DTEPStructureEditDlgS /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * * ***************************************************************************/ (C) 2005 Andras Mantia <amantia@kde.org> DTEPStructureEditDlgS 0 0 628 666 Structure Group Editor unnamed textLabel30 &Name: nameEdit nameEdit The name of the group The user visible name of the group. It will be shown in the structure tree as a top node when there are elements belonging to this group in the document. textLabel32 &Icon: AlignVCenter|AlignRight iconButton iconButton 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 textLabel34 false Filen&ame definition: fileNameRxEdit Regular expression to get the filename Regular expression to get the filename. The expression is used to <b>remove</b> the unnecessary strings from the element's text. hasFilename Contains a &filename True if the element's text contains a filename fileNameRxEdit false Regular expression to get the filename Regular expression to get the filename. The expression is used to <b>remove</b> the unnecessary strings from the element's text. textLabel33 &Tag: tagEdit Elements identified by this entry will belong to this group Defines which tags belong to this group. The format is <i>tagname(attribute1, attribute2, ...)</i>. Tags with name <i>tagname</i> will appear under this group. The item text of the corresponding node in the tree will be <i>attribute1_value | attribute2_value | ...</i>Currently only one tag may be listed here. textLabel31 "No" na&me: noNameEdit The name that appears when no element were found The user visible name of the group. It will be shown in the structure tree as a top node when there are <b>no</b> elements belonging to this group in the document. noNameEdit The name that appears when no element were found The user visible name of the group. It will be shown in the structure tree as a top node when there are <b>no</b> elements belonging to this group in the document. tagEdit true Elements ideintified by this entry will belong to this group Defines which tags belong to this group. The format is <i>tagname(attribute1, attribute2, ...)</i>. Tags with name <i>tagname</i> will appear under this group. The item text of the corresponding node in the tree will be <i>attribute1_value | attribute2_value | ...</i>Currently only one tag may be listed here. spacer6 Vertical Fixed 20 16 appendToTags Use elements as tags Treat elements as new tags Treat elements as new tags, so they will show up during tag autocompletion. pseudoGroupBox &Pseudo DTEP Specific Settings unnamed typeRxEdit Regular expression to find the type of the element Regular expression to find the type of the element. The pattern is searched on the result of the <i>DefinitionRx</i> match and the first captured area will hold the element type.<br> Example (simplified):<br> <b>DefinitionRx=\$+([a-zA-Z]+)=new\\s[a-zA-Z]+;<br> TypeRx=new\\s([a-zA-Z]+);</b><br><br> This will match strings like <b>$fooObj=new foo;</b>. Now this string is searched and it will tqfind <b>new foo;</b>, where <b>foo</b> is the first captured text (the regular expression matching <b>foo</b> is between brackets).<br> So the type of <b>$fooObj</b> is <b>foo</b>. textLabel36 &Usage expression: usageRxEdit Regular expression to find the usage of a group element Regular expression to find the usage of a group element in the document.<br> Example 1:<br> - classes are defined as <b>class foo {...}</b><br> - classes are used as <b>$objFoo</b><br><br> Example 2:<br> - variables are defined as <b>int i</b><br> - variables are used as <b>@i</b><br><br> Example 3:<br> - variables are defined as <b>$i</b><br> - variables are used as <b>$i</b>. In this case <i>UsageRx </i>is the same as <i>DefinitionRx</i>. textLabel37 Element t&ype expression: typeRxEdit Regular expression to find the type of the element Regular expression to find the type of the element. The pattern is searched on the result of the <i>DefinitionRx</i> match and the first captured area will hold the element type.<br> Example (simplified):<br> <b>DefinitionRx=\$+([a-zA-Z]+)=new\\s[a-zA-Z]+;<br> TypeRx=new\\s([a-zA-Z]+);</b><br><br> This will match strings like <b>$fooObj=new foo;</b>. Now this string is searched and it will tqfind <b>new foo;</b>, where <b>foo</b> is the first captured text (the regular expression matching <b>foo</b> is between brackets).