/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of Qt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #ifndef METADATABASE_H #define METADATABASE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pixmapchooser.h" #include "../interfaces/languageinterface.h" class QObject; class QPixmap; struct LanguageInterface; class MetaDataBase { public: struct Connection { QObject *sender, *receiver; QCString signal, slot; bool operator==( const Connection &c ) const { return sender == c.sender && receiver == c.receiver && signal == c.signal && slot == c.slot ; } }; struct Function { QString returnType; QCString function; QString specifier; QString access; QString type; QString language; bool operator==( const Function &f ) const { return ( returnType == f.returnType && function == f.function && specifier == f.specifier && access == f.access && type == f.type && language == f.language ); } }; struct Property { QCString property; QString type; bool operator==( const Property &p ) const { return property == p.property && type == p.type; } }; struct CustomWidget { CustomWidget(); CustomWidget( const CustomWidget &w ); ~CustomWidget() { delete pixmap; } // inlined to work around bug bool operator==( const CustomWidget &w ) const; CustomWidget &operator=( const CustomWidget &w ); bool hasSignal( const QCString &signal ) const; bool hasSlot( const QCString &slot ) const; bool hasProperty( const QCString &prop ) const; enum IncludePolicy { Global, Local }; QString className; QString includeFile; IncludePolicy includePolicy; QSize sizeHint; QSizePolicy sizePolicy; QPixmap *pixmap; QValueList lstSignals; QValueList lstSlots; QValueList lstProperties; int id; bool isContainer; }; struct Include { Include() : header(), location(), implDecl( "in implementation" ) {} QString header; QString location; bool operator==( const Include &i ) const { return header == i.header && location == i.location; } QString implDecl; }; struct Variable { QString varName; QString varAccess; bool operator==( const Variable &v ) const { return varName == v.varName && varAccess == v.varAccess; } }; struct MetaInfo { MetaInfo() : classNameChanged( FALSE ) { } QString className; bool classNameChanged; QString comment; QString author; }; MetaDataBase(); static void clearDataBase(); static void addEntry( QObject *o ); static void removeEntry( QObject *o ); static void setPropertyChanged( QObject *o, const QString &property, bool changed ); static bool isPropertyChanged( QObject *o, const QString &property ); static void setPropertyComment( QObject *o, const QString &property, const QString &comment ); static QString propertyComment( QObject *o, const QString &property ); static QStringList changedProperties( QObject *o ); static void setFakeProperty( QObject *o, const QString &property, const QVariant& value ); static QVariant fakeProperty( QObject * o, const QString &property ); static QMap* fakeProperties( QObject* o ); static void setSpacing( QObject *o, int spacing ); static int spacing( QObject *o ); static void setMargin( QObject *o, int margin ); static int margin( QObject *o ); static void setResizeMode( QObject *o, const QString &mode ); static QString resizeMode( QObject *o ); static void addConnection( QObject *o, QObject *sender, const QCString &signal, QObject *receiver, const QCString &slot, bool addCode = TRUE ); static void removeConnection( QObject *o, QObject *sender, const QCString &signal, QObject *receiver, const QCString &slot ); static bool hasConnection( QObject *o, QObject *sender, const QCString &signal, QObject *receiver, const QCString &slot ); static void setupConnections( QObject *o, const QValueList &conns ); static QValueList connections( QObject *o ); static QValueList connections( QObject *o, QObject *sender, QObject *receiver ); static QValueList connections( QObject *o, QObject *object ); static void doConnections( QObject *o ); static void addFunction( QObject *o, const QCString &function, const QString &specifier, const QString &access, const QString &type, const QString &language, const QString &returnType ); static void removeFunction( QObject *o, const QCString &function, const QString &specifier, const QString &access, const QString &type, const QString &language, const QString &returnType ); static void removeFunction( QObject *o, const QString &function ); static QValueList functionList( QObject *o, bool onlyFunctions = FALSE ); static QValueList slotList( QObject *o ); static bool isSlotUsed( QObject *o, const QCString &slot ); static bool hasFunction( QObject *o, const QCString &function, bool onlyCustom = FALSE ); static bool hasSlot( QObject *o, const QCString &slot, bool onlyCustom = FALSE ); static void changeFunction( QObject *o, const QString &function, const QString &newName, const QString &returnType ); static void changeFunctionAttributes( QObject *o, const QString &oldName, const QString &newName, const QString &specifier, const QString &access, const QString &type, const QString &language, const QString &returnType ); static QString languageOfFunction( QObject *o, const QCString &function ); static void setFunctionList( QObject *o, const QValueList &functionList ); static bool addCustomWidget( CustomWidget *w ); static void removeCustomWidget( CustomWidget *w ); static QPtrList *customWidgets(); static CustomWidget *customWidget( int id ); static bool isWidgetNameUsed( CustomWidget *w ); static bool hasCustomWidget( const QString &className ); static void setTabOrder( QWidget *w, const QWidgetList &order ); static QWidgetList tabOrder( QWidget *w ); static void setIncludes( QObject *o, const QValueList &incs ); static QValueList includes( QObject *o ); static void setForwards( QObject *o, const QStringList &fwds ); static QStringList forwards( QObject *o ); static void setVariables( QObject *o, const QValueList &vars ); static void addVariable( QObject *o, const QString &name, const QString &access ); static void removeVariable( QObject *o, const QString &name ); static QValueList variables( QObject *o ); static bool hasVariable( QObject *o, const QString &name ); static QString extractVariableName( const QString &name ); static void setSignalList( QObject *o, const QStringList &sigs ); static QStringList signalList( QObject *o ); static void setMetaInfo( QObject *o, MetaInfo mi ); static MetaInfo metaInfo( QObject *o ); static void setCursor( QWidget *w, const QCursor &c ); static QCursor cursor( QWidget *w ); static void setPixmapArgument( QObject *o, int pixmap, const QString &arg ); static QString pixmapArgument( QObject *o, int pixmap ); static void clearPixmapArguments( QObject *o ); static void setPixmapKey( QObject *o, int pixmap, const QString &arg ); static QString pixmapKey( QObject *o, int pixmap ); static void clearPixmapKeys( QObject *o ); static void setColumnFields( QObject *o, const QMap &columnFields ); static QMap columnFields( QObject *o ); static void setEditor( const QStringList &langs ); static bool hasEditor( const QString &lang ); static void setupInterfaceManagers( const QString &plugDir ); static QStringList languages(); static LanguageInterface *languageInterface( const QString &lang ); static QString normalizeFunction( const QString &f ); static void clear( QObject *o ); static void setBreakPoints( QObject *o, const QValueList &l ); static void setBreakPointCondition( QObject *o, int line, const QString &condition ); static QValueList breakPoints( QObject *o ); static QString breakPointCondition( QObject *o, int line ); static void setExportMacro( QObject *o, const QString ¯o ); static QString exportMacro( QObject *o ); static bool hasObject( QObject *o ); }; #endif