/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright (C) 2003 Roberto Raggi This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef TAG_H #define TAG_H #include #include #include class QDataStream; union TagFlags { unsigned long flags; struct { unsigned long access: 3; unsigned long isVirtual: 1; } data; } ; class Tag { public: enum Kind { Kind_Unknown, Kind_Typedef = 1000, Kind_Namespace, Kind_UsingDirective, Kind_Base_class, Kind_Enum, Kind_Enumerator, Kind_Class, Kind_Struct, Kind_Union, Kind_VariableDeclaration, Kind_Variable, Kind_FunctionDeclaration, Kind_Function, Kind_NamespaceAlias, Kind_TranslationUnit, // ... Kind_Custom = 2000 }; public: Tag(); Tag( const Tag& source ); ~Tag(); operator bool() const { return kind() != Kind_Unknown && kind() != 0; } Tag& operator = ( const Tag& source ); QCString id() const { return data->id; } void setId( const QCString& id ) { detach(); data->id = id; } int kind() const { return data->kind; } void setKind( int kind ) { detach(); data->kind = kind; } unsigned long flags() const { return data->flags; } void setFlags( unsigned long flags ) { detach(); data->flags = flags; } QString fileName() const { return data->fileName; } void setFileName( const QString& fileName ) { detach(); data->fileName = fileName; } QString path( const QString& sep = QString::fromLatin1("::") ) const { QString s = scope().join( sep ); if( s.isNull() ) return name(); return s + sep + name(); } QString name() const { return data->name; } QString comment() const { if( hasAttribute( "cmt" ) ) { return attribute( "cmt" ).asString(); } else { return ""; } } void setComment( const QString& comment ) { setAttribute( "cmt", comment ); } void setName( const QString& name ) { detach(); data->name = name; } QStringList scope() const { return data->scope; } void setScope( const QStringList& scope ) { detach(); data->scope = scope; } void getStartPosition( int* line, int* column ) const { if( line ) *line = data->startLine; if( column ) *column = data->startColumn; } void setStartPosition( int line, int column ) { detach(); data->startLine = line; data->startColumn = column; } void getEndPosition( int* line, int* column ) const { if( line ) *line = data->endLine; if( column ) *column = data->endColumn; } void setEndPosition( int line, int column ) { detach(); data->endLine = line; data->endColumn = column; } QString getSpecializationDeclaration() const { if( hasAttribute( "spc" ) ) return data->attributes["spc"].asString(); else return QString::null; } bool hasSpecializationDeclaration() const { return data->attributes.contains( "spc" ); } void setSpecializationDeclaration( const QString& str ) { data->attributes["spc"] = str; } bool hasAttribute( const QCString& name ) const { if( name == "kind" || name == "name" || name == "scope" || name == "fileName" || name == "startLine" || name == "startColumn" || name == "endLine" || name == "endColumn" ) return true; return data->attributes.contains( name ); } QVariant attribute( const QCString& name ) const { if( name == "id" ) return data->id; else if( name == "kind" ) return data->kind; else if( name == "name" ) return data->name; else if( name == "scope" ) return data->scope; else if( name == "fileName" ) return data->fileName; else if( name == "startLine" ) return data->startLine; else if( name == "startColumn" ) return data->startColumn; else if( name == "endLine" ) return data->endLine; else if( name == "endColumn" ) return data->endColumn; else if( name == "prefix" ) return data->name.left( 2 ); return data->attributes[ name ]; } void setAttribute( const QCString& name, const QVariant& value ) { detach(); if( name == "id" ) data->id = value.toCString(); else if( name == "kind" ) data->kind = value.toInt(); else if( name == "name" ) data->name = value.toString(); else if( name == "scope" ) data->scope = value.toStringList(); else if( name == "fileName" ) data->fileName = value.toString(); else if( name == "startLine" ) data->startLine = value.toInt(); else if( name == "startColumn" ) data->startColumn = value.toInt(); else if( name == "endLine" ) data->endLine = value.toInt(); else if( name == "endColumn" ) data->endColumn = value.toInt(); else data->attributes[ name ] = value; } void addTemplateParam( const QString& param , const QString& def = "" ) { QMap::iterator it = data->attributes.find( "tpl" ); if( it != data->attributes.end() && (*it).type() == QVariant::StringList ) { }else{ it = data->attributes.insert( "tpl", QVariant( QStringList() ) ); } QStringList& l( (*it).asStringList() ); l << param; l << def; } void load( QDataStream& stream ); void store( QDataStream& stream ) const; private: Tag copy(); void detach(); private: struct TagData: public QShared { QCString id; int kind; unsigned long flags; QString name; QStringList scope; QString fileName; int startLine, startColumn; int endLine, endColumn; QMap attributes; } *data; }; QDataStream& operator << ( QDataStream&, const Tag& ); QDataStream& operator >> ( QDataStream&, Tag& ); #endif