// // // Pascal Grammar // // Adapted from, // Pascal User Manual And Report (Second Edition-1978) // Kathleen Jensen - Niklaus Wirth // // By // // Hakki Dogusan dogusanh@tr-net.net.tr // // Then significantly enhanced by Piet Schoutteten // with some guidance by Terence Parr. Piet added tree // construction, and some tree walkers. // // // Turbo Pascal, Free Pascal and Delphi pascal extensions // by Alexander Dymo <cloudtemple@mksat.net> // // // Adapted from, // Free Pascal: Reference Guide 1.9 April 2002 // // // KDevelop 3.0 support by Alexander Dymo <cloudtemple@mksat.net> // header "pre_include_hpp" { #include "problemreporter.h" #include "PascalAST.hpp" #include <qlistview.h> #include <kdebug.h> #define SET_POSITION(ast,t)\ { \ RefPascalAST(ast)->setLine( t->getLine() );\ RefPascalAST(ast)->setColumn( t->getColumn() ); \ } } options { language="Cpp"; } class PascalParser extends Parser; options { k = 2; // two token lookahead exportVocab=Pascal; // Call its vocabulary "Pascal" codeGenMakeSwitchThreshold = 2; // Some optimizations codeGenBitsetTestThreshold = 3; defaultErrorHandler = true; // Generate parser error handlers buildAST = true; ASTLabelType = "RefPascalAST"; } /* Define imaginary tokens used to organize tree * * One of the principles here is that any time you have a list of * stuff, you usually want to treat it like one thing (a list) a some * point in the grammar. You want trees to have a fixed number of tqchildren * as much as possible. For example, the definition of a procedure should * be something like #(PROCEDURE ID #(ARGDECLS ARG1 ARG2...)) not * #(PROCEDURE ID ARG1 ARG2 ... ) since this is harder to parse and * harder to manipulate. Same is true for statement lists (BLOCK) etc... */ tokens { BLOCK; // list of statements IDLIST; // list of identifiers; e.g., #(PROGRAM #(IDLIST ID ID...)) ELIST; // expression list for proc args etc... FUNC_CALL; PROC_CALL; SCALARTYPE; // IDLIST that is really a scalar type like (Mon,Tue,Wed) TYPELIST; // list of types such as for array declarations VARIANT_TAG;// for CASEs in a RECORD VARIANT_TAG_NO_ID;// for CASEs in a RECORD (no id, just a type) VARIANT_CASE;// a case of the variant CONSTLIST; // List of constants FIELDLIST; // list of fields in a record ARGDECLS; // overall group of declarations of args for proc/func. VARDECL; // declaration of a variable ARGDECL; // declaration of a parameter ARGLIST; // list of actual arguments (expressions) TYPEDECL; // declaration of a type FIELD; // the root a RECORD field } // Define some methods and variables to use in the generated parser. { private: unsigned int m_numberOfErrors; ProblemReporter* m_problemReporter; public: void resetErrors() { m_numberOfErrors = 0; } unsigned int numberOfErrors() const { return m_numberOfErrors; } void setProblemReporter( ProblemReporter* r ) { m_problemReporter = r; } void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RecognitionException& ex ){ m_problemReporter->reportError( ex.getMessage().c_str(), ex.getFilename().c_str(), ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn() ); ++m_numberOfErrors; } void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& errorMessage ){ m_problemReporter->reportError( errorMessage.c_str(), getFilename().c_str(), LT(1)->getLine(), LT(1)->getColumn() ); ++m_numberOfErrors; } void reportMessage( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& message ){ m_problemReporter->reportMessage( message.c_str(), getFilename().c_str(), LT(1)->getLine(), LT(1)->getColumn() ); } } compilationUnit : program | library | unit ; program : programHeading (usesClause)? block DOT! ; library : LIBRARY^ identifier SEMI! (usesClause)? libraryBlock exportsClause END! DOT! ; libraryBlock : declarationPart (statementPart)? ; exportsClause : EXPORTS^ exportsList ; exportsList : exportsEntry ( COMMA! exportsEntry )* (SEMI!)