/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003 Alexander Dymo Copyright (C) 2003 Roberto Raggi Copyright (C) 2001 Christoph Cullmann Copyright (C) 2001 Joseph Wenninger Copyright (C) 2001 Anders Lund This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //BEGIN Includes #include "fileselector_part.h" #include "fileselector_widget.h" #include "tdeactionselector.h" #include "kbookmarkhandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //END Includes // from tdefiledialog.cpp - avoid qt warning in STDERR (~/.xsessionerrors) static void silenceTQToolBar(TQtMsgType, const char *) {} KDevFileSelectorToolBar::KDevFileSelectorToolBar(TQWidget *parent) : TDEToolBar( parent, "KDev FileSelector Toolbar", true ) { setMinimumWidth(10); } KDevFileSelectorToolBar::~KDevFileSelectorToolBar() {} void KDevFileSelectorToolBar::setMovingEnabled( bool) { TDEToolBar::setMovingEnabled(false); } KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent::KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent(TQWidget *parent) :TQFrame(parent),m_tb(0) {} KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent::~KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent() {} void KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent::setToolBar(KDevFileSelectorToolBar *tb) { m_tb=tb; } void KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent::resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * ) { if (m_tb) { setMinimumHeight(m_tb->sizeHint().height()); m_tb->resize(width(),height()); } } //BEGIN Constructor/destructor KDevFileSelector::KDevFileSelector( FileSelectorPart *part, KDevMainWindow *mainWindow, KDevPartController *partController, TQWidget * parent, const char * name ) : TQWidget(parent, name), m_part(part), mainwin(mainWindow), partController(partController) { mActionCollection = new TDEActionCollection( this ); TQVBoxLayout* lo = new TQVBoxLayout(this); TQtMsgHandler oldHandler = qInstallMsgHandler( silenceTQToolBar ); KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent *tbp=new KDevFileSelectorToolBarParent(this); toolbar = new KDevFileSelectorToolBar(tbp); tbp->setToolBar(toolbar); lo->addWidget(tbp); toolbar->setMovingEnabled(false); toolbar->setFlat(true); qInstallMsgHandler( oldHandler ); cmbPath = new KURLComboBox( KURLComboBox::Directories, true, this, "path combo" ); cmbPath->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed )); KURLCompletion* cmpl = new KURLCompletion(KURLCompletion::DirCompletion); cmbPath->setCompletionObject( cmpl ); lo->addWidget(cmbPath); cmbPath->listBox()->installEventFilter( this ); dir = new KDevDirOperator(m_part, KURL(), this, "operator"); dir->setView(KFile::/*Simple*/Detail); TDEActionCollection *coll = dir->actionCollection(); // some shortcuts of diroperator that clashes with KDev coll->action( "delete" )->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( ALT + Key_Delete ) ); coll->action( "reload" )->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( ALT + Key_F5 ) ); coll->action( "back" )->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( ALT + SHIFT + Key_Left ) ); coll->action( "forward" )->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( ALT + SHIFT + Key_Right ) ); // some consistency - reset up for dir too coll->action( "up" )->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( ALT + SHIFT + Key_Up ) ); coll->action( "home" )->setShortcut( TDEShortcut( CTRL + ALT + Key_Home ) ); lo->addWidget(dir); lo->setStretchFactor(dir, 2); // bookmarks action! TDEActionMenu *acmBookmarks = new TDEActionMenu( i18n("Bookmarks"), "bookmark", mActionCollection, "bookmarks" ); acmBookmarks->setDelayed( false ); bookmarkHandler = new KBookmarkHandler( this, acmBookmarks->popupMenu() ); TQHBox* filterBox = new TQHBox(this); btnFilter = new TQToolButton( filterBox ); btnFilter->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("filter" ) ); btnFilter->setToggleButton( true ); filter = new KHistoryCombo( true, filterBox, "filter"); filter->setSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed )); filterBox->setStretchFactor(filter, 2); connect( btnFilter, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( btnFilterClick() ) ); lo->addWidget(filterBox); connect( filter, TQT_SIGNAL( activated(const TQString&) ), TQT_SLOT( slotFilterChange(const TQString&) ) ); connect( filter, TQT_SIGNAL( textChanged(const TQString&) ), TQT_SLOT( slotFilterChange(const TQString&) ) ); connect( filter, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed(const TQString&) ), filter, TQT_SLOT( addToHistory(const TQString&) ) ); // tdeaction for the dir sync method acSyncDir = new TDEAction( i18n("Current Document Directory"), "dirsynch", 0, TQT_TQOBJECT(this), TQT_SLOT( setActiveDocumentDir() ), mActionCollection, "sync_dir" ); toolbar->setIconText( TDEToolBar::IconOnly ); toolbar->setIconSize( 16 ); toolbar->setEnableContextMenu( false ); connect( cmbPath, TQT_SIGNAL( urlActivated( const KURL& )), this, TQT_SLOT( cmbPathActivated( const KURL& ) )); connect( cmbPath, TQT_SIGNAL( returnPressed( const TQString& )), this, TQT_SLOT( cmbPathReturnPressed( const TQString& ) )); connect(dir, TQT_SIGNAL(urlEntered(const KURL&)), this, TQT_SLOT(dirUrlEntered(const KURL&)) ); connect(dir, TQT_SIGNAL(finishedLoading()), this, TQT_SLOT(dirFinishedLoading()) ); // enable dir sync button if current doc has a valid URL connect ( partController, TQT_SIGNAL(activePartChanged(KParts::Part*) ), this, TQT_SLOT(viewChanged() ) ); // Connect the bookmark handler connect( bookmarkHandler, TQT_SIGNAL( openURL( const TQString& )), this, TQT_SLOT( setDir( const TQString& ) ) ); waitingUrl = TQString(); // whatsthis help TQWhatsThis::add ( cmbPath, i18n("

