=begin This is the main view class for %{APPNAME}. Most of the non-menu, non-toolbar, and non-statusbar (e.g., non frame) GUI code should go here. This %{APPNAMELC} uses an HTML component as an example. @short Main view @author %{AUTHOR} <%{EMAIL}> @version %{VERSION} =end class %{APPNAMESC}View < %{APPNAMESC}view_base # # Use this signal to change the content of the statusbar # Q_SIGNALS 'signalChangeStatusbar(const QString&)' # # Use this signal to change the content of the caption # Q_SIGNALS 'signalChangeCaption(const QString&)' Q_SLOTS 'switchColors()', 'settingsChanged()' def initialize(tqparent) super(tqparent) settingsChanged() end def switchColors() color = Settings.instance.col_background Settings.instance.setCol_background( Settings.instance.col_foreground ) Settings.instance.setCol_foreground( color ) settingsChanged() end def settingsChanged() sillyLabel.setPaletteBackgroundColor( Settings.instance.col_background ) sillyLabel.setPaletteForegroundColor( Settings.instance.col_foreground ) # i18n : internationallization sillyLabel.setText( i18n("This project is %d days old" % Settings.instance.val_time) ) emit signalChangeStatusbar( i18n("Settings changed") ) end def slotSetTitle(title) emit signalChangeCaption(title) end end