/*************************************************************************** tagdialog.cpp - description ------------------- begin : Sat Apr 1 2000 copyright : (C) 2000 by Yacovlev Alexander & Dmitry Poplavsky (C) 2002-2004 by Andras Mantia ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ // include qt headers #include #include #include // include kde headers #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tagattr.h" #include "tagdialog.h" #include "tagwidget.h" #include "tagimgdlg.h" #include "tagxml.h" #include "document.h" #include "qextfileinfo.h" #include "quantacommon.h" #include "resource.h" #include "qtag.h" #include "kafkacommon.h" TagDialog::TagDialog(QTag* dtdTag, Tag *tag, KURL a_baseURL) : QTabDialog( 0L, "tagdialog", true) { init(dtdTag, a_baseURL); m_tag = tag; if (m_tag) { for (int i = 0; i < m_tag->attrCount(); i++) { dict->insert(m_tag->attribute(i), new QString(m_tag->attributeValue(i))); } } mainDlg = 0L; parseTag(); } TagDialog::TagDialog(QTag* dtdTag, Tag *tag, const QString& selection, KURL a_baseURL) : QTabDialog( 0L, "tagdialog", true), m_selection(selection) { init(dtdTag, a_baseURL); m_tag = tag; if (m_tag) { for (int i = 0; i < m_tag->attrCount(); i++) { dict->insert(m_tag->attribute(i), new QString(m_tag->attributeValue(i))); } } mainDlg = 0L; parseTag(); } TagDialog::TagDialog(QTag* dtdTag, QString attrs, KURL a_baseURL) : QTabDialog( 0L, "tagdialog", true) { init(dtdTag, a_baseURL); if ( !attrs.isNull() ) { parseAttributes(attrs); } mainDlg = 0L; m_tag = 0L; parseTag(); } TagDialog::TagDialog(QTag* dtdTag, const QString& selection, QString attrs, KURL a_baseURL) : QTabDialog( 0L, "tagdialog", true), m_selection(selection) { init(dtdTag, a_baseURL); if ( !attrs.isNull() ) { parseAttributes(attrs); } mainDlg = 0L; m_tag = 0L; parseTag(); } TagDialog::~TagDialog() { if (deleteTag) { delete dtdTag; } delete dict; } void TagDialog::init(QTag *a_dtdTag, KURL a_baseURL) { setOkButton(KStdGuiItem::ok().text()); setCancelButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel().text()); connect( this, SIGNAL(applyButtonPressed()), SLOT(slotAccept()) ); connect( this, SIGNAL(cancelButtonPressed()), SLOT(reject()) ); if (!a_dtdTag) //the tag is invalid, let's create a default one { dtdTag = new QTag(); dtdTag->setName(i18n("Unknown tag")); deleteTag = true; } else { dtdTag = a_dtdTag; deleteTag = false; } dict = new QDict(1,false); dict->setAutoDelete(true); m_baseURL = a_baseURL; QString caption = i18n("Tag Properties: "); caption += dtdTag->name(); setCaption( caption); resize(420,400); } /** */ void TagDialog::parseTag() { if (dtdTag->name() != i18n("Unknown tag")) //read from the extra tags { QDomDocument doc; if (dtdTag->name().lower() == "img") //NOTE: HTML specific code! { mainDlg = new TagImgDlg(dtdTag->parentDTD, this); ((TagImgDlg *)mainDlg)->writeAttributes( dict ); } //read the tag file it is available else if (QFileInfo(dtdTag->fileName()).exists()) { QFile f( dtdTag->fileName() ); f.open( IO_ReadOnly ); if ( doc.setContent( &f ) ) { QString tagName = dtdTag->name(); QDomNodeList nodeList = doc.elementsByTagName("tag"); for ( uint i = 0; i < nodeList.count(); i++) { QDomNode n = nodeList.item(i); QString nodeTagName = n.toElement().attribute("name"); if (!dtdTag->parentDTD->caseSensitive) nodeTagName = nodeTagName.upper(); if (nodeTagName == tagName && n.toElement().elementsByTagName("attr").count() > 0) //read a tag { mainDlg = new Tagxml( n, dtdTag, m_selection, this ); ((Tagxml *)mainDlg)->writeAttributes( dict ); break; } } } f.close(); } else { QString docString = "\n\n"; docString += QString("\n").arg(dtdTag->name()); docString += QuantaCommon::xmlFromAttributes(dtdTag->attributes()); docString += "\n\n"; doc.setContent(docString); QDomNode domNode2 = doc.firstChild().firstChild(); mainDlg = new Tagxml( domNode2, dtdTag, m_selection, this ); } if ( mainDlg ) { addTab( mainDlg, i18n("Main") ); } KConfig *dtdConfig = new KConfig(dtdTag->parentDTD->fileName); dtdConfig->setGroup("General"); int numOfPages = dtdConfig->readNumEntry("NumOfPages"); extraPageList = new