Configuring a &kxsldbg; Session
You start configuration by clicking
in the Menubar.
The Configuration Dialog
The Configuration Dialog
The Configuration Dialog.
Getting Started
To be able to run a stylesheet you need to specify the:
&XSL; source
&XML; data
Output file
By using the ... button to choose file
desired. The &XSL; source and >&XML; data may refer
to URI that contains a http://, ftp:// or file://. The Output file
must refer to a writable local file.
To follow along with the examples, select the following files in the
example <KDE PREFIX>/share/apps/kxsldbg folder
&XSL; source: testdoc.xsl
&XML; data: testdoc.xml
Output file: /tmp/xsldbg_output.txt
Working With Options
You can select zero or more options from the Options dialog. Each option has a tooltip with a hint on what effect it has.
Working With Parameters
You can add zero or more parameters via the LibXSLT Parameters
section of dialog. This allows you to provide parameter values to the
For example you could add a enter a Parameter name of myparam
with a Parameter value of 'Hello World!' and click the Add button.
. To update the value of an existing
parameter just use the navigate to the value you wish to change with the Prev or Next button, provide a new Parameter value then click the Apply.
Apply Changes
For the changes you have made to take effect press the Apply
button. To ignore any changes press the Cancel button.
You can close the dialog using the X provided at the top right of the window. If you need to change the configuration just re-open the
configuration dialog as shown before.