/* This file is part of KDevelop Copyright (C) 2002,2003 Roberto Raggi Copyright (C) 2006 David Nolden This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #define CACHELEXER #include "driver.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // void Macro::read( TQDataStream& stream ) { // stream >> m_idHashValid; // stream >> m_valueHashValid; // stream >> m_idHash; // stream >> m_valueHash; // stream >> m_name; // stream >> m_body; // stream >> m_fileName; // stream >> m_hasArguments; // stream >> m_argumentList; // } // // void Macro::write( TQDataStream& stream ) const { // stream << m_idHashValid; // stream << m_valueHashValid; // stream << m_idHash; // stream << m_valueHash; // stream << m_name; // stream << m_body; // stream << m_fileName; // stream << m_hasArguments; // stream << m_argumentList; // } class IntIncreaser { public: IntIncreaser( int& i ) : m_i( i ) { ++m_i; } ~IntIncreaser() { --m_i; } private: int& m_i; }; class DefaultSourceProvider: public SourceProvider { public: DefaultSourceProvider() {} virtual TQString contents( const TQString& fileName ) { TQString source; TQFile f( fileName ); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) { TQTextStream s( &f ); source = s.read(); f.close(); } return source; } virtual bool isModified( const TQString& fileName ) { Q_UNUSED( fileName ); return true; } private: DefaultSourceProvider( const DefaultSourceProvider& source ); void operator = ( const DefaultSourceProvider& source ); }; Driver::Driver() : depresolv( FALSE ), lexer( 0 ), m_lexerCache( this ), m_dependenceDepth( 0 ), m_maxDependenceDepth( 20 ) { m_sourceProvider = new DefaultSourceProvider(); } Driver::~Driver() { reset(); delete m_sourceProvider; } void Driver::setMaxDependenceDepth( int depth ) { m_maxDependenceDepth = depth; } SourceProvider* Driver::sourceProvider() { return m_sourceProvider; } void Driver::setSourceProvider( SourceProvider* sourceProvider ) { delete m_sourceProvider; m_sourceProvider = sourceProvider; } void Driver::reset( ) { m_lexerCache.clear(); m_dependences.clear(); m_macros.clear(); m_problems.clear(); m_includePaths.clear(); while ( m_parsedUnits.size() ) { //TranslationUnitAST* unit = **m_parsedUnits.begin(); m_parsedUnits.remove( m_parsedUnits.begin() ); //delete( unit ); } } TQStringList Driver::getCustomIncludePath( const TQString& ) { return includePaths(); } void Driver::remove ( const TQString & fileName ) { m_dependences.remove( fileName ); m_problems.remove( fileName ); if( !isResolveDependencesEnabled() ) removeAllMacrosInFile( fileName ); TQMap::Iterator it = m_parsedUnits.find( fileName ); if ( it != m_parsedUnits.end() ) { //TranslationUnitAST * unit = **it; m_parsedUnits.remove( it ); //delete( unit ); } } void Driver::removeAllMacrosInFile( const TQString& fileName ) { MacroMap::iterator it = m_macros.begin(); while ( it != m_macros.end() ) { Macro m = ( *it ).second; if ( m.fileName() == fileName ) { m_macros.erase( it++ ); } else { ++it; } } } void Driver::usingString( const HashedString& str ) { #ifdef CACHELEXER if( m_currentLexerCache ) { m_currentLexerCache->addString( m_lexerCache.unifyString( str ) ); } #endif } bool Driver::hasMacro( const HashedString& name ) { std::pair< MacroMap::const_iterator, MacroMap::const_iterator > range = m_macros.equal_range( name ); if ( range.first == range.second ) { return false; } else { const Macro& m( ( *( --range.second ) ).second ); if ( m.isUndef() ) return false; else return true; } return false; } TQString deepCopy( const TQString& str ) { return str; //return str.ascii(); } const Macro& Driver::macro( const HashedString& name ) const { std::pair< MacroMap::const_iterator, MacroMap::const_iterator > range = m_macros.equal_range( name ); if ( range.first == range.second ) { return ( *const_cast( m_macros ).insert( std::make_pair( deepCopy( name.str() ), Macro() ) ) ).second; ///Since we need to return a reference, there's no other way. } else { return ( *( --range.second ) ).second; } } Macro& Driver::macro( const HashedString& name ) { std::pair< MacroMap::iterator, MacroMap::iterator > range = m_macros.equal_range( name ); if ( range.first == range.second ) { return ( *m_macros.insert( std::make_pair( deepCopy( name.str() ), Macro() ) ) ).second; } else { return ( *( --range.second ) ).second; } } void Driver::addMacro( const Macro & macro ) { std::pair< MacroMap::iterator, MacroMap::iterator > range = m_macros.equal_range( macro.name() ); if ( range.first == range.second ) { m_macros.insert( std::make_pair( deepCopy( macro.name() ), macro ) ); } else { ///Insert behind the other macros m_macros.insert( range.second, std::make_pair( deepCopy( macro.name() ), macro ) ); Macro cp = this->macro( macro.name() ); assert( macro == cp ); } #ifdef CACHELEXER if( m_currentLexerCache ) m_currentLexerCache->addDefinedMacro( macro ); #endif } void Driver::removeMacro( const HashedString& macroName ) { std::pair< MacroMap::iterator, MacroMap::iterator > range = m_macros.equal_range( macroName ); if ( range.first != range.second ) { m_macros.erase( --range.second ); } } ParsedFilePointer Driver::takeTranslationUnit( const TQString& fileName ) { TQMap::Iterator it = m_parsedUnits.find( fileName ); ParsedFilePointer unit( *it ); //m_parsedUnits.remove( it ); m_parsedUnits[ fileName ] = 0; return unit; } void Driver::takeTranslationUnit( const ParsedFile& file ) { TQMap::Iterator it = m_parsedUnits.find( file.fileName() ); m_parsedUnits[ file.fileName() ] = 0; } ParsedFilePointer Driver::translationUnit( const TQString& fileName ) const { TQMap::ConstIterator it = m_parsedUnits.find( fileName ); return it != m_parsedUnits.end() ? *it : 0; } class Driver::ParseHelper { public: ParseHelper( const TQString& fileName, bool force, Driver* driver, bool reportMessages = true, TQString includedFrom = TQString() ) : m_wasReset( false ), m_fileName( fileName ), m_previousFileName( driver->m_currentFileName ), m_previousLexer( driver->lexer ), m_previousParsedFile( driver->m_currentParsedFile ), m_previousCachedLexedFile( driver->m_currentLexerCache ), m_force( force ), m_driver( driver ), m_lex( m_driver ) { TQFileInfo fileInfo( fileName ); m_driver->m_currentParsedFile = new ParsedFile( fileName, fileInfo.lastModified() ); if( !includedFrom.isEmpty() ) m_driver->m_currentParsedFile->setIncludedFrom( includedFrom ); #ifdef CACHELEXER m_driver->m_currentLexerCache = new CachedLexedFile( fileName, &m_driver->m_lexerCache ); #endif m_absFilePath = fileInfo.absFilePath(); TQMap::Iterator it = m_driver->m_parsedUnits.find( m_absFilePath ); if ( force && it != m_driver->m_parsedUnits.end() ) { m_driver->takeTranslationUnit( m_absFilePath ); } else if ( it != m_driver->m_parsedUnits.end() && *it != 0 ) { // file already processed return ; } CachedLexedFilePointer lexedFileP = m_driver->m_lexerCache.lexedFile( HashedString( fileName ) ); m_driver->m_dependences.remove( fileName ); m_driver->m_problems.remove( fileName ); driver->m_currentFileName = fileName; m_driver->lexer = &m_lex; m_driver->setupLexer( &m_lex ); m_lex.setReportMessages( reportMessages ); //kdDebug( 9007 ) << "lexing file " << fileName << endl; m_lex.setSource( m_driver->sourceProvider() ->contents( fileName ) ); if(m_previousCachedLexedFile) m_previousCachedLexedFile->merge( *m_driver->m_currentLexerCache ); else m_driver->findOrInsertProblemList( m_driver->m_currentMasterFileName ) += m_driver->m_currentLexerCache->problems(); if( !lexedFileP && m_previousParsedFile ) //only add the new cache-instance if a fitting isn't already stored, and if this file was included by another one. m_driver->m_lexerCache.addLexedFile( m_driver->m_currentLexerCache ); //Copy the recursive include-files into the ParsedFile m_driver->m_currentParsedFile->addIncludeFiles( m_driver->m_currentLexerCache->includeFiles() ); m_driver->m_currentParsedFile->setSkippedLines( m_lex.skippedLines() ); } void parse() { TQString oldMasterFileName = m_driver->m_currentMasterFileName; //Change the master-file so problems will be reported correctly m_driver->m_currentMasterFileName = m_absFilePath; CachedLexedFilePointer lf = m_driver->m_currentLexerCache; //Set the lexer-cache to zero, so the problems registered through addProblem go directly into the file m_driver->m_currentLexerCache = 0; Parser parser( m_driver, m_driver->lexer ); m_driver->setupParser( &parser ); TranslationUnitAST::Node unit; parser.parseTranslationUnit( unit ); m_driver->m_currentParsedFile->setTranslationUnit( unit ); m_driver->m_parsedUnits.insert( m_fileName, m_driver->m_currentParsedFile ); m_driver->fileParsed( *m_driver->m_currentParsedFile ); m_driver->m_currentLexerCache = lf; m_driver->m_currentMasterFileName = oldMasterFileName; } ParsedFilePointer parsedFile() const { return m_driver->m_currentParsedFile; } void reset() { if ( !m_wasReset ) { m_driver->m_currentFileName = m_previousFileName; m_driver->lexer = m_previousLexer; m_driver->m_currentParsedFile = m_previousParsedFile; m_driver->m_currentLexerCache = m_previousCachedLexedFile; if( m_driver->m_currentLexerCache == 0 ) { } m_wasReset = true; } } ~ParseHelper() { reset(); } private: bool m_wasReset; TQString m_fileName; TQString m_absFilePath; TQString m_previousFileName; Lexer* m_previousLexer; ParsedFilePointer m_previousParsedFile; CachedLexedFilePointer m_previousCachedLexedFile; bool m_force; Driver* m_driver; Lexer m_lex; }; void Driver::addDependence( const TQString & fileName, const Dependence & dep ) { // this can happen if the parser was invoked on a snippet of text and not a file if ( fileName.isEmpty() || !m_currentParsedFile ) return; //@todo prevent cyclic dependency-loops TQFileInfo fileInfo( dep.first ); TQString fn = fileInfo.absFilePath(); if ( !depresolv ) { findOrInsertDependenceList( fileName ).insert( fn, dep ); m_currentParsedFile->addIncludeFile( dep.first, 0, dep.second == Dep_Local ); return ; } TQString file = findIncludeFile( dep ); findOrInsertDependenceList( fileName ).insert( file, dep ); m_currentParsedFile->addIncludeFile( file, 0, dep.second == Dep_Local ); if ( !TQFile::exists( file ) ) { Problem p( i18n( "Could not find include file %1" ).tqarg( dep.first ), lexer ? lexer->currentLine() : -1, lexer ? lexer->currentColumn() : -1, Problem::Level_Warning ); addProblem( fileName, p ); return ; } if( m_currentLexerCache ) m_currentLexerCache->addIncludeFile( file, TQDateTime() ); ///The time will be overwritten in CachedLexedFile::merge(...) /**What should be done: * 1. Lex the file to get all the macros etc. * 2. TODO: Check what previously set macros the file was affected by, and compare those macros to any previously parsed instances of this file. * 2.1 If there is a parse-instance of the file where all macros that played a role had the same values, we do not need to reparse this file. * 2.2 If there is no such fitting instance, the file needs to be parsed and put to the code-model. * * It'll be necessary to have multiple versions of one file in the code-model. */ IntIncreaser i( m_dependenceDepth ); if( m_dependenceDepth > m_maxDependenceDepth ) { //kdDebug( 9007 ) << "maximum dependence-depth of " << m_maxDependenceDepth << " was reached, " << fileName << " will not be processed" << endl; return; } CachedLexedFilePointer lexedFileP = m_lexerCache.lexedFile( HashedString( file ) ); if( lexedFileP ) { CachedLexedFile& lexedFile( *lexedFileP ); m_currentLexerCache->merge( lexedFile ); //The ParseHelper will will copy the include-files into the result later for( MacroSet::Macros::const_iterator it = lexedFile.definedMacros().macros().begin(); it != lexedFile.definedMacros().macros().end(); ++it ) { addMacro( (*it) ); } ///@todo fill usingMacro(...) return; } ParseHelper h( file, true, this, false, m_currentMasterFileName ); /*if ( m_parsedUnits.find(file) != m_parsedUnits.end() ) return;*/ if( shouldParseIncludedFile( m_currentParsedFile ) ) ///Until the ParseHelper is destroyed, m_currentParsedFile will stay the included file h.parse(); } void Driver::addProblem( const TQString & fileName, const Problem & problem ) { Problem p( problem ); p.setFileName( fileName ); if( m_currentLexerCache ) m_currentLexerCache->addProblem( p ); else findOrInsertProblemList( m_currentMasterFileName ).append( problem ); } TQMap< TQString, Dependence >& Driver::findOrInsertDependenceList( const TQString & fileName ) { TQMap >::Iterator it = m_dependences.find( fileName ); if ( it != m_dependences.end() ) return it.data(); TQMap l; m_dependences.insert( deepCopy( fileName ), l ); return m_dependences[ fileName ]; } TQValueList < Problem >& Driver::findOrInsertProblemList( const TQString & fileName ) { TQMap >::Iterator it = m_problems.find( fileName ); if ( it != m_problems.end() ) return it.data(); TQValueList l; m_problems.insert( fileName, l ); return