Here you can enter a path for a directory to display." "

To go to a directory previously entered, press the arrow on " "the right and choose one.

The entry has directory " "completion. Right-click to choose how completion should behave.") ); TQWhatsThis::add ( filter, i18n("

Here you can enter a name filter to limit which files are displayed." "

To clear the filter, toggle off the filter button to the left." "

To reapply the last filter used, toggle on the filter button." ) ); TQWhatsThis::add ( btnFilter, i18n("

This button clears the name filter when toggled off, or " "reapplies the last filter used when toggled on.") ); } KDevFileSelector::~KDevFileSelector() { writeConfig( m_part->instance()->config(), "fileselector" ); } //END Constroctor/Destrctor //BEGIN Public Methods void KDevFileSelector::readConfig(TDEConfig *config, const TQString & name) { dir->readConfig(config, name + ":dir"); dir->setView( KFile::Default ); config->setGroup( name ); // set up the toolbar setupToolbar( config ); cmbPath->setMaxItems( config->readNumEntry( "pathcombo history len", 9 ) ); cmbPath->setURLs( config->readPathListEntry("dir history") ); // if we restore history if ( config->readBoolEntry( "restore location", true ) || kapp->isRestored() ) { TQString loc( config->readPathEntry( "location" ) ); if ( ! loc.isEmpty() ) { waitingDir = loc; TQTimer::singleShot(0, this, TQT_SLOT(initialDirChangeHack())); } } // else is automatic, as cmpPath->setURL is called when a location is entered. filter->setMaxCount( config->readNumEntry( "filter history len", 9 ) ); filter->setHistoryItems( config->readListEntry("filter history"), true ); lastFilter = config->readEntry( "last filter" ); TQString flt(""); if ( config->readBoolEntry( "restore last filter", true ) || kapp->isRestored() ) flt = config->readEntry("current filter"); filter->lineEdit()->setText( flt ); slotFilterChange( flt ); autoSyncEvents = config->readNumEntry( "AutoSyncEvents", 0 ); // connect events as needed /// @todo - solve startup problem: no need to set location for each doc opened! if ( autoSyncEvents & DocumentChanged ) connect( partController, TQT_SIGNAL( viewChanged() ), this, TQT_SLOT( autoSync() ) ); if ( autoSyncEvents & DocumentOpened ) connect( partController, TQT_SIGNAL( partAdded(KParts::Part*) ), this, TQT_SLOT( autoSync(KParts::Part*) ) ); } void KDevFileSelector::initialDirChangeHack() { setDir( waitingDir ); } void KDevFileSelector::setupToolbar( TDEConfig *config ) { toolbar->clear(); TQStringList tbactions = config->readListEntry( "toolbar actions", ',' ); if ( tbactions.isEmpty() ) { // resonable collection for default toolbar tbactions << "up" << "back" << "forward" << "home" << "short view" << "detailed view" << "bookmarks" << "sync_dir"; } TDEAction *ac; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it=tbactions.begin(); it != tbactions.end(); ++it ) { if ( *it == "bookmarks" || *it == "sync_dir" ) ac = mActionCollection->action( (*it).latin1() ); else ac = dir->actionCollection()->action( (*it).latin1() ); if ( ac ) ac->plug( toolbar ); } } void KDevFileSelector::writeConfig(TDEConfig *config, const TQString & name) { dir->writeConfig(config,name + ":dir"); config->setGroup( name ); config->writeEntry( "pathcombo history len", cmbPath->maxItems() ); TQStringList l; for (int i = 0; i < cmbPath->count(); i++) { l.append( cmbPath->text( i ) ); } config->writePathEntry( "dir history", l ); config->writePathEntry( "location", cmbPath->currentText() ); config->writeEntry( "filter history len", filter->maxCount() ); config->writeEntry( "filter