path: root/languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/
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Diffstat (limited to 'languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/')
1 files changed, 271 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/ b/languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ede8dc54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/languages/python/app_templates/pyqt/
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# %{APPNAME} - PyQT application template for KDevelop
+# Translated from C++ qmakeapp.cpp
+# (qmakeapp.cpp - Copyright (C) 1992-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.)
+# This file is part of an example program for Qt. This example
+# program may be used, distributed and modified without limitation.
+import sys
+import os.path
+from qt import *
+import documentdetails
+false = 0
+true = 1
+def load_QPixMap(fileName):
+ f = open(os.path.join(sys.path[0],fileName),"r")
+ result = QPixmap(f.readlines())
+ f.close()
+ return result
+class %{APPNAME}(QMainWindow):
+ """An application called %{APPNAME}."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ QMainWindow.__init__(self, None, "%{APPNAME}")
+ self.initIcons()
+ self.setup()
+ self.initPrinter()
+ self.initToolBar()
+ self.initMenu()
+ self.initMainWidget()
+ self.setCaption(self.appTitle)
+ def setup(self):
+ self.appTitle = "%{APPNAME} - PyQT Application Example"
+ = [
+ ('&File',
+ [('&New', self.slotNewFile),
+ ('&Open...', self.slotOpenFile, self.openIcon),
+ ('&Save', self.slotSaveFile, self.saveIcon),
+ ('Save &as...', self.slotSaveAs),
+ ('&Print...', self.slotPrint, self.printIcon),
+ ('&Edit details...', self.slotEditDetails),
+ (None,)]),
+ ('&Help',
+ [('&About', self.slotAbout),
+ ('About &QT', self.slotAboutQT),
+ (None, ),
+ ('What\'s this', self.slotWhatsThis)])
+ ]
+ self.toolbar = [
+ ("filetools", "file operations", "File Operations",
+ [("fileopen",
+ (self.openIcon, "open file", "Open File", self.slotOpenFile),
+ "<p>Click this button to open a <em>new file</em>. <br>" + \
+ "You can also select the <b>Open</b> command " + \
+ "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>"),
+ ("filesave",
+ (self.saveIcon, "save file", "Save File", self.slotSaveFile),
+ "<p>Click this button to save the file you " + \
+ "are editing. You will be prompted for a file name.\n" + \
+ "You can also select the <b>Save</b> command " + \
+ "from the <b>File</b> menu.</p>"),
+ ("fileprint",
+ (self.printIcon, "print file", "Print File", self.slotPrint),
+ "Click this button to print the file you " + \
+ "are editing.\n You can also select the Print " + \
+ "command from the File menu."
+ )])]
+ self.fileName = ""
+ def initMainWidget(self):
+ self.editor = QTextEdit(self, "editor")
+ self.editor.setFocus()
+ self.setCentralWidget(self.editor)
+ self.statusBar().message("Ready", 2000)
+ self.resize(450,600)
+ def initPrinter(self):
+ self.printer = QPrinter()
+ def initIcons(self):
+ self.openIcon = QIconSet( load_QPixMap("fileopen.pyxpm"))
+ self.saveIcon = QIconSet( load_QPixMap("filesave.pyxpm"))
+ self.printIcon = QIconSet( load_QPixMap("fileprint.pyxpm"))
+ def initToolBar(self):
+ self.toolbars = {}
+ for (toolBarID, toolBarName, toolBarDescr, toolBarButtons) in self.toolbar:
+ self.toolbars[toolBarID] = QToolBar(self, toolBarName)
+ self.toolbars[toolBarID].setLabel(toolBarDescr)
+ for (buttonID, (buttonIcon, buttonName, buttonText, buttonSlot), whatsThisText) in toolBarButtons:
+ toolButton = QToolButton(buttonIcon, buttonText, "", buttonSlot, self.toolbars[toolBarID], buttonName)
+ QWhatsThis.add( toolButton, whatsThisText )