m_problems[ fileName ]; } TQMap< TQString, Dependence > Driver::dependences( const TQString & fileName ) const { TQMap >::ConstIterator it = m_dependences.find( fileName ); if ( it != m_dependences.end() ) return it.data(); return TQMap(); } const Driver::MacroMap& Driver::macros() const { return m_macros; } void Driver::insertMacros( const MacroSet& macros ) { for( MacroSet::Macros::const_iterator it = macros.m_usedMacros.begin(); it != macros.m_usedMacros.end(); ++it ) { addMacro( *it ); } } TQValueList < Problem > Driver::problems( const TQString & fileName ) const { TQMap >::ConstIterator it = m_problems.find( fileName ); if ( it != m_problems.end() ) return it.data(); return TQValueList(); } void Driver::clearMacros() { m_macros.clear(); } void Driver::clearParsedMacros() { //Keep global macros for( MacroMap::iterator it = m_macros.begin(); it != m_macros.end(); ) { if( !(*it).second.fileName().isEmpty() ) { m_macros.erase( it++ ); } else { ++it; } } } void Driver::parseFile( const TQString& fileName, bool onlyPreProcess, bool force , bool macrosGlobal ) { TQString oldMasterFileName = m_currentMasterFileName; m_currentMasterFileName = fileName; //if( isResolveDependencesEnabled() ) clearParsedMacros(); ///Since everything will be re-lexed, we do not need any old macros m_lexerCache.increaseFrame(); //Remove the problems now instead of in ParseHelper, because this way the problems reported by getCustomIncludePath(...) will not be discarded m_problems.remove( fileName ); TQStringList oldIncludePaths = m_includePaths; m_includePaths = getCustomIncludePath( fileName ); ParseHelper p( fileName, force, this ); if( !onlyPreProcess ){ p.parse(); } if( macrosGlobal ) { for( MacroMap::iterator it = m_macros.begin(); it != m_macros.end(); ++it) { if( (*it).second.fileName() == fileName ) { (*it).second.setFileName( TQString() ); } } } m_includePaths = oldIncludePaths; m_currentMasterFileName = oldMasterFileName; } void Driver::setupLexer( Lexer * lexer ) { // stl lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_BEGIN_NAMESPACE" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_END_NAMESPACE" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_BEGIN_RELOPS_NAMESPACE" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_END_RELOPS_NAMESPACE" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_TEMPLATE_NULL" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_TRY" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_UNWIND" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_NOTHROW" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_UNWIND", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__GC_CONST" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__HASH_ALLOC_INIT", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR", SkipWordAndArguments, "T" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_MUTEX_INITIALIZER" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__STL_NULL_TMPL_ARGS" ); // antlr lexer->addSkipWord( "ANTLR_BEGIN_NAMESPACE", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "ANTLR_USE_NAMESPACE", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "ANTLR_USING_NAMESPACE", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "ANTLR_END_NAMESPACE" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "ANTLR_C_USING", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "ANTLR_API" ); // gnu lexer->addSkipWord( "__extension__", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__attribute__", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__BEGIN_DECLS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__END_DECLS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__THROW" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__restrict" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__restrict__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__attribute_pure__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__attribute_malloc__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__attribute_format_strfmon__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__asm__", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__devinit" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__devinit__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