/*************************************************************************** xsldbgdebugger.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Tue Jan 1 2002 copyright : (C) 2002 by Keith Isdale email : k_isdale@tpg.com.au ***************************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ************************************************************************************/ #include <tdelocale.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <libxml/tree.h> #include <libxslt/xsltInternals.h> #include "xsldbgdebugger.h" #include <libxsldbg/xsldbgthread.h> #include <libxsldbg/xsldbgevent.h> #include <libxsldbg/qtnotifier2.h> #include <libxsldbg/options.h> #include <libxsldbg/files.h> extern int xsldbgStop; #include "xsldbgwalkspeedimpl.h" #include <tqmessagebox.h> #include <kdebug.h> XsldbgDebugger::XsldbgDebugger() { initialized = false; inspector = 0L; walkDialog = 0L; outputFileActive = false; updateText = ""; lastType = XSLDBG_MSG_AWAITING_INPUT; readMsg = false; procMsg = false; /* set a slow occurance of timer events to check for xsldbg commands from user */ updateTimerID = startTimer(100); connectNotifier(this); } XsldbgDebugger::~XsldbgDebugger(){ if (initialized == true) xsldbgThreadFree(); if (walkDialog != 0L) walkDialog->close(true); } void XsldbgDebugger::setInspector(XsldbgInspector *inspector) { this->inspector = inspector; } bool XsldbgDebugger::event(TQEvent *e) { if (e == 0L) return false; if (e->type() != TQEvent::User) return TQObject::event(e); else{ static bool waitingFirstmessage = true; if (waitingFirstmessage){ waitingFirstmessage = false; emit debuggerReady(); } /* we now have a notify message from xsldbg */ XsldbgEvent *event = dynamic_cast<XsldbgEvent*>(e); /* send to this debugger the messages in event */ event->emitMessage(this); } return true; } void XsldbgDebugger::timerEvent(TQTimerEvent *e) { /* This function runs in the application's thread */ if (e == 0L || (e->timerId() != updateTimerID)) return; if ((getInputReady() == 0) && (getInputStatus() == XSLDBG_MSG_AWAITING_INPUT) && (commandQue.count() > 0)){ TQString msg = commandQue.first(); commandQue.remove(msg); ::fakeInput((const char*)msg.utf8()); } if ((!updateText.isEmpty()) && (getInputStatus() == XSLDBG_MSG_AWAITING_INPUT)){ /* flush remainding text to message window */ TQString msgCopy = updateText; updateText = ""; emit showMessage(msgCopy); lastType = XSLDBG_MSG_AWAITING_INPUT; } } TQString XsldbgDebugger::fixLocalPaths(TQString & file) { TQString result = file; if (file.left(6) == "file:/"){ xmlChar * tempResult = filesExpandName((xmlChar *)file.utf8().data()); result = TQString::fromUtf8((char*)tempResult); xmlFree(tempResult); } return result; } TQString XsldbgDebugger::sourceFileName() { TQString fileName; if (optionsGetStringOption(OPTIONS_SOURCE_FILE_NAME) != 0L) fileName = TQString::fromUtf8((const char*)optionsGetStringOption(OPTIONS_SOURCE_FILE_NAME)); return fileName; } TQString XsldbgDebugger::dataFileName() { TQString fileName; if (optionsGetStringOption(OPTIONS_DATA_FILE_NAME) != 0L) fileName = TQString::fromUtf8((const char*)optionsGetStringOption(OPTIONS_DATA_FILE_NAME)); return fileName; } TQString XsldbgDebugger::outputFileName() { TQString fileName; if (optionsGetStringOption(OPTIONS_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) != 0L) fileName = TQString::fromUtf8((const char*)optionsGetStringOption(OPTIONS_OUTPUT_FILE_NAME)); return fileName; } void XsldbgDebugger::gotoLine(TQString fileName, int lineNo, bool breakpoint /*= false*/) { emit lineNoChanged(fileName, lineNo, breakpoint); } void XsldbgDebugger::setOption(const char* name, bool value) { TQString msg = "setoption "; msg.append(name).append(" ").append(TQString::number(value)); fakeInput(msg, true); } void XsldbgDebugger::fakeInput(TQString text, bool wait) { Q_UNUSED(wait); commandQue.append(text); } bool XsldbgDebugger::start() { bool result = false; if ((initialized == false) && !xsldbgThreadInit()) { xsldbgThreadFree(); kdDebug() << "Init of thread failed" << endl; } else { initialized = true; result = true; } return result; } bool XsldbgDebugger::stop() { if (initialized == true){ setThreadStatus(XSLDBG_MSG_THREAD_STOP); } /* it always succeeds at the moment */ return true; } void XsldbgDebugger::slotConfigure() { if (start() == false) return; if(inspector == 0L ){ inspector = new XsldbgInspector(this); connect(inspector, TQT_SIGNAL(closedWindow()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotConfigClosed())); } } void XsldbgDebugger::slotConfigClosed() { inspector = 0L; } void XsldbgDebugger::slotStepCmd() { if (start()) fakeInput("step", true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshVariables(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotContinueCmd() { if (start()) /*this can take a while so don't wait for xsldbg to finish */ fakeInput("continue", false); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshVariables(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotRunCmd() { if (start()) /*this can take a while so don't