/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2003 by Alexander Dymo * * cloudtemple@mksat.net * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fctypeedit.h" #include "fctemplateedit.h" #include "domutil.h" #include "fcconfigwidget.h" #include "filecreate_part.h" #include "filecreate_filetype.h" #include "kdevproject.h" #include "kdevpartcontroller.h" FCConfigWidget::FCConfigWidget(FileCreatePart * part, bool global, TQWidget *parent, const char *name): FCConfigWidgetBase(parent, name), m_part(part), m_global(global) { fc_view->setSorting(-1, FALSE); fcglobal_view->setSorting(-1, FALSE); if (m_global) { loadGlobalConfig(fc_view); fc_tabs->setTabLabel(tab1, i18n("Global Types") ); fc_tabs->setTabEnabled(tab2, false); fc_tabs->setTabEnabled(tab3, false); delete tab2; delete tab3; } else { loadGlobalConfig(fcglobal_view, true); loadProjectConfig(fc_view); loadProjectTemplates(fctemplates_view); templatesDir_label->setText(i18n("Project templates in ") + m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates"); } m_globalfiletypes.setAutoDelete(true); m_projectfiletypes.setAutoDelete(true); m_projectfiletemplates.setAutoDelete(true); } FCConfigWidget::~FCConfigWidget() { } void FCConfigWidget::accept() { if (m_global) { saveGlobalConfig(); } else saveProjectConfig(); m_part->m_filetypes.clear(); m_part->slotProjectOpened(); for (TQValueList::iterator it = urlsToEdit.begin(); it != urlsToEdit.end(); ++it ) { m_part->partController()->editDocument(*it); } } void FCConfigWidget::loadGlobalConfig(TQListView *view, bool checkmarks) { TQString globalXMLFile = ::locate("data", "kdevfilecreate/template-info.xml"); TQDomDocument globalDom; if (!globalXMLFile.isNull() && DomUtil::openDOMFile(globalDom,globalXMLFile)) { m_part->readTypes(globalDom, m_globalfiletypes, false); } loadFileTypes(m_globalfiletypes, view, checkmarks); if (checkmarks) { TQDomElement useGlobalTypes = DomUtil::elementByPath(*(m_part->projectDom()),"/kdevfilecreate/useglobaltypes"); for(TQDomNode node = useGlobalTypes.firstChild(); !node.isNull();node=node.nextSibling()) { if (node.isElement() && node.nodeName()=="type") { TQDomElement element = node.toElement(); TQString ext = element.attribute("ext"); TQString subtyperef = element.attribute("subtyperef"); if (subtyperef.isNull()) { TQListViewItem *it = view->findItem(ext, 0); if (it) { ((TQCheckListItem*)it)->setOn(true); TQListViewItem *lastChild = it->firstChild(); while ( lastChild ) { ((TQCheckListItem*)lastChild)->setOn(true); lastChild = lastChild->nextSibling(); } } } else { TQListViewItem *it = view->findItem(subtyperef, 0); if (it) ((TQCheckListItem*)it)->setOn(true); } } } } } void FCConfigWidget::loadProjectConfig(TQListView *view) { m_part->readTypes( *(m_part->projectDom()), m_projectfiletypes, false ); loadFileTypes(m_projectfiletypes, view, false); } void FCConfigWidget::loadProjectTemplates(TQListView *view) { TQDir templDir( m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/" ); templDir.setFilter( TQDir::Files ); const QFileInfoList * list = templDir.entryInfoList(); if( list ){ QFileInfoListIterator it( *list ); TQFileInfo *fi; while ( (fi = it.current()) != 0 ) { FileType * filetype; filetype = new FileType; //name shall be "" for proper configuration filetype->setName( "" ); filetype->setExt( fi->fileName() ); m_projectfiletemplates.append(filetype); filetype->setEnabled(false); ++it; } } loadFileTypes(m_projectfiletemplates, view, false); } void FCConfigWidget::saveGlobalConfig() { TQDomDocument globalDom; TQDomElement element = globalDom.createElement("kdevelop" ); globalDom.appendChild(element); TQDomElement apPart = globalDom.createElement("kdevfilecreate"); element.appendChild(apPart); TQDomElement fileTypes = globalDom.createElement( "filetypes" ); apPart.appendChild( fileTypes ); saveConfiguration(globalDom, fileTypes, true); TQFile config( KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "kdevfilecreate/", true) + "template-info.xml" ); config.open(IO_WriteOnly | IO_Truncate); TQTextStream stream(&config); stream << ""; stream << globalDom.toString(); config.close(); } void FCConfigWidget::saveProjectConfig() { TQDomDocument dom = *m_part->projectDom( ); TQDomElement element = dom.documentElement( ); TQDomElement apPart = element.namedItem( "kdevfilecreate" ).toElement( ); if( apPart.isNull( ) ) { apPart = dom.createElement( "kdevfilecreate" ); element.appendChild( apPart ); } // project template configuration TQDomElement projectTypes = apPart.namedItem( "filetypes" ).toElement( ); apPart.removeChild(projectTypes); projectTypes = dom.createElement( "filetypes" ); apPart.appendChild( projectTypes ); saveConfiguration(dom, projectTypes, false); // global template usage TQDomElement globalTypes = apPart.namedItem( "useglobaltypes" ).toElement( ); apPart.removeChild(globalTypes); globalTypes = dom.createElement( "useglobaltypes" ); apPart.appendChild( globalTypes ); TQListViewItemIterator it( fcglobal_view ); for( ; it.current( ); ++it ){ if (!it.current()->parent()) { TQCheckListItem *chit = dynamic_cast(it.current()); if ( !chit ) continue; if (chit->isOn()) { TQDomElement type = dom.createElement( "type" ); type.setAttribute( "ext", chit->text(0) ); globalTypes.appendChild( type ); } else { TQListViewItem *lastChild = chit->firstChild(); while ( lastChild ) { TQCheckListItem *chsit = dynamic_cast(lastChild); if ( (chsit) && (chsit->isOn())) { TQDomElement type = dom.createElement( "type" ); type.setAttribute( "ext", chit->text(0) ); type.setAttribute( "subtyperef", chsit->text(0) ); globalTypes.appendChild( type ); } lastChild = lastChild->nextSibling(); } } } } // project template files //check for new templates and those with location changed TQListViewItemIterator it2(fctemplates_view); while (it2.current()) { if (!it2.current()->text(1).isEmpty()) { TQString dest; dest = m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/"; if (it2.current()->text(1) == "create") copyTemplate(TQString::null, dest, it2.current()->text(0)); else copyTemplate(it2.current()->text(1), dest, it2.current()->text(0)); } ++it2; } } void FCConfigWidget::saveConfiguration(TQDomDocument &dom, TQDomElement &element, bool global) { TQListViewItemIterator it( fc_view ); for( ; it.current( ); ++it ){ if (!it.current()->parent()) { TQDomElement type = dom.createElement( "type" ); type.setAttribute( "ext", it.current()->text(0) ); type.setAttribute( "name", it.current()->text(1) ); if (it.current()->childCount() > 0) type.setAttribute( "create", "no"); else type.setAttribute( "create", "template"); type.setAttribute( "icon", it.current()->text(2) ); TQDomElement edescr = dom.createElement("descr"); type.appendChild(edescr); TQDomText descr = dom.createTextNode( it.current()->text(3) ); edescr.appendChild(descr); if (!it.current()->text(4).isEmpty()) { TQString dest; if (global) dest = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "/kdevfilecreate/file-templates/", true); else dest = m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/"; if (it.current()->text(4) == "create") copyTemplate(TQString::null, dest, it.current()->text(0)); else copyTemplate(it.current()->text(4), dest, it.current()->text(0)); } TQListViewItem *lastChild = it.current()->firstChild(); while ( lastChild ) { TQDomElement subtype = dom.createElement( "subtype" ); subtype.setAttribute( "ref", lastChild->text(0) ); subtype.setAttribute( "name", lastChild->text(1) ); subtype.setAttribute( "icon", lastChild->text(2) ); TQDomElement edescr = dom.createElement("descr"); subtype.appendChild(edescr); TQDomText descr = dom.createTextNode( lastChild->text(3) ); edescr.appendChild(descr); if (!lastChild->text(4).isEmpty()) { TQString dest; if (global) dest = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "/kdevfilecreate/file-templates/", true); else dest = m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/"; if (lastChild->text(4) == "create") copyTemplate(TQString::null, dest, it.current()->text(0) + "-" + lastChild->text(0)); else copyTemplate(lastChild->text(4), dest, it.current()->text(0) + "-" + lastChild->text(0)); } type.appendChild( subtype ); lastChild = lastChild->nextSibling(); } element.appendChild( type ); } } } void FCConfigWidget::copyTemplate(TQString templateUrl, TQString dest, TQString destName) { if (templateUrl.isEmpty()) { TQDir d(dest); if (!d.exists()) d.mkdir(dest); TQFile f(dest + destName); f.open(IO_WriteOnly); f.close(); } else { KURL destDir; destDir.setPath(dest); if (!KIO::NetAccess::exists(destDir, false, 0 )) KIO::NetAccess::mkdir(destDir); KURL destination; destination.setPath(dest + destName); KIO::NetAccess::upload(templateUrl, destination); } } void FCConfigWidget::loadFileTypes(TQPtrList list, TQListView *view, bool checkmarks) { FileType *ft; for( ft = list.last(); ft; ft = list.prev()) for( int i = list.