AC_INIT AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(testprog,[0.1]) AC_PROG_MAKE_SET # python interpreter check AC_PATH_PROG([PYTHON],[python]) if test -z "${PYTHON}" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([you need Python to use this program]) fi # PyQT check AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether PyQT can be used by Python]) pyqt_present=no cat > </dev/null 2>&1 && pyqt_present=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$pyqt_present]) # pyuic check AC_PATH_PROG([PYUIC],[pyuic]) if test -z "${PYUIC}" ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find pyuic (part of the PyQT package)]) fi AC_SUBST([PYUIC]) AC_SUBST([PYTHON]) AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT