#ifndef INC_JavaStoreWalker_hpp_
#define INC_JavaStoreWalker_hpp_

#line 3 "java.store.g"

	#include <codemodel.h>
	#include "JavaAST.hpp"

	#include <tqstring.h>
	#include <tqstringlist.h>
	#include <tqvaluestack.h>
        #include <tqfileinfo.h>

#line 15 "JavaStoreWalker.hpp"
#include <antlr/config.hpp>
#include "JavaStoreWalkerTokenTypes.hpp"
/* $ANTLR 2.7.7 (20061129): "java.store.g" -> "JavaStoreWalker.hpp"$ */
#include <antlr/TreeParser.hpp>

#line 13 "java.store.g"

	#include <codemodel.h>

	#include <kdebug.h>

#line 27 "JavaStoreWalker.hpp"
/** Java 1.2 AST Recognizer Grammar
 * Author:
 *	Terence Parr	parrt@magelang.com
 * Version tracking now done with following ID:
 * $Id$
 * This grammar is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN
class CUSTOM_API JavaStoreWalker : public ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)TreeParser, public JavaStoreWalkerTokenTypes
#line 43 "java.store.g"

	TQStringList m_currentScope;
	CodeModel* m_model;
	FileDom m_file;
	TQValueStack<ClassDom> m_currentClass;
	int m_currentAccess;
	int m_anon;
        ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)JavaASTFactory ast_factory;

	void setCodeModel( CodeModel* model )
		m_model = model;

	void setFile( FileDom file )
		m_file = file;

	void init()
		m_currentAccess = CodeModelItem::Public;
		m_anon = 0;

        	initializeASTFactory (ast_factory);
        	setASTFactory (&ast_factory);
#line 44 "JavaStoreWalker.hpp"
	static void initializeASTFactory( ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)ASTFactory& factory );
	int getNumTokens() const
		return JavaStoreWalker::NUM_TOKENS;
	const char* getTokenName( int type ) const
		if( type > getNumTokens() ) return 0;
		return JavaStoreWalker::tokenNames[type];
	const char* const* getTokenNames() const
		return JavaStoreWalker::tokenNames;
	public: void compilationUnit(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQString  packageDefinition(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQString  importDefinition(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void typeDefinition(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQString  identifier(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQString  identifierStar(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQStringList  modifiers(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQStringList  extendsClause(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQStringList  implementsClause(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void objBlock(RefJavaAST _t,
		 ClassDom klass 
	public: void interfaceBlock(RefJavaAST _t,
		 ClassDom klass 
	public:  TQString  typeSpec(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQString  typeSpecArray(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  TQString  type(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void builtInType(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void modifier(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  FunctionDom  methodDecl(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  VariableDom  variableDef(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  FunctionDom  ctorDef(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  FunctionDom  methodDef(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void slist(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void methodHead(RefJavaAST _t,
		 FunctionDom meth 
	public: void variableDeclarator(RefJavaAST _t,
		 VariableDom attr 
	public: void varInitializer(RefJavaAST _t);
	public:  ArgumentDom  parameterDef(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void objectinitializer(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void initializer(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void expression(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void arrayInitializer(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void throwsClause(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void stat(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void elist(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void caseGroup(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void tryBlock(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void handler(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void expr(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void primaryExpression(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void arrayIndex(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void newExpression(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void constant(RefJavaAST _t);
	public: void newArrayDeclarator(RefJavaAST _t);
		return ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RefAST(returnAST);
	RefJavaAST returnAST;
	RefJavaAST _retTree;
	static const char* tokenNames[];
	static const int NUM_TOKENS = 153;
	enum {
		NUM_TOKENS = 153
	static const unsigned long _tokenSet_0_data_[];
	static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_0;
	static const unsigned long _tokenSet_1_data_[];
	static const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)BitSet _tokenSet_1;

#endif /*INC_JavaStoreWalker_hpp_*/