/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** Licensees holding valid TQt Enterprise Edition or TQt Professional Edition ** licenses may use this file in accordance with the TQt Commercial License ** Agreement provided with the Software. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for ** information about TQt Commercial License Agreements. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include "editfunctionsimpl.h" #include "formwindow.h" #include "metadatabase.h" #include "asciivalidator.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "hierarchyview.h" #include "project.h" #include #include #include "tdevdesigner_part.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include EditFunctions::EditFunctions( TQWidget *parent, FormWindow *fw, bool justSlots ) : EditFunctionsBase( parent, 0, TRUE ), formWindow( fw ) { connect( helpButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, TQT_SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) ); id = 0; functList.clear(); TQValueList functionList = MetaDataBase::functionList( TQT_TQOBJECT(fw) ); for ( TQValueList::Iterator it = functionList.begin(); it != functionList.end(); ++it ) { TQListViewItem *i = new TQListViewItem( functionListView ); i->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , TDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()) ); i->setText( 0, (*it).function ); i->setText( 1, (*it).returnType ); i->setText( 2, (*it).specifier ); i->setText( 3, (*it).access ); i->setText( 4, (*it).type ); FunctItem fui; fui.id = id; fui.oldName = (*it).function; fui.newName = fui.oldName; fui.oldRetTyp = (*it).returnType; fui.retTyp = fui.oldRetTyp; fui.oldSpec = (*it).specifier; fui.spec = fui.oldSpec; fui.oldAccess = (*it).access; fui.access = fui.oldAccess; fui.oldType = (*it).type; fui.type = fui.oldType; functList.append( fui ); functionIds.insert( i, id ); id++; if ( (*it).type == "slot" ) { if ( MetaDataBase::isSlotUsed( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow), MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).function ).latin1() ) ) i->setText( 5, i18n( "Yes" ) ); else i->setText( 5, i18n( "No" ) ); } else { i->setText( 5, "---" ); } } boxProperties->setEnabled( FALSE ); functionName->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TRUE, TQT_TQOBJECT(functionName) ) ); if ( functionListView->firstChild() ) functionListView->setCurrentItem( functionListView->firstChild() ); showOnlySlots->setChecked( justSlots ); lastType = "function"; // Enable rename for all TQListViewItems TQListViewItemIterator lvit = functionListView->firstChild(); for ( ; *lvit; lvit++ ) (*lvit)->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); // Connect listview signal to signal-relay TQObject::connect( functionListView, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed( TQListViewItem*, int, const TQString & ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( emitItemRenamed(TQListViewItem*, int, const TQString&) ) ); // Connect signal-relay to TQLineEdit "functionName" TQObjectList *l = parent->queryList( TQLINEEDIT_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, "functionName" ); TQObject *obj; TQObjectListIt itemsLineEditIt( *l ); while ( (obj = itemsLineEditIt.current()) != 0 ) { ++itemsLineEditIt; TQObject::connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL( itemRenamed( const TQString & ) ), obj, TQT_SLOT( setText( const TQString & ) ) ); } delete l; } void EditFunctions::okClicked() { TQValueList functionList = MetaDataBase::functionList( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow) ); TQString n = i18n( "Add/Remove functions of '%1'" ).arg( formWindow->name() ); TQPtrList commands; TQValueList::Iterator fit; if ( !functionList.isEmpty() ) { for ( fit = functionList.begin(); fit != functionList.end(); ++fit ) { bool functionFound = FALSE; TQValueList::Iterator it = functList.begin(); for ( ; it != functList.end(); ++it ) { if ( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).oldName ) == MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*fit).function ) ) { functionFound = TRUE; break; } } if ( !functionFound ) commands.append( new RemoveFunctionCommand( i18n( "Remove Function" ), formWindow, (*fit).function, (*fit).specifier, (*fit).access, (*fit).type, formWindow->project()->language(), (*fit).returnType ) ); } } bool invalidFunctions = FALSE; TQValueList invalidItems; if ( !functList.isEmpty() ) { TQStrList lst; TQValueList::Iterator it = functList.begin(); for ( ; it != functList.end(); ++it ) { MetaDataBase::Function function; function.function = (*it).newName; function.returnType = (*it).retTyp; function.specifier = (*it).spec; function.access = (*it).access; function.type = (*it).type; function.language = formWindow->project()->language(); if ( function.returnType.isEmpty() ) function.returnType = "void"; TQString s = function.function; s = s.simplifyWhiteSpace(); bool startNum = s[ 0 ] >= '0' && s[ 0 ] <= '9'; bool noParens = s.contains( '(' ) != 1 || s.contains( ')' ) != 1; bool illegalSpace = s.find( ' ' ) != -1 && s.find( ' ' ) < s.find( '(' ); if ( startNum || noParens || illegalSpace || lst.find( function.function ) != -1 ) { invalidFunctions = TRUE; invalidItems.append( (*it) ); continue; } bool functionFound = FALSE; for ( fit = functionList.begin(); fit != functionList.end(); ++fit ) { if ( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*fit).function ) == MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).oldName ) ) { functionFound = TRUE; break; } } if ( !functionFound ) commands.append( new AddFunctionCommand( i18n( "Add Function" ), formWindow, function.function, function.specifier, function.access, function.type, formWindow->project()->language(), function.returnType ) ); if ( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).newName ) != MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).oldName ) || (*it).spec != (*it).oldSpec || (*it).access != (*it).oldAccess || (*it).type != (*it).oldType || (*it).retTyp != (*it).oldRetTyp ) { TQString normalizedOldName = MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).oldName ); if ((*it).oldName.endsWith("const")) // make sure we get the 'const' when we remove the old name normalizedOldName += " const"; commands.append( new ChangeFunctionAttribCommand( i18n( "Change Function Attributes" ), formWindow, function, normalizedOldName, (*it).oldSpec, (*it).oldAccess, (*it).oldType, formWindow->project()->language(), (*it).oldRetTyp ) ); } lst.append( function.function ); } } if ( invalidFunctions ) { if ( TQMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Edit Functions" ), i18n( "Some syntactically incorrect functions have been defined.\n" "Remove these functions?" ), i18n( "&Yes" ), i18n( "&No" ) ) == 0 ) { TQValueList::Iterator it = functList.begin(); while ( it != functList.end() ) { bool found = FALSE; TQValueList::Iterator vit = invalidItems.begin(); for ( ; vit != invalidItems.end(); ++vit ) { if ( (*vit).newName == (*it).newName ) { invalidItems.remove( vit ); found = TRUE; break; } } if ( found ) { int delId = (*it).id; it = functList.remove( it ); TQMap::Iterator fit = functionIds.begin(); while ( fit != functionIds.end() ) { if ( *fit == delId ) { TQListViewItem *litem = fit.key(); functionIds.remove( fit ); delete litem; if ( functionListView->currentItem() ) functionListView->setSelected( functionListView->currentItem(), TRUE ); currentItemChanged( functionListView->currentItem() ); break; } ++fit; } } else ++it; } if ( functionListView->firstChild() ) { functionListView->setCurrentItem( functionListView->firstChild() ); functionListView->setSelected( functionListView->firstChild(), TRUE ); } } formWindow->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->updateFormDefinitionView(); return; } if ( !commands.isEmpty() ) { MacroCommand *cmd = new MacroCommand( n, formWindow, commands ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } formWindow->mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->updateFormDefinitionView(); accept(); } void EditFunctions::functionAdd( const TQString &access, const TQString &type ) { TQListViewItem *i = new TQListViewItem( functionListView ); i->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , TDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()) ); i->setRenameEnabled( 0, TRUE ); i->setText( 1, "void" ); i->setText( 2, "virtual" ); if ( access.isEmpty() ) i->setText( 3, "public" ); else i->setText( 3, access ); if( type.isEmpty() ) { if ( showOnlySlots->isChecked() ) i->setText( 4, "slot" ); else { i->setText( 4, lastType ); } } else { i->setText( 4, type ); } if ( i->text( 4 ) == "slot" ) { i->setText( 0, "newSlot()" ); if ( MetaDataBase::isSlotUsed( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow), "newSlot()" ) ) i->setText( 5, i18n( "Yes" ) ); else i->setText( 5, i18n( "No" ) ); } else { i->setText( 0, "newFunction()" ); i->setText( 5, "---" ); } functionListView->setCurrentItem( i ); functionListView->setSelected( i, TRUE ); functionListView->ensureItemVisible( i ); functionName->setFocus(); functionName->selectAll(); FunctItem fui; fui.id = id; fui.oldName = i->text( 0 ); fui.newName = fui.oldName; fui.oldRetTyp = i->text( 1 ); fui.retTyp = fui.oldRetTyp; fui.oldSpec = i->text ( 2 ); fui.spec = fui.oldSpec; fui.oldAccess = i->text( 3 ); fui.access = fui.oldAccess; fui.oldType = i->text( 4 ); fui.type = fui.oldType; lastType = fui.oldType; functList.append( fui ); functionIds.insert( i, id ); id++; } void EditFunctions::functionRemove() { if ( !functionListView->currentItem() ) return; functionListView->blockSignals( TRUE ); removedFunctions << MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( functionListView->currentItem()->text( 0 ) ); int delId = functionIds[ functionListView->currentItem() ]; TQValueList::Iterator it = functList.begin(); while ( it != functList.end() ) { if ( (*it).id == delId ) { functList.remove( it ); break; } ++it; } functionIds.remove( functionListView->currentItem() ); delete functionListView->currentItem(); if ( functionListView->currentItem() ) functionListView->setSelected( functionListView->currentItem(), TRUE ); functionListView->blockSignals( FALSE ); currentItemChanged( functionListView->currentItem() ); } void EditFunctions::currentItemChanged( TQListViewItem *i ) { functionName->blockSignals( TRUE ); functionName->setText( "" ); functionAccess->setCurrentItem( 0 ); functionName->blockSignals( FALSE ); if ( !i ) { boxProperties->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } functionName->blockSignals( TRUE ); functionName->setText( i->text( 0 ) ); editType->setText( i->text( 1 ) ); TQString specifier = i->text( 2 ); TQString access = i->text( 3 ); TQString type = i->text( 4 ); if ( specifier == "pure virtual" ) functionSpecifier->setCurrentItem( 2 ); else if ( specifier == "non virtual" ) functionSpecifier->setCurrentItem( 0 ); else if ( specifier == "virtual" ) functionSpecifier->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else functionSpecifier->setCurrentItem( 3 ); if ( access == "private" ) functionAccess->setCurrentItem( 2 ); else if ( access == "protected" ) functionAccess->setCurrentItem( 1 ); else functionAccess->setCurrentItem( 0 ); if ( type == "slot" ) functionType->setCurrentItem( 0 ); else functionType->setCurrentItem( 1 ); functionName->blockSignals( FALSE ); boxProperties->setEnabled( TRUE ); } void EditFunctions::currentTextChanged( const TQString &txt ) { if ( !functionListView->currentItem() ) return; changeItem( functionListView->currentItem(), Name, txt ); functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 0, txt ); if ( functionListView->currentItem()->text( 4 ) == "slot" ) { if ( MetaDataBase::isSlotUsed( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow), MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( txt.latin1() ).latin1() ) ) functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 5, i18n( "Yes" ) ); else functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 5, i18n( "No" ) ); } else { functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 5, "---" ); } } void EditFunctions::currentSpecifierChanged( const TQString& s ) { if ( !functionListView->currentItem() ) return; changeItem( functionListView->currentItem(), Specifier, s ); functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 2, s ); } void EditFunctions::currentAccessChanged( const TQString& a ) { if ( !functionListView->currentItem() ) return; changeItem( functionListView->currentItem(), Access, a ); functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 3, a ); } void EditFunctions::currentReturnTypeChanged( const TQString &type ) { if ( !functionListView->currentItem() ) return; changeItem( functionListView->currentItem(), ReturnType, type ); functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 1, type ); } void EditFunctions::currentTypeChanged( const TQString &type ) { if ( !functionListView->currentItem() ) return; changeItem( functionListView->currentItem(), Type, type ); lastType = type; functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 4, type ); if ( type == "slot" ) { if ( MetaDataBase::isSlotUsed( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow), MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( functionListView->currentItem()->text( 0 ).latin1() ).latin1() ) ) functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 5, i18n( "Yes" ) ); else functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 5, i18n( "No" ) ); } else { functionListView->currentItem()->setText( 5, "---" ); } } void EditFunctions::changeItem( TQListViewItem *item, Attribute a, const TQString &nV ) { int itemId; TQMap::Iterator fit = functionIds.find( item ); if ( fit != functionIds.end() ) itemId = *fit; else return; TQValueList::Iterator it = functList.begin(); for ( ; it != functList.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).id == itemId ) { switch( a ) { case Name: (*it).newName = nV; break; case Specifier: (*it).spec = nV; break; case Access: (*it).access = nV; break; case ReturnType: (*it).retTyp = nV; break; case Type: (*it).type = nV; break; } } } } void EditFunctions::setCurrentFunction( const TQString &function ) { TQListViewItemIterator it( functionListView ); while ( it.current() ) { if ( MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( it.current()->text( 0 ) ) == function ) { functionListView->setCurrentItem( it.current() ); functionListView->setSelected( it.current(), TRUE ); currentItemChanged( it.current() ); return; } ++it; } } void EditFunctions::displaySlots( bool justSlots ) { functionIds.clear(); functionListView->clear(); for ( TQValueList::Iterator it = functList.begin(); it != functList.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).type == "function" && justSlots ) continue; TQListViewItem *i = new TQListViewItem( functionListView ); functionIds.insert( i, (*it).id ); i->setPixmap( 0, SmallIcon( "designer_editslots.png" , TDevDesignerPartFactory::instance()) ); i->setText( 0, (*it).newName ); i->setText( 1, (*it).retTyp ); i->setText( 2, (*it).spec ); i->setText( 3, (*it).access ); i->setText( 4, (*it).type ); if ( (*it).type == "slot" ) { if ( MetaDataBase::isSlotUsed( TQT_TQOBJECT(formWindow), MetaDataBase::normalizeFunction( (*it).newName ).latin1() ) ) i->setText( 5, i18n( "Yes" ) ); else i->setText( 5, i18n( "No" ) ); } else { i->setText( 5, "---" ); } } if ( functionListView->firstChild() ) functionListView->setSelected( functionListView->firstChild(), TRUE ); } void EditFunctions::emitItemRenamed( TQListViewItem *, int, const TQString & text ) { emit itemRenamed( text ); // Relay signal ( to TQLineEdit ) }