/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "actiondnd.h" #include "command.h" #include "defs.h" #include "formwindow.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "metadatabase.h" #include "widgetfactory.h" #include bool QDesignerAction::addTo( TQWidget *w ) { if ( !widgetToInsert ) return TQAction::addTo( w ); if ( w->inherits( TQPOPUPMENU_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) return false; widgetToInsert->reparent( w, TQPoint( 0, 0 ), false ); addedTo( widgetToInsert, w ); return true; } bool QDesignerAction::removeFrom( TQWidget *w ) { if ( !widgetToInsert ) return TQAction::removeFrom( w ); remove(); return true; } void QDesignerAction::remove() { if ( !widgetToInsert ) return; MainWindow::self->formWindow()->selectWidget( TQT_TQOBJECT(widgetToInsert), false ); widgetToInsert->reparent( 0, TQPoint( 0, 0 ), false ); } QDesignerToolBarSeparator::QDesignerToolBarSeparator(Qt::Orientation o , TQToolBar *tqparent, const char* name ) : TQWidget( tqparent, name ) { connect( tqparent, TQT_SIGNAL(orientationChanged(Qt::Orientation)), this, TQT_SLOT(setOrientation(Qt::Orientation)) ); setOrientation( o ); setBackgroundMode( tqparent->backgroundMode() ); setBackgroundOrigin( ParentOrigin ); tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Minimum ) ); } void QDesignerToolBarSeparator::setOrientation( Qt::Orientation o ) { orient = o; } void QDesignerToolBarSeparator::styleChange( TQStyle& ) { setOrientation( orient ); } TQSize QDesignerToolBarSeparator::tqsizeHint() const { int extent = tqstyle().tqpixelMetric( TQStyle::PM_DockWindowSeparatorExtent, this ); if ( orient ==Qt::Horizontal ) return TQSize( extent, 0 ); else return TQSize( 0, extent ); } void QDesignerToolBarSeparator::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * ) { TQPainter p( this ); TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default; if ( orientation() ==Qt::Horizontal ) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Horizontal; tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive( TQStyle::PE_DockWindowSeparator, &p, rect(), tqcolorGroup(), flags ); } QSeparatorAction::QSeparatorAction( TQObject *tqparent ) : TQAction( tqparent, "qt_designer_separator" ), wid( 0 ) { } bool QSeparatorAction::addTo( TQWidget *w ) { if ( w->inherits( TQTOOLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { TQToolBar *tb = (TQToolBar*)w; wid = new QDesignerToolBarSeparator( tb->orientation(), tb ); return true; } else if ( w->inherits( TQPOPUPMENU_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { idx = ( (TQPopupMenu*)w )->count(); ( (TQPopupMenu*)w )->insertSeparator( idx ); return true; } return false; } bool QSeparatorAction::removeFrom( TQWidget *w ) { if ( w->inherits( TQTOOLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { delete wid; return true; } else if ( w->inherits( TQPOPUPMENU_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { ( (TQPopupMenu*)w )->removeItemAt( idx ); return true; } return false; } TQWidget *QSeparatorAction::widget() const { return wid; } QDesignerToolBar::QDesignerToolBar( TQMainWindow *mw ) : TQToolBar( mw ), lastIndicatorPos( -1, -1 ) { insertAnchor = 0; afterAnchor = true; setAcceptDrops( true ); MetaDataBase::addEntry( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); indicator = new QDesignerIndicatorWidget( this ); indicator->hide(); installEventFilter( this ); widgetInserting = false; findFormWindow(); mw->setDockEnabled( DockTornOff, false ); } QDesignerToolBar::QDesignerToolBar( TQMainWindow *mw, Dock dock ) : TQToolBar( TQString(), mw, dock), lastIndicatorPos( -1, -1 ) { insertAnchor = 0; afterAnchor = true; setAcceptDrops( true ); indicator = new QDesignerIndicatorWidget( this ); indicator->hide(); MetaDataBase::addEntry( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); installEventFilter( this ); widgetInserting = false; findFormWindow(); mw->setDockEnabled( DockTornOff, false ); } void QDesignerToolBar::findFormWindow() { TQWidget *w = this; while ( w ) { if ( w->inherits( "FormWindow" ) ) formWindow = (FormWindow*)w; w = w->tqparentWidget(); } } void QDesignerToolBar::addAction( TQAction *a ) { actionList.append( a ); connect( a, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( actionRemoved() ) ); if ( a->inherits( TQACTIONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)a )->widget()->installEventFilter( this ); actionMap.insert( ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)a )->widget(), a ); } else if ( a->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ) { ( (QSeparatorAction*)a )->widget()->installEventFilter( this ); actionMap.insert( ( (QSeparatorAction*)a )->widget(), a ); } else { ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget()->installEventFilter( this ); actionMap.insert( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget(), a ); } } static void fixObject( TQObject *&o ) { while ( o && o->tqparent() && !o->tqparent()->inherits( "QDesignerToolBar" ) ) o = o->tqparent(); } bool QDesignerToolBar::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { if ( !o || !e || o->inherits( TQDOCKWINDOWHANDLE_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) || o->inherits( "TQDockWindowTitleBar" ) ) return TQToolBar::eventFilter( o, e ); if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(this) && e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress && ( ( TQMouseEvent*)e )->button() == Qt::LeftButton ) { mousePressEvent( (TQMouseEvent*)e ); return true; } if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(this) ) return TQToolBar::eventFilter( o, e ); if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress ) { TQMouseEvent *ke = (TQMouseEvent*)e; fixObject( o ); if ( !o ) return false; buttonMousePressEvent( ke, o ); return true; } else if(e->type() == TQEvent::ContextMenu ) { TQContextMenuEvent *ce = (TQContextMenuEvent*)e; fixObject( o ); if( !o ) return false; buttonContextMenuEvent( ce, o ); return true; } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove ) { TQMouseEvent *ke = (TQMouseEvent*)e; fixObject( o ); if ( !o ) return false; buttonMouseMoveEvent( ke, o ); return true; } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease ) { TQMouseEvent *ke = (TQMouseEvent*)e; fixObject( o ); if ( !o ) return false; buttonMouseReleaseEvent( ke, o ); return true; } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::DragEnter ) { TQDragEnterEvent *de = (TQDragEnterEvent*)e; if ( de->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || de->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || de->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) de->accept(); } else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::DragMove ) { TQDragMoveEvent *de = (TQDragMoveEvent*)e; if ( de->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || de->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || de->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) de->accept(); } return TQToolBar::eventFilter( o, e ); } void QDesignerToolBar::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e ) { TQToolBar::paintEvent( e ); if ( e->rect() != rect() ) return; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); } void QDesignerToolBar::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e ) { e->accept(); TQPopupMenu menu( 0 ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Toolbar" ), 1 ); int res = menu.exec( e->globalPos() ); if ( res != -1 ) { RemoveToolBarCommand *cmd = new RemoveToolBarCommand( i18n("Delete Toolbar '%1'" ).tqarg( name() ), formWindow, 0, this ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } void QDesignerToolBar::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { widgetInserting = false; if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && MainWindow::self->currentTool() != POINTER_TOOL && MainWindow::self->currentTool() != ORDER_TOOL ) { if ( MainWindow::self->currentTool() == CONNECT_TOOL ) { } else { widgetInserting = true; } return; } } void QDesignerToolBar::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { if ( widgetInserting ) doInsertWidget( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ) ); widgetInserting = false; } void QDesignerToolBar::buttonMouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e, TQObject *w ) { if ( widgetInserting ) doInsertWidget( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ) ); else if ( w->isWidgetType() && formWindow->widgets()->tqfind( w ) ) { formWindow->clearSelection( false ); formWindow->selectWidget( w ); } widgetInserting = false; } void QDesignerToolBar::buttonContextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e, TQObject *o ) { e->accept(); TQPopupMenu menu( 0 ); const int ID_DELETE = 1; const int ID_SEP = 2; const int ID_DELTOOLBAR = 3; TQMap::Iterator it = actionMap.tqfind( (TQWidget*)o ); if ( it != actionMap.end() && (*it)->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ) menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Separator" ), ID_DELETE ); else menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Item" ), ID_DELETE ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Insert Separator" ), ID_SEP ); menu.insertSeparator(); menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Toolbar" ), ID_DELTOOLBAR ); int res = menu.exec( e->globalPos() ); if ( res == ID_DELETE ) { TQMap::Iterator it = actionMap.tqfind( (TQWidget*)o ); if ( it == actionMap.end() ) return; TQAction *a = *it; int index = actionList.tqfind( a ); RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand *cmd = new RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand( i18n("Delete Action '%1' From Toolbar '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } else if ( res == ID_SEP ) { calcIndicatorPos( mapFromGlobal( e->globalPos() ) ); TQAction *a = new QSeparatorAction( 0 ); int index = actionList.tqfindRef( *actionMap.tqfind( insertAnchor ) ); if ( index != -1 && afterAnchor ) ++index; if ( !insertAnchor ) index = 0; AddActionToToolBarCommand *cmd = new AddActionToToolBarCommand( i18n("Add Separator to Toolbar '%1'" ). arg( a->name() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } else if ( res == ID_DELTOOLBAR ) { RemoveToolBarCommand *cmd = new RemoveToolBarCommand( i18n("Delete Toolbar '%1'" ).tqarg( name() ), formWindow, 0, this ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } void QDesignerToolBar::buttonMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e, TQObject * ) { widgetInserting = false; if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton ) return; if ( e->button() == Qt::LeftButton && MainWindow::self->currentTool() != POINTER_TOOL && MainWindow::self->currentTool() != ORDER_TOOL ) { if ( MainWindow::self->currentTool() == CONNECT_TOOL ) { } else { widgetInserting = true; } return; } dragStartPos = e->pos(); } void QDesignerToolBar::removeWidget( TQWidget *w ) { TQMap::Iterator it = actionMap.tqfind( w ); if ( it == actionMap.end() ) return; TQAction *a = *it; int index = actionList.tqfind( a ); RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand *cmd = new RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand( i18n("Delete Action '%1' From Toolbar '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); TQApplication::sendPostedEvents(); adjustSize(); } void QDesignerToolBar::buttonMouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e, TQObject *o ) { if ( widgetInserting || ( e->state() & Qt::LeftButton ) == 0 ) return; if ( TQABS( TQPoint( dragStartPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() ) < TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) return; TQMap::Iterator it = actionMap.tqfind( (TQWidget*)o ); if ( it == actionMap.end() ) return; TQAction *a = *it; if ( !a ) return; int index = actionList.tqfind( a ); RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand *cmd = new RemoveActionFromToolBarCommand( i18n("Delete Action '%1' From Toolbar '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); TQApplication::sendPostedEvents(); adjustSize(); TQString type = a->inherits( TQACTIONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ? TQString( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) : a->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ? TQString( "application/x-designer-separator" ) : TQString( "application/x-designer-actions" ); TQStoredDrag *drag = new TQStoredDrag( type, this ); TQString s = TQString::number( (long)a ); // #### huha, that is evil drag->setEncodedData( TQCString( s.latin1() ) ); drag->setPixmap( a->iconSet().pixmap() ); if ( a->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) { if ( formWindow->widgets()->tqfind( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget() ) ) formWindow->selectWidget( TQT_TQOBJECT(( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget()), false ); } if ( !drag->drag() ) { AddActionToToolBarCommand *cmd = new AddActionToToolBarCommand( i18n("Add Action '%1' to Toolbar '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); indicator->hide(); } #ifndef TQT_NO_DRAGANDDROP void QDesignerToolBar::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e ) { widgetInserting = false; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); } void QDesignerToolBar::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e ) { if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); else return; drawIndicator( calcIndicatorPos( e->pos() ) ); } void QDesignerToolBar::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * ) { indicator->hide(); insertAnchor = 0; afterAnchor = true; } void QDesignerToolBar::dropEvent( TQDropEvent *e ) { if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); else return; TQString s; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) ) s = TQString( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) ); else if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) s = TQString( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ); else s = TQString( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-actions" ) ); indicator->hide(); TQAction *a = 0; int index = actionList.tqfindRef( *actionMap.tqfind( insertAnchor ) ); if ( index != -1 && afterAnchor ) ++index; if ( !insertAnchor ) index = 0; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) { if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) ) a = (QDesignerAction*)s.toLong(); else a = (QSeparatorAction*)s.toLong(); } else { a = (QDesignerActionGroup*)s.toLong(); } if ( actionList.tqfindRef( a ) != -1 ) { TQMessageBox::warning( MainWindow::self, i18n("Insert/Move Action" ), i18n("Action '%1' has already been added to this toolbar.\n" "An Action may only occur once in a given toolbar." ). arg( a->name() ) ); return; } AddActionToToolBarCommand *cmd = new AddActionToToolBarCommand( i18n("Add Action '%1' to Toolbar '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); } #endif void QDesignerToolBar::reInsert() { TQAction *a = 0; actionMap.clear(); clear(); for ( a = actionList.first(); a; a = actionList.next() ) { a->addTo( this ); if ( a->inherits( TQACTIONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ) { actionMap.insert( ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)a )->widget(), a ); if ( ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)a )->widget() ) ( (QDesignerActionGroup*)a )->widget()->installEventFilter( this ); } else if ( a->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) { actionMap.insert( ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget(), a ); ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->widget()->installEventFilter( this ); } else if ( a->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ) { actionMap.insert( ( (QSeparatorAction*)a )->widget(), a ); ( (QSeparatorAction*)a )->widget()->installEventFilter( this ); } } TQApplication::sendPostedEvents(); adjustSize(); } void QDesignerToolBar::actionRemoved() { actionList.removeRef( (TQAction*)sender() ); } TQPoint QDesignerToolBar::calcIndicatorPos( const TQPoint &pos ) { if ( orientation() ==Qt::Horizontal ) { TQPoint pnt( width() - 2, 0 ); insertAnchor = 0; afterAnchor = true; TQObjectList clo = childrenListObject(); if ( clo.isEmpty() ) return pnt; pnt = TQPoint( 13, 0 ); TQObjectListIt it( clo ); TQObject * obj; while( (obj=it.current()) != 0 ) { ++it; if ( obj->isWidgetType() && qstrcmp( "qt_dockwidget_internal", obj->name() ) != 0 ) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)obj; if ( w->x() < pos.x() ) { pnt.setX( w->x() + w->width() + 1 ); insertAnchor = w; afterAnchor = true; } } } return pnt; } else { TQPoint pnt( 0, height() - 2 ); insertAnchor = 0; afterAnchor = true; TQObjectList clo = childrenListObject(); if ( clo.isEmpty() ) return pnt; pnt = TQPoint( 0, 13 ); TQObjectListIt it( clo ); TQObject * obj; while( (obj=it.current()) != 