CustomWidgetEditorBase ********************************************************************* ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See for GPL licensing information. ** See or email for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** ********************************************************************* CustomWidgetEditorBase 0 0 712 386 Edit Custom Widgets true <b>Edit Custom Widgets</b><p>Add or delete custom widgets from <i>Qt Designer</i>'s database, and edit the properties of existing widgets.</p> unnamed 11 6 boxWidgets The list of all custom widgets known to Qt Designer. buttonNewWidget &New Widget Add new custom widget. <b>Create an empty custom widget and add it to the list.</b><p>New custom widgets have a default name and header file, which must both be changed to appropriate values.</p> buttonDeleteWidget &Delete Widget Delete custom widget <b>Delete the selected custom widget.</b><p>You can only delete widgets that are not used in any open form.</p> Layout1 unnamed 0 6 helpButton &Help true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonCancel &Close true Closes the Dialog. Vertical Spacing1 Vertical Expanding 20 20 buttonLoad &Load Descriptions... Loads widget description file <b>Load Descriptions</b><p>Loads a file which contains descriptions of custom widgets, so that these custom widgets can be used in the Qt Designer.</p> <p>Since it is a lot of work to type in all the information for custom widgets, you should consider using the tqtcreatecw tool which is in $QTDIR/tools/designer/tools/tqtcreatecw. Using tqtcreatecw you can create custom widget description files for your custom widgets without the need to type in all the information manually. For more information about the README file in the tqtcreatecw directory</p> buttonSave &Save Descriptions... Saves widget description file <b>Save Descriptions</b><p>Saves all the descriptions of the shown custom widgets to a file which can then be used to import the custom widgets elsewhere. TabWidget1 Change the properties of the selected custom widget. Widget2 De&finition unnamed 11 6 Layout4 unnamed 0 6 previewPixmap buttonChoosePixmap 30 22 ... Select a Pixmap <b>Select a pixmap file.</b><p>The pixmap will be used to represent the widget in forms.</p> Layout5 unnamed 0 6 editHeader Enter filename <b>Change the header file's name for the selected custom widget.</b><p>The header file will be included by forms using the widget.</p> buttonChooseHeader 30 22 ... Choose headerfile Look for the header file using a file dialog. Global Local localGlobalCombo Select access <b>Change how the include file will be included.</b><p>Global include files will be included using &lt;&gt;-brackets, while local files will included using quotation marks.</p> editClass Change classname <b>Enter the classname for the selected custom widget.</b><p>A class of that name must be defined in the header file.</p> Label11 Heade&rfile: editHeader Label10 Cl&ass: editClass Label2 Pixmap: Label7 Si&ze hint: spinWidth TextLabel1_2 Size p&olicy: sizeHor Fixed Minimum Maximum Preferred MinimumExpanding Expanding sizeVer Vertical Sizepolicy Choose theQt::Vertical size policy spinWidth 32767 -1 -1 Size hint width <b>Set the size hint for the selected widget.</b><p>The size hint provides the recommended size for the widget. Enter a sizehint of -1/-1 if no size is recommended.</p> spinHeight 32767 -1 -1 Size hint height <b>Set the size hint for the selected widget.</b><p>The size hint provides the recommended size for the widget. Enter a sizehint of -1/-1 if no size is recommended.</p> Fixed Minimum Maximum Preferred MinimumExpanding Expanding sizeHor Horizontal Sizepolicy Choose the horizontal size policy for the widget Spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 20 checkContainer Con&tainer widget Container Widget <p><b>Container Widget</b></p> <p>If this custom widget is able to contain other widgets (children), check this checkbox.</p> Widget3 Si&gnals unnamed 11 6 listSignals The list of all the Q_SIGNALS that the selected widget can emit. Layout40 unnamed 0 6 Spacer1_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonAddSignal N&ew Signal true Add new signal <b>Add a new signal for the current custom widget.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name must be unique.</p> buttonRemoveSignal Dele&te Signal true Delete signal <b>Delete the signal.</b><p>All connections using this signal will also be deleted.</p> Layout38 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1 S&ignal: editSignal editSignal Change signal name <b>Change the name of the selected slot.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name must be unique.</p> Widget4 S&lots unnamed 11 6 Slot true true Access true true listSlots true true The list of all the custom widget's Q_SLOTS. TextLabel2 Sl&ot: editSlot editSlot Change slot name <b>Change the name of the selected slot.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name must be unique.</p> TextLabel3 &Access: comboAccess public protected comboAccess Change slot access <b>Change the slot's access policy.</b><p>You can only connect to the widget's public Q_SLOTS.</p> Layout7 unnamed 0 6 Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonAddSlot N&ew Slot true Add new slot <b>Add a new slot to the current custom widget.</b><p>An argument list should be provided in the signal's name, and the name must be unique.</p> buttonRemoveSlot Dele&te Slot true Delete slot <b>Delete the slot.</b><p>All connections using this slot will also be deleted.