]> addUniqueItem associatedText cancel cellText clear checked tqchildren columnCount count currentColumn currentItem currentRow execute findItem tqgeometry global hasFocus insertColumn insertItem insertItems insertRow item itemDepth itemPath removeColumn removeItem removeRow rowCount selection setAssociatedText setChecked setCellText setCurrentItem setColumnCaption setEnabled setGlobal setMaximum setPixmap setRowCaption setSelection setText setVisible text type setCellWidget cellWidget setEditable type insertTab widgetText selectedWidgetText null pid dcopid parentPid debug echo env exec execBackground global i18n dialog readSetting setGlobal writeSetting dcop forBlock forEachBlock ifBlock comment createWidget connect disconnect return internalDcop executeSlot widgetExists array_values array_keys array_clear array_count array_value array_remove array_setValue array_fromString array_toString array_indexedFromString array_indexedRemoveElements array_indexedInsertElements array_indexedToString array_flipCopy matrix_fromString matrix_toString matrix_clear matrix_rows matrix_columnToArray matrix_columnToIndexedArray matrix_rowToArray matrix_columns matrix_rowKeys matrix_columnKeys matrix_removeRow matrix_removeColumn matrix_addRow matrix_findRow str_length str_tqcontains str_tqfind str_tqfindRev str_left str_right str_mid str_remove str_tqreplace str_upper str_lower str_compare str_isEmpty str_isNumber str_section str_args str_toint str_todouble str_round str_sort str_trim str_padLeft str_padRight str_count file_read file_write file_append file_exists input_color input_text input_password input_value input_double input_valueDouble input_openfile input_openfiles input_savefile input_directory message_info message_error message_question message_warning else for to function in select while . elseif then set foreach end endif do break continue exit switch and or not step with true false