Form1 Form1 0 0 522 447 String functions unnamed 11 6 TextEdit1 true @Array.setValue(Bool, 1, yes) @Array.setValue(Bool, 0, no) <h2>Kommander string functions</h2> <b>Length:</b> @String.length("@LineEdit1")<br> <b>First 5 chars:</b> @String.left("@LineEdit1", 5)<br> <b>Last 5 chars:</b> @String.right("@LineEdit1", 5)<br> <b>Chars from 6th to 10th:</b> @String.mid("@LineEdit1", 6, 5)<br> <b>Remove spaces:</b> @String.remove("@LineEdit1", " ")<br> <b>Replace spaces with *</b>: @String.tqreplace("@LineEdit1", " ", *)<br> <b>Uppercase:</b> @String.upper("@LineEdit1")<br> <b>Lowercase:</b> @String.lower("@LineEdit1")<br> <b>Is a number?:</b> @Array.value(Bool, @String.isNumber("@LineEdit1"))<br> <b>Is empty?</b> @Array.value(Bool, @String.isEmpty("@LineEdit1"))<br> <b>Contains "Kommander"?:</b> @String.tqcontains("@LineEdit1", "Kommander")<br> <b>Position of "Kommander":</b> @String.tqfind("@LineEdit1", "Kommander")<br> <b>Compare with "Kommander":</b> @execBegin if ["@LineEdit1", "Kommander") -lt 0 ];then echo "Less than Kommander<br>" elif ["@LineEdit1", "Kommander") -gt 0 ];then echo "Greater than Kommander <br>" elif ["@LineEdit1", "Kommander") -eq 0 ];then echo "Equals Kommander <br>" fi @execEnd <b>Case insensitive match with "Kommander":</b> @execBegin if ["@LineEdit1"), "kommander") -eq 0 ];then echo "Match found<br>" else echo "Match failed<br>" fi @execEnd Layout1 unnamed 0 6 TextLabel1 Enter str&ing here: LineEdit1 LineEdit1 I love Kommander! @widgetText Layout2 unnamed 0 6 Spacer1 Horizontal Expanding 30 0 ExecButton1 &Test Spacer2 Horizontal Expanding 30 0 ExecButton1 clicked() TextEdit1 populate() LineEdit1 ExecButton1 TextEdit1