/** \class CppSupportPart Provides C/C++ language support for KDevelop. Well the first thing you should read is lib/catalog it contains the source of the persistant class store after that languages/cpp/tag_creator.* it is the component that stores the informations collected by the c++ parser into the PCS then you can play with TDevPCSImporter the code of the dialog is in languages/cpp/createpcsdialog* and languages/cpp/pcsimporter/* and of course lib/interfaces/kdevpcsimporter.* and if you want play with the c++ parser go to lib/cppparser/, the best is to start to read driver.* \authors Roberto Raggi \maintainer Roberto Raggi \feature supports C/C++ language \feature can do code completion \feature has presistent class store \feature code highlight \feature Consult \ref LangSupportStatus for a up to date features/status of this programming language support part. \bug bugs in cppsupport component at Bugzilla database \faq How can I have documentation on functions when using codecompletion ? -# Create the xml-output with Doxygen of the files you want to add to the classstore -# Create the new PCS-database with r++. Now you have to use the -d command line switch of r++ to have it include the documentation. It is used like -d/path/of/doxygen/xml/output (notice that there is _no_ whitespace between -d and the path!). You can use it multiple times to have r++ search for the informations in different directories. r++ -d has to be used (like every other commandline switch) before you write the directories you want r++ to create the PCSdatabase from. -# Activate your newly created Database in the Project->Project Options...->C++ Specific->Code Completion... . \faq How does this work ? I have no clue. Ask roberto! :) \faq How does r++ work ? I have no clue. Ask roberto! :) */