/********************************************************************** This file is based on TQt Designer, Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the packaging of this file. This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. Modified for Kommander: (C) 2002-2003 Marc Britton (C) 2004 Michal Rudolf **********************************************************************/ // TQt includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // KDE includes #include #include #include // Other includes #include "formwindow.h" #include "defs.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "widgetfactory.h" #include "sizehandle.h" #include "metadatabase.h" #include "resource.h" #include "tqlayout.h" #include "connectioneditorimpl.h" #include "widgetdatabase.h" #include "pixmapchooser.h" #include "orderindicator.h" #include "hierarchyview.h" #include "globaldefs.h" #include "formfile.h" #include static void setCursorToAll(const TQCursor &c, TQWidget *start) { start->setCursor(c); TQObjectList l = start->childrenListObject(); if (!l.isEmpty()) for (TQObject *o = l.first(); o; o = l.next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && !o->inherits("SizeHandle")) setCursorToAll(c, ((TQWidget*)o)); } } static void restoreCursors(TQWidget *start, FormWindow *fw) { if (fw->widgets()->find(start)) start->setCursor(MetaDataBase::cursor(start)); else start->setCursor(TQt::ArrowCursor); TQObjectList l = start->childrenListObject(); if (!l.isEmpty()) for (TQObject *o = l.first(); o; o = l.next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && !o->inherits("SizeHandle")) restoreCursors(((TQWidget*)o), fw); } } /* The FormWindow is the widget which is used as editor for forms. It handles inserting, deleting, moving, resizing, etc. of widgets. Normally multiple formwindows are used at the same time in the Designer. So each formwindow has its own undo/redo buffer, etc. Also the formwindow has some signals to inform e.g. about selection changes which is interesting for the PropertyEditor. For handling the events of the child widgets (moving, etc.) the handleMousePress(), etc. functions are called from the application event filter which is implemented in MainWindow::eventFilter(). */ FormWindow::FormWindow(FormFile *f, MainWindow *mw, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name, WDestructiveClose), mainwindow(mw), commands(100), pixInline(true) { ff = f; init(); initSlots(); } FormWindow::FormWindow(FormFile *f, TQWidget *parent, const char *name) : TQWidget(parent, name, WDestructiveClose), mainwindow(0), commands(100), pixInline(true) { ff = f; init(); } void FormWindow::init() { MetaDataBase::addEntry(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); ff->setFormWindow(this); propertyWidget = 0; toolFixed = false; checkedSelectionsForMove = false; mContainer = 0; connectSender = connectReceiver = 0; currTool = POINTER_TOOL; unclippedPainter = 0; widgetPressed = false; drawRubber = false; setFocusPolicy(TQ_ClickFocus); sizePreviewLabel = 0; checkSelectionsTimer = new TQTimer(this, "checkSelectionsTimer"); connect(checkSelectionsTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(invalidCheckedSelections())); updatePropertiesTimer = new TQTimer(this); connect(updatePropertiesTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(updatePropertiesTimerDone())); showPropertiesTimer = new TQTimer(this); connect(showPropertiesTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(showPropertiesTimerDone())); selectionChangedTimer = new TQTimer(this); connect(selectionChangedTimer, TQT_SIGNAL(timeout()), this, TQT_SLOT(selectionChangedTimerDone())); insertParent = 0; connect(&commands, TQT_SIGNAL(undoRedoChanged(bool, bool, const TQString &, const TQString &)), this, TQT_SIGNAL(undoRedoChanged(bool, bool, const TQString &, const TQString &))); propShowBlocked = false; setIcon(PixmapChooser::loadPixmap("form.xpm", PixmapChooser::Mini)); connect(&commands, TQT_SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), this, TQT_SLOT(modificationChanged(bool))); buffer = 0; TQWidget *w = WidgetFactory::create(WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(TQFRAME_OBJECT_NAME_STRING), this); setMainContainer(w); propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(w); targetContainer = 0; hadOwnPalette = false; defSpacing = BOXLAYOUT_DEFAULT_SPACING; defMargin = BOXLAYOUT_DEFAULT_MARGIN; } void FormWindow::setMainWindow(MainWindow *w) { mainwindow = w; MetaDataBase::addEntry(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); initSlots(); } void FormWindow::initSlots() { } FormWindow::~FormWindow() { if (MainWindow::self->objectHierarchy()->formWindow() == this) MainWindow::self->objectHierarchy()->setFormWindow(0, 0); MetaDataBase::clear(TQT_TQOBJECT(this)); if (ff) ff->setFormWindow(0); } void FormWindow::closeEvent(TQCloseEvent *e) { if (ff->closeEvent() && mainwindow->unregisterClient(this)) e->accept(); else e->ignore(); } void FormWindow::paintGrid(TQWidget *w, TQPaintEvent *e) { if (!mainWindow()->showGrid()) return; TQPixmap grid; TQString grid_name; grid_name.sprintf("FormWindowGrid_%d_%d", mainWindow()->grid().x(), mainWindow()->grid().y()); if(!TQPixmapCache::find(grid_name, grid)) { grid = TQPixmap(350 + (350 % mainWindow()->grid().x()), 350 + (350 % mainWindow()->grid().y())); grid.fill(colorGroup().color(TQColorGroup::Foreground)); TQBitmap mask(grid.width(), grid.height()); mask.fill(color0); TQPainter p(&mask); p.setPen(color1); for (int y = 0; y < grid.width(); y += mainWindow()->grid().y()) for (int x = 0; x < grid.height(); x += mainWindow()->grid().x()) p.drawPoint(x, y); grid.setMask(mask); TQPixmapCache::insert(grid_name, grid); } TQPainter p(w); p.setClipRegion(e->rect()); p.drawTiledPixmap(TQRect(0, 0, width(), height()), grid); } /*For operations like drawing a rubber band or drawing the rect when inserting a new widget, a unclipped painter (which draws also on child widgets) is needed. This method does all the initialization. */ void FormWindow::beginUnclippedPainter(bool doNot) { endUnclippedPainter(); bool unclipped = testWFlags(WPaintUnclipped); setWFlags(WPaintUnclipped); unclippedPainter = new TQPainter; unclippedPainter->begin(this); if (!unclipped) clearWFlags(WPaintUnclipped); if (doNot) { unclippedPainter->setPen(TQPen(color0, 2)); unclippedPainter->setRasterOp(NotROP); } } void FormWindow::endUnclippedPainter() { if (unclippedPainter) unclippedPainter->end(); delete unclippedPainter; unclippedPainter = 0; } TQPoint FormWindow::gridPoint(const TQPoint &p) { return TQPoint((p.x() / grid().x()) * grid().x(), (p.y() / grid().y()) * grid().y()); } void FormWindow::drawSizePreview(const TQPoint &pos, const TQString& text) { unclippedPainter->save(); unclippedPainter->setPen(TQPen(colorGroup().foreground(), 1 )); unclippedPainter->setRasterOp(CopyROP); if (!sizePreviewPixmap.isNull()) unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(sizePreviewPos, sizePreviewPixmap); if (text.isNull()) { sizePreviewPixmap = TQPixmap(); // set null again unclippedPainter->restore(); return; } TQRect r = fontMetrics().boundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0, AlignCenter, text); r = TQRect(pos + TQPoint(10, 10), r.size() + TQSize(5, 5)); checkPreviewGeometry(r); sizePreviewPos = r.topLeft(); sizePreviewPixmap = TQPixmap::grabWindow(winId(), r.x(), r.y(), r.width(), r.height()); unclippedPainter->setBrush(TQColor(255, 255, 128)); unclippedPainter->drawRect(r); unclippedPainter->drawText(r, AlignCenter, text); unclippedPainter->restore(); } void FormWindow::insertWidget() { if (!insertParent || currTool == POINTER_TOOL) return; bool useSizeHint = !oldRectValid || (currRect.width() < 2 && currRect.height() < 2); Qt::Orientation orient =Qt::Horizontal; TQString n = WidgetDatabase::className(currTool); if (useSizeHint && (n == "Spacer" || n == TQSLIDER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING || n == "Line" || n == TQSCROLLBAR_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) { TQPopupMenu m(mainWindow()); m.insertItem(i18n("&Horizontal")); int ver = m.insertItem(i18n("&Vertical")); int r = m.exec(TQCursor::pos()); if (r == ver) orient =Qt::Vertical; } TQWidget *w = WidgetFactory::create(currTool, insertParent, 0, true, &currRect, orient); if (!w) return; if (!savePixmapInline() && currTool == WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName("PixmapLabel")) ((TQLabel*)w)->setPixmap(PixmapChooser::loadPixmap("image.xpm")); int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))); if (WidgetDatabase::isCustomWidget(id)) { TQWhatsThis::add(w, i18n("A %1 (custom widget) " "

Click Edit Custom Widgets... in the Tools|Custom " "menu to add and change custom widgets. You can add " "properties as well as signals and slots to integrate custom widgets into " "TQt Designer, and provide a pixmap which will be used to represent " "the widget on the form.