history", filter->historyItems() ); config->writeEntry( "current filter", filter->currentText() ); config->writeEntry( "last filter", lastFilter ); config->writeEntry( "AutoSyncEvents", autoSyncEvents ); } void KDevFileSelector::setView(KFile::FileView view) { dir->setView(view); } //END Public Methods //BEGIN Public Slots void KDevFileSelector::slotFilterChange( const TQString & nf ) { TQToolTip::remove( btnFilter ); TQString f = nf.stripWhiteSpace(); bool empty = f.isEmpty() || f == "*"; if ( empty ) { dir->clearFilter(); filter->lineEdit()->setText( TQString() ); TQToolTip::add ( btnFilter, TQString( i18n("Apply last filter (\"%1\")") ).arg( lastFilter ) ); } else { if ( !f.startsWith( "*" ) ) f.prepend( '*' ); if ( !f.endsWith( "*" ) ) f.append( '*' ); dir->setNameFilter( f ); lastFilter = f; TQToolTip::add ( btnFilter, i18n("Clear filter") ); } btnFilter->setOn( !empty ); dir->updateDir(); // this will be never true after the filter has been used;) btnFilter->setEnabled( !( empty && lastFilter.isEmpty() ) ); } void KDevFileSelector::setDir( KURL u ) { dir->setURL(u, true); } //END Public Slots //BEGIN Private Slots void KDevFileSelector::cmbPathActivated( const KURL& u ) { cmbPathReturnPressed( u.url() ); } void KDevFileSelector::cmbPathReturnPressed( const TQString& u ) { TQStringList urls = cmbPath->urls(); urls.remove( u ); urls.prepend( u ); cmbPath->setURLs( urls, KURLComboBox::RemoveBottom ); dir->setFocus(); dir->setURL( KURL(u), true ); } void KDevFileSelector::dirUrlEntered( const KURL& u ) { cmbPath->setURL( u ); } void KDevFileSelector::dirFinishedLoading() {} /* When the button in the filter box toggles: If off: If the name filer is anything but "" or "*", reset it. If on: Set last filter. */ void KDevFileSelector::btnFilterClick() { if ( !btnFilter->isOn() ) { slotFilterChange( TQString() ); } else { filter->lineEdit()->setText( lastFilter ); slotFilterChange( lastFilter ); } } void KDevFileSelector::autoSync() { kdDebug()<<"KDevFileSelector::autoSync()"<( part ); if( !doc ) return; // as above, but using document url. kdDebug()<<"KDevFileSelector::autoSync( KTextEditor::Document )"<url() ); if ( u.isEmpty() ) { waitingUrl = TQString(); return; } if ( isVisible() ) { setDir( u.directory() ); waitingUrl = TQString(); } else { waitingUrl = u.directory(); } } /// \FIXME crash on shutdown void KDevFileSelector::setActiveDocumentDir() { //kdDebug()<<"KDevFileSelector::setActiveDocumentDir()"<setEnabled( ! activeDocumentUrl().directory().isEmpty() ); } //END Private Slots //BEGIN Protected void KDevFileSelector::focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent * ) { dir->setFocus(); } void KDevFileSelector::showEvent( TQShowEvent * ) { // sync if we should if ( autoSyncEvents & GotVisible ) { kdDebug()<<"syncing fs on show"<setVariableWidth() does not yeld a satisfying result, something is wrong with the handling of the sizehint. And the popup is rather useless, if the paths are only partly visible. */ TQListBox *lb = cmbPath->listBox(); if ( o == lb && e->type() == TQEvent::Show ) { int add = lb->height() < lb->contentsHeight() ? lb->verticalScrollBar()->width() : 0; int w = TQMIN( mainwin->main()->width(), lb->contentsWidth() + add ); lb->resize( w, lb->height() ); /// @todo - move the listbox to a suitable place if nessecary /// @todo - decide if it is worth caching the size while untill the contents /// are changed. } /// @todo - same thing for the completion popup? return TQWidget::eventFilter( o, e ); } //END Protected //BEGIN ACtionLBItem /* TQListboxItem that can store and return a string, used for the toolbar