SqlConfigWidget SqlConfigWidget 0 0 578 367 unnamed Plugin Database Name Host Port Username Password dbTable 0 6 SingleRow textLabel1 <i>Warning:</i> password will be saved with weak encryption. layout5 unnamed spacer4 Horizontal Expanding 81 20 removeBtn &Remove testBtn &Test dbTable valueChanged(int,int) SqlConfigWidget valueChanged(int,int) removeBtn clicked() SqlConfigWidget removeDb() testBtn clicked() SqlConfigWidget testDb() dbTable currentChanged(int,int) SqlConfigWidget updateButtons() sqlconfigwidget.ui.h class QDomDocument; QDomDocument* doc; bool changed; newConfigSaved() init() valueChanged( int, int ) removeDb() updateButtons() testDb() accept() setProjectDom( QDomDocument * doc ) loadConfig() kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h