? ; exportsEntry : identifier ("index" integerConstant)? ("name" stringConstant)? ; usesClause : USES^ identifierList SEMI! ; unit : UNIT^ identifier SEMI! interfacePart implementationPart ( (initializationPart (finalizationPart)?) | realizationPart )? END! ; interfacePart : INTERFACE^ (usesClause)? ( constantDeclarationPart | typeDeclarationPart | procedureHeadersPart )* ; implementationPart : IMPLEMENTATION^ (usesClause)? declarationPart ; realizationPart : BEGIN^ statement ( SEMI! statement )* ; programHeading : PROGRAM^ identifier (LPAREN! identifierList RPAREN!)? SEMI! ; initializationPart : INITIALIZATION^ statement ( SEMI! statement )* ; finalizationPart : FINALIZATION^ statement ( SEMI! statement )* ; block : declarationPart statementPart ; declarationPart : (labelDeclarationPart | constantDeclarationPart | resourcestringDeclarationPart | typeDeclarationPart | variableDeclarationPart | procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart )* ; labelDeclarationPart : LABEL^ label ( COMMA! label )* SEMI! ; constantDeclarationPart : CONST^ ( constantDeclaration | typedConstantDeclaration )+ ; resourcestringDeclarationPart : RESOURCESTRING^ ( stringConstantDeclaration )* ; stringConstantDeclaration : identifier EQUAL! string ; typeDeclarationPart : TYPE^ ( typeDeclaration )+ ; variableDeclarationPart : VAR^ variableDeclaration ( SEMI! variableDeclaration )* SEMI! ; variableDeclaration : identifierList c:COLON^ {#c->setType(VARDECL);} type ; procedureAndFunctionDeclarationPart : procedureAndFunctionDeclaration ; procedureAndFunctionDeclaration : procedureDeclaration | functionDeclaration | constructorDeclaration | destructorDeclaration ; statementPart : compoundStatement ; procedureDeclaration : procedureHeader subroutineBlock SEMI! ; procedureHeadersPart : procedureHeader | functionHeader // ) SEMI! ( callModifiers SEMI! ) ; procedureHeader : PROCEDURE^ ( identifier | qualifiedMethodIdentifier ) (formalParameterList)? SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* ; qualifiedMethodIdentifier : identifier COLON! COLON! identifier ; subroutineBlock : block | externalDirective // | asmBlock | FORWARD! ; functionDeclaration : functionHeader subroutineBlock SEMI! ; functionHeader : (FUNCTION^ identifier COLON! type SEMI!)=> FUNCTION^ identifier COLON! type SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* | (FUNCTION^ identifier COLON! COLON! identifier COLON! type SEMI!)=> FUNCTION^ qualifiedMethodIdentifier COLON! type SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* | (FUNCTION^ identifier COLON! COLON! identifier LPAREN!)=> FUNCTION^ qualifiedMethodIdentifier formalParameterList COLON! type SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* | FUNCTION^ identifier formalParameterList COLON! type SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* ; functionHeaderEnding : (COLON! type SEMI!)=> COLON! type SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* | formalParameterList COLON! type SEMI! (modifiers SEMI!)* ; formalParameterList : LPAREN! parameterDeclaration ( SEMI! parameterDeclaration )* RPAREN! ; parameterDeclaration : valueParameter | variableParameter | constantParameter ; valueParameter : (identifierList COLON! ARRAY! OF!)