0 ) { ++it; if ( obj->isWidgetType() && qstrcmp( "qt_dockwidget_internal", obj->name() ) != 0 ) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)obj; if ( w->y() < pos.y() ) { pnt.setY( w->y() + w->height() + 1 ); insertAnchor = w; afterAnchor = true; } } } return pnt; } } void QDesignerToolBar::drawIndicator( const TQPoint &pos ) { if ( lastIndicatorPos == pos ) return; bool wasVsisible = indicator->isVisible(); if ( orientation() ==Qt::Horizontal ) { indicator->resize( 3, height() ); if ( pos != TQPoint( -1, -1 ) ) indicator->move( pos.x() - 1, 0 ); indicator->show(); indicator->raise(); lastIndicatorPos = pos; } else { indicator->resize( width(), 3 ); if ( pos != TQPoint( -1, -1 ) ) indicator->move( 0, pos.y() - 1 ); indicator->show(); indicator->raise(); lastIndicatorPos = pos; } if ( !wasVsisible ) TQApplication::sendPostedEvents(); } void QDesignerToolBar::doInsertWidget( const TQPoint &p ) { if ( formWindow != MainWindow::self->formWindow() ) return; calcIndicatorPos( p ); TQWidget *w = WidgetFactory::create( MainWindow::self->currentTool(), this, 0, true ); installEventFilters( w ); MainWindow::self->formWindow()->insertWidget( w, true ); QDesignerAction *a = new QDesignerAction( w, tqparent() ); int index = actionList.tqfindRef( *actionMap.tqfind( insertAnchor ) ); if ( index != -1 && afterAnchor ) ++index; if ( !insertAnchor ) index = 0; AddActionToToolBarCommand *cmd = new AddActionToToolBarCommand( i18n("Add Widget '%1' to Toolbar '%2'" ). tqarg( w->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, index ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); MainWindow::self->resetTool(); } void QDesignerToolBar::clear() { for ( TQAction *a = actionList.first(); a; a = actionList.next() ) { if ( a->inherits( "QDesignerAction" ) ) ( (QDesignerAction*)a )->remove(); } TQToolBar::clear(); } void QDesignerToolBar::installEventFilters( TQWidget *w ) { if ( !w ) return; TQObjectList *l = w->queryList( TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); for ( TQObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next() ) o->installEventFilter( this ); delete l; } QDesignerMenuBar::QDesignerMenuBar( TQWidget *mw ) : TQMenuBar( mw, 0 ) { show(); setAcceptDrops( true ); MetaDataBase::addEntry( TQT_TQOBJECT(this) ); itemNum = 0; mousePressed = false; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); insertAt = -1; indicator = new QDesignerIndicatorWidget( this ); indicator->hide(); findFormWindow(); } void QDesignerMenuBar::findFormWindow() { TQWidget *w = this; while ( w ) { if ( w->inherits( "FormWindow" ) ) formWindow = (FormWindow*)w; w = w->tqparentWidget(); } } void QDesignerMenuBar::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e ) { e->accept(); int itm = itemAtPos( e->pos() ); if ( itm == -1 ) { if ( formWindow ) formWindow->mainWindow()->popupFormWindowMenu( e->globalPos(), formWindow ); return; } TQPopupMenu menu( this ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Item" ), 1 ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Rename Item..." ), 2 ); int res = menu.exec( e->globalPos() ); if ( res == 1 ) { TQMenuItem *item = tqfindItem( idAt( itm ) ); RemoveMenuCommand *cmd = new RemoveMenuCommand( i18n("Delete Menu '%1'" ).tqarg( item->text() ), formWindow, (TQMainWindow*)tqparentWidget(), this, (QDesignerPopupMenu*)item->popup(), idAt( itm ), itm, item->text() ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); // #### need to do a proper tqinvalidate and re-tqlayout tqparentWidget()->tqlayout()->tqinvalidate(); tqparentWidget()->tqlayout()->activate(); } else if ( res == 2 ) { bool ok; TQString old = text( idAt( itm ) ); TQString txt = KInputDialog::getText( i18n("Rename Menu Item" ), i18n("Menu text:" ), text( idAt( itm ) ), &ok, 0 ); if ( ok ) { RenameMenuCommand *cmd = new RenameMenuCommand( i18n("Rename Menu '%1' to '%2'" ).tqarg( old ).tqarg( txt ), formWindow, this, idAt( itm ), old, txt ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } } } void QDesignerMenuBar::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); insertAt = -1; mousePressed = true; if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton || e->button() == Qt::RightButton ) return; dragStartPos = e->pos(); TQMenuBar::mousePressEvent( e ); } void QDesignerMenuBar::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { if ( !mousePressed || e->state() == Qt::NoButton ) { TQMenuBar::mouseMoveEvent( e ); return; } if ( TQABS( TQPoint( dragStartPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() ) < TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) return; hidePopups(); activateItemAt( -1 ); int itm = itemAtPos( dragStartPos ); if ( itm == -1 ) return; TQPopupMenu *popup = tqfindItem( idAt( itm ) )->popup(); TQString txt = tqfindItem( idAt( itm ) )->text(); removeItemAt( itm ); TQStoredDrag *drag = new TQStoredDrag( "application/x-designer-menuitem", this ); TQString s = TQString::number( (long)popup ); s += "/" + txt; drag->setEncodedData( TQCString( s.latin1() ) ); TQSize sz( fontMetrics().boundingRect( txt ).size() ); TQPixmap pix( sz.width() + 20, sz.height() * 2 ); pix.fill( white ); TQPainter p( &pix, this ); p.drawText( 2, 0, pix.width(), pix.height(), 0, txt ); p.end(); pix.setMask( pix.createHeuristicMask() ); drag->setPixmap( pix ); oldPos = itm; if ( !drag->drag() ) { insertItem( txt, popup, -1, itm ); } lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); indicator->hide(); mousePressed = false; } void QDesignerMenuBar::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { TQMenuBar::mouseReleaseEvent( e ); mousePressed = false; } #ifndef TQT_NO_DRAGANDDROP void QDesignerMenuBar::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e ) { if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-menuitem" ) ) e->accept(); lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); insertAt = -1; } void QDesignerMenuBar::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e ) { if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-menuitem" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); else return; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) { int item = itemAtPos( e->pos() ); bool uieffect = TQApplication::isEffectEnabled( Qt::UI_AnimateMenu ); TQApplication::setEffectEnabled( Qt::UI_AnimateMenu, false ); if ( !tqApp->activePopupWidget() ) actItem = -1; activateItemAt( item ); TQApplication::setEffectEnabled( Qt::UI_AnimateMenu, uieffect ); if ( item == -1 ) hidePopups(); } else { drawIndicator( calcIndicatorPos( e->pos() ) ); } } void QDesignerMenuBar::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * ) { mousePressed = false; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); insertAt = -1; } void QDesignerMenuBar::dropEvent( TQDropEvent *e ) { mousePressed = false; if ( !e->provides( "application/x-designer-menuitem" ) ) return; e->accept(); TQString s( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-menuitem" ) ); TQString s1 = s.left( s.tqfind( "/" ) ); TQString s2 = s.mid( s.tqfind( "/" ) + 1 ); TQPopupMenu *popup = (TQPopupMenu*)s1.toLong(); // #### huha, that is evil TQString txt = s2; insertItem( txt, popup, -1, insertAt ); MoveMenuCommand *cmd = new MoveMenuCommand( i18n("Move Menu '%1'" ).tqarg( txt ), formWindow, this, (QDesignerPopupMenu*)popup, oldPos, insertAt, txt ); // do not execute, we did the work already formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); indicator->hide(); } #endif TQPoint QDesignerMenuBar::calcIndicatorPos( const TQPoint &pos ) { int w = frameWidth(); insertAt = count(); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)count(); ++i ) { TQRect r = tqitemRect( i ); if ( pos.x() < w + r.width() / 2 ) { insertAt = i; break; } w += r.width(); } return TQPoint( w, 0 ); } void QDesignerMenuBar::drawIndicator( const TQPoint &pos ) { if ( lastIndicatorPos == pos ) return; bool wasVsisible = indicator->isVisible(); indicator->resize( 3, height() ); indicator->move( pos.x() - 1, 0 ); indicator->show(); indicator->raise(); lastIndicatorPos = pos; if ( !wasVsisible ) TQApplication::sendPostedEvents(); } void QDesignerMenuBar::setItemNumber( int num ) { itemNum = num; } int QDesignerMenuBar::itemNumber() const { return itemNum; } void QDesignerMenuBar::setItemText( const TQString &s ) { if ( itemNum < 0 || itemNum >= (int)count() ) return; changeItem( idAt( itemNum ), s ); } TQString QDesignerMenuBar::itemText() const { if ( itemNum < 0 || (int)itemNum >= (int)count() ) return TQString(); return text( idAt( itemNum ) ); } void QDesignerMenuBar::setItemName( const TQCString &s ) { if ( itemNum < 0 || itemNum >= (int)count() ) return; tqfindItem( idAt( itemNum ) )->popup()->setName( s ); } TQCString QDesignerMenuBar::itemName() const { if ( itemNum < 0 || itemNum >= (int)count() ) return ""; return tqfindItem( idAt( itemNum ) )->popup()->name(); } QDesignerPopupMenu::QDesignerPopupMenu( TQWidget *w ) : TQPopupMenu( w, 0 ), popupMenu( 0 ) { findFormWindow(); setAcceptDrops( true ); insertAt = -1; mousePressed = false; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); indicator = new QDesignerIndicatorWidget( this ); indicator->hide(); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::contextMenuEvent( TQContextMenuEvent *e ) { #if defined( TQ_WS_MAC ) //the mac needs us to use context menu rather than right click e->accept(); TQMouseEvent me( TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, e->pos(), e->globalPos(), Qt::RightButton, Qt::RightButton ); mousePressEvent(&me); #else Q_UNUSED( e ); #endif } void QDesignerPopupMenu::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { if ( e->button() == Qt::MidButton ) return; if ( e->button() == Qt::RightButton ) { // A popup for a popup, we only need one, so make sure that // we don't create multiple. The timer keeps the event loop sane. popupPos = e->globalPos(); popupLocalPos = e->pos(); if ( popupMenu ) { popupMenu->close(); } e->accept(); TQTimer::singleShot( 0, this, TQT_SLOT(createPopupMenu()) ); return; } mousePressed = true; dragStartPos = e->pos(); TQPopupMenu::mousePressEvent( e ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::createPopupMenu() { // actually creates our popup for the popupmenu. TQPopupMenu menu( 0 ); popupMenu = &menu; int itm; const int ID_DELETE = 1; const int ID_SEP = 2; itm = itemAtPos( popupLocalPos, false ); if ( itm == -1 ) return; TQAction *a = actionList.at( itm ); if ( a && a->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ) menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Separator" ), ID_DELETE ); else menu.insertItem( i18n("Delete Item" ), ID_DELETE ); menu.insertItem( i18n("Insert Separator" ), ID_SEP ); int res = menu.exec( popupPos ); if ( res == ID_DELETE ) { TQAction *a = actionList.at( itm ); if ( !a ) return; RemoveActionFromPopupCommand *cmd = new RemoveActionFromPopupCommand( i18n("Delete Action '%1' From Popup Menu '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, itm ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } else if ( res == ID_SEP ) { TQPoint p( pos() ); calcIndicatorPos( mapFromGlobal( popupPos ) ); TQAction *a = new QSeparatorAction( 0 ); AddActionToPopupCommand *cmd = new AddActionToPopupCommand( i18n("Add Separator to Popup Menu '%1'" ). arg( name() ), formWindow, a, this, insertAt ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); ( (QDesignerMenuBar*)( (TQMainWindow*)tqparentWidget() )->menuBar() )->hidePopups(); ( (QDesignerMenuBar*)( (TQMainWindow*)tqparentWidget() )->menuBar() )->activateItemAt( -1 ); popup( p ); } // set this back to zero so we know a popup (will soon) not exist. popupMenu = 0; } void QDesignerPopupMenu::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { if ( !mousePressed || e->state() == Qt::NoButton ) { TQPopupMenu::mouseMoveEvent( e ); return; } if ( TQABS( TQPoint( dragStartPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() ) < TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) { TQPopupMenu::mouseMoveEvent( e ); return; } int itm = itemAtPos( dragStartPos, false ); if ( itm == -1 ) return; TQAction *a = actionList.at( itm ); if ( !a ) return; RemoveActionFromPopupCommand *cmd = new RemoveActionFromPopupCommand( i18n("Delete Action '%1' From Popup Menu '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( caption() ), formWindow, a, this, itm ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); TQString type = a->inherits( TQACTIONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ) ? TQString( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) : a->inherits( "QSeparatorAction" ) ? TQString( "application/x-designer-separator" ) : TQString( "application/x-designer-actions" ); TQStoredDrag *drag = new TQStoredDrag( type, this ); TQString s = TQString::number( (long)a ); // #### huha, that is evil drag->setEncodedData( TQCString( s.latin1() ) ); drag->setPixmap( a->iconSet().pixmap() ); if ( !drag->drag() ) { AddActionToPopupCommand *cmd = new AddActionToPopupCommand( i18n("Add Action '%1' to Popup Menu '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( name() ), formWindow, a, this, itm ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); } indicator->hide(); lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); mousePressed = false; } void QDesignerPopupMenu::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent *e ) { mousePressed = false; TQPopupMenu::mouseReleaseEvent( e ); } #ifndef TQT_NO_DRAGANDDROP void QDesignerPopupMenu::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e ) { mousePressed = false; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e ) { mousePressed = false; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); else return; drawIndicator( calcIndicatorPos( e->pos() ) ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * ) { mousePressed = false; indicator->hide(); insertAt = -1; } void QDesignerPopupMenu::dropEvent( TQDropEvent *e ) { mousePressed = false; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actions" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) || e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) e->accept(); else return; TQPoint p = pos(); TQAction *a = 0; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) ) { TQString s( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-actiongroup" ) ); a = (QDesignerActionGroup*)s.toLong(); } else { TQString s; if ( e->provides( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ) { s = TQString( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-separator" ) ); a = (QSeparatorAction*)s.toLong(); } else { s = TQString( e->tqencodedData( "application/x-designer-actions" ) ); a = (QDesignerAction*)s.toLong(); } } if ( actionList.tqfindRef( a ) != -1 ) { TQMessageBox::warning( MainWindow::self, i18n("Insert/Move Action" ), i18n("Action '%1' has already been added to this menu.\n" "An Action may only occur once in a given menu." ). arg( a->name() ) ); return; } AddActionToPopupCommand *cmd = new AddActionToPopupCommand( i18n("Add Action '%1' to Popup Menu '%2'" ). tqarg( a->name() ).tqarg( name() ), formWindow, a, this, insertAt ); formWindow->commandHistory()->addCommand( cmd ); cmd->execute(); ( (QDesignerMenuBar*)( (TQMainWindow*)tqparentWidget() )->menuBar() )->hidePopups(); ( (QDesignerMenuBar*)( (TQMainWindow*)tqparentWidget() )->menuBar() )->activateItemAt( -1 ); indicator->hide(); popup( p ); } #endif void QDesignerPopupMenu::reInsert() { clear(); for ( TQAction *a = actionList.first(); a; a = actionList.next() ) a->addTo( this ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::drawIndicator( const TQPoint &pos ) { if ( lastIndicatorPos == pos ) return; bool wasVsisible = indicator->isVisible(); indicator->resize( width(), 3 ); indicator->move( 0, pos.y() - 1 ); indicator->show(); indicator->raise(); lastIndicatorPos = pos; if ( !wasVsisible ) TQApplication::sendPostedEvents(); } TQPoint QDesignerPopupMenu::calcIndicatorPos( const TQPoint &pos ) { int h = frameWidth(); insertAt = count(); for ( int i = 0; i < (int)count(); ++i ) { TQRect r = itemGeometry( i ); if ( pos.y() < h + r.height() / 2 ) { insertAt = i; break; } h += r.height(); } return TQPoint( 0, h ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::addAction( TQAction *a ) { actionList.append( a ); connect( a, TQT_SIGNAL( destroyed() ), this, TQT_SLOT( actionRemoved() ) ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::actionRemoved() { actionList.removeRef( (TQAction*)sender() ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e ) { TQPopupMenu::paintEvent( e ); if ( e->rect() != rect() ) return; lastIndicatorPos = TQPoint( -1, -1 ); } void QDesignerPopupMenu::findFormWindow() { TQWidget *w = this; while ( w ) { if ( w->inherits( "FormWindow" ) ) formWindow = (FormWindow*)w; w = w->tqparentWidget(); } } #include "actiondnd.moc"