action selector. */ class ActionLBItem : public TQListBoxPixmap { public: ActionLBItem( TQListBox *lb=0, const TQPixmap &pm = TQPixmap(), const TQString &text=TQString(), const TQString &str=TQString() ) : TQListBoxPixmap( lb, pm, text ), _str(str) {} ; TQString idstring() { return _str; }; private: TQString _str; }; KURL KDevFileSelector::activeDocumentUrl( ) { KParts::ReadOnlyPart * part = dynamic_cast( partController->activePart() ); if ( part ) { return part->url(); } return KURL(); } //END ActionLBItem //BEGIN KFSConfigPage //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // KFSConfigPage implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// KFSConfigPage::KFSConfigPage( TQWidget *parent, const char *name, KDevFileSelector *kfs ) : TQWidget( parent, name ), fileSelector( kfs ), bDirty( false ) { TQVBoxLayout *lo = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); int spacing = KDialog::spacingHint(); lo->setSpacing( spacing ); // Toolbar - a lot for a little... TQGroupBox *gbToolbar = new TQGroupBox( 1, TQt::Vertical, i18n("Toolbar"), this ); acSel = new TDEActionSelector( gbToolbar ); acSel->setAvailableLabel( i18n("A&vailable actions:") ); acSel->setSelectedLabel( i18n("S&elected actions:") ); lo->addWidget( gbToolbar ); connect( acSel, TQT_SIGNAL( added( TQListBoxItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); connect( acSel, TQT_SIGNAL( removed( TQListBoxItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); connect( acSel, TQT_SIGNAL( movedUp( TQListBoxItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); connect( acSel, TQT_SIGNAL( movedDown( TQListBoxItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); // Sync TQGroupBox *gbSync = new TQGroupBox( 1, TQt::Horizontal, i18n("Auto Synchronization"), this ); cbSyncActive = new TQCheckBox( i18n("When a docu&ment becomes active"), gbSync ); cbSyncOpen = new TQCheckBox( i18n("When a document is o&pened"), gbSync ); cbSyncShow = new TQCheckBox( i18n("When the file selector becomes visible"), gbSync ); lo->addWidget( gbSync ); connect( cbSyncActive, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); connect( cbSyncOpen, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); connect( cbSyncShow, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); // Histories TQHBox *hbPathHist = new TQHBox ( this ); TQLabel *lbPathHist = new TQLabel( i18n("Remember &locations:"), hbPathHist ); sbPathHistLength = new TQSpinBox( hbPathHist ); lbPathHist->setBuddy( sbPathHistLength ); lo->addWidget( hbPathHist ); connect( sbPathHistLength, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); TQHBox *hbFilterHist = new TQHBox ( this ); TQLabel *lbFilterHist = new TQLabel( i18n("Remember &filters:"), hbFilterHist ); sbFilterHistLength = new TQSpinBox( hbFilterHist ); lbFilterHist->setBuddy( sbFilterHistLength ); lo->addWidget( hbFilterHist ); connect( sbFilterHistLength, TQT_SIGNAL( valueChanged ( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); // Session TQGroupBox *gbSession = new TQGroupBox( 1, TQt::Horizontal, i18n("Session"), this ); cbSesLocation = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Restore loca&tion"), gbSession ); cbSesFilter = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Restore last f&ilter"), gbSession ); lo->addWidget( gbSession ); connect( cbSesLocation, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); connect( cbSesFilter, TQT_SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotChanged() ) ); // make it look nice lo->addStretch( 1 ); // be helpfull /* TQWhatsThis::add( lbAvailableActions, i18n( "