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if ( (ft = list.at(i)) ) { TQListViewItem *it; if (!checkmarks) it = new TQListViewItem(view); else it = new TQCheckListItem(view, "", TQCheckListItem::CheckBox); it->setText(0, ft->ext()); it->setText(1, ft->name()); it->setText(2, ft->icon()); it->setText(3, ft->descr()); it->setText(4, ""); FileType *sft; for( int j = ft->subtypes().count() - 1; j >= 0; --j) { if ( (sft = ft->subtypes().at(j)) ) { TQListViewItem *sit; if (!checkmarks) sit = new TQListViewItem(it); else sit = new TQCheckListItem(it, "", TQCheckListItem::CheckBox); sit->setText(0, sft->subtypeRef()); sit->setText(1, sft->name()); sit->setText(2, sft->icon()); sit->setText(3, sft->descr()); sit->setText(4, ""); } } } } } void FCConfigWidget::removetemplate_button_clicked( ) { if (fctemplates_view->currentItem()) { KURL removedTemplate; removedTemplate.setPath(m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/" + fctemplates_view->currentItem()->text(0)); KIO::NetAccess::del(removedTemplate); TQListViewItem *it = fctemplates_view->currentItem(); if (it->itemBelow()) { fc_view->setSelected(it->itemBelow(), true); fc_view->setCurrentItem(it->itemBelow()); } else if (it->itemAbove()) { fc_view->setSelected(it->itemAbove(), true); fc_view->setCurrentItem(it->itemAbove()); } delete it; } } void FCConfigWidget::copyToProject_button_clicked() { TQListViewItem *it = fcglobal_view->currentItem(); if (it) { TQListViewItem *it_copy_parent = 0; TQString destParent; if (it->parent()) { it_copy_parent = new TQListViewItem(fc_view, it->parent()->text(0), it->parent()->text(1), it->parent()->text(2), it->parent()->text(3), locate("data", "kdevfilecreate/file-templates/"+ it->parent()->text(0))); destParent += it->parent()->text(0) + "-"; TQCheckListItem *chk = dynamic_cast(it->parent()); if (chk) chk->setOn(false); } TQListViewItem *it_copy = 0; if (it_copy_parent) it_copy = new TQListViewItem(it_copy_parent, it->text(0), it->text(1), it->text(2), it->text(3), locate("data", "kdevfilecreate/file-templates/"+destParent + it->text(0))); else it_copy = new TQListViewItem(fc_view, it->text(0), it->text(1), it->text(2), it->text(3), locate("data", "kdevfilecreate/file-templates/" +destParent+ it->text(0))); TQCheckListItem *chk = dynamic_cast(it); if (chk) chk->setOn(false); fc_view->setSelected(it_copy, true); fc_view->setCurrentItem(it_copy); TQListViewItem * it_child = it->firstChild(); while( it_child ) { new TQListViewItem(it_copy, it_child->text(0), it_child->text(1), it_child->text(2), it_child->text(3), locate("data", "kdevfilecreate/file-templates/"+ it_copy->text(0) + "-" + it_child->text(0))); TQCheckListItem *chk_child = dynamic_cast(it_child); if (chk_child) chk_child->setOn(false); it_child = it_child->nextSibling(); } } } void FCConfigWidget::newtype_button_clicked() { FCTypeEdit *te = new FCTypeEdit(); if (te->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { TQListViewItem *it = new TQListViewItem(fc_view, te->typeext_edit->text(), te->typename_edit->text(), te->icon_url->icon(), te->typedescr_edit->text(), te->template_url->url().isEmpty() ? TQString("create") : te->template_url->url()); fc_view->setSelected(it, true); fc_view->setCurrentItem(it); } delete te; } void FCConfigWidget::newsubtype_button_clicked() { if (fc_view->currentItem() && (!fc_view->currentItem()->parent())) { FCTypeEdit *te = new FCTypeEdit(this); if (te->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { /*TQListViewItem *it =*/(void) new TQListViewItem(fc_view->currentItem(), te->typeext_edit->text(), te->typename_edit->text(), te->icon_url->icon(), te->typedescr_edit->text(), te->template_url->url().isEmpty() ? TQString("create") : te->template_url->url()); fc_view->currentItem()->setOpen(true); } delete te; } } void FCConfigWidget::remove_button_clicked() { if (fc_view->currentItem()) { TQListViewItem *it = fc_view->currentItem(); if (it->itemBelow()) { fc_view->setSelected(it->itemBelow(), true); fc_view->setCurrentItem(it->itemBelow()); } else if (it->itemAbove()) { fc_view->setSelected(it->itemAbove(), true); fc_view->setCurrentItem(it->itemAbove()); } delete it; } } void FCConfigWidget::moveup_button_clicked() { TQListViewItem *i = fc_view->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQListViewItemIterator it( i ); TQListViewItem *parent = i->parent(); --it; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->parent() == parent ) break; --it; } if ( !it.current() ) return; TQListViewItem *other = it.current(); other->moveItem( i ); } void FCConfigWidget::movedown_button_clicked() { TQListViewItem *i = fc_view->currentItem(); if ( !i ) return; TQListViewItemIterator it( i ); TQListViewItem *parent = i->parent(); it++; while ( it.current() ) { if ( it.current()->parent() == parent ) break; it++; } if ( !it.current() ) return; TQListViewItem *other = it.current(); i->moveItem( other ); } void FCConfigWidget::edittype_button_clicked() { TQListViewItem *it = fc_view->currentItem(); if ( it ) { FCTypeEdit *te = new FCTypeEdit(this); te->typeext_edit->setText(it->text(0)); te->typename_edit->setText(it->text(1)); te->icon_url->setIcon(it->text(2)); te->typedescr_edit->setText(it->text(3)); if (it->text(4) != "create") te->template_url->setURL(it->text(4)); if (te->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted ) { it->setText(0, te->typeext_edit->text()); it->setText(1, te->typename_edit->text()); it->setText(2, te->icon_url->icon()); it->setText(3, te->typedescr_edit->text()); if ((te->template_url->url() == "") && ((it->text(4) == "create"))) it->setText(4, "create"); else it->setText(4, te->template_url->url()); } } } void FCConfigWidget::newtemplate_button_clicked() { FCTemplateEdit *te = new FCTemplateEdit; if (te->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { /*TQListViewItem *it =*/(void) new TQListViewItem(fctemplates_view, te->templatename_edit->text(), te->template_url->url().isEmpty() ? TQString("create") : te->template_url->url()); } } void FCConfigWidget::edittemplate_button_clicked() { TQListViewItem *it; if ( (it = fctemplates_view->currentItem()) ) { FCTemplateEdit *te = new FCTemplateEdit; te->templatename_edit->setText(it->text(0)); te->templatename_edit->setEnabled(false); if (te->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted) { if ((te->template_url->url() == "") && ((it->text(1) == "create"))) it->setText(1, "create"); else it->setText(1, te->template_url->url()); } } } void FCConfigWidget::edit_template_content_button_clicked( ) { if (fctemplates_view->currentItem()) { TQFileInfo fi(m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/" + fctemplates_view->currentItem()->text(0)); KURL content; content.setPath(m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/" + fctemplates_view->currentItem()->text(0)); if (fi.exists()) m_part->partController()->editDocument(content); else { KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Requested template does not exist yet.\nIt will be opened immediately after accepting the configuration dialog."), TQString::null, "Edit template content warning"); fctemplates_view->currentItem()->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("edit")); urlsToEdit.append(content); } } } void FCConfigWidget::edit_type_content_button_clicked( ) { if (!fc_view->currentItem()) return; TQListViewItem *it = fc_view->currentItem(); TQString type_name = it->text(0); if (it->parent()) type_name.prepend(it->parent()->text(0) + "-"); if (!m_global) { TQString typePath = m_part->project()->projectDirectory() + "/templates/" + type_name; KURL content; content.setPath(typePath); if (it->text(4).isEmpty()) m_part->partController()->editDocument(content); else { if (it->text(4) == "create") KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Template for the selected file type does not exist yet.\nIt will be opened immediately after accepting the configuration dialog."), TQString::null, "Edit type template content warning"); else KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Template for the selected file type has been changed.\nIt will be opened immediately after accepting the configuration dialog."), TQString::null, "Edit type template content warning"); fc_view->currentItem()->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("edit")); urlsToEdit.append(content); } } else { TQString dest = KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation("data", "/kdevfilecreate/file-templates/", true); TQString typePath = dest + type_name; KURL content; content.setPath(typePath); if (it->text(4).isEmpty()) { TQFileInfo fi(dest+type_name); if (!fi.exists()) copyTemplate(locate("data", "kdevfilecreate/file-templates/" + type_name), dest, type_name); m_part->partController()->editDocument(content); } else { if (it->text(4) == "create") KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Template for the selected file type does not exist yet.\nIt will be opened immediately after accepting the configuration dialog."), TQString::null, "Edit global type template content warning"); else KMessageBox::information(this, i18n("Template for the selected file type has been changed.\nIt will be opened immediately after accepting the configuration dialog."), TQString::null, "Edit global type template content warning"); fc_view->currentItem()->setPixmap(0, SmallIcon("edit")); urlsToEdit.append(content); } } } #include "fcconfigwidget.moc"