") .tqarg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id))); TQToolTip::add(w, i18n("A %1 (custom widget)").tqarg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id))); } else { TQString tt = WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id); TQString wt = WidgetDatabase::whatsThis(id); if (!wt.isEmpty() && !tt.isEmpty()) TQWhatsThis::add(w, i18n("A %1


").tqarg(tt).tqarg(wt)); } TQString s = w->name(); unify(TQT_TQOBJECT(w), s, true); w->setName(s); insertWidget(w); TQRect r(currRect); if (!oldRectValid || (currRect.width() < 2 && currRect.height() < 2)) r = TQRect(rectAnchor, TQSize(0, 0)); TQPoint p = r.topLeft(); p = mapToGlobal(p); p = insertParent->mapFromGlobal(p); r = TQRect(p, r.size()); if (useSizeHint) { r.setWidth(w->sizeHint().width()); r.setHeight(w->sizeHint().height()); } if (r.width() < 2 * grid().x()) r.setWidth(2 * grid().x()); if (r.height() < 2 * grid().y()) r.setHeight(2 * grid().y()); const TQObjectList l = insertParent->childrenListObject(); TQObjectListIt it(l); TQWidgetList lst; if (WidgetDatabase::isContainer(WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))))) for (; it.current();) { TQObject *o = it.current(); ++it; if (o->isWidgetType() && ((TQWidget*)o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget*)o) && TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(w)) { TQRect r2(((TQWidget*)o)->pos(), ((TQWidget*)o)->size()); if (r.contains(r2)) lst.append((TQWidget*)o); } } if (!lst.isEmpty()) { TQWidget *pw = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w); TQValueList op, np; for (TQWidget *i = lst.first(); i; i = lst.next()) { op.append(i->pos()); TQPoint pos = pw->mapFromGlobal(i->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0, 0))); pos -= r.topLeft(); np.append(pos); } MoveCommand *mv = new MoveCommand(i18n("Reparent Widgets"), this, lst, op, np, insertParent, pw); if (!toolFixed) mainwindow->resetTool(); else setCursorToAll(CrossCursor, w); InsertCommand *cmd = new InsertCommand(i18n("Insert %1").tqarg(w->name()), this, w, r); TQPtrList commands; commands.append(mv); commands.append(cmd); MacroCommand *mc = new MacroCommand(i18n("Insert %1").tqarg(w->name()), this, commands); commandHistory()->addCommand(mc); mc->execute(); } else { if (!toolFixed) mainwindow->resetTool(); else setCursorToAll(CrossCursor, w); InsertCommand *cmd = new InsertCommand(i18n("Insert %1").tqarg(w->name()), this, w, r); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } } void FormWindow::insertWidget(TQWidget *w, bool checkName) { if (checkName) { TQString s = w->name(); unify(TQT_TQOBJECT(w), s, true); w->setName(s); } MetaDataBase::addEntry(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)); int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))); if (WidgetDatabase::isCustomWidget(id)) { TQWhatsThis::add(w, i18n("A %1 (custom widget) " "

Click Edit Custom Widgets... in the Tools|Custom " "menu to add and change custom widgets. You can add " "properties as well as signals and slots to integrate custom widgets into " "TQt Designer, and provide a pixmap which will be used to represent " "the widget on the form.

") .tqarg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id))); TQToolTip::add(w, i18n("A %1 (custom widget)").tqarg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id))); } else { TQString tt = WidgetDatabase::toolTip(id); TQString wt = WidgetDatabase::whatsThis(id); if (!wt.isEmpty() && !tt.isEmpty()) TQWhatsThis::add(w, i18n("A %1


").tqarg(tt).tqarg(wt)); } restoreCursors(w, this); widgets()->insert(w, w); w->show(); } void FormWindow::removeWidget(TQWidget *w) { MetaDataBase::removeEntry(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)); widgets()->take(w); } void FormWindow::handleContextMenu(TQContextMenuEvent *e, TQWidget *w) { switch (currTool) { case POINTER_TOOL: if (!isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)) && qstrcmp(w->name(), "central widget")) { // press on a child widget raiseChildSelections(w); // raise selections and select widget selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)); // if widget is laid out, find the first non-laid out super-widget TQWidget *realWidget = w; // but store the original one while (w->parentWidget() && (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout || !insertedWidgets.find(w))) w = w->parentWidget(); if (mainContainer()->inherits(TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) && ((TQMainWindow*)mainContainer())->centralWidget() == realWidget) { e->accept(); mainwindow->popupFormWindowMenu(e->globalPos(), this); } else { e->accept(); mainwindow->popupWidgetMenu(e->globalPos(), this, realWidget); } } else { e->accept(); clearSelection(); mainwindow->popupFormWindowMenu(e->globalPos(), this); } break; default: break; } } void FormWindow::handleMousePress(TQMouseEvent *e, TQWidget *w) { checkedSelectionsForMove = false; checkSelectionsTimer->stop(); if (!sizePreviewLabel) { sizePreviewLabel = new TQLabel(this); sizePreviewLabel->hide(); sizePreviewLabel->setBackgroundColor(TQColor(255, 255, 128)); sizePreviewLabel->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Plain | TQFrame::Box); } switch (currTool) { case POINTER_TOOL: if (!isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)) && qstrcmp(w->name(), "central widget") != 0) { // press on a child widget // if the clicked widget is not in a tqlayout, raise it if (!w->parentWidget() || WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout) w->raise(); if ((e->state() & ControlButton)) { // with control pressed, always start rubber band selection drawRubber = true; currRect = TQRect(0, 0, -1, -1); startRectDraw(mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()), e->globalPos(), this, Rubber); break; } bool sel = isWidgetSelected(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)); if (!((e->state() & ControlButton) || (e->state() & ShiftButton))) { // control not pressed... if (!sel) // ...and widget no selectted: unselect all clearSelection(false); else { // ...widget selected // only if widget has a tqlayout (it is a tqlayout meta widget or a laid out container!), // unselect its childs if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout) { TQObjectList *l = w->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); setPropertyShowingBlocked(true); for (TQObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) { if (!o->isWidgetType()) continue; if (insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget*)o)) selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(o), false); } setPropertyShowingBlocked(false); delete l; } } tqApp->processEvents(); } if (((e->state() & ControlButton) || (e->state() & ShiftButton)) && sel && e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { // control pressed and selected, unselect widget selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w), false); break; } raiseChildSelections(w); // raise selections and select widget selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)); // if widget is laid out, find the first non-laid out super-widget while (w->parentWidget() && (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout || !insertedWidgets.find(w))) w = w->parentWidget(); if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { // left button: store original tqgeometry and more as the widget might start moving widgetPressed = true; widgetGeom = TQRect(w->pos(), w->size()); oldPressPos = w->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); origPressPos = oldPressPos; checkedSelectionsForMove = false; moving.clear(); if (w->parentWidget() && !isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w->parentWidget())) && !isCentralWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w->parentWidget()))) { targetContainer = w->parentWidget(); hadOwnPalette = w->parentWidget()->ownPalette(); restorePalette = w->parentWidget()->palette(); } } } else { // press was on the formwindow if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { // left button: start rubber selection and show formwindow properties drawRubber = true; if (!