Available actions for the toolbar. To add an action, select it here " "and press the add (->) button" ) ); TQWhatsThis::add( lbUsedActions, i18n( "

Actions used in the toolbar. To remove an action, select it and " "press the remove (<-) button." "

To change the order of the actions, use the Up and Down buttons to " "move the selected action.") ); */ TQString lhwt( i18n( "

Decides how many locations to keep in the history of the location " "combo box") ); TQWhatsThis::add ( lbPathHist, lhwt ); TQWhatsThis::add ( sbPathHistLength, lhwt ); TQString fhwt( i18n( "

Decides how many filters to keep in the history of the filter " "combo box") ); TQWhatsThis::add ( lbFilterHist, fhwt ); TQWhatsThis::add ( sbFilterHistLength, fhwt ); TQString synwt( i18n( "

These options allow you to have the File Selector automatically " "change location to the directory of the active document on certain " "events." "

Auto synchronization is lazy, meaning it will not take " "effect until the file selector is visible." "

None of these are enabled by default, but you can always sync the " "location by pressing the sync button in the toolbar.") ); TQWhatsThis::add ( gbSync, synwt ); TQWhatsThis::add ( cbSesLocation, i18n( "

If this option is enabled (default), the location will be restored " "when you start KDev.

Note that if the session is " "handled by the TDE session manager, the location is always restored.") ); TQWhatsThis::add ( cbSesFilter, i18n( "

If this option is enabled (default), the current filter will be " "restored when you start KDev.

Note that if the " "session is handled by the TDE session manager, the filter is always " "restored." "