wait for xsldbg to finish */ fakeInput("run", false); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refresh(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotWalkSpeed(int speed) { if ((speed >= 0) && (speed <= 9)){ if (start()){ if (optionsGetIntOption(OPTIONS_WALK_SPEED) == WALKSPEED_STOP){ // start walking at speed requested TQString msg("walk "); msg.append(TQString::number(speed)); fakeInput(msg, true); } else // This will take effect imediately optionsSetIntOption(OPTIONS_WALK_SPEED, speed); } }else kdDebug() << "Invalid walk speed " << speed << endl; } void XsldbgDebugger::slotWalkCmd() { if (walkDialog == 0L ) walkDialog = new XsldbgWalkSpeedImpl (this); if (walkDialog != 0L) /* if the user changes the speed the dialog will call back slotWalkSpeed(int) */ walkDialog->show(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotWalkStopCmd() { xsldbgStop = 1; } void XsldbgDebugger::slotTraceCmd() { if (start()) /*this can take a while so don't wait for xsldbg to finish */ fakeInput("trace", false); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotBreakCmd(TQString fileName, int lineNumber) { if (outputFileActive == true){ TQMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Operation Failed"), i18n("Cannot set/edit breakpoints on the output file."), TQMessageBox::Ok); return ; } TQString msg("break -l \""); msg.append(XsldbgDebugger::fixLocalPaths(fileName)).append("\" ").append(TQString::number(lineNumber)); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshBreakpoints(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotBreakCmd(TQString templateName, TQString modeName) { if (outputFileActive == true){ TQMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Operation Failed"), i18n("Cannot set/edit breakpoints on the output file."), TQMessageBox::Ok); return ; } TQString msg("break \""); msg.append(templateName).append("\" \"").append(modeName).append("\""); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshBreakpoints(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotEnableCmd(TQString fileName, int lineNumber) { if (outputFileActive == true){ TQMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Operation Failed"), i18n("Cannot set/edit breakpoints on the output file."), TQMessageBox::Ok); return ; } TQString msg("enable -l \""); msg.append(XsldbgDebugger::fixLocalPaths(fileName)).append("\" ").append(TQString::number(lineNumber)); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshBreakpoints(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotEnableCmd(int id) { if (outputFileActive == true){ TQMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Operation Failed"), i18n("Cannot set/edit breakpoints on the output file."), TQMessageBox::Ok); return ; } TQString msg("enable "); msg.append(TQString::number(id)); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshBreakpoints(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotDeleteCmd(TQString fileName, int lineNumber) { if (outputFileActive == true){ TQMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Operation Failed"), i18n("Cannot set/edit breakpoints on the output file."), TQMessageBox::Ok); return ; } TQString msg("delete -l \""); msg.append(XsldbgDebugger::fixLocalPaths(fileName)).append("\" ").append(TQString::number(lineNumber)); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshBreakpoints(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotDeleteCmd(int id) { if (outputFileActive == true){ TQMessageBox::information(0L, i18n("Operation Failed"), i18n("Cannot set/edit breakpoints on the output file."), TQMessageBox::Ok); return ; } TQString msg("delete "); msg.append(TQString::number(id)); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); if (inspector != 0L) inspector->refreshBreakpoints(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotSourceCmd() { if (start()){ outputFileActive = false; fakeInput("source", true); } } void XsldbgDebugger::slotDataCmd() { if (start()){ outputFileActive = false; fakeInput("data", true); } } void XsldbgDebugger::slotShowDocument() { if (outputFileName().length() > 0){ outputFileActive = true; gotoLine(outputFileName(), 1); } } void XsldbgDebugger::slotExitCmd() { /* showMessage("\nExit command disabled in Quanta for the moment\n");*/ stop(); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotCatCmd(TQString xPathExpression){ TQString msg("cat "); msg.append(xPathExpression); if (start()) /*this can take a while so don't wait for xsldbg to finish */ fakeInput(msg, false); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotCdCmd(TQString xPathExpression){ TQString msg("cd "); msg.append(xPathExpression); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); } void XsldbgDebugger::slotSetVariableCmd(TQString variableName, TQString xPathExpression) { if (!variableName.isEmpty() && !xPathExpression.isEmpty()){ TQString msg("set "); msg.append(variableName); msg.append(" \""); msg.append(xPathExpression); msg.append("\""); if (start()) fakeInput(msg, true); } } #include "xsldbgdebugger.moc"