The <b>B</b> element suggests that text be rendered as <i>bold text</i>. <br>- common attributes <strong> </strong> The <b>I</b> element suggests that text be rendered as <i>italic text</i>. <br>- common attributes <em> </em> <u> </u> The <b>U</b> element, deprecated in HTML 4.0, suggests that text be rendered as <i>underlined text</i>. <br>- common attributes <br> The <b>BR</b> element forces a <i>break</i> in the current line of text. <br>- CLEAR=[ left | all | right | none ] (clear floating objects) <br>- core attributes <p> </p> The <b>P</b> element defines a <i>paragraph</i>. <br>- ALIGN=[ left | center | right | justify ] (horizontal alignment) <br>- common attributes &nbsp; Inserting <b>nbsp</b>. Non breaking <i>space</i>. <a> </a> The <b>A</b> element denotes an <i>anchor</i>--a hypertext link or the destination of a link. The <b>HREF</b> attribute specifies a hypertext link to another resource, such as an <i>HTML</i> document or a <i>JPEG</i> image. <img> The <b>IMG</b> element specifies an <i>inline</i> image. The required <b>SRC</b> attribute specifies the location of the image. <hr> The <b>HR</b> element defines a <i>horizontal rule</i> for visual browsers. While this element is inherently presentational, it can be used structurally as a section divider. <!-- --> The <b>!-- --></b> element <i>comment</i> a text inside. <div align="left"> </div> The <b>DIV ALIGN</b>=<i>left</i> suggests the horizontal alignment for the content of the division to <i>left</i>. <div align="center"> </div> The <b>DIV ALIGN</b>=<i>center</i> or <b>CENTER</b> suggests the horizontal alignment for the content of the division to <i>center</i>. <div align="right"> </div> The <b>DIV ALIGN</b>=<i>right</i> suggests the horizontal alignment for the content of the division to <i>right</i>. <div align="justify"> </div> The <b>DIV ALIGN</b>=<i>justify</i> suggests the horizontal alignment for the content of the division to <i>justify</i>. <span> </span>