Note that some of the autosync settings may " "override the restored location if on.") ); init(); } void KFSConfigPage::apply() { TDEConfig *config = fileSelector->m_part->instance()->config(); config->setGroup( "fileselector" ); // toolbar TQStringList l; TQListBoxItem *item = acSel->selectedListBox()->firstItem(); ActionLBItem *aItem; while ( item ) { aItem = (ActionLBItem*)item; if ( aItem ) { l << aItem->idstring(); } item = item->next(); } config->writeEntry( "toolbar actions", l ); fileSelector->setupToolbar( config ); // sync int s = 0; if ( cbSyncActive->isChecked() ) s |= KDevFileSelector::DocumentChanged; if ( cbSyncOpen->isChecked() ) s |= KDevFileSelector::DocumentOpened; if ( cbSyncShow->isChecked() ) s |= KDevFileSelector::GotVisible; fileSelector->autoSyncEvents = s; // reset connections disconnect( fileSelector->partController, 0, fileSelector, TQT_SLOT( autoSync() ) ); disconnect( fileSelector->partController, 0, fileSelector, TQT_SLOT( autoSync( KParts::Part *) ) ); if ( s & KDevFileSelector::DocumentChanged ) connect( fileSelector->partController, TQT_SIGNAL( viewChanged() ), fileSelector, TQT_SLOT( autoSync() ) ); if ( s & KDevFileSelector::DocumentOpened ) connect( fileSelector->partController, TQT_SIGNAL( partAdded(KParts::Part *) ), fileSelector, TQT_SLOT( autoSync(KParts::Part *) ) ); // histories fileSelector->cmbPath->setMaxItems( sbPathHistLength->value() ); fileSelector->filter->setMaxCount( sbFilterHistLength->value() ); // session - theese are read/written directly to the app config, // as they are not needed during operation. config->writeEntry( "restore location", cbSesLocation->isChecked() ); config->writeEntry( "restore last filter", cbSesFilter->isChecked() ); } void KFSConfigPage::reload() { // hmm, what is this supposed to do, actually?? init(); } void KFSConfigPage::init() { TDEConfig *config = fileSelector->m_part->instance()->config(); config->setGroup( "fileselector" ); // toolbar TQStringList l = config->readListEntry( "toolbar actions", ',' ); if ( l.isEmpty() ) // default toolbar l << "up" << "back" << "forward" << "home" << "short view" << "detailed view" << "bookmarks" << "sync_dir"; // actions from diroperator + two of our own TQStringList allActions; allActions << "up" << "back" << "forward" << "home" << "reload" << "mkdir" << "delete" << "short view" << "detailed view" /*<< "view menu" << "show hidden" << "properties"*/ << "bookmarks" << "sync_dir"; TQRegExp re("&(?=[^&])"); TDEAction *ac; TQListBox *lb; for ( TQStringList::Iterator it=allActions.begin(); it != allActions.end(); ++it ) { lb = l.contains( *it ) ? acSel->selectedListBox() : acSel->availableListBox(); if ( *it == "bookmarks" || *it == "sync_dir" ) ac = fileSelector->actionCollection()->action( (*it).latin1() ); else ac = fileSelector->dirOperator()->actionCollection()->action( (*it).latin1() ); if ( ac ) new ActionLBItem( lb, SmallIcon( ac->icon() ), ac->text().replace( re, "" ), *it ); } // sync int s = fileSelector->autoSyncEvents; cbSyncActive->setChecked( s & KDevFileSelector::DocumentChanged ); cbSyncOpen->setChecked( s & KDevFileSelector::DocumentOpened ); cbSyncShow->setChecked( s & KDevFileSelector::GotVisible ); // histories sbPathHistLength->setValue( fileSelector->cmbPath->maxItems() ); sbFilterHistLength->setValue( fileSelector->filter->maxCount() ); // session cbSesLocation->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "restore location", true ) ); cbSesFilter->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "restore last filter", true ) ); } void KFSConfigPage::slotChanged() { } //END KFSConfigPage //BEGIN KDevDirOperator void KDevDirOperator::activatedMenu( const KFileItem *fi, const TQPoint & pos ) { setupMenu(); updateSelectionDependentActions(); TDEActionMenu * am = dynamic_cast(actionCollection()->action("popupMenu")); if (!am) return; TDEPopupMenu *popup = am->popupMenu(); popup->insertSeparator(); m_part->newFileAction()->plug(popup); if (fi) { FileContext context( KURL::List(fi->url())); if ( (m_part) && (m_part->core())) m_part->core()->fillContextMenu(popup, &context); } popup->popup(pos); } //END KDevDirOperator #include "fileselector_widget.moc"