/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 1999-2001 by Bernd Gehrmann and the KDevelop Team * * bernd@kdevelop.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "directorystatusmessagefilter.h" #include "directorystatusmessagefilter.moc" #include "makeitem.h" #include #include DirectoryStatusMessageFilter::DirectoryStatusMessageFilter( OutputFilter& next ) : OutputFilter( next ) { } void DirectoryStatusMessageFilter::processLine( const TQString& line ) { TQString dir; if ( matchEnterDir( line, dir ) ) { emit item( new EnteringDirectoryItem( dir, line ) ); } else if ( matchLeaveDir( line, dir ) ) { emit item( new ExitingDirectoryItem( dir, line ) ); } else { OutputFilter::processLine( line ); } } // simple helper function - checks whether we entered a new directory // (locale and Utf8 aware) bool DirectoryStatusMessageFilter::matchEnterDir( const TQString& line, TQString& dir ) { // make outputs localised strings in Utf8 for entering/leaving directories... static const unsigned short fr_enter[] = {'E','n','t','r','e',' ','d','a','n','s',' ','l','e',' ','r',0xe9,'p','e','r','t','o','i','r','e' }; static const unsigned short pl_enter[] = {'W','c','h','o','d','z',0x119,' ','k','a','t','a','l','o','g' }; static const unsigned short ja_enter[] = { 0x5165,0x308a,0x307e,0x3059,0x20,0x30c7,0x30a3,0x30ec,0x30af,0x30c8,0x30ea }; static const unsigned short ko_enter[] = { 0xb4e4,0xc5b4,0xac10 }; static const unsigned short ko_behind[] = { 0x20,0xb514,0xb809,0xd1a0,0xb9ac }; static const unsigned short pt_br_enter[] = { 0x45,0x6e,0x74,0x72,0x61,0x6e,0x64,0x6f,0x20,0x6e,0x6f,0x20,0x64,0x69,0x72,0x65,0x74,0xf3,0x72,0x69,0x6f }; static const unsigned short ru_enter[] = { 0x412,0x445,0x43e,0x434,0x20,0x432,0x20,0x43a,0x430,0x442,0x430,0x43b,0x43e,0x433 }; static const TQString fr_e( (const TQChar*)fr_enter, sizeof(fr_enter) / 2 ); static const TQString pl_e( (const TQChar*)pl_enter, sizeof(pl_enter) / 2 ); static const TQString ja_e( (const TQChar*)ja_enter, sizeof(ja_enter) / 2 ); static const TQString ko_e( (const TQChar*)ko_enter, sizeof(ko_enter) / 2 ); static const TQString ko_b( (const TQChar*)ko_behind, sizeof(ko_behind) / 2 ); static const TQString pt_br_e( (const TQChar*)pt_br_enter, sizeof(pt_br_enter) / 2 ); static const TQString ru_e( (const TQChar*)ru_enter, sizeof(ru_enter) / 2 ); static const TQString en_e("Entering directory"); static const TQString de_e1("Wechsel in das Verzeichnis Verzeichnis"); static const TQString de_e2("Wechsel in das Verzeichnis"); static const TQString es_e("Cambiando a directorio"); static const TQString nl_e("Binnengaan van directory"); //@todo: other translations! // we need a TQRegExp because KRegExp is not Utf8 aware. // 0x00AB is LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE TQUOTATION MARK // 0X00BB is RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE TQUOTATION MARK static TQRegExp dirChange(TQString::tqfromLatin1(".*: (.+) (`|") + TQChar(0x00BB) + TQString::tqfromLatin1(")(.*)('|") + TQChar(0x00AB) + TQString::tqfromLatin1(")(.*)")); static TQRegExp enEnter(TQString::tqfromLatin1(".*: Entering directory")); kdDebug(9004) << "Directory filter line " << line << endl; // avoid TQRegExp if possible. This regex performs VERY badly with large inputs, // and the input required is very short if these strings match. if(line.find(en_e) > -1 || line.find(fr_e) > -1 || line.find(pl_e) > -1 || line.find(ja_e) > -1 || line.find(ko_e) > -1 || line.find(ko_b) > -1 || line.find(pt_br_e) > -1 || line.find(ru_e) > -1 || line.find(de_e1) > -1 || line.find(de_e2) > -1 || line.find(es_e) > -1 || line.find(nl_e) > -1) { // grab the directory name if(dirChange.search(line) > -1) { dir = dirChange.cap(3); return true; } } return false; } // simple helper function - checks whether we left a directory // (locale and Utf8 aware). bool DirectoryStatusMessageFilter::matchLeaveDir( const TQString& line, TQString& dir ) { static const unsigned short fr_leave[] = { 'Q','u','i','t','t','e',' ','l','e',' ','r',0xe9,'p','e','r','t','o','i','r','e' }; static const unsigned short ja_leave[] = { 0x51fa,0x307e,0x3059,0x20,0x30c7,0x30a3,0x30ec,0x30af,0x30c8,0x30ea }; static const unsigned short pt_br_leave[] = {'S','a','i','n','d','o',' ','d','o',' ','d','i','r','e','t',0xf3,'r','i','o' }; static const unsigned short ru_leave[] = { 0x412,0x44b,0x445,0x43e,0x434,0x20,0x438,0x437,0x20,0x43a,0x430,0x442,0x430,0x43b,0x43e,0x433 }; static const unsigned short ko_leave[] = { 0xb098,0xac10 }; static const unsigned short ko_behind[] = { 0x20,0xb514,0xb809,0xd1a0,0xb9ac }; static const TQString fr_l( (const TQChar*)fr_leave, sizeof(fr_leave) / 2 ); static const TQString ja_l( (const TQChar*)ja_leave, sizeof(ja_leave) / 2 ); static const TQString ko_l( (const TQChar*)ko_leave, sizeof(ko_leave) / 2 ); static const TQString ko_b( (const TQChar*)ko_behind, sizeof(ko_behind) / 2 ); static const TQString pt_br_l( (const TQChar*)pt_br_leave, sizeof(pt_br_leave) / 2 ); static const TQString ru_l( (const TQChar*)ru_leave, sizeof(ru_leave) / 2 ); static const TQString en_l("Leaving directory"); static const TQString de_l1("Verlassen des Verzeichnisses Verzeichnis"); static const TQString de_l2("Verlassen des Verzeichnisses"); static const TQString es_l("Saliendo directorio"); static const TQString nl_l("Verdwijnen uit directory"); static const TQString po_l("Opuszczam katalog"); // we need a TQRegExp because KRegExp is not Utf8 aware. // 0x00AB is LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE TQUOTATION MARK // 0X00BB is RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE TQUOTATION MARK static TQRegExp dirChange(TQString::tqfromLatin1(".*: (.+) (`|") + TQChar(0x00BB) + TQString::tqfromLatin1(")(.*)('|") + TQChar(0x00AB) + TQString::tqfromLatin1(")(.*)")); // avoid TQRegExp if possible. This regex performs VERY badly with large inputs, // and the input required is very short if these strings match. if(line.find(en_l) > -1 || line.find(fr_l) > -1 || line.find(ja_l) > -1 || (line.find(ko_l) > -1 && line.find(ko_b) > -1) || line.find(pt_br_l) > -1 || line.find(ru_l) > -1 || line.find(de_l1) > -1 || line.find(de_l2) > -1 || line.find(es_l) > -1 || line.find(nl_l) > -1 || line.find(po_l) > -1) { // grab the directory name if(dirChange.search(line) > -1 ) { dir = dirChange.cap(3); return true; } } return false; }