=begin This class serves as the main window for %{APPNAME}. It handles the menus, toolbars, and status bars. @short Main window class @author %{AUTHOR} <%{EMAIL}> @version %{VERSION} =end class %{APPNAMESC} < KDE::MainWindow slots 'fileNew()', 'optionsPreferences()', 'newToolbarConfig()', 'changeStatusbar(const QString&)', 'changeCaption(const QString&)' def initialize() super( nil, "%{APPNAMESC}" ) Settings.instance.readConfig @view = %{APPNAMESC}View.new(self) @printer = nil # accept dnd setAcceptDrops(true) # tell the KDE::MainWindow that this is indeed the main widget setCentralWidget(@view) # then, setup our actions setupActions() # and a status bar statusBar().show() # Apply the create the main window and ask the mainwindow to # automatically save settings if changed: window size, toolbar # position, icon size, etc. Also to add actions for the statusbar # toolbar, and keybindings if necessary. setupGUI(); # allow the view to change the statusbar and caption connect(@view, SIGNAL('signalChangeStatusbar(const QString&)'), self, SLOT('changeStatusbar(const QString&)')) connect(@view, SIGNAL('signalChangeCaption(const QString&)'), self, SLOT('changeCaption(const QString&)')) end def setupActions() KDE::StdAction.openNew(self, SLOT('fileNew()'), actionCollection()) KDE::StdAction.quit($kapp, SLOT('quit()'), actionCollection()) KDE::StdAction.preferences(self, SLOT('optionsPreferences()'), actionCollection()) # this doesn't do anything useful. it's just here to illustrate # how to insert a custom menu and menu item custom = KDE::Action.new(i18n("Swi&tch Colors"), KDE::Shortcut.new(), @view, SLOT('switchColors()'), actionCollection(), "switch_action") end def fileNew() # This slot is called whenever the File.New menu is selected, # the New shortcut is pressed (usually CTRL+N) or the New toolbar # button is clicked # create a new window %{APPNAMESC}.new.show() end def optionsPreferences() # The preference dialog is derived from prefs-base.ui which is subclassed into Prefs # # compare the names of the widgets in the .ui file # to the names of the variables in the .kcfg file dialog = KDE::ConfigDialog.new(self, "settings", Settings.instance, KDE::DialogBase::Swallow) dialog.addPage(Prefs.new(), i18n("General"), "package_settings") connect(dialog, SIGNAL('settingsChanged()'), @view, SLOT('settingsChanged()')) dialog.show() end def changeStatusbar(text) # display the text on the statusbar statusBar().message(text) end def changeCaption(text) # display the text on the caption setCaption(text) end end