/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition or TQt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about TQt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "hierarchyview.h" #include "formwindow.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "command.h" #include "widgetfactory.h" #include "widgetdatabase.h" #include "project.h" #include "sourceeditor.h" #include "propertyeditor.h" #include "editfunctionsimpl.h" #include "listeditor.h" #include "actiondnd.h" #include "actioneditorimpl.h" #include "variabledialogimpl.h" #include "popupmenueditor.h" #include "menubareditor.h" #include #include "kdevdesigner_part.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../interfaces/languageinterface.h" #include #include #include #include TQListViewItem *newItem = 0; static TQPluginManager *classBrowserInterfaceManager = 0; HierarchyItem::HierarchyItem( Type type, TQListViewItem *tqparent, TQListViewItem *after, const TQString &txt1, const TQString &txt2, const TQString &txt3 ) : TQListViewItem( tqparent, after, txt1, txt2, txt3 ), typ( type ) { } HierarchyItem::HierarchyItem( Type type, TQListView *tqparent, TQListViewItem *after, const TQString &txt1, const TQString &txt2, const TQString &txt3 ) : TQListViewItem( tqparent, after, txt1, txt2, txt3 ), typ( type ) { } void HierarchyItem::paintCell( TQPainter *p, const TQColorGroup &cg, int column, int width, int align ) { TQColorGroup g( cg ); g.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, backgroundColor() ); g.setColor( TQColorGroup::Foreground, TQt::black ); g.setColor( TQColorGroup::Text, TQt::black ); TQString txt = text( 0 ); if ( rtti() == Function && MainWindow::self->currProject()->isCpp() && ( txt == "init()" || txt == "destroy()" ) ) { listView()->setUpdatesEnabled( FALSE ); if ( txt == "init()" ) setText( 0, txt + " " + "(Constructor)" ); else setText( 0, txt + " " + "(Destructor)" ); TQListViewItem::paintCell( p, g, column, width, align ); setText( 0, txt ); listView()->setUpdatesEnabled( TRUE ); } else { TQListViewItem::paintCell( p, g, column, width, align ); } p->save(); p->setPen( TQPen( cg.dark(), 1 ) ); if ( column == 0 ) p->drawLine( 0, 0, 0, height() - 1 ); if ( listView()->firstChild() != this ) { if ( nextSibling() != itemBelow() && itemBelow()->depth() < depth() ) { int d = depth() - itemBelow()->depth(); p->drawLine( -listView()->treeStepSize() * d, height() - 1, 0, height() - 1 ); } } p->drawLine( 0, height() - 1, width, height() - 1 ); p->drawLine( width - 1, 0, width - 1, height() ); p->restore(); } TQColor HierarchyItem::backgroundColor() { updateBackColor(); return backColor; } void HierarchyItem::updateBackColor() { if ( listView()->firstChild() == this ) { backColor = *backColor1; return; } TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); --it; if ( it.current() ) { if ( ( ( HierarchyItem*)it.current() )->backColor == *backColor1 ) backColor = *backColor2; else backColor = *backColor1; } else { backColor = *backColor1; } } void HierarchyItem::setObject( TQObject *o ) { obj = o; } TQObject *HierarchyItem::object() const { return obj; } void HierarchyItem::okRename( int col ) { if ( newItem == this ) newItem = 0; TQListViewItem::okRename( col ); } void HierarchyItem::cancelRename( int col ) { if ( newItem == this ) { newItem = 0; TQListViewItem::cancelRename( col ); delete this; return; } TQListViewItem::cancelRename( col ); } HierarchyList::HierarchyList( TQWidget *tqparent, FormWindow *fw, bool doConnects ) : TQListView( tqparent ), formWindow( fw ) { DesignerFormPix = SmallIcon( "designer_form.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()); DesignerLayoutPix = SmallIcon( "designer_layout.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()); DesignerFolderPix = SmallIcon( "designer_folder.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()); DesignerEditSlotsPix = SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()); init_colors(); setDefaultRenameAction( Accept ); header()->setMovingEnabled( FALSE ); header()->setStretchEnabled( TRUE ); normalMenu = 0; tabWidgetMenu = 0; addColumn( i18n( "Name" ) ); addColumn( i18n( "Class" ) ); TQPalette p( palette() ); p.setColor( TQColorGroup::Base, TQColor( *backColor2 ) ); (void)*selectedBack; // hack setPalette( p ); disconnect( header(), TQT_SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( changeSortColumn( int ) ) ); setSorting( -1 ); setHScrollBarMode( AlwaysOff ); setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOn ); if ( doConnects ) { connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( TQListViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( objectClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( doubleClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( objectDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed( TQListViewItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( objectClicked( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( contextMenuRequested( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint&, int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( showRMBMenu( TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint & ) ) ); } deselect = TRUE; setColumnWidthMode( 1, Manual ); } void HierarchyList::keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) { if ( e->key() == Key_Shift || e->key() == Key_Control ) deselect = FALSE; else deselect = TRUE; TQListView::keyPressEvent( e ); } void HierarchyList::keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent *e ) { deselect = TRUE; TQListView::keyReleaseEvent( e ); } void HierarchyList::viewportMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e->state() & ShiftButton || e->state() & ControlButton ) deselect = FALSE; else deselect = TRUE; TQListView::viewportMousePressEvent( e ); } void HierarchyList::viewportMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { TQListView::viewportMouseReleaseEvent( e ); } TQObject *HierarchyList::handleObjectClick( TQListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return 0; TQObject *o = findObject( i ); if ( !o ) return 0; if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(formWindow) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) ) { if ( deselect ) formWindow->clearSelection( FALSE ); formWindow->emitShowProperties( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow) ); return 0; } if ( o->isWidgetType() ) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)o; if ( !formWindow->widgets()->tqfind( w ) ) { if ( ::tqqt_cast(w->tqparent()) ) { if (::tqqt_cast(w->tqparent()->tqparent()) ) { ((TQTabWidget*)w->tqparent()->tqparent())->showPage( w ); o = TQT_TQOBJECT((TQWidget*)w->tqparent()->tqparent()); formWindow->emitUpdateProperties( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow->currentWidget()) ); } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(w->tqparent()->tqparent()) ) { ((QDesignerWizard*)w->tqparent()->tqparent())-> setCurrentPage( ( (QDesignerWizard*)w->tqparent()->tqparent() )->pageNum( w ) ); o = TQT_TQOBJECT((TQWidget*)w->tqparent()->tqparent()); formWindow->emitUpdateProperties( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow->currentWidget()) ); } else { ( (TQWidgetStack*)w->tqparent() )->raiseWidget( w ); if ( (TQWidgetStack*)w->tqparent()->isA( "QDesignerWidgetStack" ) ) ( (QDesignerWidgetStack*)w->tqparent() )->updateButtons(); } } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) || ::tqqt_cast(w) ) { formWindow->setActiveObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(w) ); } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) ) { return 0; // ### we could try to find our menu bar and change the currentMenu to our index } else { return 0; } } } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) { MainWindow::self->actioneditor()->setCurrentAction( (TQAction*)o ); deselect = TRUE; } if ( deselect ) formWindow->clearSelection( FALSE ); return o; } void HierarchyList::objectDoubleClicked( TQListViewItem *i ) { TQObject *o = handleObjectClick( i ); if ( !o ) return; if ( o->isWidgetType() && ( (TQWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( formWindow ) ) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)o; if ( !w->parentWidget() || WidgetFactory::layoutType( w->parentWidget() ) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout ) w->raise(); formWindow->selectWidget( TQT_TQOBJECT(w), TRUE ); } } void HierarchyList::objectClicked( TQListViewItem *i ) { TQObject *o = handleObjectClick( i ); if ( !o ) return; if ( o->isWidgetType() && ( (TQWidget*)o )->isVisibleTo( formWindow ) ) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)o; formWindow->selectWidget( TQT_TQOBJECT(w), TRUE ); } } TQObject *HierarchyList::findObject( TQListViewItem *i ) { return ( (HierarchyItem*)i )->object(); } TQListViewItem *HierarchyList::findItem( TQObject *o ) { TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); while ( it.current() ) { if ( ( (HierarchyItem*)it.current() )->object() == o ) return it.current(); ++it; } return 0; } TQObject *HierarchyList::current() const { if ( currentItem() ) return ( (HierarchyItem*)currentItem() )->object(); return 0; } void HierarchyList::changeNameOf( TQObject *o, const TQString &name ) { TQListViewItem *item = findItem( o ); if ( !item ) return; item->setText( 0, name ); } void HierarchyList::changeDatabaseOf( TQObject *o, const TQString &info ) { #ifndef TQT_NO_SQL if ( !formWindow->isDatabaseAware() ) return; TQListViewItem *item = findItem( o ); if ( !item ) return; item->setText( 2, info ); #endif } static TQPtrList *widgetStacks = 0; void HierarchyList::setup() { if ( !formWindow || formWindow->isFake() ) return; clear(); TQWidget *w = formWindow->mainContainer(); #ifndef TQT_NO_SQL if ( formWindow->isDatabaseAware() ) { if ( columns() == 2 ) { addColumn( i18n( "Database" ) ); header()->resizeSection( 0, 1 ); header()->resizeSection( 1, 1 ); header()->resizeSection( 2, 1 ); header()->adjustHeaderSize(); } } else { if ( columns() == 3 ) { removeColumn( 2 ); } } #endif if ( !widgetStacks ) widgetStacks = new TQPtrList; if ( w ) insertObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(w), 0 ); widgetStacks->clear(); } void HierarchyList::setOpen( TQListViewItem *i, bool b ) { TQListView::setOpen( i, b ); } void HierarchyList::insertObject( TQObject *o, TQListViewItem *tqparent ) { if ( TQString( o->name() ).startsWith( "qt_dead_widget_" ) ) return; bool fakeMainWindow = FALSE; if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) { TQObject *cw = TQT_TQOBJECT(( (TQMainWindow*)o )->centralWidget()); if ( cw ) { o = cw; fakeMainWindow = TRUE; } } TQListViewItem *item = 0; TQString className = WidgetFactory::classNameOf( o ); if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) { switch ( WidgetFactory::layoutType( (TQWidget*)o ) ) { case WidgetFactory::HBox: className = "HBox"; break; case WidgetFactory::VBox: className = "VBox"; break; case WidgetFactory::Grid: className = "Grid"; break; default: break; } } TQString