=> identifierList COLON! ARRAY! OF! type | identifierList COLON! type ; variableParameter : VAR identifierList ( untypedParameterPart )? ; untypedParameterPart : (COLON! ARRAY! OF! type)=> COLON! ARRAY! OF! type | COLON! type ; constantParameter : CONST identifierList ( untypedParameterPart )? ; externalDirective : EXTERNAL^ ( stringConstant ( ("name" stringConstant) | ("index" integerConstant) )? )? ; /*asmBlock : ASSEMBLER^ SEMI! declarationPart asmStatement ; */ modifiers : PUBLIC! | (ALIAS! stringConstant) | INTERRUPT! | callModifiers | EXPORT! ; callModifiers : REGISTER! | PASCAL! | CDECL! | STDCALL! | POPSTACK! | SAVEREGISTERS! | INLINE! | SAFECALL! | NEAR! | FAR! ; constantDeclaration // : ( identifier EQUAL! expression SEMI! ) ( identifier EQUAL! expression SEMI! )* : identifier EQUAL! expression SEMI! ; typedConstantDeclaration // : ( identifier COLON! type EQUAL! typedConstant SEMI! )+ : identifier COLON! type EQUAL! typedConstant SEMI! ; //FIXME: is there a better way to handle this instead of simply forcing the rules typedConstant : (constant)=> constant // | addressConstant | (LPAREN! identifier COLON!)=> recordConstant | (arrayConstant)=> arrayConstant | proceduralConstant ; arrayConstant : LPAREN! ( constant | arrayConstant ) ( COMMA! ( constant | arrayConstant ) )* RPAREN! ; recordConstant : LPAREN! ( identifier COLON! constant ) ( SEMI! ( identifier COLON! constant ) )* RPAREN! ; addressConstant : NUM_INT ; proceduralConstant : expression ; typeDeclaration : identifier EQUAL! type SEMI! ; type // : simpleType | subrangeType | enumeratedType | stringType | structuredType | pointerType | proceduralType | typeIdentifier : simpleType | subrangeTypeOrTypeIdentifier | enumeratedType | stringType | structuredType | pointerType | proceduralType ; simpleType : ordinalType | realType ; ordinalType : INTEGER! | SHORTINT! | SMALLINT! | LONGINT! | INT64! | BYTE! | WORD! | CARDINAL! | QWORD! | BOOLEAN! | BYTEBOOL! | LONGBOOL! | CHAR! ; subrangeTypeOrTypeIdentifier : constant (DOTDOT! constant)? ; typeIdentifier : identifier ; subrangeType : constant DOTDOT! constant ; enumeratedType : (LPAREN! identifier ASSIGN!)=> LPAREN! assignedEnumList RPAREN! | LPAREN! identifierList RPAREN! ; assignedEnumList : (identifier ASSIGN! expression) ( COMMA! (identifier ASSIGN! expression) )* ; realType : REAL! | SINGLE! | DOUBLE! | EXTENDED! | COMP! ; stringType : STRING^ ( LBRACK! unsignedInteger RBRACK! )? ; structuredType : (PACKED!)? ( arrayType | recordType | objectType | classType | setType | fileType ) ; arrayType : ARRAY^ LBRACK! arrayIndexType ( COMMA! arrayIndexType )* RBRACK! OF! type ; arrayIndexType : ordinalType | (expression DOTDOT!)=> arraySubrangeType | enumeratedType ; arraySubrangeType : expression DOTDOT! expression ; recordType : RECORD^ (fieldList)* END! ; fieldList : fixedField | variantPart ; fixedField : identifierList COLON! type SEMI! ; variantPart : CASE^ (identifier COLON!)? identifier OF! variant ( SEMI! variant )* ; variant : (constant COMMA!)+ COLON! LPAREN! (fieldList)* RPAREN! ; setType : SET^ OF! ordinalType ; fileType : FILE^ OF! type ; pointerType : POINTER^ typeIdentifier ; proceduralType : (proceduralTypePart1 SEMI!)=> proceduralTypePart1 SEMI! callModifiers | proceduralTypePart1 ; proceduralTypePart1 : ( functionHeader | procedureHeader ) (OF! OBJECT!)? ; objectType : OBJECT^ (heritage)? (componentList | objectVisibilitySpecifier ) END! ; heritage : LPAREN! identifier RPAREN! ; componentList : ( (fieldDefinition)+ )? ( (methodDefinition)+ )? ; fieldDefinition : identifierList COLON! type SEMI! ; methodDefinition : ( functionHeader | procedureHeader | constructorHeader | destructorHeader ) SEMI! methodDirectives ; methodDirectives : ( VIRTUAL! SEMI! (ABSTRACT! SEMI!)