__init" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__init__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__signed" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__signed__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__unsigned" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__unsigned__" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "asmlinkage" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "____cacheline_aligned" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__glibcpp_class_requires", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__glibcpp_class2_requires", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__glibcpp_class4_requires", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__glibcpp_function_requires", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "restrict" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__BEGIN_NAMESPACE_STD" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__END_NAMESPACE_STD" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__BEGIN_NAMESPACE_C99" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__END_NAMESPACE_C99" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__USING_NAMESPACE_STD", SkipWordAndArguments ); // kde lexer->addSkipWord( "K_SYCOCATYPE", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "EXPORT_DOCKCLASS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "K_SYCOCAFACTORY", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "KDE_DEPRECATED" ); // qt lexer->addSkipWord( "Q_OBJECT" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_OBJECT" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_OVERRIDE", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "Q_ENUMS", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_PROPERTY", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_CLASSINFO", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_SETS", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "Q_UNUSED", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_CREATE_INSTANCE", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_DUMMY_COMPARISON_OPERATOR", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "ACTIVATE_SIGNAL_WITH_PARAM", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_INLINE_TEMPLATES" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_TEMPLATE_EXTERN" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_TYPENAME" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_REFCOUNT" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_EXPLICIT" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQMAC_PASCAL" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "QT_STATIC_CONST" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "QT_STATIC_CONST_IMPL" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQT_WIN_PAINTER_MEMBERS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQT_NC_MSGBOX" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_VARIANT_AS", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "CALLBACK_CALL_TYPE" ); // qt4 [erbsland] lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_DECLARE_FLAGS", SkipWordAndArguments ); lexer->addSkipWord( "TQ_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS", SkipWordAndArguments ); // flex lexer->addSkipWord( "yyconst" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "YY_RULE_SETUP" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "YY_BREAK" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "YY_RESTORE_YY_MORE_OFFSET" ); // gtk lexer->addSkipWord( "G_BEGIN_DECLS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "G_END_DECLS" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "G_GNUC_CONST" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "G_CONST_RETURN" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "GTKMAIN_C_VAR" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "GTKVAR" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "GDKVAR" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "G_GNUC_PRINTF", SkipWordAndArguments ); // windows lexer->addSkipWord( "WINAPI" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__stdcall" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "__cdecl" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "_cdecl" ); lexer->addSkipWord( "CALLBACK" ); // gcc