/* * Copyright (C) 2003 Roberto Raggi (roberto@kdevelop.org) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "addattributedialog.h" #include "cppsupportpart.h" #include "backgroundparser.h" #include "cppsupport_utils.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include AddAttributeDialog::AddAttributeDialog( CppSupportPart* cppSupport, ClassDom klass, QWidget* parent, const char* name, bool modal, WFlags fl ) : AddAttributeDialogBase( parent, name, modal, fl ), m_cppSupport( cppSupport ), m_klass( klass ), m_count( 0 ) { access->insertStringList( QStringList() << "Public" << "Protected" << "Private" ); storage->insertStringList( QStringList() << "Normal" << "Static" ); returnType->setAutoCompletion( true ); returnType->insertStringList( QStringList() << "void" << "char" << "wchar_t" << "bool" << "short" << "int" << "long" << "signed" << "unsigned" << "float" << "double" ); returnType->insertStringList( typeNameList( m_cppSupport->codeModel() ) ); updateGUI(); addAttribute(); } AddAttributeDialog::~AddAttributeDialog() {} void AddAttributeDialog::reject() { QDialog::reject(); } void AddAttributeDialog::accept() { m_cppSupport->partController()->editDocument( KURL( m_klass->fileName() ) ); KTextEditor::EditInterface* editIface = dynamic_cast( m_cppSupport->partController() ->activePart() ); if ( !editIface ) { /// @todo show messagebox QDialog::accept(); return ; } int line, column; m_klass->getEndPosition( &line, &column ); // compute the insertion point map QMap > points; QStringList accessList; const VariableList variableList = m_klass->variableList(); for ( VariableList::ConstIterator it = variableList.begin(); it != variableList.end(); ++it ) { int varEndLine, varEndColumn; ( *it ) ->getEndPosition( &varEndLine, &varEndColumn ); QString access = accessID( *it ); QPair varEndPoint = qMakePair( varEndLine, varEndColumn ); if ( !points.contains( access ) || points[ access ] < varEndPoint ) { accessList.remove( access ); accessList.push_back( access ); // move 'access' at the end of the list points[ access ] = varEndPoint; } } int insertedLine = 0; accessList += newAccessList( accessList ); for ( QStringList::iterator it = accessList.begin(); it != accessList.end(); ++it ) { QListViewItem* item = attributes->firstChild(); while ( item ) { QListViewItem * currentItem = item; item = item->nextSibling(); if ( currentItem->text( 0 ) != *it ) continue; QString access = ( *it ).lower(); QString str = variableDeclaration( currentItem ); QPair pt; if ( points.contains( *it ) ) { pt = points[ *it ]; } else { str.prepend( access + ":\n" ); points[ *it ] = qMakePair( line - 1, 0 ); pt = points[ *it ]; // end of class declaration } editIface->insertText( pt.first + insertedLine + 1, 0 /*pt.second*/, str ); insertedLine += str.contains( QChar( '\n' ) ); } } m_cppSupport->backgroundParser() ->addFile( m_klass->fileName() ); QDialog::accept(); } QString AddAttributeDialog::variableDeclaration( QListViewItem* item ) const { QString str; QTextStream stream( &str, IO_WriteOnly ); QString ind; ind.fill( QChar( ' ' ), 4 ); stream << ind; if ( item->text( 1 ) == "Static" ) stream << "static "; stream << item->text( 2 ) << " " << item->text( 3 ); stream << ";\n"; return str; } void AddAttributeDialog::updateGUI() { bool enable = attributes->selectedItem() != 0; returnType->setEnabled( enable ); declarator->setEnabled( enable ); access->setEnabled( enable ); storage->setEnabled( enable ); deleteAttributeButton->setEnabled( enable ); if ( enable ) { QListViewItem * item = attributes->selectedItem(); item->setText( 0, access->currentText() ); item->setText( 1, storage->currentText() ); item->setText( 2, returnType->currentText() ); item->setText( 3, declarator->text() ); } } void AddAttributeDialog::addAttribute() { QListViewItem * item = new QListViewItem( attributes, "Protected", "Normal", "int", QString( "attribute_%1" ).arg( ++m_count ) ); attributes->setCurrentItem( item ); attributes->setSelected( item, true ); returnType->setFocus(); } void AddAttributeDialog::deleteCurrentAttribute() { delete( attributes->currentItem() ); } void AddAttributeDialog::currentChanged( QListViewItem* item ) { if ( item ) { QString _access = item->text( 0 ); QString _storage = item->text( 1 ); QString _returnType = item->text( 2 ); QString _declarator = item->text( 3 ); access->setCurrentText( _access ); storage->setCurrentText( _storage ); returnType->setCurrentText( _returnType ); declarator->setText( _declarator ); } updateGUI(); } QStringList AddAttributeDialog::newAccessList( const QStringList& accessList ) const { QStringList newAccessList; QListViewItem* item = attributes->firstChild(); while ( item ) { QListViewItem * currentItem = item; item = item->nextSibling(); QString access = currentItem->text( 0 ); if ( !( accessList.contains( access ) || newAccessList.contains( access ) ) ) newAccessList.push_back( access ); } return newAccessList; } QString AddAttributeDialog::accessID( VariableDom var ) const { switch ( var->access() ) { case CodeModelItem::Public: return QString::fromLatin1( "Public" ); case CodeModelItem::Protected: return QString::fromLatin1( "Protected" ); case CodeModelItem::Private: return QString::fromLatin1( "Private" ); } return QString::null; } #include "addattributedialog.moc" //kate: indent-mode csands; tab-width 4; space-indent off;