) : KCModule(parent, name) { QStringList performance_list; int current_performance; bool *active_list; bool has_performance = laptop_portable::get_system_performance(0, current_performance, performance_list, active_list); QStringList throttle_list; int current_throttle; bool has_throttle = laptop_portable::get_system_throttling(0, current_throttle, throttle_list, active_list); KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue("klaptopdaemon"); // For translation of klaptopdaemon messages config = new KConfig("kcmlaptoprc"); QVBoxLayout *top_layout = new QVBoxLayout( this, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint() ); QHBoxLayout *ll = new QHBoxLayout(); QVGroupBox *gb = new QVGroupBox(i18n("Not Powered"), this); QToolTip::add( gb, i18n( "Items in this box take effect whenever the laptop is unplugged from the wall" ) ); if (laptop_portable::has_brightness()) { QWidget *wp = new QWidget(gb); QHBoxLayout *xl = new QHBoxLayout( wp); poff = new QCheckBox(i18n("Back panel brightness"), wp); QToolTip::add( poff, i18n( "Enables the changing of the back panel brightness" ) ); xl->addWidget(poff); connect (poff, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(poff_changed(bool))); xl->addWidget(new QLabel("-", wp)); soff = new QSlider(0, 255, 16, 160, Qt::Horizontal, wp); soff->setEnabled(0); QToolTip::add( soff, i18n( "How bright it should be when it is changed" ) ); connect (soff, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(configChanged())); xl->addWidget(soff); xl->addWidget(new QLabel("+", wp)); xl->addStretch(1); } else { poff = 0; soff = 0; } if (has_performance) { QWidget *wp = new QWidget(gb); QHBoxLayout *xl = new QHBoxLayout( wp); performance_off = new QCheckBox(i18n("System performance"), wp); QToolTip::add( performance_off, i18n( "Enables the changing of the system performance profile" ) ); xl->addWidget(performance_off); connect (performance_off, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(performance_off_changed(bool))); performance_val_off = new KComboBox(0, wp); QToolTip::add( performance_val_off, i18n( "The new system performance profile to change to" ) ); performance_val_off->insertStringList(performance_list); performance_val_off->setEnabled(0); connect (performance_val_off, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(configChanged())); xl->addWidget(performance_val_off); xl->addStretch(1); } else { performance_off = 0; performance_val_off = 0; } if (has_throttle) { QWidget *wp = new QWidget(gb); QHBoxLayout *xl = new QHBoxLayout( wp); throttle_off = new QCheckBox(i18n("CPU throttling"), wp); QToolTip::add( throttle_off, i18n( "Enables the throttling of the CPU performance" ) ); xl->addWidget(throttle_off); connect (throttle_off, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(throttle_off_changed(bool))); throttle_val_off = new KComboBox(0, wp); throttle_val_off->insertStringList(throttle_list); throttle_val_off->setEnabled(0); QToolTip::add( throttle_val_off, i18n( "How much to throttle the CPU by" ) ); connect (throttle_val_off, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(configChanged())); xl->addWidget(throttle_val_off); xl->addStretch(1); } else { throttle_off = 0; throttle_val_off = 0; } ll->addWidget(gb); gb = new QVGroupBox(i18n("Powered"), this); QToolTip::add( gb, i18n( "Items in this box take effect whenever the laptop is plugged into the wall" ) ); if (laptop_portable::has_brightness()) { QWidget *wp = new QWidget(gb); QHBoxLayout *xl = new QHBoxLayout( wp); pon = new QCheckBox(i18n("Back panel brightness"), wp); QToolTip::add( pon, i18n( "Enables the changing of the back panel brightness" ) ); xl->addWidget(pon); connect (pon, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(pon_changed(bool))); xl->addWidget(new QLabel("-", wp)); son = new QSlider(0, 255, 16, 255, Qt::Horizontal, wp); son->setEnabled(0); QToolTip::add( son, i18n( "How bright it should be when it is changed" ) ); connect (son, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(configChanged())); xl->addWidget(son); xl->addWidget(new QLabel("+", wp)); xl->addStretch(1); } else { pon = 0; son = 0; } if (has_performance) { QWidget *wp = new QWidget(gb); QHBoxLayout *xl = new QHBoxLayout( wp); performance_on = new QCheckBox(i18n("System performance"), wp); QToolTip::add( performance_on, i18n( "Enables the changing of the system performance profile" ) ); xl->addWidget(performance_on); connect (performance_on, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(performance_on_changed(bool))); performance_val_on = new KComboBox(0, wp); performance_val_on->insertStringList(performance_list); performance_val_on->setEnabled(0); QToolTip::add( performance_val_on, i18n( "The new system performance profile to change to" ) ); connect (performance_val_on, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(configChanged())); xl->addWidget(performance_val_on); xl->addStretch(1); } else { performance_on = 0; performance_val_on = 0; } if (has_throttle) { QWidget *wp = new QWidget(gb); QHBoxLayout *xl = new QHBoxLayout( wp); throttle_on = new QCheckBox(i18n("CPU throttle"), wp); QToolTip::add( throttle_on, i18n( "Enables the throttling of the CPU performance" ) ); xl->addWidget(throttle_on); connect (throttle_on, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(throttle_on_changed(bool))); throttle_val_on = new KComboBox(0, wp); throttle_val_on->insertStringList(throttle_list); throttle_val_on->setEnabled(0); QToolTip::add( throttle_val_on, i18n( "How much to throttle the CPU by" ) ); connect (throttle_val_on, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(configChanged())); xl->addWidget(throttle_val_on); xl->addStretch(1); } else { throttle_on = 0; throttle_val_on = 0; } ll->addWidget(gb); ll->addStretch(1); top_layout->addLayout(ll); QLabel *tmp_label = new QLabel(i18n("This panel allows you to set default values for system attributes " "so that they change when the laptop is plugged in to the wall or " "running on batteries."), this ); tmp_label->setAlignment( Qt::WordBreak ); top_layout->addWidget( tmp_label ); tmp_label = new QLabel(i18n("You can also set options for these values that will be set by low battery " "conditions, or system inactivity in the other panels"), this ); tmp_label->setAlignment( Qt::WordBreak ); top_layout->addWidget( tmp_label ); top_layout->addStretch(1); top_layout->addWidget( new QLabel( i18n("Version: %1").arg(LAPTOP_VERSION), this), 0, Qt::AlignRight ); load(); } ProfileConfig::~ProfileConfig() { delete config; } void ProfileConfig::pon_changed(bool v) { if (son) son->setEnabled(v); configChanged(); } void ProfileConfig::poff_changed(bool v) { if (soff) soff->setEnabled(v); configChanged(); } void ProfileConfig::performance_on_changed(bool v) { if (performance_val_on) performance_val_on->setEnabled(v); configChanged(); } void ProfileConfig::performance_off_changed(bool v) { if (performance_val_off) performance_val_off->setEnabled(v); configChanged(); } void ProfileConfig::throttle_on_changed(bool v) { if (throttle_val_on) throttle_val_on->setEnabled(v); configChanged(); } void ProfileConfig::throttle_off_changed(bool v) { if (throttle_val_off) throttle_val_off->setEnabled(v); configChanged(); } void ProfileConfig::save() { config->setGroup("ProfileDefault"); config->writeEntry("EnableBrightnessOn", (pon?pon->isChecked():0)); config->writeEntry("BrightnessOnLevel", (son?son->value():255)); config->writeEntry("EnableBrightnessOff", (poff?poff->isChecked():0)); config->writeEntry("BrightnessOffLevel", (soff?soff->value():160)); config->writeEntry("EnablePerformanceOn", (performance_on?performance_on->isChecked():0)); config->writeEntry("PerformanceOnLevel", (performance_val_on?performance_val_on->currentText():"")); config->writeEntry("EnablePerformanceOff", (performance_off?performance_off->isChecked():0)); config->writeEntry("PerformanceOffLevel", (performance_val_off?performance_val_off->currentText():"")); config->writeEntry("EnableThrottleOn", (throttle_on?throttle_on->isChecked():0)); config->writeEntry("ThrottleOnLevel", (throttle_val_on?throttle_val_on->currentText():"")); config->writeEntry("EnableThrottleOff", (throttle_off?throttle_off->isChecked():0)); config->writeEntry("ThrottleOffLevel", (throttle_val_off?throttle_val_off->currentText():"")); config->sync(); changed(false); wake_laptop_daemon(); } void ProfileConfig::load() { load( false ); } void ProfileConfig::load(bool useDefaults) { config->setReadDefaults( useDefaults ); config->setGroup("ProfileDefault"); bool v; if (pon) { v = config->readBoolEntry("EnableBrightnessOn", false); pon->setChecked(v); } else { v = 0; } int x; if (son) { x = config->readNumEntry("BrightnessOnLevel", 255); son->setValue(x); son->setEnabled(v); } if (poff) { v = config->readBoolEntry("EnableBrightnessOff", false); poff->setChecked(v); } else { v = 0; } if (soff) { x = config->readNumEntry("BrightnessOffLevel", 160); soff->setValue(x); soff->setEnabled(v); } if (performance_on) { v = config->readBoolEntry("EnablePerformanceOn", false); performance_on->setChecked(v); } else { v = 0; } if (performance_val_on) { QString s = config->readEntry("PerformanceOnLevel", ""); int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < performance_val_on->count(); i++) if (performance_val_on->text(i) == s) { ind = i; break; } performance_val_on->setCurrentItem(ind); performance_val_on->setEnabled(v); } if (performance_off) { v = config->readBoolEntry("EnablePerformanceOff", false); performance_off->setChecked(v); } else { v = 0; } if (performance_val_off) { QString s = config->readEntry("PerformanceOffLevel", ""); int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < performance_val_off->count(); i++) if (performance_val_off->text(i) == s) { ind = i; break; } performance_val_off->setCurrentItem(ind); performance_val_off->setEnabled(v); } if (throttle_on) { v = config->readBoolEntry("EnableThrottleOn", false); throttle_on->setChecked(v); } else { v = 0; } if (throttle_val_on) { QString s = config->readEntry("ThrottleOnLevel", ""); int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < throttle_val_on->count(); i++) if (throttle_val_on->text(i) == s) { ind = i; break; } throttle_val_on->setCurrentItem(ind); throttle_val_on->setEnabled(v); } if (throttle_off) { v = config->readBoolEntry("EnableThrottleOff", false); throttle_off->setChecked(v); } else { v = 0; } if (throttle_val_off) { QString s = config->readEntry("ThrottleOffLevel", ""); int ind = 0; for (int i = 0; i < throttle_val_off->count(); i++) if (throttle_val_off->text(i) == s) { ind = i; break; } throttle_val_off->setCurrentItem(ind); throttle_val_off->setEnabled(v); } emit changed( useDefaults ); } void ProfileConfig::defaults() { load( true ); } void ProfileConfig::configChanged() { emit changed(true); } QString ProfileConfig::quickHelp() const { return i18n("

Laptop Power Profile Setup

This module allows you to configure default values for static laptop " "system attributes that will change when the laptop is plugged in or unplugged from the wall."); } void ProfileConfig::slotStartMonitor() { wake_laptop_daemon(); } #include "profile.moc"