((e->state() & ControlButton) || (e->state() & ShiftButton))) { clearSelection(false); TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer()); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget*)opw); } currRect = TQRect(0, 0, -1, -1); startRectDraw(mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()), e->globalPos(), this, Rubber); } } break; case CONNECT_TOOL: if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) break; saveBackground(); mainWindow()->statusBar()->message(i18n("Connect '%1' with...").tqarg(w->name())); connectStartPos = mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); currentConnectPos = mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); connectSender = TQT_TQOBJECT(designerWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))); connectReceiver = connectableObject(TQT_TQOBJECT(designerWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))), connectReceiver); beginUnclippedPainter(false); drawConnectLine(); break; case ORDER_TOOL: if (!isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))) { // press on a child widget orderedWidgets.removeRef(w); orderedWidgets.append(w); for (TQWidget *wid = orderedWidgets.last(); wid; wid = orderedWidgets.prev()) { int i = stackedWidgets.findRef(wid); if (i != -1) { stackedWidgets.removeRef(wid); stackedWidgets.insert(0, wid); } } TQWidgetList oldl = MetaDataBase::tabOrder(this); TabOrderCommand *cmd = new TabOrderCommand(i18n("Change Tab Order"), this, oldl, stackedWidgets); cmd->execute(); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd, true); updateOrderIndicators(); } break; default: // any insert widget tool if (e->button() == Qt::LeftButton) { insertParent = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(mainContainer()); // default parent for new widget is the formwindow if (!isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))) { // press was not on formwindow, check if we can find another parent TQWidget *wid = w; for (;;) { int id = WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(wid))); if ((WidgetDatabase::isContainer(id) || wid == mainContainer()) && !wid->inherits(TQLAYOUTWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) && !wid->inherits(TQSPLITTER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) { insertParent = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(wid); // found another parent, store it break; } else { wid = wid->parentWidget(); if (!wid) break; } } } startRectDraw(w->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()), e->globalPos(), w, Insert); } break; } } void FormWindow::handleMouseDblClick(TQMouseEvent *, TQWidget *w) { switch (currTool) { case ORDER_TOOL: if (!isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))) { // press on a child widget orderedWidgets.clear(); orderedWidgets.append(w); for (TQWidget *wid = orderedWidgets.last(); wid; wid = orderedWidgets.prev()) { int i = stackedWidgets.findRef(wid); if (i != -1) { stackedWidgets.removeRef(wid); stackedWidgets.insert(0, wid); } } TQWidgetList oldl = MetaDataBase::tabOrder(this); TabOrderCommand *cmd = new TabOrderCommand(i18n("Change Tab Order"), this, oldl, stackedWidgets); cmd->execute(); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd, true); updateOrderIndicators(); } default: break; } } void FormWindow::handleMouseMove(TQMouseEvent *e, TQWidget *w) { if ((e->state() & Qt::LeftButton) != Qt::LeftButton) return; TQWidget *newReceiver = (TQWidget*)connectReceiver, *oldReceiver = (TQWidget*)connectReceiver, *wid; bool drawRecRect; switch (currTool) { case POINTER_TOOL: if (widgetPressed && allowMove(w)) { // we are prepated for a move // if widget is laid out, find the first non-laid out super-widget while (w->parentWidget() && (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout || !insertedWidgets.find(w))) w = w->parentWidget(); // calc correct position TQPoint pos = w->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); // calc move distance and store it TQPoint d = oldPressPos - pos; if (TQABS(d.x()) < grid().x()) d.setX(0); if (TQABS(d.y()) < grid().y()) d.setY(0); if (d.x() == 0) pos.setX(oldPressPos.x()); if (d.y() == 0) pos.setY(oldPressPos.y()); oldPressPos = pos; // snap to grid int x = widgetGeom.x() - d.x(); widgetGeom.setX(x); x = (x / grid().x()) * grid().x(); int y = widgetGeom.y() - d.y(); widgetGeom.setY(y); y = (y / grid().y()) * grid().y(); TQPoint p = w->pos(); if (x - p.x() || y - p.y()) { // if we actually have to move if (!checkedSelectionsForMove) { // if not checked yet, check if the correct widget are selected... if (!isWidgetSelected(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))) { // and unselect others. Only siblings can be moved at the same time setPropertyShowingBlocked(true); selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)); setPropertyShowingBlocked(false); } checkSelectionsForMove(w); } // check whether we would have to reparent the selection and // highlight the possible new parent container TQMapConstIterator it = moving.begin(); TQWidget* wa = containerAt(e->globalPos(), ((TQWidget*)it.key())); if (wa && !isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(wa)) && !isCentralWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(wa))) { wa = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(wa); // ok, looks like we moved onto a container if (wa != targetContainer) { if (targetContainer) { if (hadOwnPalette) targetContainer->setPalette(restorePalette); else targetContainer->unsetPalette(); } targetContainer = wa; hadOwnPalette = wa->ownPalette(); restorePalette = wa->palette(); wa->setPaletteBackgroundColor(wa->colorGroup().midlight()); } } else if (targetContainer) { if(hadOwnPalette) targetContainer->setPalette(restorePalette); else targetContainer->unsetPalette(); targetContainer = 0; } // finally move the selected widgets and show/update preview label moveSelectedWidgets(x - p.x(), y - p.y()); sizePreviewLabel->setText(TQString("%1/%2").tqarg(w->pos().x()).tqarg(w->pos().y())); sizePreviewLabel->adjustSize(); TQRect lg(mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()) + TQPoint(16, 16), sizePreviewLabel->size()); checkPreviewGeometry(lg); sizePreviewLabel->setGeometry(lg); sizePreviewLabel->raise(); sizePreviewLabel->show(); } else { // if we don't need to move, do some indication TQRect lg(mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()) + TQPoint(16, 16), sizePreviewLabel->size()); checkPreviewGeometry(lg); sizePreviewLabel->move(lg.x(), lg.y()); } oldPressPos += (p - w->pos()); } else if (drawRubber) // draw rubber if we are in rubber-selection mode continueRectDraw(mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()), e->globalPos(), this, Rubber); break; case CONNECT_TOOL: restoreConnectionLine(); wid = tqApp->widgetAt(e->globalPos(), true); if (wid) wid = designerWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(wid)); if (wid && (isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(wid)) || insertedWidgets.find(wid)) && wid->isVisibleTo(this)) newReceiver = wid; if (newReceiver && (newReceiver->inherits(TQLAYOUTWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) || newReceiver->inherits("Spacer"))) newReceiver = (TQWidget*)connectReceiver; drawRecRect = TQT_BASE_OBJECT(newReceiver) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(connectReceiver); currentConnectPos = mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()); if (newReceiver && (isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(newReceiver)) || insertedWidgets.find(newReceiver)) && !isCentralWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(newReceiver))) connectReceiver = connectableObject(TQT_TQOBJECT(newReceiver), TQT_TQOBJECT(connectReceiver)); mainWindow()->statusBar()->message(i18n("Connect '%1' to '%2'").tqarg(connectSender->name()). arg(connectReceiver->name())); tqApp->processEvents(); if (drawRecRect) restoreRect(TQRect(mapToForm(((TQWidget*)oldReceiver)->parentWidget(), ((TQWidget*)oldReceiver)->pos()), ((TQWidget*)oldReceiver)->size())); drawConnectLine(); break; case ORDER_TOOL: break; default: // we are in an insert-widget tool if (insertParent) // draw insert rect continueRectDraw(w->mapFromGlobal(e->globalPos()), e->globalPos(), w, Insert); break; } } void FormWindow::handleMouseRelease(TQMouseEvent * e, TQWidget * w) { if (e->button() != Qt::LeftButton) return; switch (currTool) { case POINTER_TOOL: if (widgetPressed && allowMove(w)) { // we moved the widget sizePreviewLabel->hide(); if (moving.isEmpty() || w->pos() == *moving.find((ulong) w)) break; // restore targetContainer if (targetContainer) { if (hadOwnPalette) targetContainer->setPalette(restorePalette); else targetContainer->unsetPalette(); } // tell property editor to update if (propertyWidget && propertyWidget->isWidgetType() && !isMainContainer(propertyWidget)) emitUpdateProperties(propertyWidget); TQMapConstIterator < ulong, TQPoint > it = moving.begin(); TQWidget *oldParent = ((TQWidget *) it.key())->parentWidget(); TQWidget *newParent = oldParent; // check whether we have to reparent the selection TQWidget *wa = containerAt(e->globalPos(), ((TQWidget *) it.key())); if (wa) { wa = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(wa); // ok, looks like we moved onto a container // check whether we really have different parents. if (wa == ((TQWidget *) it.key())->parentWidget()) goto make_move_command; // break tqlayout if necessary if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(wa) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(mainWindow(), i18n("You tried to insert a widget into the " "tqlayout Container Widget '%1'.