/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2004 by Paulo Moura Guedes * * moura@kdewebdev.org * * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program; if not, write to the * * Free Software Foundation, Inc., * * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * ***************************************************************************/ #include "htmlparser.h" #include #include HtmlParser::HtmlParser(TQString const& documento) : is_content_type_set_(false), document_(documento) { Q_ASSERT(!documento.isEmpty()); stripScriptContent(); stripComments(); // after removing the script because comments in scripts have diferent sintaxe nodes_.reserve(estimativaLinks(documento.length() * 2)); // à confiança ;) parseNodesOfTypeA(); parseNodesOfTypeAREA(); parseNodesOfTypeLINK(); parseNodesOfTypeMETA(); parseNodesOfTypeIMG(); parseNodesOfTypeFRAME(); parseNodesOfTypeIFRAME(); parseNodesOfTypeBASE(); parseNodesOfTypeTITLE(); } bool HtmlParser::hasBaseUrl() const { return (node_BASE_.element() == Node::BASE && !node_BASE_.url().isEmpty()); } NodeBASE const& HtmlParser::baseUrl() const { Q_ASSERT(hasBaseUrl()); return node_BASE_; } NodeMETA const& HtmlParser::contentTypeMetaNode() const { Q_ASSERT(hasContentType()); return node_META_content_type_; } bool HtmlParser::hasTitle() const { return (node_TITLE_.element() == Node::TITLE && !node_TITLE_.attributeTITLE().isEmpty()); } NodeTITLE const& HtmlParser::title() const { Q_ASSERT(hasTitle()); return node_TITLE_; } vector const& HtmlParser::parseNodesOfType(TQString const& element) { HtmlParser::parseNodesOfType(element, document_, aux_); return aux_; } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfType(TQString const& tipo, TQString const& document, vector& nodes) { TQString node; TQString doc(document); int inicio = 0, fim = 0; nodes.clear(); if(upperCase(tipo) == "A") nodes.reserve(estimativaLinks(doc.length() * 2)); while(true) { inicio = findSeparableWord(doc, "<" + tipo); if(inicio == -1) return; //if( (doc[inicio] != ' ' && doc[inicio] != '\n' && doc[inicio] != '\r') ) if(!::isSpace(doc[inicio])) { doc.remove(0, TQString("<" + tipo).length()); continue; } if(upperCase(tipo) == "A") fim = findWord(doc, "", inicio); else { //fim = findChar(doc, '>', inicio + 1); fim = endOfTag(doc, inicio, '>'); } if(fim == -1) { doc.remove(0, 1); continue; } int tag_begining_go_back = (tipo.length() + TQString("<").length()); node = doc.mid(inicio - tag_begining_go_back, fim - inicio + tag_begining_go_back); nodes.push_back(node); doc.remove(0, fim); } } int HtmlParser::endOfTag(TQString const& s, int index, TQChar end_of_tag) { if( (uint)index >= s.length() ) return -1; int _end_of_tag = s.tqfind(end_of_tag, index); if(_end_of_tag == -1) return _end_of_tag; int open_aspas = s.tqfind('"', index); if(open_aspas == -1) return _end_of_tag + 1; else if(_end_of_tag < open_aspas) return _end_of_tag + 1; else if( ((uint)open_aspas + 1) >= s.length() - 1 ) return -1; else { int close_aspas = s.tqfind('"', open_aspas + 1); if(close_aspas != -1) return endOfTag(s, close_aspas + 1, end_of_tag); else { kdDebug(23100) << "Mismatched quotes (\"): " << s.mid(index, _end_of_tag - index) << endl; //return -1; return _end_of_tag + 1; } } } vector const& HtmlParser::nodes() const { return nodes_; } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeA() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("A"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) { nodes_.push_back( new NodeA(aux[i]) ); } } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeAREA() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("AREA"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) { nodes_.push_back( new NodeAREA(aux[i]) ); } } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeLINK() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("LINK"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) nodes_.push_back( new NodeLINK(aux[i]) ); } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeMETA() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("META"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) { NodeMETA* node = new NodeMETA(aux[i]); nodes_.push_back(node); if(!is_content_type_set_ && node->atributoHTTP_ETQUIV().lower() == TQString("Content-Type").lower()) { is_content_type_set_ = true; node_META_content_type_.setNode(aux[i]); } } } TQString HtmlParser::findCharsetInMetaElement(TQString const& html) { vector metaTags; parseNodesOfType("META", html, metaTags); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != metaTags.size(); ++i) { NodeMETA node(metaTags[i]); if(node.atributoHTTP_ETQUIV().lower() == TQString("Content-Type").lower()) { return node.charset(); } } return TQString(); } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeIMG() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("IMG"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) nodes_.push_back( new NodeIMG(aux[i]) ); } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeFRAME() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("FRAME"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) nodes_.push_back( new NodeFRAME(aux[i]) ); } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeIFRAME() { vector const& aux = parseNodesOfType("IFRAME"); for(vector::size_type i = 0; i != aux.size(); ++i) nodes_.push_back( new NodeFRAME(aux[i]) ); } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeBASE() { TQString node; TQString doc = document_; int inicio = 0, fim = 0; inicio = findSeparableWord(doc, "", inicio); if(fim == -1) return; node = doc.mid(inicio, fim-inicio); node_BASE_.setNode(node); } void HtmlParser::parseNodesOfTypeTITLE() { TQString node; TQString doc = document_; int inicio = 0, fim = 0; inicio = findSeparableWord(doc, ""); if(inicio == -1) return; fim = findSeparableWord(doc, "", inicio); if(fim == -1) return; node = doc.mid(inicio, fim-inicio); node_TITLE_.setNode(node); } void HtmlParser::stripComments() { TQString begin_comment = ""; uint const begin_comment_length = begin_comment.length(); int inicio = -1; do { inicio = findWord(document_, begin_comment); if(inicio != -1) { int fim = findWord(document_, end_comment, inicio); if(fim == -1) { kdDebug(23100) << "End of comment is missing!" << endl; document_.remove(inicio - begin_comment_length, begin_comment_length); } else { comments_ += "\n" + document_.mid(inicio - begin_comment_length, fim - inicio + begin_comment_length); document_.remove(inicio - begin_comment_length, fim - inicio + begin_comment_length); } } } while(inicio != -1); } void HtmlParser::stripScriptContent() { int inicio = -1; TQString const begin_script = " void HtmlParser::mostra() const { kdDebug(23100) << "\nA:\n\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i != nodes_.size(); ++i) { if(nodes_[i]->element() == Node::A) kdDebug(23100) << nodes_[i]->url() << "\t" << nodes_[i]->linkLabel() << endl; } kdDebug(23100) << "____________________________________________________________________" << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "\nLINK:\n\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i != nodes_.size(); ++i) { if(nodes_[i]->element() == Node::LINK) kdDebug(23100) << nodes_[i]->url() << "\t" << nodes_[i]->linkLabel() << endl; } kdDebug(23100) << "____________________________________________________________________" << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "\nMETA:\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i != nodes_.size(); ++i) { if(nodes_[i]->element() == Node::META) { #if defined TQ_WS_WIN NodeMETA* nm = (NodeMETA*)nodes_[i]; #else NodeMETA* nm = dynamic_cast(nodes_[i]); #endif kdDebug(23100) << nm->url() << endl << nm->atributoHTTP_ETQUIV() << endl << nm->atributoNAME() << endl << nm->atributoCONTENT() << endl; } } kdDebug(23100) << "____________________________________________________________________" << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "\nIMG:\n\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i != nodes_.size(); ++i) { if(nodes_[i]->element() == Node::IMG) kdDebug(23100) << nodes_[i]->url() << "\t" << nodes_[i]->linkLabel() << endl; } kdDebug(23100) << "____________________________________________________________________" << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "\nFRAME:\n\n"; for(unsigned int i = 0; i != nodes_.size(); ++i) { if(nodes_[i]->element() == Node::FRAME) kdDebug(23100) << nodes_[i]->url() << endl; } kdDebug(23100) << "____________________________________________________________________" << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "\nBASE:\n\n"; kdDebug(23100) << node_BASE_.url() << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "____________________________________________________________________" << endl; } #ifdef HTMLPARSER #include int main() { //ifstream stream("aterraprometida.html"); //ifstream stream("/var/www/html/STL/standard_library.html"); //ifstream stream("/var/www/html/qt-doc/functions.html"); ifstream stream("/var/www/html/index.html"); TQString content; while(stream) { char c; stream.get(c); content += c; } // kdDebug(23100) << content << endl; kdDebug(23100) << "__________________________________________________________" << endl; HtmlParser parser(content); parser.mostra(); kdDebug(23100) << "__________________________________________________________\n\n\n" << endl; vector nods = parser.nodes(); for(int i = 0; i != nods.size(); ++i) { if(nods[i]->element() == Node::META) { NodeMETA* nod_meta = (NodeMETA*)(nods[i]); //Node* nod_meta = nods[i]; kdDebug(23100) << nod_meta->atributoCONTENT() << endl; } } } #endif