/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2001 by Bernd Gehrmann * * bernd@kdevelop.org * * Copyright (C) 2002 by Jakob Simon-Gaarde * * jakob@jsg.dk * * Copyright (C) 2002-2003 by Alexander Dymo * * cloudtemple@mksat.net * * Copyright (C) 2003 by Thomas Hasart * * thasart@gmx.de * * Copyright (C) 2006 by Andreas Pakulat * * apaku@gmx.de * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _TROLLPROJECTWIDGET_H_ #define _TROLLPROJECTWIDGET_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "choosesubprojectdlg.h" #include "newwidgetdlg.h" #include "domutil.h" #include "qmakescopeitem.h" class TrollProjectPart; class KListView; class ProjectConfigurationDlg; class TrollProjectWidget : public TQVBox { Q_OBJECT TQ_OBJECT public: TrollProjectWidget( TrollProjectPart *part ); ~TrollProjectWidget(); void openProject( const TQString &dirName ); void closeProject(); /** * A list of the (relative) names of all subprojects (== subdirectories). */ //TQStringList allSubprojects(); /** * A list of the (relative) names of all libraries. */ TQStringList allLibraries(); /** * A list of all files that belong to the project. **/ TQStringList allFiles(); /** * The top level directory of the project. **/ TQString projectDirectory(); /** * The directory of the currently active subproject. */ TQString subprojectDirectory(); /** * The directory of the currently active subproject. */ TQString getCurrentTarget(); TQString getCurrentDestDir(); TQString getCurrentOutputFilename(); void addFileToCurrentSubProject( GroupItem *titem, const TQString &filename ); void addFileToCurrentSubProject( GroupItem::GroupType gtype, const TQString &filename ); void addFiles( TQStringList &files, bool relativeToProjectRoot = true ); void emitAddedFile( const TQString &name ); void emitRemovedFile( const TQString &name ); TQString getUiFileLink( const TQString &path, const TQString& filename ); bool isTMakeProject(); enum TrollProjectView { SubprojectView, DetailsView }; void setLastFocusedView( TrollProjectView view ); enum SaveType { AlwaysSave, NeverSave, Ask }; QMakeScopeItem* currentSubproject(); bool showFilenamesOnly() const; bool showVariablesInTree() const; public slots: void slotBuildTarget(); void slotInstallTarget(); void slotRebuildTarget(); void slotCleanTarget(); void slotDistCleanTarget(); void slotExecuteTarget(); void slotBuildProject(); void slotInstallProject(); void slotRebuildProject(); void slotCleanProject(); void slotDistCleanProject(); void slotExecuteProject(); void slotBuildOpenFile(); void slotBuildSelectedFile(); void slotConfigureProject(); void slotAddFiles(); void slotNewFile(); void slotRemoveFile(); protected: virtual void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent *e ); private slots: void slotOverviewSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem *item ); void slotOverviewContextMenu( KListView *, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &p ); void slotDetailsSelectionChanged( TQListViewItem* ); void slotDetailsExecuted( TQListViewItem *item ); void slotDetailsContextMenu( KListView *, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &p ); void slotExcludeFileFromScopeButton(); void slotAddSubproject( QMakeScopeItem *spitem = 0 ); void slotRemoveSubproject( QMakeScopeItem *spitem = 0 ); void slotCreateScope( QMakeScopeItem *spitem = 0 ); void slotRemoveScope( QMakeScopeItem *spitem = 0 ); void slotDisableSubproject( QMakeScopeItem* spitem = 0 ); void slotProjectDirty( const TQString& ); void createQMakeScopeItems(); private: void cleanDetailView( QMakeScopeItem *item ); void runClean( QMakeScopeItem*, const TQString& ); void buildProjectDetailTree( QMakeScopeItem *item, KListView *listviewControl ); void removeFile( QMakeScopeItem *spitem, FileItem *fitem ); void addSubprojectToItem( QMakeScopeItem*, const TQString& ); void setupContext(); // void parseScope(QMakeScopeItem *item,TQString scopeString, Scope *scope); GroupItem* getInstallRoot( QMakeScopeItem *item ); GroupItem* getInstallObject( QMakeScopeItem *item, const TQString& objectname ); TQString constructMakeCommandLine( Scope* s = 0 ); void createMakefileIfMissing( const TQString &dir, QMakeScopeItem *item ); void runTQMakeRecursive( QMakeScopeItem* proj); void buildFile( QMakeScopeItem* spitem, FileItem* fitem); /*fileName: full base file name like TQFileInfo::baseName ( true )*/ TQPtrList findSubprojectForFile( TQFileInfo fi ); void findSubprojectForFile( TQPtrList &list, QMakeScopeItem * item, TQString absFilePath ); QMakeScopeItem* findSubprojectForPath( const TQString& ); // TQString makeEnvironment(); TrollProjectWidget::SaveType dialogSaveBehaviour() const; QMakeScopeItem *findSubprojectForScope( QMakeScopeItem *scope ); void reloadProjectFromFile( QMakeScopeItem* item ); TQMap qmakeEnvironment() const; TQVBox *overviewContainer; KListView *overview; TQHBox *projectTools; TQToolButton *addSubdirButton; TQToolButton *createScopeButton; TQToolButton *buildProjectButton; TQToolButton *rebuildProjectButton; TQToolButton *executeProjectButton; TQToolButton *buildTargetButton; TQToolButton *rebuildTargetButton; TQToolButton *executeTargetButton; TQToolButton *buildFileButton; TQToolButton *projectconfButton; TQVBox *detailContainer; KListView *details; TQHBox *fileTools; TQToolButton *addfilesButton; TQToolButton *newfileButton; TQToolButton *removefileButton; TQToolButton *excludeFileFromScopeButton; DomUtil::PairList m_subclasslist; QMakeScopeItem *m_shownSubproject; QMakeScopeItem *m_rootSubproject; Scope* m_rootScope; TrollProjectPart *m_part; ProjectConfigurationDlg* m_configDlg; TrollProjectView m_lastFocusedView; bool m_filesCached; bool m_showFilenamesOnly; bool m_showVariablesInTree; TQStringList m_allFilesCache; friend class ChooseSubprojectDlg; friend class ProjectConfigurationDlg; }; #endif // kate: space-indent on; indent-width 4; tab-width 4; replace-tabs on