extensions if( !hasMacro( "__asm__" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__asm__", "asm" ) ); if( !hasMacro( "__inline" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__inline", "inline" ) ); if( !hasMacro( "__inline__" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__inline__", "inline" ) ); if( !hasMacro( "__const" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__const", "const" ) ); if( !hasMacro( "__const__" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__const__", "const" ) ); if( !hasMacro( "__volatile__" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__volatile__", "volatile" ) ); if( !hasMacro( "__complex__" ) ) addMacro( Macro( "__complex__", "" ) ); } void Driver::setupParser( Parser * parser ) { Q_UNUSED( parser ); } void Driver::clearIncludePaths() { m_includePaths.clear(); } void Driver::addIncludePath( const TQString &path ) { if ( !path.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() ) m_includePaths << path; } TQString Driver::findIncludeFile( const Dependence& dep, const TQString& fromFile ) { TQString fileName = dep.first; if ( dep.second == Dep_Local ) { TQString path = TQFileInfo( fromFile ).dirPath( true ); TQFileInfo fileInfo( TQFileInfo( path, fileName ) ); if ( fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() ) return fileInfo.absFilePath(); } TQStringList includePaths = getCustomIncludePath( fromFile ); for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = includePaths.begin(); it != includePaths.end(); ++it ) { TQFileInfo fileInfo( *it, fileName ); if ( fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() ) return fileInfo.absFilePath(); } return TQString(); } TQString Driver::findIncludeFile( const Dependence& dep ) const { TQString fileName = dep.first; if ( dep.second == Dep_Local ) { TQString path = TQFileInfo( currentFileName() ).dirPath( true ); TQFileInfo fileInfo( TQFileInfo( path, fileName ) ); if ( fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() ) return fileInfo.absFilePath(); } for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = m_includePaths.begin(); it != m_includePaths.end(); ++it ) { TQFileInfo fileInfo( *it, fileName ); if ( fileInfo.exists() && fileInfo.isFile() ) return fileInfo.absFilePath(); } return TQString(); } void Driver::setResolveDependencesEnabled( bool enabled ) { depresolv = enabled; if ( depresolv ) setupPreProcessor(); } bool Driver::shouldParseIncludedFile( const ParsedFilePointer& /*file*/) { return false; } void Driver::setupPreProcessor() {} void Driver::fileParsed( ParsedFile & fileName ) { Q_UNUSED( fileName ); } void Driver::usingMacro( const Macro& macro ) { if( m_currentParsedFile ) m_currentParsedFile->usedMacros().addMacro( macro ); #ifdef CACHELEXER if( m_currentLexerCache ) m_currentLexerCache->addUsedMacro( macro ); #endif } // void Macro::computeHash() const { // m_idHash = 7 * ( HashedString::hashString( m_name ) + m_argumentList.count() * 13 ); // int a = 1; // m_idHash += 31 * m_argumentList.count(); // // m_valueHash = 27 * ( HashedString::hashString( m_body ) + (m_isUndefMacro ? 1 : 0 ) ); // // for( TQValueList::const_iterator it = m_argumentList.begin(); it != m_argumentList.end(); ++it ) { // a *= 19; // m_valueHash += a * HashedString::hashString( *it ); // } // m_valueHashValid = true; // m_idHashValid = true; // } // MacroSet::MacroSet() : m_idHashValid( false ), m_valueHashValid( false ) { // } void MacroSet::addMacro( const Macro& macro ) { std::pair r = m_usedMacros.insert( macro ); if( !r.second ) { //Make sure the macro added later will be used m_usedMacros.erase( r.first ); m_usedMacros.insert( macro ); } m_idHashValid = m_valueHashValid = false; } void MacroSet::merge( const MacroSet& macros ) { Macros m = macros.m_usedMacros; //Swap is needed so the merged macros take precedence m.insert( m_usedMacros.begin(), m_usedMacros.end() ); m_usedMacros = m; m_idHashValid = m_valueHashValid = false; } size_t MacroSet::idHash() const { if( !m_idHashValid ) computeHash(); return m_idHash; } size_t MacroSet::valueHash() const { if( !m_valueHashValid ) computeHash(); return m_valueHash; } void MacroSet::computeHash() const { m_idHash = 0; m_valueHash = 0; int