? )? (callModifiers SEMI!)? ; objectVisibilitySpecifier : PRIVATE! | PROTECTED! | PUBLIC! ; constructorDeclaration : constructorHeader SEMI! subroutineBlock ; destructorDeclaration : destructorHeader SEMI! subroutineBlock ; constructorHeader : CONSTRUCTOR^ ( identifier | qualifiedMethodIdentifier ) formalParameterList ; destructorHeader : DESTRUCTOR^ ( identifier | qualifiedMethodIdentifier ) formalParameterList ; classType : CLASS^ (heritage)? (classComponentList | classVisibilitySpecifier ) END! ; classComponentList : ( (fieldDefinition)+ )? ( ( (classMethodDefinition | propertyDefinition) )+ )? ; classMethodDefinition : ( ( (CLASS!)? (functionHeader | procedureHeader) ) | constructorHeader | destructorHeader ) SEMI! classMethodDirectives ; classMethodDirectives : ( directiveVariants SEMI! )? (callModifiers SEMI!)? ; directiveVariants : ( VIRTUAL! (ABSTRACT! SEMI!)? ) | OVERRIDE! | (MESSAGE! (integerConstant | stringConstant)) ; classVisibilitySpecifier : PRIVATE! | PROTECTED! | PUBLIC! | PUBLISHED! ; propertyDefinition : PROPERTY^ identifier (propertyInterface)? propertySpecifiers ; propertyInterface : (propertyParameterList)? COLON! typeIdentifier ("index" integerConstant)? ; propertyParameterList : LBRACK! parameterDeclaration (SEMI! parameterDeclaration)* RBRACK! ; propertySpecifiers : (readSpecifier)? (writeSpecifier)? (defaultSpecifier)? ; readSpecifier : "read" fieldOrMethod ; writeSpecifier : "write" fieldOrMethod ; defaultSpecifier : ( DEFAULT (constant)? ) | "nodefault" ; fieldOrMethod : identifier ; expression : simpleExpression ( expressionSign simpleExpression )? ; expressionSign // : STAR! | LE! | GE! | LTH! | GT! | NOT_EQUAL! | IN! | IS! : LE! | GE! | LTH! | GT! | NOT_EQUAL! | IN! | IS! | EQUAL! ; simpleExpression : term ( ( PLUS! | MINUS! | OR! | XOR! ) term )* ; term : factor ( (STAR! | SLASH! | DIV! | MOD! | AND! | SHL! | SHR!) factor )* ; //TODO: distinguish between identifiers, typecasts and function calls -> semantic predicate factor : ( LPAREN! expression RPAREN! ) // | (qualifiedMethodIdentifier2 LBRACK!)=> qualifiedMethodIdentifier2 LBRACK! arrayIndexType ( COMMA! arrayIndexType )* RBRACK! | identifierOrValueTypecastOrFunctionCall // | identifier // | functionCall | unsignedConstant | ( NOT! factor ) | ( (PLUS! | MINUS!) factor ) | setConstructor // | valueTypecast | addressFactor | TRUE | FALSE | identifier LBRACK! expression ( COMMA! expression )* RBRACK! ; //FIXME: is this correct? identifierOrValueTypecastOrFunctionCall : (identifier LPAREN! expression COMMA!)=> identifier LPAREN! expressions RPAREN! | (identifier LPAREN! expression RPAREN!)=> identifier LPAREN! expression RPAREN! // | (qualifiedMethodIdentifier2 LPAREN! expression COMMA!)=> qualifiedMethodIdentifier2 LPAREN! expressions RPAREN! // | (identifier DOT)=> qualifiedMethodIdentifier2 | identifier ; /*qualifiedMethodIdentifier2 : identifier DOT identifier ; */ //( functionIdentifier | methodDesignator | qualifiedMethodDesignator | variableReference ) functionCall : identifier (actualParameterList)? ; actualParameterList : LPAREN! ( expressions )? RPAREN! ; expressions : expression ( COMMA! expression )* ; setConstructor : LBRACK! ( setGroup ( COMMA! setGroup )* )? RBRACK! ; setGroup : expression ( DOT! DOT! expression )? ; valueTypecast : typeIdentifier LPAREN! expression RPAREN! ; //( variableReference | procedureIdentifier | functionIdentifier | qualifiedMethodIdentifier ) addressFactor : AT! identifier ; statement // : (label COLON!)