/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001 by Bernd Gehrmann * * bernd@kdevelop.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "addapplicationdlg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "autolistviewitems.h" #include "misc.h" #include "autoprojectwidget.h" #include "autoprojectpart.h" AddApplicationDialog::AddApplicationDialog(AutoProjectWidget *widget, SubprojectItem *spitem, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : AddApplicationDialogBase(parent, name, true) { filename_edit->setText(".desktop"); filename_edit->home(false); filename_edit->setFocus(); chosentypes_listview->header()->hide(); availtypes_listview->header()->hide(); QString addApplication = add_button->text(); QString removeApplication = remove_button->text(); add_button->setText( QApplication::reverseLayout() ? removeApplication : addApplication ); remove_button->setText( QApplication::reverseLayout() ? addApplication : removeApplication ); m_widget = widget; subProject = spitem; // Fill the combo box with program names in the directory QPtrListIterator tit(spitem->targets); for (; tit.current(); ++tit) { if ((*tit)->primary == "PROGRAMS") executable_combo->insertItem(QString((*tit)->name)); } // Fill the list of available mime types KMimeType::List l = KMimeType::allMimeTypes(); KMimeType::List::Iterator it; for (it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) new QListViewItem(availtypes_listview, (*it)->name()); setIcon ( SmallIcon ( "window_new" ) ); } AddApplicationDialog::~AddApplicationDialog() {} void AddApplicationDialog::iconClicked() { KIconLoader *loader = AutoProjectFactory::instance()->iconLoader(); QString name = KIconDialog::getIcon(KIcon::Desktop); if (!name.isNull()) { iconName = name; icon_button->setPixmap(loader->loadIcon(name, KIcon::Desktop)); } } void AddApplicationDialog::addTypeClicked() { QListViewItem *selitem = availtypes_listview->selectedItem(); if (!selitem) return; QListViewItem *olditem = chosentypes_listview->firstChild(); while (olditem) { if (selitem->text(0) == olditem->text(0)) return; olditem = olditem->nextSibling(); } new QListViewItem(chosentypes_listview, selitem->text(0)); } void AddApplicationDialog::removeTypeClicked() { delete chosentypes_listview->currentItem(); } void AddApplicationDialog::accept() { // Create list of mime types QStringList mimeTypes; QListViewItem *item = chosentypes_listview->firstChild(); while (item) { mimeTypes.append(item->text(0)); item = item->nextSibling(); } // Some plausibility tests QString fileName = filename_edit->text(); if (fileName.isEmpty() || fileName == ".desktop") { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You have to enter a file name.")); filename_edit->setFocus(); return; } QString executable = executable_combo->currentText(); if (executable.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You have to enter the file name of an executable program.")); executable_combo->setFocus(); return; } QString name = name_edit->text(); if (name.isEmpty()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("You have to enter an application name.")); name_edit->setFocus(); return; } QFile f(subProject->path + "/" + fileName); if (f.exists()) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("A file with this name exists already.")); filename_edit->setFocus(); return; } if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { KMessageBox::sorry(this, i18n("Could not open file for writing.")); return; } QTextStream stream(&f); stream << "[Desktop Entry]" << endl; stream << "Type=Application" << endl; stream << "Name=" << name << endl; stream << "Exec=" << (executable + " -caption \"%c\" %i %m %u") << endl; stream << "Comment=" << comment_edit->text() << endl; if (!iconName.isNull()) stream << "Icon=" << iconName << endl; stream << "MimeTypes=" << mimeTypes.join(";") << endl; stream << "Terminal=" << (terminal_box->isChecked()? "true" : "false") << endl; f.close(); // Find a prefix that points to the applnk directory. // If there is none, use appslnksection QString section = section_combo->currentText(); QString appsdir = "$(kde_appsdir)/" + section; QMap::ConstIterator it; for (it = subProject->prefixes.begin(); it != subProject->prefixes.end(); ++it) if (it.data() == appsdir) break; QMap replaceMap; QString prefix; if (it == subProject->prefixes.end()) { prefix = "applnk" + section; replaceMap.insert(prefix + "dir", appsdir); subProject->prefixes.insert(prefix, appsdir); } else { prefix = it.key(); } QString varname = prefix + "_DATA"; // Look if a list view item for this prefix exists already. // Create a new one otherwise TargetItem *titem = 0; for (uint i=0; i < subProject->targets.count(); ++i) { TargetItem *tmptitem = subProject->targets.at(i); if ("DATA" == tmptitem->primary && prefix == tmptitem->prefix) { titem = tmptitem; break; } } if (!titem) { titem = m_widget->createTargetItem("", prefix, "DATA", false); subProject->targets.append(titem); } // Add this file to the target FileItem *fitem = m_widget->createFileItem(fileName, subProject); titem->sources.append(fitem); subProject->variables[varname] += (" " + fileName); replaceMap.insert(varname, subProject->variables[varname]); AutoProjectTool::addToMakefileam(subProject->path + "/Makefile.am", replaceMap); QDialog::accept(); } #include "addapplicationdlg.moc"