</p> Widget5 &Properties unnamed 11 6 Layout7_2 unnamed 0 6 Spacer2_2 Horizontal Expanding 20 20 buttonAddProperty N&ew Property true Add new property <b>Add a new property to the current custom widget.</b><p>The properties must be implemented in the class using Qt's property system.</p> buttonRemoveProperty Dele&te Property true Delete property Deletes the selected property. String CString StringList Bool Int UInt Font Color Rect Point Size Pixmap Palette Cursor SizePolicy comboType Select property type <b>Select the type of the property.</b><p>The property must be implemented in the class using Qt's property system.</p><p>You can use integer types to support enumeration properties in the property editor.</p> Property true true Type true true listProperties true true <b>The list of the current widget's properties.</b><p>The properties of the custom widget can be changed in the property editor.</p> editProperty Change property name <b>Enter a name for the property.</b><p>The properties must be implemented in the class using Qt's property system.</p> TextLabel2_2 P&roperty name: editProperty TextLabel3_2 T&ype: comboType boxWidgets selectionChanged(TQListBoxItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentWidgetChanged(TQListBoxItem*) boxWidgets currentChanged(TQListBoxItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentWidgetChanged(TQListBoxItem*) buttonNewWidget clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase addWidgetClicked() buttonDeleteWidget clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase deleteWidgetClicked() editClass textChanged(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase classNameChanged(const TQString&) editHeader textChanged(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase headerFileChanged(const TQString&) spinWidth valueChanged(int) CustomWidgetEditorBase widthChanged(int) spinHeight valueChanged(int) CustomWidgetEditorBase heightChanged(int) buttonChoosePixmap clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase pixmapChoosen() localGlobalCombo highlighted(int) CustomWidgetEditorBase includePolicyChanged(int) buttonChooseHeader clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase chooseHeader() buttonCancel clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase closeClicked() listSignals currentChanged(TQListBoxItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentSignalChanged(TQListBoxItem*) listSignals selectionChanged(TQListBoxItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentSignalChanged(TQListBoxItem*) buttonRemoveSignal clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase removeSignal() editSignal textChanged(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase signalNameChanged(const TQString&) listSlots currentChanged(TQListViewItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentSlotChanged(TQListViewItem*) listSlots selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentSlotChanged(TQListViewItem*) buttonRemoveSlot clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase removeSlot() editSlot textChanged(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase slotNameChanged(const TQString&) comboAccess activated(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase slotAccessChanged(const TQString&) listProperties currentChanged(TQListViewItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentPropertyChanged(TQListViewItem*) listProperties selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) CustomWidgetEditorBase currentPropertyChanged(TQListViewItem*) buttonRemoveProperty clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase removeProperty() editProperty textChanged(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase propertyNameChanged(const TQString&) comboType activated(const TQString&) CustomWidgetEditorBase propertyTypeChanged(const TQString&) buttonLoad clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase loadDescription() buttonSave clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase saveDescription() sizeHor activated(int) CustomWidgetEditorBase horDataChanged(int) sizeVer activated(int) CustomWidgetEditorBase verDataChanged(int) buttonAddProperty clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase addProperty() checkContainer toggled(bool) CustomWidgetEditorBase widgetIsContainer(bool) buttonAddSignal clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase addSignal() buttonAddSlot clicked() CustomWidgetEditorBase addSlot() init() destroy() addProperty() addSignal() addWidgetClicked() chooseHeader() classNameChanged( const TQString & ) closeClicked() currentPropertyChanged( TQListViewItem * ) currentSignalChanged( TQListBoxItem * ) currentSlotChanged( TQListViewItem * ) currentWidgetChanged( TQListBoxItem * ) deleteWidgetClicked() headerFileChanged( const TQString & ) heightChanged( int ) horDataChanged(int) includePolicyChanged( int ) loadDescription() addSlot() pixmapChoosen() propertyNameChanged( const TQString & ) propertyTypeChanged( const TQString & ) removeProperty() removeSignal() removeSlot() saveDescription() signalNameChanged( const TQString & ) slotAccessChanged( const TQString & ) slotNameChanged( const TQString & ) verDataChanged(int) widgetIsContainer(bool) widthChanged( int ) buttonCancel boxWidgets buttonNewWidget buttonDeleteWidget buttonLoad buttonSave TabWidget1 editClass editHeader buttonChooseHeader localGlobalCombo buttonChoosePixmap spinWidth spinHeight sizeHor sizeVer checkContainer helpButton listSignals buttonAddSignal buttonRemoveSignal editSignal listSlots buttonAddSlot buttonRemoveSlot editSlot comboAccess listProperties buttonAddProperty buttonRemoveProperty editProperty comboType