/* * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Jesper K. Pedersen <blackie@kde.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #ifdef TQT_ONLY #include "compat.h" #else #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kdialogbase.h> #include "repeatwidget.moc" #endif #include "repeatwidget.h" #include "concwidget.h" #include "repeatregexp.h" #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqspinbox.h> #include <tqradiobutton.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tqgrid.h> #include <tqvbuttongroup.h> #include "kwidgetstreamer.h" RepeatWidget::RepeatWidget(RegExpEditorWindow* editorWindow, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : SingleContainerWidget(editorWindow, parent, name ? name : "RepeatWidget") { _child = new ConcWidget(editorWindow, this); init(); } RepeatWidget::RepeatWidget( RepeatRegExp* regexp, RegExpEditorWindow* editorWindow, TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) :SingleContainerWidget( editorWindow, parent, name ) { init(); RegExpWidget* child = WidgetFactory::createWidget( regexp->child(), editorWindow, this ); if ( ! (_child = dynamic_cast<ConcWidget*>( child ) ) ) _child = new ConcWidget( editorWindow, child, this ); if ( regexp->max() == -1 ) { if ( regexp->min() == 0 ) { _content->set( RepeatRangeWindow::ANY, regexp->min(), regexp->max() ); } else { _content->set( RepeatRangeWindow::ATLEAST, regexp->min(), regexp->max() ); } } else { if ( regexp->min() == 0 ) { _content->set( RepeatRangeWindow::ATMOST, regexp->min(), regexp->max() ); } else if ( regexp->min() == regexp->max() ) { _content->set( RepeatRangeWindow::EXACTLY, regexp->min(), regexp->max() ); } else { _content->set( RepeatRangeWindow::MINMAX, regexp->min(), regexp->max() ); } } } void RepeatWidget::init() { _configWindow = new KDialogBase( this, "_configWindow", true, i18n("Number of Times to Repeat Content"), KDialogBase::Ok | KDialogBase::Cancel); _content = new RepeatRangeWindow( _configWindow ); _configWindow->setMainWidget( _content ); connect( _configWindow, TQT_SIGNAL( cancelClicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotConfigCanceled() ) ); connect(_configWindow, TQT_SIGNAL(finished()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigWindowClosed())); } TQSize RepeatWidget::sizeHint() const { // TODO: Merge with LookAheadWidget::sizeHint TQFontMetrics metrics = fontMetrics(); _textSize = metrics.size( 0, _content->text() ); _childSize = _child->sizeHint(); int height = _textSize.height() + bdSize + _childSize.height() + bdSize + 2*pw; int width = 2 * pw + TQMAX(_childSize.width(), 4*bdSize + _textSize.width()); return TQSize(width,height); } void RepeatWidget::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e ) { // TODO: Merge with LookAheadWidget::paintEvent TQSize mySize = sizeHint(); TQPainter painter(this); drawPossibleSelection( painter, mySize ); // move the child to its position and resize it. _child->move(pw,_textSize.height()+bdSize); TQSize curChildSize = _child->size(); TQSize newChildSize = TQSize(mySize.width() - 2*pw, _childSize.height()); if ( curChildSize != newChildSize ) { _child->resize(newChildSize); // I resized the child, so give it a chance to relect thus. _child->update(); } // Draw the border and the text. int startY = _textSize.height()/2; // Top lines and text painter.drawLine(pw,startY,bdSize,startY); painter.drawText(pw+2*bdSize,0,_textSize.width(), _textSize.height(),0, _content->text()); int offset = pw + 3*bdSize + _textSize.width(); painter.drawLine(offset,startY,mySize.width()-pw,startY); // horizontal lines painter.drawLine(0,startY,0,mySize.height()-pw); painter.drawLine(mySize.width()-pw,startY,mySize.width()-pw, mySize.height()-pw); // buttom line painter.drawLine(0, mySize.height()-pw, mySize.width()-pw, mySize.height()-pw); SingleContainerWidget::paintEvent(e); } RegExp* RepeatWidget::regExp() const { return new RepeatRegExp( isSelected(), _content->min(), _content->max(), _child->regExp() ); } void RepeatWidget::slotConfigWindowClosed() { _editorWindow->updateContent( 0 ); update(); } void RepeatWidget::slotConfigCanceled() { TQDataStream stream( _backup, IO_ReadOnly ); KWidgetStreamer streamer; streamer.fromStream( stream, TQT_TQOBJECT(_content) ); repaint(); } int RepeatWidget::edit() { _configWindow->move(TQCursor::pos() - TQPoint(_configWindow->sizeHint().width()/2, _configWindow->sizeHint().height()/2) ); TQDataStream stream( _backup, IO_WriteOnly ); KWidgetStreamer streamer; streamer.toStream( TQT_TQOBJECT(_content), stream ); return _configWindow->exec(); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RepeatRangeWindow::RepeatRangeWindow( TQWidget* parent, const char* name ) : TQVBox( parent, name ? name : "RepeatRangeWindow" ) { setSpacing( 6 ); _group = new TQVButtonGroup( i18n("Times to Match"), this, "groupbox" ); // Any number of times TQRadioButton* radioBut = new TQRadioButton(i18n("Any number of times (including zero times)"), _group, "RepeatRangeWindow::choice any times"); _group->insert(radioBut, ANY); TQWidget* container = new TQWidget( _group ); TQHBoxLayout* lay = new TQHBoxLayout( container ); TQGrid* grid = new TQGrid( 3, container ); grid->setSpacing( 5 ); lay->addWidget( grid ); lay->addStretch( 1 ); createLine( grid, i18n( "At least" ), &_leastTimes, ATLEAST ); createLine( grid, i18n( "At most" ), &_mostTimes, ATMOST ); createLine( grid, i18n( "Exactly" ), &_exactlyTimes, EXACTLY ); // from ___ to ___ times radioBut = new TQRadioButton(i18n( "From" ), grid, "RepeatRangeWindow::from"); _group->insert( radioBut, MINMAX ); _rangeFrom = new TQSpinBox( 1, 999, 1, grid); TQHBox* box = new TQHBox( grid ); box->setSpacing( 5 ); (void) new TQLabel(i18n( "to" ), box); _rangeTo = new TQSpinBox( 1, 999, 1, box ); (void) new TQLabel( i18n( "time(s)" ), box ); connect( _rangeFrom, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateMaxVal( int ) ) ); connect( _rangeTo, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotUpdateMinVal( int ) ) ); // set a default button. _group->setButton(ANY); slotItemChange( ANY ); connect( _group, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotItemChange( int ) ) ); } void RepeatRangeWindow::createLine( TQWidget* parent, TQString text, TQSpinBox** spin, REPEATTYPE tp ) { TQRadioButton* radioBut = new TQRadioButton(text, parent); *spin = new TQSpinBox( 1, 999, 1, parent); (*spin)->setValue(1); (void) new TQLabel(i18n("time(s)"), parent); _group->insert(radioBut, tp); } void RepeatRangeWindow::slotItemChange( int which ) { _leastTimes->setEnabled( false ); _mostTimes->setEnabled( false ); _exactlyTimes->setEnabled( false ); _rangeFrom->setEnabled( false ); _rangeTo->setEnabled( false ); switch ( which ) { case ANY: break; case ATLEAST: _leastTimes->setEnabled( true ); break; case ATMOST: _mostTimes->setEnabled( true ); break; case EXACTLY: _exactlyTimes->setEnabled( true ); break; case MINMAX: _rangeFrom->setEnabled( true ); _rangeTo->setEnabled( true ); break; } } void RepeatRangeWindow::slotUpdateMinVal( int maxVal ) { if ( _rangeFrom->value() > maxVal ) { _rangeFrom->setValue( maxVal ); } } void RepeatRangeWindow::slotUpdateMaxVal( int minVal ) { if ( _rangeTo->value() < minVal ) { _rangeTo->setValue( minVal ); } } TQString RepeatRangeWindow::text() { switch ( _group->id(_group->selected()) ) { case ANY: return i18n("Repeated Any Number of Times"); case ATLEAST: return i18n("Repeated at Least 1 Time", "Repeated at Least %n Times", _leastTimes->value() ); case ATMOST: return i18n("Repeated at Most 1 Time", "Repeated at Most %n Times", _mostTimes->value() ); case EXACTLY: return i18n("Repeated Exactly 1 Time", "Repeated Exactly %n Times", _exactlyTimes->value() ); case MINMAX: return i18n("Repeated From %1 to %2 Times") .arg( _rangeFrom->value() ).arg( _rangeTo->value() ); } tqFatal("Fall through!"); return TQString::fromLocal8Bit(""); } int RepeatRangeWindow::min() { switch ( _group->id(_group->selected()) ) { case ANY: return 0; case ATLEAST: return _leastTimes->value(); case ATMOST: return 0; case EXACTLY: return _exactlyTimes->value(); case MINMAX: return _rangeFrom->value(); } tqFatal("Fall through!"); return -1; } int RepeatRangeWindow::max() { switch ( _group->id(_group->selected()) ) { case ANY: return -1; case ATLEAST: return -1; case ATMOST: return _mostTimes->value(); case EXACTLY: return _exactlyTimes->value(); case MINMAX: return _rangeTo->value(); } tqFatal("Fall through!"); return -1; } void RepeatRangeWindow::set( REPEATTYPE tp, int min, int max ) { _group->setButton( tp ); switch ( tp ) { case ANY: break; case ATLEAST: _leastTimes->setValue( min ); break; case ATMOST: _mostTimes->setValue( max ); break; case EXACTLY: _exactlyTimes->setValue( min ); break; case MINMAX: _rangeFrom->setValue( min ); _rangeTo->setValue( max ); break; } }