CreateScopeDlgBase CreateScopeDlgBase 0 0 348 208 Create Scope unnamed tqlayout4 unnamed textLabel1 Scopetype: Simple Scope Function Scope Include File comboScopeType Choose between the different types of new scopes spacer3 Horizontal Expanding 95 20 groupBox1 Scope Settings unnamed widgetStack1 simplePage 0 unnamed editScopeName Specify the new scope name textLabel2 Scopename: editScopeName funcPage 1 unnamed editFunction textLabel3 Function: editFunction Specify the function name textLabel4 Arguments: editArguments Specify the list of function arguments, delimited by a comma editArguments incPage 2 unnamed incUrl StrongFocus *.pri 25 Choose the .pri file to include textLabel5 Include File: incUrl checkNotInc &use !include instead of include Use !include instead of include for the function scope tqlayout3 unnamed spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 150 20 buttonOk O&K true true buttonCancel Ca&ncel true comboScopeType activated(int) widgetStack1 raiseWidget(int) buttonOk clicked() CreateScopeDlgBase accept() buttonCancel clicked() CreateScopeDlgBase reject() editFunction editArguments comboScopeType buttonOk buttonCancel editScopeName incUrl checkNotInc kcombobox.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h