/********************************************************************** ** Copyright (C) 2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved. ** ** This file is part of TQt Designer. ** ** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the ** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software ** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the ** packaging of this file. ** ** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE ** WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ** ** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information. ** ** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are ** not clear to you. ** **********************************************************************/ #include // HP-UX compiler needs this here #include "styledbutton.h" #include "formwindow.h" #include "pixmapchooser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include StyledButton::StyledButton(TQWidget* parent, const char* name) : TQButton( parent, name ), pix( 0 ), spix( 0 ), s( 0 ), formWindow( 0 ), mousePressed( false ) { setMinimumSize( minimumSizeHint() ); setAcceptDrops( true ); connect( this, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(onEditor())); setEditor( ColorEditor ); } StyledButton::StyledButton( const TQBrush& b, TQWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags f ) : TQButton( parent, name, f ), spix( 0 ), s( 0 ), formWindow( 0 ) { col = b.color(); pix = b.pixmap(); setMinimumSize( minimumSizeHint() ); } StyledButton::~StyledButton() { } void StyledButton::setEditor( EditorType e ) { if ( edit == e ) return; edit = e; update(); } StyledButton::EditorType StyledButton::editor() const { return edit; } void StyledButton::setColor( const TQColor& c ) { col = c; update(); } void StyledButton::setPixmap( const TQPixmap & pm ) { if ( !pm.isNull() ) { delete pix; pix = new TQPixmap( pm ); } else { delete pix; pix = 0; } scalePixmap(); } TQColor StyledButton::color() const { return col; } TQPixmap* StyledButton::pixmap() const { return pix; } bool StyledButton::scale() const { return s; } void StyledButton::setScale( bool on ) { if ( s == on ) return; s = on; scalePixmap(); } TQSize StyledButton::sizeHint() const { return TQSize( 50, 25 ); } TQSize StyledButton::minimumSizeHint() const { return TQSize( 50, 25 ); } void StyledButton::scalePixmap() { delete spix; if ( pix ) { spix = new TQPixmap( 6*width()/8, 6*height()/8 ); TQImage img = pix->convertToImage(); spix->convertFromImage( s? img.smoothScale( 6*width()/8, 6*height()/8 ) : img ); } else { spix = 0; } update(); } void StyledButton::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent* e ) { scalePixmap(); TQButton::resizeEvent( e ); } void StyledButton::drawButton( TQPainter *paint ) { tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_ButtonBevel, paint, rect(), colorGroup(), isDown() ? TQStyle::Style_Sunken : TQStyle::Style_Raised); drawButtonLabel(paint); if (hasFocus()) tqstyle().tqdrawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_FocusRect, paint, tqstyle().subRect(TQStyle::SR_PushButtonFocusRect, this), colorGroup(), TQStyle::Style_Default); } void StyledButton::drawButtonLabel( TQPainter *paint ) { TQColor pen = isEnabled() ? hasFocus() ? palette().active().buttonText() : palette().inactive().buttonText() : palette().disabled().buttonText(); paint->setPen( pen ); if(!isEnabled()) { paint->setBrush( TQBrush( colorGroup().button() ) ); } else if ( edit == PixmapEditor && spix ) { paint->setBrush( TQBrush( col, *spix ) ); paint->setBrushOrigin( width()/8, height()/8 ); } else paint->setBrush( TQBrush( col ) ); paint->drawRect( width()/8, height()/8, 6*width()/8, 6*height()/8 ); } void StyledButton::onEditor() { switch (edit) { case ColorEditor: { TQColor c = palette().active().background(); if ( KColorDialog::getColor( c, this ) == TQDialog::Accepted ) { setColor( c ); emit changed(); } } break; case PixmapEditor: { TQPixmap p; if ( pixmap() ) p = qChoosePixmap( this, formWindow, *pixmap() ); else p = qChoosePixmap( this, formWindow, TQPixmap() ); if ( !p.isNull() ) { setPixmap( p ); emit changed(); } } break; default: break; } } void StyledButton::mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent* e) { TQButton::mousePressEvent(e); mousePressed = true; pressPos = e->pos(); } void StyledButton::mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent* e) { TQButton::mouseMoveEvent( e ); #ifndef TQT_NO_DRAGANDDROP if ( !mousePressed ) return; if ( ( pressPos - e->pos() ).manhattanLength() > TQApplication::startDragDistance() ) { if ( edit == ColorEditor ) { TQColorDrag *drg = new TQColorDrag( col, this ); TQPixmap pix( 25, 25 ); pix.fill( col ); TQPainter p( &pix ); p.drawRect( 0, 0, pix.width(), pix.height() ); p.end(); drg->setPixmap( pix ); mousePressed = false; drg->dragCopy(); } else if ( edit == PixmapEditor && pix && !pix->isNull() ) { TQImage img = pix->convertToImage(); TQImageDrag *drg = new TQImageDrag( img, this ); if(spix) drg->setPixmap( *spix ); mousePressed = false; drg->dragCopy(); } } #endif } #ifndef TQT_NO_DRAGANDDROP void StyledButton::dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *e ) { setFocus(); if ( edit == ColorEditor && TQColorDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else if ( edit == PixmapEditor && TQImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else e->ignore(); } void StyledButton::dragLeaveEvent( TQDragLeaveEvent * ) { if ( hasFocus() ) parentWidget()->setFocus(); } void StyledButton::dragMoveEvent( TQDragMoveEvent *e ) { if ( edit == ColorEditor && TQColorDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else if ( edit == PixmapEditor && TQImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) e->accept(); else e->ignore(); } void StyledButton::dropEvent( TQDropEvent *e ) { if ( edit == ColorEditor && TQColorDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { TQColor color; TQColorDrag::decode( e, color ); setColor(color); emit changed(); e->accept(); } else if ( edit == PixmapEditor && TQImageDrag::canDecode( e ) ) { TQImage img; TQImageDrag::decode( e, img ); TQPixmap pm; pm.convertFromImage(img); setPixmap(pm); emit changed(); e->accept(); } else { e->ignore(); } } #endif // TQT_NO_DRAGANDDROP #include "styledbutton.moc"