<br> So the type of <b>$fooObj</b> is <b>foo</b>. textLabel35 Definition e&xpression: definitionRxEdit Regular expression to find what belong to this group Regular expression used to find text areas in the document, which will belong to this group. The first captured area shouldbe the actual name of the group entry.<br> Example for a <i>class</i> group:<br> <b>\bclass[\\s]+([0-9a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff]*)[\\s]*</b><br> The first captured area (between "<b>(</b>" and "<b>)</b>") holds the class name. usageRxEdit Regular expression to find the usage of a group element Regular expression to find the usage of a group element in the document.<br> Example 1:<br> - classes are defined as <b>class foo {...}</b><br> - classes are used as <b>$objFoo</b><br><br> Example 2:<br> - variables are defined as <b>int i</b><br> - variables are used as <b>@i</b><br><br> Example 3:<br> - variables are defined as <b>$i</b><br> - variables are used as <b>$i</b>. In this case <i>UsageRx </i>is the same as <i>DefinitionRx</i>. textLabel41 Parent group: The name of the group that may be the tqparent of this The name of the group that may be the tqparent of this. For example <b>classes</b> might be a tqparent of <b>functions</b> in case of member functions. This entry indicates this possible relationship and is used to provide functionality like member autocompletion. parentGroupEdit The name of the group that may be the tqparent of this The name of the group that may be the tqparent of this. For example <b>classes</b> might be a tqparent of <b>functions</b> in case of member functions. This entry indicates this possible relationship and is used to provide functionality like member autocompletion. textLabel42 Searched tags: Only tags of this type can be part of the group textLabel44 Remove when autocompleting: Regular expression used to remove unwanted strings from the completion text textLabel43 Autocomplete after: Regular expression to tell when to bring up the completion box with the elements of this group Regular expression to tell when to bring up the completion box with the elements of this group.<br> Example:<b>\bnew[\\s]+$</b> tells that after typing <b>new&nbsp;</b>, the completion box with the elements should be shown. autoCompleteRxEdit Regular expression to tell when to bring up the completion box with the elements of this group Regular expression to tell when to bring up the completion box with the elements of this group.<br> Example:<b>\bnew[\\s]+$</b> tells that after typing <b>new&nbsp;</b>, the completion box with the elements should be shown. removeRxEdit Regular expression used to remove unwanted strings from the completion text Text XmlTag XmlTagEnd Comment CSS ScriptTag ScriptStructureBegin ScriptStructureEnd tagTypeCombo Only tags of this type can be part of the group spacer13 Horizontal Expanding 340 20 parseFile Parse file Check if the filename that is in the elements text should be parsed Check if the filename that is in the elements text should be parsed. This makes sense only if the element may contain a filename and the <i>FileNameRx</i> is specified. buttonGroup1 Type unnamed simpleGroup Simple This is a simple group, nothing special variableGroup Variable group The group's elements are variables functionGroup Function group The group's elements are functions classGroup Class group The group's elements are classes objectGroup Ob&ject group The group's elements are objects definitionRxEdit Regular expression to find what belong to this group Regular expression used to find text areas in the document, which will belong to this group. The first captured area shouldbe the actual name of the group entry.<br> Example for a <i>class</i> group:<br> <b>\bclass[\\s]+([0-9a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff]*)[\\s]*</b><br> The first captured area (between "<b>(</b>" and "<b>)</b>") holds the class name. definitionRxMinimal Minimal search mode Enable to use the minimal style search for definition instead of the standard (greedy) matching hasFilename toggled(bool) textLabel34 setEnabled(bool) hasFilename toggled(bool) fileNameRxEdit setEnabled(bool) nameEdit iconButton noNameEdit tagEdit hasFilename fileNameRxEdit appendToTags parentGroupEdit tagTypeCombo definitionRxEdit definitionRxMinimal usageRxEdit typeRxEdit autoCompleteRxEdit removeRxEdit parseFile simpleGroup functionGroup objectGroup variableGroup classGroup kicondialog.h