distpart_ui Ian Reinhart Geiser <geiseri@yahoo.com> packaging_dialog 0 0 606 649 5 5 0 0 0 0 32767 32767 Prepare for Release unnamed 0 0 Layout30 unnamed 0 titleLabel 7 5 0 0 250 0 <H2>Project Packaging & Publishing</H2> KDevelopGraphic 5 5 0 0 48 48 48 48 "kdevelop" true actions_box 5 3 0 0 Top tab Source &Distribution unnamed srcDistFileListBox customProjectCheckBox &Use custom options Default is: %n-%v.tar.gz Layout19 unnamed 0 sourceOptionsGroupBox Source Options unnamed bzipCheckBox Use &bzip2 instead of gzip Layout34 unnamed 0 archiveNameLabel <b>Archive name format: </b><br> %n - File name <br> %v - File version <br> %d - Date of archive archNameFormatLineEdit archNameFormatLineEdit %n-%v Enter the filename using the format options. Spacer37 Vertical Expanding 0 20 addFile 1 5 0 0 &Add Files createSrcArchPushButton 1 5 0 0 &Create Source Archive resetSrcPushButton 1 5 0 0 R&eset fileListLabel File &list: srcDistFileListBox tab Package &Information unnamed layout12 unnamed layout11 unnamed licenseLineEdit 7 0 2 0 vendorLabel Ve&ndor: vendorLineEdit releaseLineEdit 7 0 2 0 appNameLineEdit 7 0 2 0 Application name vendorLineEdit 7 0 2 0 appNameLabel &Application name: appNameLineEdit summaryLabel S&ummary: summaryLineEdit licenseLabel &License: licenseLineEdit releaseLabel R&elease: releaseLineEdit versionLabel &Version: versionLineEdit summaryLineEdit 7 0 2 0 packagerLineEdit 7 0 2 0 versionLineEdit 7 0 2 0 Version of the file package. Menu item: Project/Project Options/General/Version changes project compiled version number groupLabel &Group: groupLineEdit packagerLabel Pac&kager: packagerLineEdit groupLineEdit 7 0 2 0 advancedOptionsGroupBox Advanced Package Op&tions unnamed devPackageCheckBox &Create development package docsPackageCheckBox Create documentation package appIconCheckBox Include application icon archLabel Architecture target:<BR><b>(Note: You must have a compiler that supports this target)</b> i386 i586 i686 AMD K6 AMD K7 PPC PPC G3 PPC Altevec Dec Alpha (AXP) Sparc archComboBox 0 true 10 true layout13 unnamed layout8 unnamed srcPackagePushButton &Build Source Package buildAllPushButton Build Binar&y Package exportSPECPushButton E&xport Build Files importSPECPushButton I&mport Build Files layout16 unnamed layout14 unnamed projectDescriptionLabel 5 5 0 0 &Description: projectDescriptionMultilineEdit projectDescriptionMultilineEdit 7 3 0 0 Manual layout15 unnamed TextLabel1 5 5 0 0 C&hangelog: projectChangelogMultilineEdit projectChangelogMultilineEdit 7 3 0 0 tab Pr&oject Publishing unnamed localOptionsGroupBox 5 5 0 0 Local Options unnamed Layout15 unnamed 0 genHTMLCheckBox Ge&nerate HTML information page useRPMInfoCheckBox &User information generated by RPM Spacer7 Horizontal Fixed 20 20 Spacer8 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 Layout21 unnamed 0 genHTMLPushButton &Generate resetHTMLPushButton R&eset remoteOptionsGroupBox 5 5 0 0 Re&mote Options unnamed uploadFileListBox 1 7 0 0 250 0 Layout23 unnamed 0 fileSubmissionLabel File su&bmission list: uploadFileListBox Spacer24 Horizontal Minimum 20 20 uploadAddFileToolButton 5 1 0 0 + uploadRemoveToolButton 5 1 0 0 - Layout25 unnamed 0 uploadCustomCheckBox Upload to &custom FTP site uploadftpkdeorgCheckBox Upload files to ftp.&kde.org Spacer6 Vertical Expanding 0 20 uploadSubmitPushButton Sub&mit uploadURLLineEdit ftp://username:password@ftp.server.com/path/ uploadResetPushButton Reset uploadAppsKDEcomCheckBox Upload to &apps.kde.com buildAllPushButton clicked() packaging_dialog slotbuildAllPushButtonPressed() exportSPECPushButton clicked() packaging_dialog slotexportSPECPushButtonPressed() srcPackagePushButton clicked() packaging_dialog Q_SLOTSrcPackagePushButtonPressed() importSPECPushButton clicked() packaging_dialog slotimportSPECPushButtonPressed() addFile clicked() packaging_dialog slotAddFileButtonPressed() srcDistFileListBox clicked(TQListBoxItem*) packaging_dialog slotRemoveFile(TQListBoxItem*) actions_box customProjectCheckBox bzipCheckBox archNameFormatLineEdit createSrcArchPushButton resetSrcPushButton srcDistFileListBox appNameLineEdit versionLineEdit releaseLineEdit vendorLineEdit licenseLineEdit summaryLineEdit groupLineEdit packagerLineEdit projectDescriptionMultilineEdit projectChangelogMultilineEdit devPackageCheckBox docsPackageCheckBox appIconCheckBox archComboBox genHTMLCheckBox useRPMInfoCheckBox genHTMLPushButton resetHTMLPushButton uploadftpkdeorgCheckBox uploadAppsKDEcomCheckBox uploadCustomCheckBox uploadURLLineEdit uploadSubmitPushButton uploadResetPushButton uploadAddFileToolButton uploadRemoveToolButton uploadFileListBox kdialog.h kiconloader.h kpushbutton.h klistbox.h klineedit.h ktextedit.h slotbuildAllPushButtonPressed() slotexportSPECPushButtonPressed() slotimportSPECPushButtonPressed() Q_SLOTSrcPackagePushButtonPressed() slotAddFileButtonPressed() slotRemoveFile(TQListBoxItem *item) DesktopIcon class TQListBoxItem; klistbox.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h ktextedit.h ktextedit.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klistbox.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h