ProfileEditorBase ProfileEditorBase 0 0 637 476 Profile Editor for The TDevelop Platform unnamed splitter2 Vertical widgetStack1 WStackPage 0 unnamed 0 0 layout11 unnamed addProfileButton Add Profile spacer1 Vertical Expanding 20 142 Name true true Description true true profilesList 7 7 0 0 true NoColumn removeProfileButton false Remove Profile tabWidget2 tab Properties unnamed addPropertyButton Add propertyCombo 7 0 0 0 true true removePropertyButton false Remove layout7 unnamed 0 0 textLabel1 Derived properties: derivedPropertiesBox layout8 unnamed 0 0 textLabel1_2 Own properties: ownPropertiesBox tab Lists of Explicitly Enabled && Disabled Plugins unnamed layout5 unnamed 0 0 textLabel2 Enabled: Plugin Name true true enabledList layout6 unnamed 0 0 textLabel2_2 Disabled: Plugin Name true true disabledList delEnabledButton <- spacer2_2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 spacer2_3 Vertical Expanding 20 16 delDisabledButton <- spacer2_4 Vertical Expanding 20 16 layout10 unnamed 0 0 textLabel2_3 Available plugins: Name true true Generic Name true true allList allEdit spacer2 Vertical Expanding 20 16 addEnabledButton -> addDisabledButton -> TabPage List of Plugins to Be Loaded unnamed Name true true Generic Name true true Properties true true pluginsView true profilesList currentChanged(TQListViewItem*) ProfileEditorBase profileExecuted(TQListViewItem*) ownPropertiesBox currentChanged(TQListBoxItem*) ProfileEditorBase propertyExecuted(TQListBoxItem*) addProfileButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase addProfile() removeProfileButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase removeProfile() addPropertyButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase addProperty() removePropertyButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase removeProperty() profilesList executed(TQListViewItem*) ProfileEditorBase profileExecuted(TQListViewItem*) profilesList selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*) ProfileEditorBase profileExecuted(TQListViewItem*) addEnabledButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase addEnabled() delEnabledButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase delEnabled() addDisabledButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase addDisabled() delDisabledButton clicked() ProfileEditorBase delDisabled() class TQListViewItem; class TQListBoxItem; profilesList addProfileButton removeProfileButton tabWidget2 derivedPropertiesBox ownPropertiesBox propertyCombo addPropertyButton removePropertyButton enabledList disabledList pluginsView profileExecuted(TQListViewItem *item) propertyExecuted(TQListBoxItem *item) addProfile() removeProfile() addProperty() removeProperty() addEnabled() delEnabled() addDisabled() delDisabled() kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h tdelistbox.h tdelistbox.h tdelistview.h tdelistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h kpushbutton.h kpushbutton.h tdelistview.h