dbInfo; #ifndef TQT_NO_SQL dbInfo = MetaDataBase::fakeProperty( o, "database" ).toStringList().join("."); #endif TQString name = o->name(); if ( ::tqqt_cast(o->tqparent()) ) { if ( ::tqqt_cast(o->tqparent()->tqparent()) ) name = ( (TQTabWidget*)o->tqparent()->tqparent() )->tabLabel( (TQWidget*)o ); else if ( ::tqqt_cast(o->tqparent()->tqparent()) ) name = ( (TQWizard*)o->tqparent()->tqparent() )->title( (TQWidget*)o ); } TQToolBox *tb; if ( o->tqparent() && o->tqparent()->tqparent() && (tb = ::tqqt_cast(o->tqparent()->tqparent()->tqparent())) ) name = tb->itemLabel( tb->indexOf((TQWidget*)o) ); if ( fakeMainWindow ) { name = o->tqparent()->name(); className = TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; } if ( !tqparent ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Widget, this, 0, name, className, dbInfo ); else item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Widget, tqparent, 0, name, className, dbInfo ); item->setOpen( TRUE ); if ( !tqparent ) item->setPixmap( 0, DesignerFormPix ); else if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) item->setPixmap( 0, DesignerLayoutPix ); else item->setPixmap( 0, WidgetDatabase::iconSet( WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf( o ) ) ). pixmap( TQIconSet::Small, TQIconSet::Normal ) ); if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) item->setPixmap( 0, ( (TQAction*)o )->iconSet().pixmap() ); ( (HierarchyItem*)item )->setObject( o ); TQObjectList l = o->childrenListObject(); if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) l.clear(); if ( !l.isEmpty() ) { TQObjectListIt it( l ); it.toLast(); for ( ; it.current(); --it ) { if ( !it.current()->isWidgetType() || ( (TQWidget*)it.current() )->isHidden() ) continue; if ( !formWindow->widgets()->tqfind( (TQWidget*)it.current() ) ) { if ( ::tqqt_cast(it.current()->tqparent()) || ::tqqt_cast(it.current()) ) { TQObject *obj = it.current(); QDesignerTabWidget *tw = ::tqqt_cast(it.current()->tqparent()); QDesignerWizard *dw = ::tqqt_cast(it.current()->tqparent()); TQWidgetStack *stack = 0; if ( dw || tw || ::tqqt_cast(obj) ) stack = (TQWidgetStack*)obj; else stack = (TQWidgetStack*)obj->tqparent(); if ( widgetStacks->tqfindRef( stack ) != -1 ) continue; widgetStacks->append( stack ); TQObjectList *l2 = stack->queryList( TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, 0, TRUE, FALSE ); for ( obj = l2->last(); obj; obj = l2->prev() ) { if ( qstrcmp( obj->className(), "TQWidgetStackPrivate::Invisible" ) == 0 || ( tw && !tw->tabBar()->tab( stack->id( (TQWidget*)obj ) ) ) || ( dw && dw->isPageRemoved( (TQWidget*)obj ) ) ) continue; if ( qstrcmp( obj->name(), "designer_wizardstack_button" ) == 0 ) continue; if ( stack->id( (TQWidget*)obj ) == -1 ) continue; insertObject( obj, item ); } delete l2; } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(it.current()->tqparent()) ) { if ( !::tqqt_cast(it.current()) ) continue; TQToolBox *tb = (TQToolBox*)it.current()->tqparent(); for ( int i = tb->count() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) insertObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(tb->item( i )), item ); } continue; } insertObject( it.current(), item ); } } if ( fakeMainWindow ) { TQObjectList *l = o->tqparent()->queryList( "QDesignerToolBar" ); TQObject *obj; for ( obj = l->first(); obj; obj = l->next() ) insertObject( obj, item ); delete l; l = o->tqparent()->queryList( "MenuBarEditor" ); for ( obj = l->first(); obj; obj = l->next() ) insertObject( obj, item ); delete l; } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) || ::tqqt_cast(o) ) { TQPtrList actions; if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) actions = ( (QDesignerToolBar*)o )->insertedActions(); else ( (PopupMenuEditor*)o )->insertedActions( actions ); TQPtrListIterator it( actions ); it.toLast(); while ( it.current() ) { TQAction *a = it.current(); if ( ::tqqt_cast(a) ) { QDesignerAction *da = (QDesignerAction*)a; if ( da->supportsMenu() ) insertObject( da, item ); else insertObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(da->widget()), item ); } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(a) ) { insertObject( a, item ); } --it; } } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) && !o->childrenListObject().isEmpty() ) { TQObjectList l = o->childrenListObject(); for ( TQObject *obj = l.last(); obj; obj = l.prev() ) { if ( ::tqqt_cast(obj) ) { QDesignerAction *da = (QDesignerAction*)obj; if ( da->supportsMenu() ) insertObject( da, item ); else insertObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(da->widget()), item ); } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(obj) ) { insertObject( obj, item ); } } } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(o) ) { MenuBarEditor *mb = (MenuBarEditor*)o; for ( int i = mb->count() -1; i >= 0; --i ) { MenuBarEditorItem *md = mb->item( i ); if ( !md || !md->menu() ) continue; insertObject( TQT_TQOBJECT(md->menu()), item ); } } } void HierarchyList::setCurrent( TQObject *o ) { TQListViewItemIterator it( this ); while ( it.current() ) { if ( ( (HierarchyItem*)it.current() )->object() == o ) { blockSignals( TRUE ); setCurrentItem( it.current() ); ensureItemVisible( it.current() ); blockSignals( FALSE ); return; } ++it; } } void HierarchyList::showRMBMenu( TQListViewItem *i, const TQPoint & p ) { if ( !i ) return; TQObject *o = findObject( i ); if ( !o ) return; if ( !o->isWidgetType() || ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(formWindow) && !formWindow->widgets()->tqfind( (TQWidget*)o ) ) ) return; TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)o; if ( w->isVisibleTo( formWindow ) ) { if ( !::tqqt_cast(w) && !::tqqt_cast(w) ) { if ( !normalMenu ) normalMenu = formWindow->mainWindow()->setupNormalHierarchyMenu( this ); normalMenu->popup( p ); } else { if ( !tabWidgetMenu ) tabWidgetMenu = formWindow->mainWindow()->setupTabWidgetHierarchyMenu( this, TQT_SLOT( addTabPage() ), TQT_SLOT( removeTabPage() ) ); tabWidgetMenu->popup( p ); } } } void HierarchyList::addTabPage() { TQObject *o = current(); if ( !o || !o->isWidgetType() ) return; TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)o; if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) ) { TQTabWidget *tw = (TQTabWidget*)w; AddTabPageCommand *cmd = new AddTabPageCommand( i18n( "Add Page to %1" ). arg( tw->name() ), formWindow, tw, "Tab" ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) ) { TQWizard *wiz = (TQWizard*)formWindow->mainContainer(); AddWizardPageCommand *cmd = new AddWizardPageCommand( i18n( "Add Page to %1" ). arg( wiz->name() ), formWindow, wiz, "Page" ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } void HierarchyList::removeTabPage() { TQObject *o = current(); if ( !o || !o->isWidgetType() ) return; TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)o; if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) ) { TQTabWidget *tw = (TQTabWidget*)w; if ( tw->currentPage() ) { QDesignerTabWidget *dtw = (QDesignerTabWidget*)tw; DeleteTabPageCommand *cmd = new DeleteTabPageCommand( i18n( "Delete Page %1 of %2" ). tqarg( dtw->pageTitle() ).tqarg( tw->name() ), formWindow, tw, tw->currentPage() ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } else if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) ) { TQWizard *wiz = (TQWizard*)formWindow->mainContainer(); if ( wiz->currentPage() ) { QDesignerWizard *dw = (QDesignerWizard*)wiz; DeleteWizardPageCommand *cmd = new DeleteWizardPageCommand( i18n( "Delete Page %1 of %2" ). tqarg( dw->pageTitle() ).tqarg( wiz->name() ), formWindow, wiz, wiz->indexOf( wiz->currentPage() ), TRUE ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } } // ------------------------------------------------------------ FormDefinitionView::FormDefinitionView( TQWidget *tqparent, FormWindow *fw ) : HierarchyList( tqparent, fw, TRUE ) { header()->hide(); removeColumn( 1 ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed( TQListViewItem *, int, const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( renamed( TQListViewItem * ) ) ); popupOpen = FALSE; } void FormDefinitionView::setup() { if ( popupOpen || !formWindow ) return; if ( !formWindow->project()->isCpp() ) return; TQListViewItem *i = firstChild(); while ( i ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::DefinitionParent ) { TQListViewItem *a = i; i = i->nextSibling(); delete a; continue; } i = i->nextSibling(); } LanguageInterface *lIface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( formWindow->project()->language() ); if ( lIface ) { TQStringList defs = lIface->definitions(); for ( TQStringList::Iterator dit = defs.begin(); dit != defs.end(); ++dit ) { HierarchyItem *itemDef = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::DefinitionParent, this, 0, i18n( *dit ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemDef->setPixmap( 0, DesignerFolderPix ); itemDef->setOpen( TRUE ); TQStringList entries = lIface->definitionEntries( *dit, formWindow->mainWindow()->designerInterface() ); HierarchyItem *item = 0; for ( TQStringList::Iterator eit = entries.begin(); eit != entries.end(); ++eit ) { item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Definition, itemDef, item, *eit, TQString(), TQString() ); item->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); } } lIface->release(); } setupVariables(); refresh(); } void FormDefinitionView::setupVariables() { bool pubOpen, protOpen, privOpen; pubOpen = protOpen = privOpen = TRUE; TQListViewItem *i = firstChild(); while ( i ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarParent ) { TQListViewItem *a = i; i = i->firstChild(); while ( i ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarPublic ) pubOpen = i->isOpen(); else if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarProtected ) protOpen = i->isOpen(); else if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarPrivate ) privOpen = i->isOpen(); i = i->nextSibling(); } delete a; break; } i = i->nextSibling(); } HierarchyItem *itemVar = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::VarParent, this, 0, i18n( "Class Variables" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemVar->setPixmap( 0, DesignerFolderPix ); itemVar->setOpen( TRUE ); itemVarPriv = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::VarPrivate, itemVar, 0, i18n( "private" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemVarProt = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::VarProtected, itemVar, 0, i18n( "protected" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemVarPubl = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::VarPublic, itemVar, 0, i18n( "public" ), TQString(), TQString() ); TQValueList varList = MetaDataBase::variables( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow) ); TQValueList::Iterator it = --( varList.end() ); if ( !varList.isEmpty() && itemVar ) { for (;;) { TQListViewItem *item = 0; if ( (*it).varAccess == "public" ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Variable, itemVarPubl, 