/** @mainpage The KDevelop Extension Interfaces Library This library contains extension interfaces used by KDevelop plugin architecture. Link with: -lkdevelop Include path: -I\$(kde_includes)/kdevelop/interfaces/extensions \section whatisextension What is the KDevelop extension Extension is a KDevelop plugin which implements one of extension interfaces. Extension is usually not important enough to be returned by @ref KDevApi and @ref KDevPlugin methods. Therefore extension instance can be obtained by @ref KDevPlugin::extension method. Note: extension plugins can be either core, global and project plugins. They are loaded in the same way other plugins are. But extensions differ from usual plugins. Note: many plugins implementing extension interface can be created but only one of those should be loaded at a time. This can be accomplished by: - using a shell plugin profile (as done in current generic shell implementation) - define different X-KDevelop-Properties for different extension implementations; - writing project manager which looks into the project file and loads the neccesary extension. \section creatingextension Creating and using an extension - Define a service, use following .desktop file: @code [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=ServiceType X-KDE-ServiceType=KDevelop/MyExtension X-KDE-Derived=KDevelop/Plugin Name=My Extension Interface [PropertyDef::X-KDevelop-Version] Type=int @endcode - Define an abstract base class for an extension like: @code class KDevMyExtension: public KDevPlugin { public: KDevMyExtension(const KDevPluginInfo *info, QObject* parent, const char* name) :KDevPlugin(info, parent, name) {} virtual void doSomething() = 0; }; @endcode - Create an usual plugin, but instead of setting service type to "KDevelop/Plugin", set: @code ServiceTypes=KDevelop/MyExtension @endcode - Use your extension: @code KDevMyExtension *myext = extension("KDevelop/MyExtension"); if (sf) { // do something } else { // fail } @endcode */