\n" "This is not possible. " "In order to insert the widget, the tqlayout of '%1'\n" "must first be broken.\n" "Break the tqlayout or cancel the operation?"). tqarg(wa->name()).tqarg(wa->name()), i18n("Inserting Widget"), i18n("&Break Layout"), KStdGuiItem::cancel()) == KMessageBox::No) goto make_move_command; // cancel breakLayout(wa); } // doesn't need to be a command, the MoveCommand does reparenting too bool emitSelChanged = false; for (TQMap < ulong, TQPoint >::Iterator it = moving.begin(); it != moving.end(); ++it) { TQWidget *i = (TQWidget *) it.key(); if (!emitSelChanged && i->inherits(TQBUTTON_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) { if (i->parentWidget() && i->parentWidget()->inherits(TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) || wa->inherits(TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) emitSelChanged = true; if (!wa->inherits(TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) { MetaDataBase::setPropertyChanged(TQT_TQOBJECT(i), "buttonGroupId", false); if (i->parentWidget() && i->parentWidget()->inherits(TQBUTTONGROUP_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) ((TQButtonGroup *) i->parentWidget())->remove((TQButton *) i); } } TQPoint pos = wa->mapFromGlobal(i->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0, 0))); i->reparent(wa, pos, true); raiseSelection(i); raiseChildSelections(i); widgetChanged(TQT_TQOBJECT(i)); mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetRemoved(i); mainWindow()->objectHierarchy()->widgetInserted(i); } if (emitSelChanged) { emit showProperties(TQT_TQOBJECT(wa)); emit showProperties(propertyWidget); } newParent = wa; } make_move_command: TQWidgetList widgets; // collect the widgets and its old and new positions which have been moved TQValueList < TQPoint > oldPos, newPos; for (it = moving.begin(); it != moving.end(); ++it) { widgets.append((TQWidget *) it.key()); oldPos.append(*it); newPos.append(((TQWidget *) it.key())->pos()); } // add move command, don't execute it, this is just a summary of the operations we did during the move-event handling commandHistory()->addCommand(new MoveCommand(i18n("Move"), this, widgets, oldPos, newPos, oldParent, newParent)); } else if (drawRubber) { // we were drawing a rubber selection endRectDraw(); // get rid of the rectangle blockSignals(true); selectWidgets(); // select widgets which intersect the rect blockSignals(false); emitSelectionChanged(); // inform about selection changes if (propertyWidget) emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); } break; case CONNECT_TOOL: restoreConnectionLine(); if (connectSender) restoreRect(TQRect(mapToForm(((TQWidget *) connectSender)->parentWidget(), ((TQWidget *) connectSender)->pos()), ((TQWidget *) connectSender)->size())); if (connectReceiver) restoreRect(TQRect(mapToForm(((TQWidget *) connectReceiver)->parentWidget(), ((TQWidget *) connectReceiver)->pos()), ((TQWidget *) connectReceiver)->size())); endUnclippedPainter(); tqApp->processEvents(); if (connectSender && connectReceiver) editConnections(); break; case ORDER_TOOL: break; default: // any insert widget tool is active if (insertParent) { // we should insert the new widget now endRectDraw(); if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(insertParent) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout) { if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(mainWindow(), i18n("You tried to insert a widget into the " "tqlayout Container Widget '%1'.\n" "This is not possible. " "In order to insert the widget, the tqlayout of '%1'\n" "must first be broken.\n" "Break the tqlayout or cancel the operation?"). arg(insertParent->name()). arg(insertParent->name()), i18n("Inserting Widget"), i18n("&Break Layout"), KStdGuiItem::cancel()) == KMessageBox::Yes) { breakLayout(insertParent); } else { if (!toolFixed) mainWindow()->resetTool(); break; } } insertWidget(); // so do it } break; } widgetPressed = false; drawRubber = false; insertParent = 0; delete buffer; buffer = 0; } void FormWindow::handleKeyPress(TQKeyEvent * e, TQWidget * w) { e->ignore(); checkSelectionsTimer->stop(); if (!checkedSelectionsForMove && (e->key() == Key_Left || e->key() == Key_Right || e->key() == Key_Up || e->key() == Key_Down) && propertyWidget->isWidgetType()) checkSelectionsForMove((TQWidget *) propertyWidget); checkSelectionsTimer->start(1000, true); if (e->key() == Key_Left || e->key() == Key_Right || e->key() == Key_Up || e->key() == Key_Down) { TQWidgetList widgets; TQValueList < TQPoint > oldPos, newPos; for (WidgetSelection * s = selections.first(); s; s = selections.next()) { if (s->isUsed()) { int dx = 0, dy = 0; bool control = e->state() & ControlButton; switch (e->key()) { case Key_Left: { e->accept(); if (control) dx = -1; else dx = -grid().x(); } break; case Key_Right: { e->accept(); if (control) dx = 1; else dx = grid().x(); } break; case Key_Up: { e->accept(); if (control) dy = -1; else dy = -grid().y(); } break; case Key_Down: { e->accept(); if (control) dy = 1; else dy = grid().y(); } break; default: break; } widgets.append(s->widget()); oldPos.append(s->widget()->pos()); newPos.append(s->widget()->pos() + TQPoint(dx, dy)); } } if (!widgets.isEmpty()) { MoveCommand *cmd = new MoveCommand(i18n("Move"), this, widgets, oldPos, newPos, 0, 0); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd, true); cmd->execute(); } } if (!e->isAccepted()) { TQObjectList *l = queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (!l) return; if (l->find(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)) != -1) e->accept(); delete l; } } void FormWindow::handleKeyRelease(TQKeyEvent * e, TQWidget *) { e->ignore(); } void FormWindow::selectWidget(TQObject * o, bool select) { if (!o->isWidgetType()) { // ########### do TQObject stuff return; } TQWidget *w = (TQWidget *) o; if (isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer()); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); return; } if (mainContainer()->inherits(TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) && w == ((TQMainWindow *) mainContainer())->centralWidget()) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer()); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); return; } if (o->inherits("QDesignerToolBar") || o->inherits("QDesignerMenuBar")) return; if (select) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(w); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); if (!isPropertyShowingBlocked()) emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find(w); if (s) { s->show(); return; } for (WidgetSelection * s2 = selections.first(); s2; s2 = selections.next()) { if (!s2->isUsed()) { s = s2; } } if (!s) { s = new WidgetSelection(this, &usedSelections); selections.append(s); } s->setWidget(w); emitSelectionChanged(); } else { WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find(w); if (s) s->setWidget(0); TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; if (!usedSelections.isEmpty()) propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > (usedSelections).current()->widget()); else propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer()); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); if (!isPropertyShowingBlocked()) emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); emitSelectionChanged(); } } TQPoint FormWindow::grid() const { if (!mainWindow()->snapGrid()) return TQPoint(1, 1); return mainWindow()->grid(); } void FormWindow::updateSelection(TQWidget * w) { WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find(w); if (!w->isVisibleTo(this)) selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w), false); else if (s) s->updateGeometry(); } void