/* * Copyright (C) 2005 by Linus McCabe, * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * */ #include "dbgpnetwork.h" #include #include #include #include DBGpNetwork::DBGpNetwork() : QObject() { m_socket = NULL; m_server = NULL; m_datalen = -1; m_transaction_id = 0; } DBGpNetwork::~DBGpNetwork() { } void DBGpNetwork::sessionStart(bool useproxy, const QString& server, const QString & service) { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", m_server: " << m_server << ", m_socket" << m_socket << endl; m_useproxy = useproxy; if(m_useproxy) { if(m_socket) { // m_socket->setBufferSize(-1); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(gotError(int)), this, SLOT(slotError(int))); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected(const KResolverEntry &)), this, SLOT(slotConnected(const KNetwork::KResolverEntry &))); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(slotConnectionClosed())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadyRead())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(slotSocketDestroyed())); m_socket->connect(); emit active(false); kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", proxy:" << server << ", " << service << endl; } } else { if(!m_server) { m_server = new KNetwork::KServerSocket(service); m_server->setAddressReuseable(true); connect(m_server, SIGNAL(readyAccept()), this, SLOT(slotReadyAccept())); connect(m_server, SIGNAL(gotError(int)), this, SLOT(slotError(int))); if(m_server->listen()) { emit active(true); emit networkError(i18n("Listening on port %1").arg(service), true); } else { delete m_server; m_server = NULL; emit active(false); emit networkError(i18n("Unable to listen on port %1").arg(service), true); } } } } void DBGpNetwork::sessionEnd() { // Close socket if(m_socket) { m_socket->flush(); disconnect(m_socket, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(slotConnectionClosed())); if (m_socket) m_socket->close(); delete m_socket; m_socket = 0L; } // Close the server if(m_server) { m_server->close(); delete m_server; m_server = NULL; } // Fake a connection closed signal slotConnectionClosed(); emit active(false); } // Socket errors void DBGpNetwork::slotError(int) { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", m_server: " << m_server << ", m_socket" << m_socket << endl; if(m_socket) { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", " << m_socket->errorString() << endl; if(m_socket->error() == KNetwork::KSocketBase::RemotelyDisconnected) { slotConnectionClosed(); emit networkError(i18n("Disconnected from remote host"), true); return; } if(m_socket->error()) { emit networkError(m_socket->errorString(), true); } } if(m_server && m_server->error()) { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", " << m_server->errorString() << endl; emit networkError(m_server->errorString(), true); } } // slotReadyAccept void DBGpNetwork::slotReadyAccept() { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", m_server: " << m_server << ", m_socket" << m_socket << endl; if(!m_socket) { disconnect(m_server, SIGNAL(readyAccept()), this, SLOT(slotReadyAccept())); m_socket = (KNetwork::KStreamSocket *)m_server->accept(); // KSocketServer returns a KStreamSocket (!) if(m_socket) { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", ready" << ", m_socket" << m_socket << endl; m_socket->enableRead(true); m_socket->setAddressReuseable(true); // m_socket->setSocketFlags(KExtendedSocket::inetSocket | KExtendedSocket::inputBufferedSocket); // m_socket->setBufferSize(-1); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(gotError(int)), this, SLOT(slotError(int))); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(connected(const KResolverEntry &)), this, SLOT(slotConnected(const KResolverEntry &))); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(slotConnectionClosed())); connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(slotReadyRead())); connected(); } else { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", " << m_server->errorString() << endl; } } } // Connection established void DBGpNetwork::slotConnected(const KResolverEntry &) { connected(); } bool DBGpNetwork::isConnected() { return m_socket != NULL && m_socket->state() == KNetwork::KClientSocketBase::Connected; } bool DBGpNetwork::isActive() { return (m_socket != NULL && m_socket->state() == KNetwork::KClientSocketBase::Connected) || (m_server != NULL); } void DBGpNetwork::connected() { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << endl; emit connected(true); // debuggerInterface()->enableAction("debug_disconnect", true); // debuggerInterface()->enableAction("debug_request", false); } // Connectio closed void DBGpNetwork::slotConnectionClosed() { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", m_server: " << m_server << ", m_socket" << m_socket << endl; // Check if we have more data to read slotReadyRead(); // kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << "buffer: " << m_buffer << endl; if(m_socket) { m_socket->flush(); m_socket->close(); delete m_socket; m_socket = NULL; } if(m_server) connect(m_server, SIGNAL(readyAccept()), this, SLOT(slotReadyAccept())); // Disable all session related actions and enable connection action emit connected(false); emit active(m_server != NULL); } //called when m_socket is destroyed either by deleting it or if XDebug disconnects from the client void DBGpNetwork::slotSocketDestroyed() { kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << " , m_server: " << m_server << ", m_socket" << m_socket << endl; m_socket = NULL; //m_socket is already wrong, without this the app would crash on the next m_socket->close() or delete m_socket call. slotConnectionClosed(); } // Data from socket void DBGpNetwork::slotReadyRead() { // Data from dbgp while(m_socket && (m_socket->bytesAvailable() > 0 || m_fifo.length() >= (unsigned long)m_datalen)) { int bytes; QString data; if(m_socket && m_socket->bytesAvailable() > 0 ) { // Read all available bytes from socket and append them to the buffer bytes = m_socket->bytesAvailable(); char* buffer = new char[bytes]; m_socket->readBlock(buffer, bytes); // Put it in the fifo buffer m_fifo.append(buffer, bytes); delete[] buffer; } while(1) { // If datalen == -1, we didnt read the size yet, otherwise we're reading data. if(m_datalen == -1) { bytes = m_fifo.find('\0'); if(bytes < 0) break; data = m_fifo.retrieve(); m_datalen = data.toLong(); } if(m_datalen != -1 && (long)m_fifo.length() >= m_datalen + 1) { data = m_fifo.retrieve(); m_datalen = -1; emit command(data); } else break; } } } long DBGpNetwork::sendCommand(const QString & command) { return sendCommand(command, ""); } long DBGpNetwork::sendCommand(const QString & command, const QString & arguments) { if(!isConnected()) return false; m_transaction_id++; QString commandline = command + QString(" -i %1").arg(m_transaction_id) + (!arguments.isEmpty() ? " " : "") + arguments; kdDebug(24002) << k_funcinfo << ", sending: " << commandline << endl; m_socket->writeBlock(commandline.latin1(), commandline.length() + 1); // Send string + NULL termination return m_transaction_id; } long DBGpNetwork::sendCommand( const QString & command, const QString & arguments, const QString & data ) { QByteArrayFifo buffer; buffer.append(data.ascii(), data.length()); return sendCommand(command, arguments + " -- " + buffer.base64Encoded()); } // #include "dbgpnetwork.moc" #include "dbgpnetwork.moc"