/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Julian Rockey Copyright (C) 2003 Mario Scalas This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _URLUTIL_H_ #define _URLUTIL_H_ #include #include #include /** @file urlutil.h Utility functions to operate on URLs. */ /**Utility functions to operate on URLs.*/ namespace URLUtil { /**Position of a slash in the URL.*/ enum SlashesPosition { SLASH_PREFIX = 1 /**Example: * dirUrl: /home/test/src * fileUrl: /home/test/lib/mylib.cpp * returns: ../lib/mylib.cpp */ QString relativePathToFile( const QString & dirUrl, const QString & fileUrl ); /** *@param path A path (absolute or relative). *@param slashSuffix if true then "/" is appended to a path. *@returns The path 'up one level' - the opposite of what filename returns. */ QString upDir(const QString & path, bool slashSuffix = false); /** * 'Merges' URLs - changes a URL that starts with dest to start with source instead.\n *
   *     source is /home/me/
   *     dest is /home/you/
   *     child is /home/you/dir1/file1
   *   returns /home/me/dir1/fil1
* @param source An URL of a source. * @param dest An URL of a destination. * @param child An URL to change. * @return The result of merge. */ KURL mergeURL(const KURL & source, const KURL & dest, const KURL & child); /** * @return The file extension for a filename or path. * @param path Absolute or relative path. */ QString getExtension(const QString & path); /** * Given a base directory url in @p baseDirUrl and the url referring to the * sub-directory or file, it will return the path relative to @p baseDirUrl. * If baseDirUrl == url.path() then it will return ".". * @code * KURL baseUrl, dirUrl; * baseUrl.setPath( "/home/mario/src/kdevelop/" ); * dirUrl.setPath( "/home/mario/src/kdevelop/parts/cvs/" ); * QString relPathName = extractDirPathRelative( baseUrl, url ); // == "parts/cvs/" * QString absPathName = extractDirPathAbsolute( url ); // == "/home/mario/src/kdevelop/parts/cvs/" * @endcode * Note that if you pass a file name in @p url (instead of a directory) or the * @p baseUrl is not contained in @p url then the function will return "" (void string). * * @param baseDirUrl Base directory URL. * @param url Base directory URL. * @return The relative path between @p url and @p baseDirUrl. */ QString extractPathNameRelative(const KURL &baseDirUrl, const KURL &url ); /**Same as above. @p basePath is QString.*/ QString extractPathNameRelative(const QString &basePath, const KURL &url ); /**Same as above. Both @p basePath and @p absFilePath are QStrings.*/ QString extractPathNameRelative(const QString &basePath, const QString &absFilePath ); /** * @param url The url to extract the absolute path from. * @return The absolute path name referred in @p url. * Look at @ref extractPathNameRelative documentation for an example. */ QString extractPathNameAbsolute( const KURL &url ); /** * @param baseDir Base directory for relative URLs. * @param urls The list of urls to extract the relative paths from. * @return A QStringList of relative (to @p baseDir) paths from a list of KURLs in @p urls. */ QStringList toRelativePaths( const QString &baseDir, const KURL::List &urls); /** * @param url The absolute URL. * @return true if @p url is a directory, false otherwise. */ bool isDirectory( const KURL &url ); /** * @param absFilePath The absolute path. * @return true if @p url is a directory, false otherwise. */ bool isDirectory( const QString &absFilePath ); /** * Dumps the list of KURL @p urls on standard output, eventually printing @p aMessage if it * is not null. * @param urls URLs to dump. * @param aMessage Message to be written onto a stdout. */ void dump( const KURL::List &urls, const QString &aMessage = QString::null ); /** * Same as QDir::canonicalPath in later versions of Qt. Earlier versions of Qt * had this broken, so it's reproduced here. * Deprecated, use QDir::canonicalPath instead. */ QString canonicalPath( const QString & path ); /** * Performs environment variable expansion on @p variable. * * @param variable The string with the environment variable to expand. * @return The expanded environment variable value. if the variable * cannot be expanded, @p variable itself is returned. */ QString envExpand ( const QString &variable ); } #endif