FormWindow::raiseSelection(TQWidget * w) { WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find(w); if (s) s->show(); } void FormWindow::repaintSelection(TQWidget * w) { WidgetSelection *s = usedSelections.find(w); if (s) s->update(); } void FormWindow::clearSelection(bool changePropertyDisplay) { TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); for (; it.current(); ++it) it.current()->setWidget(0, false); usedSelections.clear(); if (changePropertyDisplay) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer()); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); } emitSelectionChanged(); } void FormWindow::startRectDraw(const TQPoint & p, const TQPoint & global, TQWidget *, RectType t) { TQPoint pos(p); pos = mapFromGlobal(global); oldRectValid = false; beginUnclippedPainter(true); if (t == Rubber) unclippedPainter->setPen(TQPen(color0, 1)); if (t == Insert) rectAnchor = gridPoint(pos); else if (t == Rubber) rectAnchor = pos; currRect = TQRect(rectAnchor, TQPoint(0, 0)); if (t == Insert) drawSizePreview(pos, i18n("Use Size Hint")); } void FormWindow::continueRectDraw(const TQPoint & p, const TQPoint & global, TQWidget *, RectType t) { TQPoint pos = p; pos = mapFromGlobal(global); TQPoint p2; if (t == Insert) p2 = gridPoint(pos); else if (t == Rubber) p2 = pos; TQRect r(rectAnchor, p2); r = r.normalize(); if (currRect == r) { TQString t("%1/%2"); t = t.tqarg(r.width() - 1).tqarg(r.height() - 1); drawSizePreview(pos, t); return; } if (oldRectValid) unclippedPainter->drawRect(currRect); if (r.width() > 1 || r.height() > 1) { oldRectValid = true; currRect = r; if (t == Insert) { TQString t("%1/%2"); t = t.tqarg(r.width() - 1).tqarg(r.height() - 1); drawSizePreview(pos, t); } unclippedPainter->setClipRegion(TQRegion(rect()).subtract(TQRect(sizePreviewPos, sizePreviewPixmap.size()))); unclippedPainter->drawRect(currRect); unclippedPainter->setClipping(false); } else { oldRectValid = false; if (t == Insert) drawSizePreview(pos, i18n("Use Size Hint")); } } void FormWindow::endRectDraw() { if (!unclippedPainter) return; if (oldRectValid) unclippedPainter->drawRect(currRect); drawSizePreview(TQPoint(-1, -1), TQString()); endUnclippedPainter(); } void FormWindow::selectWidgets() { TQObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (l) { for (TQObject * o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) { if (((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets[(void *) o]) { TQPoint p = ((TQWidget *) o)->mapToGlobal(TQPoint(0, 0)); p = mapFromGlobal(p); TQRect r(p, ((TQWidget *) o)->size()); if (r.intersects(currRect) && !r.contains(currRect)) selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(o)); } } delete l; } emitSelectionChanged(); } bool FormWindow::isWidgetSelected(TQObject * w) { if (w->isWidgetType()) return usedSelections.find((TQWidget *) w) != 0; return false; // #### do stuff for TQObjects } void FormWindow::moveSelectedWidgets(int dx, int dy) { TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); for (; it.current(); ++it) { WidgetSelection *s = it.current(); TQWidget *w = s->widget(); if (w->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout) continue; w->move(w->x() + dx, w->y() + dy); s->updateGeometry(); updateChildSelections(w); } } CommandHistory *FormWindow::commandHistory() { return &commands; } void FormWindow::undo() { commandHistory()->undo(); } void FormWindow::redo() { commandHistory()->redo(); } void FormWindow::raiseChildSelections(TQWidget * w) { TQObjectList *l = w->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (!l || !l->first()) { delete l; return; } TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (l->findRef(TQT_TQOBJECT(it.current()->widget())) != -1) it.current()->show(); } delete l; } void FormWindow::updateChildSelections(TQWidget * w) { TQObjectList *l = w->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (l) { for (TQObject * o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget *) o)) updateSelection((TQWidget *) o); } delete l; } } void FormWindow::checkSelectionsForMove(TQWidget * w) { checkedSelectionsForMove = true; TQObjectList *l = w->parentWidget()->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, 0, false, false); moving.clear(); if (l) { TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); WidgetSelection *sel; while ((sel = it.current()) != 0) { if (it.current()->widget() == mainContainer()) continue; ++it; if (l->find(TQT_TQOBJECT(sel->widget())) == -1) { if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout) sel->setWidget(0); } else { if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(sel->widget()->parentWidget()) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout) { moving.insert((ulong) sel->widget(), sel->widget()->pos()); sel->widget()->raise(); raiseChildSelections(sel->widget()); raiseSelection(sel->widget()); } } } delete l; } } void FormWindow::deleteWidgets() { TQWidgetList widgets; TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQWidget *tb = 0; if (!(tb = mainWindow()->isAToolBarChild(TQT_TQOBJECT(it.current()->widget())))) widgets.append(it.current()->widget()); else ((QDesignerToolBar *) tb)->removeWidget(it.current()->widget()); } if (widgets.isEmpty()) return; DeleteCommand *cmd = new DeleteCommand(i18n("Delete"), this, widgets); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::editAdjustSize() { TQPtrList < Command > commands; TQWidgetList widgets = selectedWidgets(); if (widgets.isEmpty()) { TQRect oldr = tqgeometry(); mainContainer()->adjustSize(); resize(mainContainer()->size()); // check whether our own size constraint hit us if (size() != mainContainer()->size()) mainContainer()->resize(size()); TQRect nr = tqgeometry(); if (oldr != nr) { ResizeCommand *cmd = new ResizeCommand(i18n("Adjust Size"), this, this, oldr, nr); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); } return; } for (TQWidget * w = widgets.first(); w; w = widgets.next()) { if (w->parentWidget() && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w->parentWidget()) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout) continue; TQRect oldr = w->tqgeometry(); w->adjustSize(); TQRect nr = w->tqgeometry(); if (oldr != nr) commands.append(new ResizeCommand(i18n("Adjust Size"), this, w, oldr, nr)); } if (commands.isEmpty()) return; for (WidgetSelection * s = selections.first(); s; s = selections.next()) s->updateGeometry(); MacroCommand *cmd = new MacroCommand(i18n("Adjust Size"), this, commands); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); } TQWidgetList FormWindow::selectedWidgets() const { TQWidgetList widgets; for (TQPtrDictIterator it(usedSelections); it.current(); ++it) widgets.append(it.current()->widget()); return widgets; } void FormWindow::widgetChanged(TQObject *w) { if (w->isWidgetType()) updateSelection((TQWidget*)w); } TQLabel *FormWindow::sizePreview() const { if (!sizePreviewLabel) { ((FormWindow*)this)->sizePreviewLabel = new TQLabel((FormWindow*)this); ((FormWindow*)this)->sizePreviewLabel->hide(); ((FormWindow*)this)->sizePreviewLabel->setBackgroundColor(TQColor(255, 255, 128)); ((FormWindow*)this)->sizePreviewLabel->setFrameStyle(TQFrame::Plain | TQFrame::Box); } return sizePreviewLabel; } void FormWindow::invalidCheckedSelections() { checkedSelectionsForMove = false; } void FormWindow::checkPreviewGeometry(TQRect & r) { if (TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(rect()).contains(r)) return; if (r.left() < rect().left()) r.