/* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2002 Cornelius Schumacher This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "entry.h" #include #include using namespace KNS; Entry::Entry() : mRelease( 0 ), mReleaseDate( QDate::currentDate() ), mRating( 0 ), mDownloads( 0 ) { } Entry::Entry( const QDomElement &e ) { parseDomElement( e ); } Entry::~Entry() { } void Entry::setName( const QString &name ) { mName = name; } QString Entry::name() const { return mName; } void Entry::setType( const QString &type ) { mType = type; } QString Entry::type() const { return mType; } void Entry::setAuthor( const QString &author ) { mAuthor = author; } QString Entry::author() const { return mAuthor; } void Entry::setLicence( const QString &license ) { mLicence = license; } QString Entry::license() const { return mLicence; } void Entry::setSummary( const QString &text, const QString &lang ) { mSummaryMap.insert( lang, text ); if ( mLangs.find( lang ) == mLangs.end() ) mLangs.append( lang ); } QString Entry::summary( const QString &lang ) const { if ( mSummaryMap.isEmpty() ) return QString::null; if ( !mSummaryMap[ lang ].isEmpty() ) return mSummaryMap[ lang ]; else { QStringList langs = KGlobal::locale()->languageList(); for(QStringList::Iterator it = langs.begin(); it != langs.end(); ++it) if( !mSummaryMap[ *it ].isEmpty() ) return mSummaryMap[ *it ]; } if ( !mSummaryMap[ QString::null ].isEmpty() ) return mSummaryMap[ QString::null ]; else return *(mSummaryMap.begin()); } void Entry::setVersion( const QString &version ) { mVersion = version; } QString Entry::version() const { return mVersion; } void Entry::setRelease( int release ) { mRelease = release; } int Entry::release() const { return mRelease; } void Entry::setReleaseDate( const QDate &d ) { mReleaseDate = d; } QDate Entry::releaseDate() const { return mReleaseDate; } void Entry::setPayload( const KURL &url, const QString &lang ) { mPayloadMap.insert( lang, url ); if ( mLangs.find( lang ) == mLangs.end() ) mLangs.append( lang ); } KURL Entry::payload( const QString &lang ) const { KURL payload = mPayloadMap[ lang ]; if ( payload.isEmpty() ) { QStringList langs = KGlobal::locale()->languageList(); for(QStringList::Iterator it = langs.begin(); it != langs.end(); ++it) if( !mPayloadMap[ *it ].isEmpty() ) return mPayloadMap[ *it ]; } if ( payload.isEmpty() ) payload = mPayloadMap [ QString::null ]; if ( payload.isEmpty() && !mPayloadMap.isEmpty() ) { payload = *(mPayloadMap.begin()); } return payload; } void Entry::setPreview( const KURL &url, const QString &lang ) { mPreviewMap.insert( lang, url ); if ( mLangs.find( lang ) == mLangs.end() ) mLangs.append( lang ); } KURL Entry::preview( const QString &lang ) const { KURL preview = mPreviewMap[ lang ]; if ( preview.isEmpty() ) { QStringList langs = KGlobal::locale()->languageList(); for(QStringList::Iterator it = langs.begin(); it != langs.end(); ++it) if( !mPreviewMap[ *it ].isEmpty() ) return mPreviewMap[ *it ]; } if ( preview.isEmpty() ) preview = mPreviewMap [ QString::null ]; if ( preview.isEmpty() && !mPreviewMap.isEmpty() ) { preview = *(mPreviewMap.begin()); } return preview; } void Entry::setRating( int rating ) { mRating = rating; } int Entry::rating() { return mRating; } void Entry::setDownloads( int downloads ) { mDownloads = downloads; } int Entry::downloads() { return mDownloads; } QString Entry::fullName() { return name() + "-" + version() + "-" + QString::number( release() ); } QStringList Entry::langs() { return mLangs; } void Entry::parseDomElement( const QDomElement &element ) { if ( element.tagName() != "stuff" ) return; mType = element.attribute("type"); QDomNode n; for( n = element.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if ( e.tagName() == "name" ) setName( e.text().stripWhiteSpace() ); if ( e.tagName() == "author" ) setAuthor( e.text().stripWhiteSpace() ); if ( e.tagName() == "licence" ) setLicence( e.text().stripWhiteSpace() ); if ( e.tagName() == "summary" ) { QString lang = e.attribute( "lang" ); setSummary( e.text().stripWhiteSpace(), lang ); } if ( e.tagName() == "version" ) setVersion( e.text().stripWhiteSpace() ); if ( e.tagName() == "release" ) setRelease( e.text().toInt() ); if ( e.tagName() == "releasedate" ) { QDate date = QDate::fromString( e.text().stripWhiteSpace(), Qt::ISODate ); setReleaseDate( date ); } if ( e.tagName() == "preview" ) { QString lang = e.attribute( "lang" ); setPreview( KURL( e.text().stripWhiteSpace() ), lang ); } if ( e.tagName() == "payload" ) { QString lang = e.attribute( "lang" ); setPayload( KURL( e.text().stripWhiteSpace() ), lang ); } if ( e.tagName() == "rating" ) setRating( e.text().toInt() ); if ( e.tagName() == "downloads" ) setDownloads( e.text().toInt() ); } } QDomElement Entry::createDomElement( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &parent ) { QDomElement entry = doc.createElement( "stuff" ); entry.setAttribute("type", mType); parent.appendChild( entry ); addElement( doc, entry, "name", name() ); addElement( doc, entry, "author", author() ); addElement( doc, entry, "licence", license() ); addElement( doc, entry, "version", version() ); addElement( doc, entry, "release", QString::number( release() ) ); addElement( doc, entry, "rating", QString::number( rating() ) ); addElement( doc, entry, "downloads", QString::number( downloads() ) ); addElement( doc, entry, "releasedate", releaseDate().toString( Qt::ISODate ) ); QStringList ls = langs(); QStringList::ConstIterator it; for( it = ls.begin(); it != ls.end(); ++it ) { QDomElement e = addElement( doc, entry, "summary", summary( *it ) ); e.setAttribute( "lang", *it ); e = addElement( doc, entry, "preview", preview( *it ).url() ); e.setAttribute( "lang", *it ); e = addElement( doc, entry, "payload", payload( *it ).url() ); e.setAttribute( "lang", *it ); } return entry; } QDomElement Entry::addElement( QDomDocument &doc, QDomElement &parent, const QString &tag, const QString &value ) { QDomElement n = doc.createElement( tag ); n.appendChild( doc.createTextNode( value ) ); parent.appendChild( n ); return n; }