? (simpleStatement | structuredStatement | asmStatement) : (label COLON!)? (simpleStatement | structuredStatement) ; simpleStatement : assignmentStatement | procedureStatement | gotoStatement | raiseStatement ; assignmentStatement : identifierOrArrayIdentifier assignmentOperator expression ; identifierOrArrayIdentifier : identifier // | (qualifiedMethodIdentifier LBRACK!)=> qualifiedMethodIdentifier LBRACK! arrayIndexType ( COMMA! arrayIndexType )* RBRACK! // | qualifiedMethodIdentifier | identifier LBRACK! expression ( COMMA! expression )* RBRACK! ; assignmentOperator : ASSIGN! | PLUSEQ | MINUSEQ | STAREQ | SLASHQE ; procedureStatement : identifier (actualParameterList)? ; gotoStatement : GOTO! label ; structuredStatement : compoundStatement | repetitiveStatement | conditionalStatement | exceptionStatement | withStatement ; conditionalStatement : ifStatement | caseStatement ; repetitiveStatement : forStatement | repeatStatement | whileStatement ; compoundStatement : BEGIN! END! | BEGIN! (SEMI!)+ END! | BEGIN! statement (SEMI! (statement)?)* END! ; ifStatement : IF^ expression THEN! statement ( // CONFLICT: the old "dangling-else" problem... // ANTLR generates proper code matching // as soon as possible. Hush warning. options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : ELSE! statement )? ; caseStatement : CASE^ expression OF! caseListElement ( SEMI! caseListElement )* ( SEMI! ELSE! statement ( SEMI! statement )* )? END! ; caseListElement : constList COLON^ statement ; constList : constant ( COMMA! constant )* {#constList = #([CONSTLIST],#constList);} ; whileStatement : WHILE^ expression DO! statement ; repeatStatement : REPEAT^ statement ( SEMI! (statement)? )* UNTIL! expression ; forStatement : FOR^ identifier ASSIGN! forList DO! statement ; forList : initialValue (TO^ | DOWNTO^) finalValue ; initialValue : expression ; finalValue : expression ; withStatement : WITH^ recordVariableList DO! statement ; recordVariableList : variable ( COMMA! variable )* ; /** A variable is an id with a suffix and can look like: * id * id[expr,...] * id.id * id.id[expr,...] * id^ * id^.id * id^.id[expr,...] * ... * * LL has a really hard time with this construct as it's naturally * left-recursive. We have to turn into a simple loop rather than * recursive loop, hence, the suffixes. I keep in the same rule * for easy tree construction. */ variable : ( AT^ identifier // AT is root of identifier; then other op becomes root | identifier ) ( LBRACK^ expression ( COMMA! expression)* RBRACK! | LBRACK2^ expression ( COMMA! expression)* RBRACK2! | DOT^ identifier | POINTER^ )* ; /*asmStatement : ASM^ assemblerCode END! (registerList)? ; registerList : LBRACK! stringConstant ( COMMA! stringConstant )* ; assemblerCode : (.)* ; */ operatorDefinition : OPERATOR^ ( assignmentOperatorDefinition | arithmeticOperatorDefinition | comparisonOperatorDefinition ) identifier COLON! type SEMI! subroutineBlock ; assignmentOperatorDefinition : ASSIGN! LPAREN! valueParameter RPAREN! ; arithmeticOperatorDefinition : ( PLUS! | MINUS! | STAR! | SLASH! | (STAR! STAR!) ) LPAREN! formalParameterList RPAREN! ; comparisonOperatorDefinition : ( EQUAL! | LE! | GE! | GT! | LTH! ) LPAREN! formalParameterList RPAREN! ; raiseStatement : RAISE^ ( functionCall (AT! addressConstant)? )? ; exceptionStatement : tryStatement ; tryStatement : TRY^ (statements)? exceptOrFinallyPart END! ; exceptOrFinallyPart : EXCEPT! (exceptionHandlers)? | FINALLY! (statements)? ; statements : statement ( SEMI! statement )* ; exceptionHandlers : statements | exceptionHandler ( SEMI! exceptionHandler )* ( ELSE! statements )? ; exceptionHandler : ON! (identifier COLON!)