0, (*it).varName, TQString(), TQString() ); else if ( (*it).varAccess == "private" ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Variable, itemVarPriv, 0, (*it).varName, TQString(), TQString() ); else // default is protected item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Variable, itemVarProt, 0, (*it).varName, TQString(), TQString() ); item->setPixmap( 0, DesignerEditSlotsPix ); if ( it == varList.begin() ) break; --it; } } itemVar->setOpen( TRUE ); itemVarPriv->setOpen( privOpen ); itemVarProt->setOpen( protOpen ); itemVarPubl->setOpen( pubOpen ); } void FormDefinitionView::refresh() { if ( popupOpen || !formWindow || !formWindow->project()->isCpp() ) return; bool fuPub, fuProt, fuPriv, slPub, slProt, slPriv; fuPub = fuProt = fuPriv = slPub = slProt = slPriv = TRUE; TQListViewItem *i = firstChild(); while ( i ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::SlotParent || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::FunctParent ) { TQListViewItem *a = i; i = i->firstChild(); while ( i ) { switch( i->rtti() ) { case HierarchyItem::FunctPublic: fuPub = i->isOpen(); case HierarchyItem::FunctProtected: fuProt = i->isOpen(); break; case HierarchyItem::FunctPrivate: fuPriv = i->isOpen(); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotPublic: slPub = i->isOpen(); if ( slPub ) break; case HierarchyItem::SlotProtected: slProt = i->isOpen(); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotPrivate: slPriv = i->isOpen(); } i = i->nextSibling(); } i = a->nextSibling(); delete a; continue; } i = i->nextSibling(); } itemFunct = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::FunctParent, this, 0, i18n( "Functions" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemFunct->moveItem( i ); itemFunct->setPixmap( 0, DesignerFolderPix ); itemFunctPriv = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::FunctPrivate, itemFunct, 0, i18n( "private" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemFunctProt = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::FunctProtected, itemFunct, 0, i18n( "protected" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemFunctPubl = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::FunctPublic, itemFunct, 0, i18n( "public" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemSlots = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::SlotParent, this, 0, i18n( "Slots" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemSlots->setPixmap( 0, DesignerFolderPix ); itemPrivate = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::SlotPrivate, itemSlots, 0, i18n( "private" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemProtected = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::SlotProtected, itemSlots, 0, i18n( "protected" ), TQString(), TQString() ); itemPublic = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::SlotPublic, itemSlots, 0, i18n( "public" ), TQString(), TQString() ); TQValueList functionList = MetaDataBase::functionList( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow) ); TQValueList::Iterator it = --( functionList.end() ); if ( !functionList.isEmpty() && itemFunct ) { for (;;) { TQListViewItem *item = 0; if ( (*it).type == "slot" ) { if ( (*it).access == "protected" ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Slot, itemProtected, 0, (*it).function, TQString(), TQString() ); else if ( (*it).access == "private" ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Slot, itemPrivate, 0, (*it).function, TQString(), TQString() ); else // default is public item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Slot, itemPublic, 0, (*it).function, TQString(), TQString() ); } else { if ( (*it).access == "protected" ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Function, itemFunctProt, 0, (*it).function, TQString(), TQString() ); else if ( (*it).access == "private" ) item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Function, itemFunctPriv, 0, (*it).function, TQString(), TQString() ); else // default is public item = new HierarchyItem( HierarchyItem::Function, itemFunctPubl, 0, (*it).function, TQString(), TQString() ); } item->setPixmap( 0, DesignerEditSlotsPix ); if ( it == functionList.begin() ) break; --it; } } itemFunct->setOpen( TRUE ); itemFunctPubl->setOpen( fuPub ); itemFunctProt->setOpen( fuProt ); itemFunctPriv->setOpen( fuPriv ); itemSlots->setOpen( TRUE ); itemPublic->setOpen( slPub ); itemProtected->setOpen( slProt ); itemPrivate->setOpen( slPriv ); } void FormDefinitionView::setCurrent( TQWidget * ) { } void FormDefinitionView::objectClicked( TQListViewItem *i ) { if ( !i ) return; if ( (i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Slot) || (i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Function) ) { formWindow->clearSelection(false); formWindow->mainWindow()->part()->emitEditFunction(formWindow->fileName(), i->text( 0 )); } // formWindow->mainWindow()->editFunction( i->text( 0 ) ); } static HierarchyItem::Type getChildType( int type ) { switch ( (HierarchyItem::Type)type ) { case HierarchyItem::Widget: qWarning( "getChildType: Inserting childs dynamically to Widget or SlotParent is not allowed!" ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotParent: case HierarchyItem::SlotPublic: case HierarchyItem::SlotProtected: case HierarchyItem::SlotPrivate: case HierarchyItem::Slot: return HierarchyItem::Slot; case HierarchyItem::DefinitionParent: case HierarchyItem::Definition: return HierarchyItem::Definition; case HierarchyItem::Event: case HierarchyItem::EventFunction: return HierarchyItem::Event; case HierarchyItem::FunctParent: case HierarchyItem::FunctPublic: case HierarchyItem::FunctProtected: case HierarchyItem::FunctPrivate: case HierarchyItem::Function: return HierarchyItem::Function; case HierarchyItem::VarParent: case HierarchyItem::VarPublic: case HierarchyItem::VarProtected: case HierarchyItem::VarPrivate: case HierarchyItem::Variable: return HierarchyItem::Variable; } return (HierarchyItem::Type)type; } void HierarchyList::insertEntry( TQListViewItem *i, const TQPixmap &pix, const TQString &s ) { TQListViewItem *after = i->firstChild(); while ( after && after->nextSibling() ) after = after->nextSibling(); HierarchyItem *item = new HierarchyItem( getChildType( i->rtti() ), i, after, s, TQString(), TQString() ); if ( !pix.isNull() ) item->setPixmap( 0, pix ); item->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); setCurrentItem( item ); ensureItemVisible( item ); tqApp->processEvents(); newItem = item; item->startRename( 0 ); } void FormDefinitionView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { TQListViewItem *i = itemAt( contentsToViewport( e->pos() ) ); if ( !i ) return; if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::SlotParent || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::FunctParent || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarParent ) return; HierarchyItem::Type t = getChildType( i->rtti() ); if ( (int)t == i->rtti() ) i = i->tqparent(); if ( formWindow->project()->isCpp() ) switch( i->rtti() ) { case HierarchyItem::FunctPublic: execFunctionDialog( "public", "function", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::FunctProtected: execFunctionDialog( "protected", "function", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::FunctPrivate: execFunctionDialog( "private", "function", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotPublic: execFunctionDialog( "public", "slot", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotProtected: execFunctionDialog( "protected", "slot", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotPrivate: execFunctionDialog( "private", "slot", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::VarPublic: case HierarchyItem::VarProtected: case HierarchyItem::VarPrivate: { VariableDialog varDia( formWindow, this ); TQListViewItem *i = selectedItem(); if ( i ) varDia.setCurrentItem( i->text( 0 ) ); varDia.exec(); break; } default: insertEntry( i ); } else insertEntry( i ); } void FormDefinitionView::execFunctionDialog( const TQString &access, const TQString &type, bool addFunc ) { FormFile *formFile = formWindow->formFile(); if ( !formFile || !formFile->isUihFileUpToDate() ) return; // refresh the functions list in the metadatabase SourceEditor *editor = formFile->editor(); if ( editor ) editor->refresh( TRUE ); EditFunctions dlg( this, formWindow ); if ( addFunc ) dlg.functionAdd( access, type ); dlg.exec(); } void FormDefinitionView::showRMBMenu( TQListViewItem *i, const TQPoint &pos ) { if ( !i ) return; const int EDIT = 1; const int NEW = 2; const int DEL = 3; const int PROPS = 4; const int GOIMPL = 5; TQPopupMenu menu; bool insertDelete = FALSE; if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::FunctParent || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::SlotParent || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarParent ) { menu.insertItem( SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()), i18n( "Edit..." ), EDIT ); } else menu.insertItem( SmallIcon( "designer_filenew.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()), i18n( "New..." ), NEW ); if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::DefinitionParent || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Variable || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Definition ) { menu.insertItem( SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()), i18n( "Edit..." ), EDIT ); } if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Function || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Slot ) { if ( formWindow->project()->isCpp() ) menu.insertItem( SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()), i18n( "Properties" ), PROPS ); if ( MetaDataBase::hasEditor( formWindow->project()->language() ) ) menu.insertItem( i18n( "Goto Implementation" ), GOIMPL ); insertDelete = TRUE; } if ( insertDelete || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Variable || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Function || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Slot || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Definition ) { menu.insertSeparator(); menu.insertItem( SmallIcon( "designer_editcut.png" , KDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()), i18n( "Delete" ), DEL ); } popupOpen = TRUE; int res = menu.exec( pos ); popupOpen = FALSE; if ( res == -1 ) return; if ( res == EDIT ) { switch( i->rtti() ) { case HierarchyItem::FunctParent: execFunctionDialog( "public", "function", FALSE ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotParent: execFunctionDialog( "public", "slot", FALSE ); break; case HierarchyItem::VarParent: case HierarchyItem::VarPublic: case HierarchyItem::VarProtected: case HierarchyItem::VarPrivate: case HierarchyItem::Variable: { VariableDialog varDia( formWindow, this ); TQListViewItem *i = selectedItem(); if ( i ) varDia.setCurrentItem( i->text( 0 ) ); if ( varDia.exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) formWindow->commandHistory()->setModified( TRUE ); break; } case HierarchyItem::Definition: case HierarchyItem::DefinitionParent: LanguageInterface *lIface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( formWindow->project()->language() ); if ( !lIface ) return; if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Definition ) i = i->tqparent(); ListEditor dia( this, 0, TRUE ); dia.setCaption( i18n( "Edit %1" ).tqarg( i->text( 0 ) ) ); TQStringList entries = lIface->definitionEntries( i->text( 0 ), MainWindow::self->designerInterface() ); dia.setList( entries ); dia.exec(); Command *cmd = new EditDefinitionsCommand( i18n( "Edit %1" ).tqarg( i->text( 0 )), formWindow, lIface, i->text( 0 ), dia.items() ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } else if ( res == NEW ) { HierarchyItem::Type t = getChildType( i->rtti() ); if ( (int)t == i->rtti() ) i = i->tqparent(); switch( i->rtti() ) { case HierarchyItem::SlotPublic: execFunctionDialog( "public", "slot", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotProtected: execFunctionDialog( "protected", "slot", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::SlotPrivate: execFunctionDialog( "private" , "slot", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::FunctPublic: execFunctionDialog( "public", "function", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::FunctProtected: execFunctionDialog( "protected", "function", TRUE ); break; case HierarchyItem::FunctPrivate: execFunctionDialog( "private" , "function", TRUE ); break; default: insertEntry( i ); } } else if ( res == DEL ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Slot || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Function ) { TQCString funct( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( i->text( 0 ) ).latin1() ); Command *cmd = new RemoveFunctionCommand( i18n( "Remove Function" ), formWindow, funct, TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), TQString(), formWindow->project()->language() ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); formWindow->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->updateFormDefinitionView(); } else if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Variable ) { Command *cmd = new RemoveVariableCommand( i18n( "Remove Variable" ), formWindow, i->text( 0 ) ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } else { TQListViewItem *p = i->tqparent(); delete i; save( p, 0 ); } } else if ( res == PROPS ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Slot || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Function ) { EditFunctions dlg( this, formWindow ); dlg.setCurrentFunction( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( i->text( 0 ) ) ); dlg.exec(); } } else if ( res == GOIMPL ) { if ( i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Slot || i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Function ) { formWindow->clearSelection(false); formWindow->mainWindow()->part()->emitEditFunction(formWindow->fileName(), i->text( 0 )); // formWindow->mainWindow()->editFunction( i->text( 0 ) ); } } } void FormDefinitionView::renamed( TQListViewItem *i ) { if ( newItem == i ) newItem = 0; if ( !i->tqparent() ) return; save( i->tqparent(), i ); } void FormDefinitionView::save( TQListViewItem *p, TQListViewItem *i ) { if ( i && i->text( 0 ).isEmpty() ) { delete i; return; } if ( i && i->rtti() == HierarchyItem::Variable ) { i->setRenameEnabled( 0, FALSE ); TQString varName = i->text( 0 ); varName = varName.simplifyWhiteSpace(); if ( varName[(int)varName.length() - 1] != ';' ) varName += ";"; if ( MetaDataBase::hasVariable( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow), varName ) ) { TQMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Edit Variables" ), i18n( "This variable has already been declared." ) ); } else { if ( p->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarPublic ) addVariable( varName, "public" ); else if ( p->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarProtected ) addVariable( varName, "protected" ); else if ( p->rtti() == HierarchyItem::VarPrivate ) addVariable( varName, "private" ); } } else { LanguageInterface *lIface = MetaDataBase::languageInterface( formWindow->project()->language() ); if ( !lIface ) return; TQStringList lst; i = p->firstChild(); while ( i ) { lst << i->text( 0 ); i = i->nextSibling(); } Command *cmd = new EditDefinitionsCommand( i18n( "Edit %1" ).tqarg( p->text( 0 ) ), formWindow, lIface, p->text( 0 ), lst ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } void FormDefinitionView::addVariable( const TQString &varName, const TQString &access ) { Command *cmd = new AddVariableCommand( i18n( "Add Variable" ), formWindow, varName, access ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------ HierarchyView::HierarchyView( TQWidget *tqparent ) : TQTabWidget( tqparent, 0, WStyle_Customize | WStyle_NormalBorder | WStyle_Title | WStyle_Tool |WStyle_MinMax | WStyle_SysMenu ) { formwindow = 0; editor = 0; listview = new HierarchyList( this, formWindow() ); fView = new FormDefinitionView( this, formWindow() ); if ( !MainWindow::self->singleProjectMode() ) { addTab( listview, i18n( "Objects" ) ); setTabToolTip( listview, i18n( "List of all widgets and objects of the current form in hierarchical order" ) ); addTab( fView, i18n( "Members" ) ); setTabToolTip( fView, i18n( "List of all members of the current form" ) ); } else { listview->hide(); fView->hide(); } if ( !classBrowserInterfaceManager ) { classBrowserInterfaceManager = new TQPluginManager( IID_ClassBrowser, TQApplication::libraryPaths(), MainWindow::self->pluginDirectory() ); } classBrowsers = new TQMap(); TQStringList langs = MetaDataBase::languages(); for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = langs.begin(); it != langs.end(); ++it ) { TQInterfacePtr ciface = 0; classBrowserInterfaceManager->queryInterface( *it, &ciface ); if ( ciface ) { ClassBrowser cb( ciface->createClassBrowser( this ), ciface ); addTab( cb.lv, i18n( "Class Declarations" ) ); setTabToolTip( cb.lv, i18n( "List of all classes and its declarations of the current source file" ) ); ciface->onClick( TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( jumpTo( const TQString &, const TQString &, int ) ) ); classBrowsers->insert( *it, cb ); setTabEnabled( cb.lv, FALSE ); } } } HierarchyView::~HierarchyView() { } void HierarchyView::clear() { listview->clear(); fView->clear(); for ( TQMap::Iterator it = classBrowsers->begin(); it != classBrowsers->end(); ++it ) { (*it).iface->clear(); } } void HierarchyView::setFormWindow( FormWindow *fw, TQObject *o ) { bool fake = fw && qstrcmp( fw->name(), "qt_fakewindow" ) == 0; if ( fw == 0 || o == 0 ) { listview->clear(); fView->clear(); listview->setFormWindow( fw ); fView->setFormWindow( fw ); formwindow = 0; editor = 0; } setTabEnabled( listview, TRUE ); setTabEnabled( fView, fw && fw->project()->isCpp() ); if ( fw == formwindow ) { if ( fw ) { if ( !fake ) listview->setCurrent( TQT_TQOBJECT(o) ); else listview->clear(); if ( MainWindow::self->qWorkspace()->activeWindow() == fw ) showPage( listview ); else if ( fw->project()->isCpp() ) showPage( fView ); else showClasses( fw->formFile()->editor() ); } } formwindow = fw; if ( !fake ) { listview->setFormWindow( fw ); } else { listview->setFormWindow( 0 ); listview->clear(); } fView->setFormWindow( fw ); if ( !fake ) { listview->setup(); listview->setCurrent( TQT_TQOBJECT(o) ); } fView->setup(); for ( TQMap::Iterator it = classBrowsers->begin(); it != classBrowsers->end(); ++it ) { (*it).iface->clear(); setTabEnabled( (*it).lv, fw && !fw->project()->isCpp() ); } if ( MainWindow::self->qWorkspace()->activeWindow() == fw ) showPage( listview ); else if ( fw && fw->project()->isCpp() ) showPage( fView ); else if ( fw ) showClasses( fw->formFile()->editor() ); editor = 0; } void HierarchyView::showClasses( SourceEditor *se ) { if ( !se->object() ) return; lastSourceEditor = se; TQTimer::singleShot( 100, this, TQT_SLOT( showClassesTimeout() ) ); } void HierarchyView::showClassesTimeout() { if ( !lastSourceEditor ) return; SourceEditor *se = (SourceEditor*)lastSourceEditor; if ( !se->object() ) return; if ( se->formWindow() && se->formWindow()->project()->isCpp() ) { setFormWindow( se->formWindow(), TQT_TQOBJECT(se->formWindow()->currentWidget()) ); MainWindow::self->propertyeditor()->setWidget( TQT_TQOBJECT(se->formWindow()->currentWidget()), se->formWindow() ); return; } setTabEnabled( listview, !!se->formWindow() && !se->formWindow()->isFake() ); setTabEnabled( fView, FALSE ); formwindow = 0; listview->setFormWindow( 0 ); fView->setFormWindow( 0 ); listview->clear(); fView->clear(); if ( !se->formWindow() ) MainWindow::self->propertyeditor()->setWidget( 0, 0 ); editor = se; for ( TQMap::Iterator it = classBrowsers->begin(); it != classBrowsers->end(); ++it ) { if ( it.key() == se->project()->language() ) { (*it).iface->update( se->text() ); setTabEnabled( (*it).lv, TRUE ); showPage( (*it).lv ); } else { setTabEnabled( (*it).lv, FALSE ); (*it).iface->clear(); } } } void HierarchyView::updateClassBrowsers() { if ( !editor ) return; for ( TQMap::Iterator it = classBrowsers->begin(); it != classBrowsers->end(); ++it ) { if ( it.key() == editor->project()->language() ) (*it).iface->update( editor->text() ); else (*it).iface->clear(); } } FormWindow *HierarchyView::formWindow() const { return formwindow; } void HierarchyView::closeEvent( TQCloseEvent *e ) { emit hidden(); e->accept(); } void HierarchyView::widgetInserted( TQWidget * ) { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::widgetRemoved( TQWidget * ) { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::widgetsInserted( const TQWidgetList & ) { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::widgetsRemoved( const TQWidgetList & ) { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::namePropertyChanged( TQWidget *w, const TQVariant & ) { TQWidget *w2 = w; if ( ::tqqt_cast(w) ) w2 = ( (TQMainWindow*)w )->centralWidget(); listview->changeNameOf( TQT_TQOBJECT(w2), w->name() ); } void HierarchyView::databasePropertyChanged( TQWidget *w, const TQStringList& info ) { #ifndef TQT_NO_SQL TQString i = info.join( "." ); listview->changeDatabaseOf( TQT_TQOBJECT(w), i ); #endif } void HierarchyView::tabsChanged( TQTabWidget * ) { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::pagesChanged( TQWizard * ) { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::rebuild() { listview->setup(); } void HierarchyView::closed( FormWindow *fw ) { if ( fw == formwindow ) { listview->clear(); fView->clear(); } } void HierarchyView::updateFormDefinitionView() { fView->setup(); } void HierarchyView::jumpTo( const TQString &func, const TQString &clss, int type ) { if ( !editor ) return; if ( type == ClassBrowserInterface::Class ) editor->setClass( func ); else editor->setFunction( func, clss ); } HierarchyView::ClassBrowser::ClassBrowser( TQListView *l, ClassBrowserInterface *i ) : lv( l ), iface( i ) { } HierarchyView::ClassBrowser::~ClassBrowser() { }