KCMThinkpadGeneral KCMThinkpadGeneral 0 0 559 548 KVaio: General Options unnamed tlOff NoFrame Plain Could not read /dev/nvram. If you have an IBM Thinkpad load the nvram Linux module <em>insmod nvram</em> and create the node <em>mknod /dev/nvram c 10 144</em> then make the device readable <em>chmod 664 /dev/nvram</em> or writable <em>chmod 666 /dev/nvram</em>.<p> nvram must be writable for software volume control required for R30/R31 models and for using a custom volume change step. bgGeneral Thinkpad Button Options unnamed mCbRun Run Thinkpad Buttons KMilo plugin mCbSoftwareVolume Change volume in software (required by R30/R31) tqlayout27 unnamed textLabel2_5 Command for Mail button: textLabel2_6 Command for FN-Zoom button: commandExecHome 3 5 1 0 textLabel2_4 Command for Search button: commandExec 3 5 1 0 volumeStepLabel 1 5 0 0 NoFrame Plain Volume step (out of 100): commandExecZoom 3 5 1 0 textLabel2_3 Command for Home button: mSpinboxVolumeStep 3 5 1 0 30 1 commandExecSearch 3 5 1 0 textLabel2 Command for Thinkpad button: commandExecMail 3 5 1 0 mCbRun toggled(bool) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() mCbSoftwareVolume toggled(bool) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() mSpinboxVolumeStep valueChanged(int) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() commandExec textChanged(const QString&) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() commandExecHome textChanged(const QString&) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() commandExecMail textChanged(const QString&) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() commandExecSearch textChanged(const QString&) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() commandExecZoom textChanged(const QString&) KCMThinkpadGeneral slotChanged() mCbRun mCbSoftwareVolume mSpinboxVolumeStep commandExec commandExecHome commandExecSearch commandExecMail kcmthinkpad_general.ui.h changed(); slotChanged() kurlrequester.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h kpushbutton.h kurlrequester.h kpushbutton.h