? identifier DO! statement ; identifierList : identifier ( COMMA! identifier )* {#identifierList = #(#[IDLIST],#identifierList);} ; label : unsignedInteger ; unsignedInteger : NUM_INT ; integerConstant : unsignedInteger |! s:sign n:unsignedInteger { #integerConstant=#(s,n); } ; stringConstant : string | constantChr ; sign : PLUS | MINUS ; string : STRING_LITERAL ; constantChr : CHR^ LPAREN! unsignedInteger RPAREN! ; constant : unsignedNumber |! s:sign n:unsignedNumber { #constant=#(s,n); } | identifier |! s2:sign id:identifier { #constant=#(s2,id); } | string | constantChr ; unsignedConstant : unsignedNumber | constantChr | string | NIL! ; unsignedNumber : unsignedInteger | unsignedReal ; unsignedReal : NUM_REAL ; identifier : IDENT ; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The Pascal scanner //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PascalLexer extends Lexer; options { charVocabulary = '\0'..'\377'; exportVocab = Pascal; // call the vocabulary "Pascal" testLiterals = false; // don't automatically test for literals k = 4; // four characters of lookahead caseSensitive = false; caseSensitiveLiterals = false; defaultErrorHandler=false; } tokens { ABSOLUTE = "absolute" ; ABSTRACT = "abstract" ; ALIAS = "alias" ; AND = "and" ; ARRAY = "array" ; AS = "as" ; ASM = "asm" ; ASSEMBLER = "assembler" ; BEGIN = "begin" ; BREAK = "break" ; BOOLEAN = "boolean" ; BYTE = "byte" ; CARDINAL = "cardinal" ; CASE = "case" ; CDECL = "cdecl" ; CHAR = "char" ; CHR = "chr" ; CLASS = "class" ; COMP = "comp" ; CONST = "const" ; CONSTRUCTOR = "constructor" ; CONTINUE = "continue" ; DEFAULT = "default" ; DESTRUCTOR = "destructor" ; DISPOSE = "dispose" ; DIV = "div" ; DO = "do" ; DOUBLE = "double" ; DOWNTO = "downto" ; ELSE = "else" ; END = "end" ; EXCEPT = "except" ; EXPORT = "export" ; EXPORTS = "exports" ; EXTENDED = "extended" ; EXTERNAL = "external" ; EXIT = "exit" ; FALSE = "false" ; FILE = "file" ; FINALLY = "finally" ; FAR = "far" ; FOR = "for" ; FORWARD = "forward" ; FUNCTION = "function" ; GOTO = "goto" ; IF = "if" ; IN = "in" ; // INDEX = "index" ; IS = "is" ; INHERITED = "inherited" ; INLINE = "inline" ; INT64 = "int64" ; INTEGER = "integer" ; LABEL = "label" ; LIBRARY = "library" ; LONGINT = "longint" ; MOD = "mod" ; // NAME = "name" ; NEAR = "near" ; NEW = "new" ; NIL = "nil" ; NOT = "not" ; OBJECT = "object" ; OF = "of" ; ON = "on" ; OPERATOR = "operator" ; OR = "or" ; OVERRIDE = "override" ; PACKED = "packed" ; PASCAL = "pascal" ; POPSTACK = "popstack" ; PRIVATE = "private" ; PROCEDURE = "procedure" ; PROTECTED = "protected" ; PROGRAM = "program" ; PROPERTY = "property" ; PUBLIC = "public" ; PUBLISHED = "published" ; QWORD = "qword" ; RAISE = "raise" ; REAL = "real" ; RECORD = "record" ; REGISTER = "register" ; REPEAT = "repeat" ; SAFECALL = "safecall" ; SAVEREGISTERS = "saveregisters" ; SELF = "self" ; SET = "set" ; SHORTINT = "shortint" ; SHR = "shr" ; SHL = "shl" ; SINGLE = "single" ; SMALLINT = "smallint" ; STDCALL = "stdcall" ; THEN = "then" ; TO = "to" ; TRUE = "true" ; TRY = "try" ; TYPE = "type" ; UNTIL = "until" ; VAR = "var" ; VIRTUAL = "virtual" ; WHILE = "while" ; WITH = "with" ; WORD = "word" ; XOR = "xor" ; METHOD ; ADDSUBOR ; ASSIGNEQUAL ; SIGN ; FUNC ; NODE_NOT_EMIT ; MYASTVAR ; LF ; UNIT = "unit" ; INTERFACE = "interface" ; USES = "uses" ; STRING = "string" ; IMPLEMENTATION = "implementation" ; FINALIZATION = "finalization" ; INITIALIZATION = "initialization" ; RESOURCESTRING = "resourcestring" ; //pspsps ??? } { private: ProblemReporter* m_problemReporter; unsigned int m_numberOfErrors; public: void resetErrors() { m_numberOfErrors = 0; } unsigned int numberOfErrors() const { return m_numberOfErrors; } void setProblemReporter( ProblemReporter* r ) { m_problemReporter = r; } virtual void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)RecognitionException& ex ){ m_problemReporter->reportError( ex.getMessage().c_str(), ex.getFilename().c_str(), ex.getLine(), ex.getColumn() ); ++m_numberOfErrors; } virtual void reportError( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& errorMessage ){ m_problemReporter->reportError( errorMessage.c_str(), getFilename().c_str(), getLine(), getColumn() ); ++m_numberOfErrors; } virtual void reportWarning( const ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(std)string& warnMessage ){ m_problemReporter->reportWarning( warnMessage.c_str(), getFilename().c_str(), getLine(), getColumn() ); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // OPERATORS //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLUS : '+' ; MINUS : '-' ; STAR : '*' ; SLASH : '/' ; ASSIGN : ":=" ; COMMA : ',' ; SEMI : ';' ; COLON : ':' ; EQUAL : '=' ; NOT_EQUAL : "<>" ; LTH : '<' ; LE : "<=" ; GE : ">=" ; GT : '>' ; LPAREN : '(' ; RPAREN : ')' ; LBRACK : '[' ; // line_tab[line] LBRACK2 : "(." ; // line_tab(.line.) RBRACK : ']' ; RBRACK2 : ".)" ; POINTER : '^' ; AT : '@' ; DOT : '.' ('.' {$setType(DOTDOT);})? ; LCURLY : "{" ; RCURLY : "}" ; PLUSEQ : "+=" ; MINUSEQ : "-=" ; STAREQ : "*=" ; SLASHQE : "/=" ; // Whitespace -- ignored WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\f' // handle newlines | ( "\r\n" // Evil DOS | '\r' // Macintosh | '\n' // Unix (the right way) ) { newline(); } ) { _ttype = ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)Token::SKIP; } ; COMMENT_1 : "(*" ( options { generateAmbigWarnings=false; } : { LA(2) != ')' }? '*' | '\r' '\n' {newline();} | '\r' {newline();} | '\n' {newline();} | ~('*' | '\n' | '\r') )* "*)" {$setType(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)Token::SKIP);} ; COMMENT_2 : '{' ( options {generateAmbigWarnings=false;} : '\r' '\n' {newline();} | '\r' {newline();} | '\n' {newline();} | ~('}' | '\n' | '\r') )* '}' {$setType(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)Token::SKIP);} ; COMMENT_3 : "//" (~'\n')* '\n' {$setType(ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE(antlr)Token::SKIP);} ; // an identifier. Note that testLiterals is set to true! This means // that after we match the rule, we look in the literals table to see // if it's a literal or really an identifer IDENT options {testLiterals=true;} : ('a'..'z') ('a'..'z'|'0'..'9'|'_')* //pspsps ; // string literals STRING_LITERAL : '\'' ("\'\'" | ~('\''))* '\'' //pspsps * in stead of + because of e.g. '' ; /** a numeric literal. Form is (from Wirth) * digits * digits . digits * digits . digits exponent * digits exponent */ NUM_INT : ('0'..'9')+ // everything starts with a digit sequence ( ( {(LA(2)!='.')&&(LA(2)!=')')}? // force k=2; avoid ".." //PSPSPS example ARRAY (.1..99.) OF char; // after .. thinks it's a NUM_REAL '.' {$setType(NUM_REAL);} // dot means we are float ('0'..'9')+ (EXPONENT)? )? | EXPONENT {$setType(NUM_REAL);} // 'E' means we are float ) ; // a couple protected methods to assist in matching floating point numbers protected EXPONENT : ('e') ('+'|'-')? ('0'..'9')+ ;