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(0, r.top())); if (r.right() > rect().right()) r.moveBottomRight(TQPoint(rect().right(), r.bottom())); if (r.top() < rect().top()) r.moveTopLeft(TQPoint(r.left(), rect().top())); if (r.bottom() > rect().bottom()) r.moveBottomRight(TQPoint(r.right(), rect().bottom())); } void FormWindow::focusInEvent(TQFocusEvent *) { if (mContainer) { TQVariant prop = mContainer->property("useInternalParser"); KommanderWidget::useInternalParser = prop.toBool(); } } void FormWindow::focusOutEvent(TQFocusEvent *) { if (propertyWidget && !isMainContainer(propertyWidget) && !isWidgetSelected(propertyWidget)) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer()); if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); } } void FormWindow::resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent * e) { TQWidget::resizeEvent(e); if (currTool == ORDER_TOOL) repositionOrderIndicators(); if (isVisible()) formFile()->setModified(true); } TQPtrDict < TQWidget > *FormWindow::widgets() { return &insertedWidgets; } TQWidget *FormWindow::designerWidget(TQObject * o) const { if (!o || !o->isWidgetType()) return 0; TQWidget *w = (TQWidget *) o; while (w && !isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)) && !insertedWidgets[(void *) w] || isCentralWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))) w = (TQWidget *) w->parent(); return w; } void FormWindow::emitShowProperties(TQObject * w) { if (w) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = w; if (opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget *) opw); } showPropertiesTimer->stop(); showPropertiesTimer->start(0, true); } void FormWindow::emitUpdateProperties(TQObject * w) { if (w == propertyWidget) { updatePropertiesTimer->stop(); updatePropertiesTimer->start(0, true); } } void FormWindow::emitSelectionChanged() { selectionChangedTimer->stop(); selectionChangedTimer->start(0, true); } void FormWindow::updatePropertiesTimerDone() { if (propertyWidget && mainWindow()->formWindow() == this) emit updateProperties(propertyWidget); } void FormWindow::showPropertiesTimerDone() { if (propertyWidget && mainWindow()->formWindow() == this) emit showProperties(propertyWidget); } void FormWindow::selectionChangedTimerDone() { emit selectionChanged(); } void FormWindow::currentToolChanged() { toolFixed = false; int t = mainwindow->currentTool(); if (currTool == t && t != ORDER_TOOL) return; // tool cleanup switch (currTool) { case ORDER_TOOL: hideOrderIndicators(); break; case CONNECT_TOOL: restoreConnectionLine(); if (connectSender) restoreRect(TQRect(mapToForm(((TQWidget *) connectSender)->parentWidget(), ((TQWidget *) connectSender)->pos()), ((TQWidget *) connectSender)->size())); if (connectReceiver) restoreRect(TQRect(mapToForm(((TQWidget *) connectReceiver)->parentWidget(), ((TQWidget *) connectReceiver)->pos()), ((TQWidget *) connectReceiver)->size())); endUnclippedPainter(); break; case POINTER_TOOL: break; default: if (insertParent) endRectDraw(); break; } connectSender = connectReceiver = 0; widgetPressed = false; drawRubber = false; insertParent = 0; delete buffer; buffer = 0; currTool = t; if (hasFocus()) clearSelection(false); mainWindow()->statusBar()->clear(); // tool setup switch (currTool) { case POINTER_TOOL: if (propertyWidget && !isMainContainer(propertyWidget) && !isWidgetSelected(propertyWidget)) emitShowProperties(TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer())); restoreCursors(this, this); break; case ORDER_TOOL: if (mainWindow()->formWindow() == this) { mainWindow()->statusBar()->message(i18n("Click widgets to change the tab order...")); orderedWidgets.clear(); showOrderIndicators(); if (mainWindow()->formWindow() == this) emitShowProperties(TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer())); setCursorToAll(ArrowCursor, this); } break; case CONNECT_TOOL: mainWindow()->statusBar()->message(i18n("Drag a line to create a connection...")); setCursorToAll(CrossCursor, this); if (mainWindow()->formWindow() == this) emitShowProperties(TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer())); break; default: mainWindow()->statusBar()->message(i18n("Click on the form to insert a %1..."). arg(WidgetDatabase::toolTip(currTool).lower())); setCursorToAll(CrossCursor, this); if (mainWindow()->formWindow() == this) emitShowProperties(TQT_TQOBJECT(mainContainer())); break; } } void FormWindow::showOrderIndicators() { hideOrderIndicators(); orderIndicators.setAutoDelete(true); TQObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); stackedWidgets = MetaDataBase::tabOrder(this); if (l) { int order = 1; for (TQObject * o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget *) o; if (w->isVisibleTo(w->parentWidget()) && insertedWidgets[(void *) w] && w->focusPolicy() != TQ_NoFocus) { OrderIndicator *ind = new OrderIndicator(order++, w, this); orderIndicators.append(ind); if (stackedWidgets.findRef(w) == -1) stackedWidgets.append(w); } } delete l; } updateOrderIndicators(); } void FormWindow::hideOrderIndicators() { orderIndicators.clear(); } void FormWindow::updateOrderIndicators() { int order = 1; for (TQWidget * w = stackedWidgets.first(); w; w = stackedWidgets.next()) { for (OrderIndicator * i = orderIndicators.first(); i; i = orderIndicators.next()) i->setOrder(order, w); order++; } } void FormWindow::repositionOrderIndicators() { for (OrderIndicator * i = orderIndicators.first(); i; i = orderIndicators.next()) i->reposition(); } void FormWindow::updateUndoInfo() { commandHistory()->emitUndoRedo(); } bool FormWindow::checkCustomWidgets() { TQStringList missingCustomWidgets; TQPtrDictIterator < TQWidget > it(insertedWidgets); for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->isA("CustomWidget")) { TQString className = WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(it.current())); if (!MetaDataBase::hasCustomWidget(className)) missingCustomWidgets << className; } } return true; } void FormWindow::setPropertyShowingBlocked(bool b) { propShowBlocked = b; } bool FormWindow::isPropertyShowingBlocked() const { return propShowBlocked; } int FormWindow::numSelectedWidgets() const { return usedSelections.count(); } TQString FormWindow::copy() { Resource resource(mainWindow()); resource.setWidget(this); return resource.copy(); } void FormWindow::lowerWidgets() { TQWidgetList widgets; TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); for (; it.current(); ++it) widgets.append(it.current()->widget()); LowerCommand *cmd = new LowerCommand(i18n("Lower"), this, widgets); cmd->execute(); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); } static void find_accel(const TQString & txt, TQMap < TQChar, TQWidgetList > &accels, TQWidget * w) { int i = txt.find("&"); if (i == -1) return; TQChar c = txt[i + 1]; if (c.isNull() || c == '&') return; c = c.lower(); TQMap < TQChar, TQWidgetList >::Iterator it = accels.find(c); if (it == accels.end()) { TQWidgetList wl; wl.append(w); accels.insert(c, wl); } else { TQWidgetList *wl = &*it; wl->append(w); } } void FormWindow::checkAccels() { TQMap < TQChar, TQWidgetList > accels; TQObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (l) { for (TQObject * o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) { if (((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets[(void *) o]) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget *) o; const TQMetaProperty *text = w->metaObject()->property(w->metaObject()->findProperty("text", true), true); const TQMetaProperty *title = w->metaObject()->property(w->metaObject()->findProperty("title", true), true); const TQMetaProperty *pageTitle = w->metaObject()->property(w->metaObject()->findProperty("pageTitle", true), true); if (text) find_accel(w->property("text").toString(), accels, w); if (title) find_accel(w->property("title").toString(), accels, w); if (pageTitle) find_accel(w->property("pageTitle").toString(), accels, w); } } delete l; } bool ok = true; TQWidget *wid; for (TQMap < TQChar, TQWidgetList >::Iterator it = accels.begin(); it != accels.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).count() > 1) { ok = false; if (KMessageBox::questionYesNo(mainWindow(), i18n("Accelerator '%1' is used %2 times.").tqarg(it.key().upper()).tqarg((*it).count()), i18n("Check Accelerators"), i18n("&Select"), KStdGuiItem::cancel()) == KMessageBox::Yes) { clearSelection(false); for (wid = (*it).first(); wid; wid = (*it).next()) selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(wid), true); } return; } } if (ok) KMessageBox::information(mainWindow(), i18n("No accelerator is used more than once."), i18n("Check Accelerators")); } void FormWindow::raiseWidgets() { TQWidgetList widgets; TQPtrDictIterator < WidgetSelection > it(usedSelections); for (; it.current(); ++it) widgets.append(it.current()->widget()); RaiseCommand *cmd = new RaiseCommand(i18n("Raise"), this, widgets); cmd->execute(); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); } void FormWindow::paste(const TQString & cb, TQWidget * parent) { Resource resource(mainWindow()); resource.setWidget(this); resource.paste(cb, parent); } void FormWindow::selectAll() { checkedSelectionsForMove = false; blockSignals(true); TQObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (l) { for (TQObject * o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) { if (((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets[(void *) o]) { selectWidget(TQT_TQOBJECT(o)); } } delete l; } blockSignals(false); emitSelectionChanged(); if (propertyWidget) emitShowProperties(propertyWidget); emitSelectionChanged(); } void FormWindow::layoutHorizontal() { TQWidgetList widgets(selectedWidgets()); LayoutHorizontalCommand *cmd = new LayoutHorizontalCommand(i18n("Lay OutQt::Horizontally"), this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutVertical() { TQWidgetList widgets(selectedWidgets()); LayoutVerticalCommand *cmd = new LayoutVerticalCommand(i18n("Lay OutQt::Vertically"), this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutHorizontalSplit() { TQWidgetList widgets(selectedWidgets()); LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand *cmd = new LayoutHorizontalSplitCommand(i18n("Lay OutQt::Horizontally (in splitter)"), this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutVerticalSplit() { TQWidgetList widgets(selectedWidgets()); LayoutVerticalSplitCommand *cmd = new LayoutVerticalSplitCommand(i18n("Lay OutQt::Vertically (in splitter)"), this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutGrid() { int xres = grid().x(); int yres = grid().y(); TQWidgetList widgets(selectedWidgets()); LayoutGridCommand *cmd = new LayoutGridCommand(i18n("Lay Out in a Grid"), this, mainContainer(), 0, widgets, xres, yres); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutHorizontalContainer(TQWidget * w) { if (w == this) w = mainContainer(); TQObjectList l = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w)->childrenListObject(); if (l.isEmpty()) return; TQWidgetList widgets; for (TQObject * o = l.first(); o; o = l.next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && ((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget *) o)) widgets.append((TQWidget *) o); } LayoutHorizontalCommand *cmd = new LayoutHorizontalCommand(i18n("Lay Out ChildrenQt::Horizontally"), this, mainContainer(), w, widgets); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutVerticalContainer(TQWidget * w) { if (w == this) w = mainContainer(); TQObjectList l = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w)->childrenListObject(); if (l.isEmpty()) return; TQWidgetList widgets; for (TQObject * o = l.first(); o; o = l.next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && ((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget *) o)) widgets.append((TQWidget *) o); } LayoutVerticalCommand *cmd = new LayoutVerticalCommand(i18n("Lay Out ChildrenQt::Vertically"), this, mainContainer(), w, widgets); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::layoutGridContainer(TQWidget * w) { if (w == this) w = mainContainer(); int xres = grid().x(); int yres = grid().y(); TQObjectList l = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w)->childrenListObject(); if (l.isEmpty()) return; TQWidgetList widgets; for (TQObject * o = l.first(); o; o = l.next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && ((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget *) o)) widgets.append((TQWidget *) o); } LayoutGridCommand *cmd = new LayoutGridCommand(i18n("Lay Out Children in a Grid"), this, mainContainer(), w, widgets, xres, yres); clearSelection(false); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } void FormWindow::breakLayout(TQWidget * w) { if (w == this) w = mainContainer(); w = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w); TQPtrList < Command > commands; for (;;) { if (!w || w == this) break; if (WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) != WidgetFactory::NoLayout && WidgetDatabase::isContainer(WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName(WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(w))))) { Command *cmd = breakLayoutCommand(w); if (cmd) commands.insert(0, cmd); if (!w->inherits(TQLAYOUTWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING) && !w->inherits(TQSPLITTER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) break; } w = w->parentWidget(); } if (commands.isEmpty()) return; clearSelection(false); MacroCommand *cmd = new MacroCommand(i18n("Break Layout"), this, commands); commandHistory()->addCommand(cmd); cmd->execute(); } BreakLayoutCommand *FormWindow::breakLayoutCommand(TQWidget * w) { TQObjectList l = w->childrenListObject(); if (l.isEmpty()) return 0; TQWidgetList widgets; for (TQObject * o = l.first(); o; o = l.next()) { if (o->isWidgetType() && !mainWindow()->isAToolBarChild(TQT_TQOBJECT(o)) && ((TQWidget *) o)->isVisibleTo(this) && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget *) o)) widgets.append((TQWidget *) o); } return new BreakLayoutCommand(i18n("Break Layout"), this, WidgetFactory::widgetOfContainer(w), widgets); } int FormWindow::numVisibleWidgets() const { TQPtrDictIterator < TQWidget > it(insertedWidgets); int visible = 0; for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->isVisibleTo((FormWindow *) this)) visible++; } return visible; } bool FormWindow::hasInsertedChildren(TQWidget *w) const { if (!w) return false; w = WidgetFactory::containerOfWidget(w); if (!w) return false; TQObjectList *l = w->queryList(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (!l || !l->first()) { delete l; return false; } for (TQObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) if (o->isWidgetType() && ((TQWidget*)o)->isVisibleTo((FormWindow*)this) && insertedWidgets.find((TQWidget*)o)) { delete l; return true; } delete l; return false; } bool FormWindow::allowMove(TQWidget *w) { w = w->parentWidget(); while (w) { if ((isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(w)) || insertedWidgets.find(w)) && WidgetFactory::layoutType(w) == WidgetFactory::NoLayout) return true; w = w->parentWidget(); } return false; } void FormWindow::editConnections() { buffer = 0; if (!connectSender || !connectReceiver) return; mainWindow()->statusBar()->clear(); ConnectionEditor editor(mainwindow, connectSender, connectReceiver, this); mainWindow()->statusBar()->message(i18n("Edit connections...")); editor.exec(); mainWindow()->statusBar()->clear(); if (!toolFixed) mainwindow->resetTool(); connectSender = connectReceiver = 0; } void FormWindow::saveBackground() { delete buffer; buffer = new TQPixmap(width(), height()); *buffer = TQPixmap::grabWindow(winId()); } void FormWindow::restoreConnectionLine() { if (!unclippedPainter || !buffer) return; int a =TQABS(connectStartPos.x() - currentConnectPos.x()); int b = TQABS(connectStartPos.y() - currentConnectPos.y()); TQRect r(connectStartPos, currentConnectPos); if (a < 32 || b < 32) { // special case: vertical or horizontal line r = r.normalize(); unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, r.width() + 4, r.height() + 4); return; } if (a <= 0) a = 1; if (b <= 0) b = 1; int w, h; if (b > a) { h = 64; w = (a * h) / b; } else { w = 64; h = (b * w) / a; } int dx = 2 * w / 3; int dy = 2 * h / 3; TQPoint p(connectStartPos); if (r.x() > r.right()) { dx = dx * -1; p.setX(p.x() - 64); r.moveBy(-64, 0); } if (r.y() > r.bottom()) { dy = dy * -1; p.setY(p.y() - 64); r.moveBy(0, -64); } w = h = 64; r = r.normalize(); while (r.contains(p)) { unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(p, *buffer, TQRect(p, TQSize(w, h))); unclippedPainter->setPen(red); p.setX(p.x() + dx); p.setY(p.y() + dy); } unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(connectStartPos.x() - 10, connectStartPos.y() - 10, *buffer, connectStartPos.x() - 10, connectStartPos.y() - 10, 20, 20); } void FormWindow::restoreRect(const TQRect &rect) { if (!unclippedPainter) return; TQRect r(rect); r = r.normalize(); r = TQRect(r.x() + 2, r.y() + 2, r.width() - 4, r.height() - 4); unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, r.width() + 4, 4); unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() - 2, 4, r.height() + 4); unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(r.x() - 2, r.y() + r.height() - 3, *buffer, r.x() - 2, r.y() + r.height() - 3, r.width() + 4, 5); unclippedPainter->drawPixmap(r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y(), *buffer, r.x() + r.width() - 2, r.y(), 4, r.height() + 4); } void FormWindow::drawConnectLine() { if (!unclippedPainter) return; unclippedPainter->setPen(TQPen(white, 2)); unclippedPainter->drawLine(connectStartPos, currentConnectPos); unclippedPainter->setPen(TQPen(darkCyan, 1)); unclippedPainter->drawLine(connectStartPos, currentConnectPos); unclippedPainter->setPen(TQPen(magenta, 1)); if (connectSender) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)connectSender; TQPoint p = mapToForm(w, TQPoint(0,0)); unclippedPainter->drawRect(TQRect(p + TQPoint(2, 