mult = 1; for( Macros::const_iterator it = m_usedMacros.begin(); it != m_usedMacros.end(); ++it ) { mult *= 31; m_idHash += (*it).idHash(); m_valueHash += (*it).valueHash(); } } // void MacroSet::read( TQDataStream& stream ) { // stream >> m_idHashValid >> m_idHash >> m_valueHashValid >> m_valueHash; // int cnt; // stream >> cnt; // m_usedMacros.clear(); // Macro m; // for( int a = 0; a < cnt; a++ ) { // m.read( stream ); // m_usedMacros.insert( m ); // } // } // // void MacroSet::write( TQDataStream& stream ) const { // stream << m_idHashValid << m_idHash << m_valueHashValid << m_valueHash; // stream << m_usedMacros.size(); // for( Macros::const_iterator it = m_usedMacros.begin(); it != m_usedMacros.end(); ++it ) { // (*it).write( stream ); // } // } /** * @return All Macros that were used while processing this translation-unit * */ MacroSet& ParsedFile::usedMacros() { return m_usedMacros; } const MacroSet& ParsedFile::usedMacros() const { return m_usedMacros; } ParsedFile::ParsedFile( const TQString& fileName, const TQDateTime& timeStamp ) : m_translationUnit( 0 ), m_fileName( fileName ), m_timeStamp( timeStamp ) { m_includeFiles.insert( fileName ); } ParsedFile::ParsedFile( const TQByteArray& array ) { TQBuffer b( array ); TQDataStream d( &b ); read( d ); } TQString ParsedFile::includedFrom() const { return m_includedFrom; } void ParsedFile::setIncludedFrom( const TQString& str ) { m_includedFrom = str; } TQByteArray ParsedFile::serialize() const { TQByteArray array; TQBuffer b( array ); TQDataStream d( &b ); write( d ); return array; } // void ParsedFile::read( TQDataStream& stream ) { // int directIncludeFilesCount; // stream >> directIncludeFilesCount; // m_directIncludeFiles.clear(); // for( int a = 0; a < directIncludeFilesCount; a++ ) { // IncludeDesc i; // stream >> i.local; // stream >> i.includePath; // //"parsed" will not be reconstructed // m_directIncludeFiles.push_back( i ); // } // stream >> m_fileName; // stream >> m_timeStamp; // m_usedMacros.read( stream ); // m_translationUnit = 0; // m_includeFiles.read( stream ); // } // // void ParsedFile::write( TQDataStream& stream ) const { // for( TQValueList::const_iterator it = m_directIncludeFiles.begin(); it != m_directIncludeFiles.end(); ++it ) { // stream << (*it).local; // stream << (*it).includePath; // } // stream << m_fileName; // stream << m_timeStamp; // m_usedMacros.write( stream ); // m_includeFiles.write( stream ); // } ParsedFile::operator TranslationUnitAST* () const { if( !this ) return 0; return m_translationUnit; } void ParsedFile::setTranslationUnit( const TranslationUnitAST::Node& trans ) { m_translationUnit = trans; } // HashedStringSet& ParsedFile::includeFiles() { // return m_includeFiles; // } int ParsedFile::skippedLines() const { return m_skippedLines; } void ParsedFile::setSkippedLines( int lines ) { m_skippedLines = lines; } const HashedStringSet& ParsedFile::includeFiles() const { return m_includeFiles; } TQString ParsedFile::fileName() const { return m_fileName; } TQDateTime ParsedFile::timeStamp() const { return m_timeStamp; } void ParsedFile::addIncludeFiles( const HashedStringSet& includeFiles ) { m_includeFiles += includeFiles; } void ParsedFile::addIncludeFile( const TQString& includePath, const ParsedFilePointer& parsed, bool localInclude ) { m_includeFiles.insert( includePath ); if( parsed ) m_includeFiles += parsed->includeFiles(); IncludeDesc d; d.local = localInclude; d.includePath = includePath; d.parsed = parsed; m_directIncludeFiles << d; } const TQValueList& ParsedFile::directIncludeFiles() const { return m_directIncludeFiles; } bool MacroSet::hasMacro( const TQString& name ) const { Macros::const_iterator it = m_usedMacros.find( Macro( name, "" ) ); if( it != m_usedMacros.end() ) { return true; } else { return false; } } bool MacroSet::hasMacro( const HashedString& name ) const { Macros::const_iterator it = m_usedMacros.find( Macro( name.str(), "" ) ); if( it != m_usedMacros.end() ) { return true; } else { return false; } } Macro MacroSet::macro( const TQString& name ) const { Macros::const_iterator it = m_usedMacros.find( Macro( name, "" ) ); if( it != m_usedMacros.end() ) { return *it; } else { return Macro(); } } LexerCache* Driver::lexerCache() { return &m_lexerCache; }