+ self.whatsThisButton = QWhatsThis.whatsThisButton(self.toolbars[toolBarID])
+ def initMenu(self):
+ for (menuName, subMenu) in
+ menu = QPopupMenu(self)
+ self.menuBar().insertItem( menuName, menu )
+ for menuOption in subMenu:
+ if len(menuOption)==1:
+ menu.insertSeparator()
+ elif len(menuOption)==2:
+ menu.insertItem( menuOption[0], menuOption[1] )
+ elif len(menuOption)==3:
+ menu.insertItem( menuOption[2], \
+ menuOption[0], \
+ menuOption[1] )
+ def slotNewFile(self):
+ ed = %{APPNAME}()
+ ed.setCaption(self.appTitle)
+ def slotOpenFile(self):
+ fileName = str(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName("", "", self))
+ print fileName
+ if not fileName=="":
+ self.load(fileName)
+ else:
+ self.statusBar().message("Loading aborted", 2000)
+ def slotSaveFile(self):
+ if self.fileName=="":
+ self.saveAs()
+ return
+ def slotSaveAs(self):
+ pass
+ def slotPrint(self):
+ margin = 10
+ pageno = 1
+ if self.printer.setup(self):
+ self.statusBar().message("Printing...");
+ p = QPainter()
+ if not p.begin(self.printer): return
+ p.setFont( self.editor.font() )
+ yPos = 0
+ fontMetrics = p.fontMetrics()
+ metrics = QPaintDeviceMetrics(self.printer)
+ for i in range(self.editor.lines()):
+ if margin + yPos > metrics.height() - margin:
+ pageNo += 1
+ self.statusBar().message("Printing (page " + pageNo + ")...")
+ self.printer.newPage()
+ yPos = 0
+ p.drawText( margin, margin+yPos, \
+ metrics.width(), \
+ fontMetrics.lineSpacing(), \
+ QPainter.ExpandTabs | QPainter.DontClip, \
+ self.editor.text(i) )
+ yPos += fontMetrics.lineSpacing()
+ p.end()
+ self.statusBar().message("Printing completed", 2000)
+ else:
+ self.statusBar().message("Printing aborted", 2000)
+ def slotClose(self):
+ pass
+ def slotQuit(self):
+ pass
+ def slotEditDetails(self):
+ docDet = documentdetails.documentDetails(self)
+ def slotWhatsThis(self):
+ self.whatsThis()
+ def slotAbout(self):
+ QMessageBox.about(self, self.appTitle, \
+ "This example demonstrates the simple use of\n" + \
+ "QMainWindow, QMenuBar and QToolBar using QT\n" + \
+ "and Python.")
+ def slotAboutQT(self):
+ QMessageBox.aboutQt(self, self.appTitle)
+ def load(self,fileName):
+ f = open(fileName,"r")
+ if f:
+ self.editor.setText( )
+ self.editor.setModified(false)
+ self.setCaption(fileName)
+ self.statusBar().message("Loaded document " + fileName, 2000)
+ self.fileName = fileName
+ else:
+ self.statusBar().message("Could not load " + fileName, 5000)
+ return
+ def saveAs(self):
+ fileName = str(QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(None, None, self))
+ if fileName!="":
+ self.fileName = fileName
+ else:
+ self.statusBar().message("Saving aborted", 2000)
+ def save(self):
+ if self.fileName=="":
+ self.saveAs()
+ return
+ text = str(self.editor.text())
+ try:
+ f = open(self.fileName, "w")
+ f.write(text)
+ except:
+ self.statusBar().message("Could not write to " + self.fileName)
+ f.close()
+ return
+ f.close()
+ self.editor.setModified(false)
+ self.setCaption(self.fileName)
+ self.statusBar().message( "File " + self.fileName + " saved", 2000)
+ def closeEvent(self, closeEvent):
+ if not self.editor.isModified():
+ closeEvent.accept()
+ return
+ yesNoCancel = QMessageBox.information(self, self.appTitle,
+ "Do you want to save the changes\n" + \
+ "to the document?", \
+ "Yes", "No", "Cancel",
+ 0, 1)
+ if yesNoCancel == 0:
+ closeEvent.accept()
+ elif yesNoCancel == 1:
+ closeEvent.accept()
+ else:
+ closeEvent.ignore()
+def main(args):
+ app=QApplication(args)
+ mainWindow = %{APPNAME}()
+ app.connect(app, SIGNAL("lastWindowClosed()"), app, SLOT("quit()"))
+ app.exec_loop()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)