2), w->size() - TQSize(4, 4))); } if (connectReceiver) { TQWidget *w = (TQWidget*)connectReceiver; TQPoint p = mapToForm(w, TQPoint(0,0)); unclippedPainter->drawRect(TQRect(p + TQPoint(2, 2), w->size() - TQSize(4, 4))); } } TQString FormWindow::fileName() const { return ff->absFileName(); } void FormWindow::setFileName(const TQString &fn) { ff->setFileName(fn); emit fileNameChanged(ff->fileName(), this); } void FormWindow::modificationChanged(bool m) { emit modificationChanged(m, this); emit modificationChanged(m, ff->fileName()); } bool FormWindow::unify(TQObject *w, TQString &s, bool changeIt) { bool found = !isMainContainer(w) && !qstrcmp(name(), s.latin1()); if (!found) { TQString orig = s; int num = 1; TQPtrDictIterator it(insertedWidgets); for (; it.current();) if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(it.current()) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(w) && !qstrcmp(it.current()->name(), s.latin1())) { found = true; if (!changeIt) break; s = orig + "_" + TQString::number(++num); it.toFirst(); } else ++it; if (!found) { TQPtrList al; TQAction *a = 0; for (a = actions.first(); a; a = actions.next()) { TQObjectList *l = a->queryList(TQACTION_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); al.append(a); for (TQObject *ao = l->first(); ao; ao = l->next()) al.append((TQAction*)ao); delete l; } for (a = al.first(); a; a = al.next()) { if (a != w && !qstrcmp(a->name(), s.latin1())) { found = true; if (!changeIt) break; s = orig + "_" + TQString::number(++num); a = actions.first(); } } } if (mainContainer()->inherits(TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) { if (!found) { TQObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList(TQDOCKWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING, 0, true); for (TQObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) if (o != w && !qstrcmp(o->name(), s.latin1())) { found = true; if (!changeIt) break; s = orig + "_" + TQString::number(++num); o = l->first(); } delete l; } if (!found) { TQObjectList *l = mainContainer()->queryList("QDesignerPopupMenu", 0, true); for (TQObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) if (o != w && !qstrcmp(o->name(), s.latin1())) { found = true; if (!changeIt) break; s = orig + "_" + TQString::number(++num); o = l->first(); } delete l; } } } if (!found) return true; return false; } bool FormWindow::isCustomWidgetUsed(MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w) { TQPtrDictIterator it(insertedWidgets); for (; it.current(); ++it) if (it.current()->isA("CustomWidget") && !qstrcmp(WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(it.current())), w->className.utf8())) return true; return false; } bool FormWindow::isDatabaseWidgetUsed() const { #ifndef TQT_NO_SQL TQStringList dbClasses; dbClasses << TQDATATABLE_OBJECT_NAME_STRING; // add more here TQPtrDictIterator it(insertedWidgets); for (; it.current(); ++it) { TQString c(it.current()->className()); if (dbClasses.contains(c) > 0) return true; } #endif return false; } bool FormWindow::isDatabaseAware() const { #ifndef TQT_NO_SQL if (TQString(mContainer->className()) == "QDesignerDataBrowser" || TQString(mContainer->className()) == "QDesignerDataView") return true; return isDatabaseWidgetUsed(); #else return false; #endif } void FormWindow::visibilityChanged() { if (currTool != ORDER_TOOL) emitUpdateProperties(TQT_TQOBJECT(currentWidget())); else { updateOrderIndicators(); repositionOrderIndicators(); } } /* Maps a pos in a w's coordinates to the form's coordinate system. This is the equivalent to mapFromGlobal(w->mapToGlobal(pos)) but avoids the two roundtrips to the X-Server on Unix/X11. */ TQPoint FormWindow::mapToForm(const TQWidget* w, const TQPoint& pos) const { TQPoint p = pos; const TQWidget* i = w; while (i && !i->isTopLevel() && !isMainContainer(TQT_TQOBJECT(const_cast(i)))) { p = i->mapToParent(p); i = i->parentWidget(); } return mapFromGlobal(w->mapToGlobal(pos)); } static int widgetDepth(TQWidget *w) { int d = -1; while (w && !w->isTopLevel()) { d++; w = w->parentWidget(); } return d; } static bool isChildOf(TQWidget *c, TQWidget *p) { while (c && !c->isTopLevel()) { if (c == p) return true; c = c->parentWidget(); } return false; } TQWidget *FormWindow::containerAt(const TQPoint &pos, TQWidget *notParentOf) { TQPtrDictIterator it(insertedWidgets); TQWidget *container = 0; int depth = -1; TQWidgetList selected = selectedWidgets(); if (TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(rect()).contains(mapFromGlobal(pos))) { container = mainContainer(); depth = widgetDepth(container); } for (; it.current(); ++it) { if (it.current()->inherits(TQLAYOUTWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) continue; if (it.current()->inherits(TQSPLITTER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) continue; if (!it.current()->isVisibleTo(this)) continue; if (selected.find(it.current()) != -1) continue; if (!WidgetDatabase::isContainer(WidgetDatabase::idFromClassName( WidgetFactory::classNameOf(TQT_TQOBJECT(it.current())))) && it.current() != mainContainer()) continue; // the rectangles of all ancestors of the container must contain the insert position TQWidget *w = it.current(); while (w && !w->isTopLevel()) { if (!TQT_TQRECT_OBJECT(w->rect()).contains((w->mapFromGlobal(pos)))) break; w = w->parentWidget(); } if (w && !w->isTopLevel()) continue; // we did not get through the full while loop int wd = widgetDepth(it.current()); if (wd == depth && container && (it.current()->parentWidget()-> childrenListObject()).find(TQT_TQOBJECT(it.current())) > (container->parentWidget()->childrenListObject()).find(TQT_TQOBJECT(container))) wd++; if (wd > depth && !isChildOf(it.current(), notParentOf)) { depth = wd; container = it.current(); } } return container; } bool FormWindow::isMainContainer(TQObject *w) const { return w && w->isWidgetType() && (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(w) == this || TQT_BASE_OBJECT(w) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(mainContainer())); } void FormWindow::setMainContainer(TQWidget *w) { bool resetPropertyWidget = isMainContainer(propertyWidget); if (mContainer) insertedWidgets.remove(mContainer); if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(propertyWidget) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(mContainer)) propertyWidget = 0; delete mContainer; mContainer = w; insertedWidgets.insert(mContainer, mContainer); delete tqlayout(); TQHBoxLayout *l = new TQHBoxLayout(this); l->addWidget(w); if (resetPropertyWidget) { TQObject *opw = propertyWidget; propertyWidget = TQT_TQOBJECT(mContainer); if (opw && opw->isWidgetType()) repaintSelection((TQWidget*)opw); } } bool FormWindow::savePixmapInline() const { return pixInline; } TQString FormWindow::pixmapLoaderFunction() const { return pixLoader; } void FormWindow::setSavePixmapInline(bool b) { pixInline = b; } void FormWindow::setPixmapLoaderFunction(const TQString &func) { pixLoader = func; } void FormWindow::setActiveObject(TQObject *o) { emitShowProperties(o); propertyWidget = o; } TQAction *FormWindow::findAction(const TQString &name) { for (TQAction *a = actionList().first(); a; a = actionList().next()) { if (TQString(a->name()) == name) return a; TQAction *ac = (TQAction*)a->child(name.latin1(), TQACTION_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (ac) return ac; } return 0; } void FormWindow::killAccels(TQObject *top) { TQObjectList *l = top->queryList(TQACCEL_OBJECT_NAME_STRING); if (!l) return; for (TQObject *o = l->first(); o; o = l->next()) ((TQAccel*)o)->setEnabled(false); delete l; } bool FormWindow::isCentralWidget(TQObject *w) const { if (!mainContainer()->inherits(TQMAINWINDOW_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) return false; return TQT_BASE_OBJECT(w) == TQT_BASE_OBJECT(((TQMainWindow*)mainContainer())->centralWidget()); } TQObject *FormWindow::connectableObject(TQObject *w, TQObject *) { return w; } int FormWindow::layoutDefaultSpacing() const { return defSpacing; } int FormWindow::layoutDefaultMargin() const { return defMargin; } void FormWindow::setLayoutDefaultSpacing(int s) { defSpacing = s; } void FormWindow::setLayoutDefaultMargin(int s) { defMargin = s; } FormFile *FormWindow::formFile() const { return ff; } void FormWindow::setFormFile(FormFile *f) { ff = f; if (ff) connect(this, TQT_SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool, const TQString&)), ff, TQT_SLOT(formWindowChangedSomehow())); } #include "formwindow.moc"