QPtrList(); extraPageList->setAutoDelete(true); for (int i = 1; i <= numOfPages; i++) { Tagxml *extraPage = 0L; dtdConfig->setGroup(QString("Page%1").arg(i)); QString title = dtdConfig->readEntry("Title"); QStringList groupList; groupList = dtdConfig->readListEntry("Groups"); QDomDocument extraDoc; //build an internal tag XML for the groups bool addPage = false; QString docString = "\n\n"; docString += QString("\n").arg(i); for (uint j = 0; j < groupList.count(); j++) { groupList[j] = groupList[j].stripWhiteSpace(); } QDomDocument commonDoc; QString commonFileName = QFileInfo(dtdTag->fileName()).dirPath() + "/common.tag"; if (QFile(commonFileName).exists()) { QFile commonFile(commonFileName); commonFile.open(IO_ReadOnly); if (doc.setContent(&commonFile)) { int row = 0; QDomNodeList nodeList = doc.elementsByTagName("tag"); for ( uint j = 0; j < nodeList.count(); j++) { QDomNode node = nodeList.item(j); QString nodeTagName = node.toElement().attribute("name"); if (groupList.contains(nodeTagName) && dtdTag->commonGroups.contains(nodeTagName)) //add the attributes of this common tag to a new tab { QString s; QTextStream str(&s, IO_ReadWrite); QString s2; QTextStream str2(&s2, IO_ReadWrite); for ( QDomNode n = node.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling() ) { if (n.nodeName() == "attr") { QDomElement el = n.toElement(); str.reset(); str << "" << endl; str << " " << el.attribute("name") << "" << endl; str << " " << endl; str << " " << endl; QDomNodeList childNodes = n.childNodes(); for ( uint k = 0; k < childNodes.count(); k++) { QDomNode childNode = childNodes.item(j); childNode.save(str2, 2); str << s2; } str << "" << endl; row++; } } docString += s; addPage = true; } } commonFile.close(); } } docString += "\n\n"; if (addPage) { extraDoc.setContent(docString); QDomNode domNode = extraDoc.firstChild().firstChild(); extraPage = new Tagxml( domNode, dtdTag, m_selection, this ); extraPage->writeAttributes( dict ); addTab( extraPage, i18n(title.utf8()) ); extraPageList->append(extraPage); } // delete attrs; } } } /** Insert an attribute to dict*/ void TagDialog::insertAttribute(QString *attr, QString *value) { dict->insert( *attr , value ); } /** Return the attributes in QDict format*/ QDict * TagDialog::getAttributes() { return dict; } /** Return all the attributes in one string*/ QString TagDialog::getAttributeString() { QDictIterator it( *dict ); QString attrStr; while ( it.current() ) { QString attr = QuantaCommon::attrCase(it.currentKey()); QString val = *it.current(); QString attrval = " "; // attr=value if ( val.isEmpty()) { attrval += attr; // for checkboxes dont print ="" } else { attrval += attr + "=" + qConfig.attrValueQuotation + val + qConfig.attrValueQuotation; } attrStr = attrval + attrStr; ++it; } return attrStr; } /**Return the value of the attribute specified by attr. */ QString TagDialog::getAttribute(const QString& attr) { QString attrStr = getAttributeString()+" "; int pos = attrStr.upper().find(attr.upper()); if (pos != -1) { pos = attrStr.find("=",pos+1) + 1; return attrStr.mid(pos, attrStr.find(" ",pos) - pos); } else { return QString::null; } } /** */ void TagDialog::slotAccept() { if (dtdTag->name() != i18n("Unknown tag")) { if ( mainDlg ) ((Tagxml *)mainDlg)->readAttributes( dict ); for (uint i = 0; i < extraPageList->count(); i++) { extraPageList->at(i)->readAttributes( dict ); } delete extraPageList; } accept(); } /** return document path */ KURL TagDialog::baseURL() { return m_baseURL; } void TagDialog::parseAttributes(const QString &attrs) { QString t = attrs; t = t.stripWhiteSpace(); while ( !t.isEmpty() ) { int i = 0; while ( !t[i].isSpace() && !t[i].isNull() && t[i] != '=' ) i++; QString attr = t.left(i); QString *value = new QString(); t = t.remove(0,i).stripWhiteSpace(); if ( t[0] == '=' ) { t = t.remove(0,1).stripWhiteSpace(); if ( t[0] == '"' ) { i = 1; while ( t[i] != '"' && !t[i].isNull() ) i++; if ( t[i] == '"' ) *value = t.mid(1,i-1); else *value = t.mid(1,i); t = t.remove(0,i+1).stripWhiteSpace(); } else if ( t[0] == '\'' ) { i = 1; while ( t[i] != '\'' && !t[i].isNull() ) i++; if ( t[i] == '\'' ) *value = t.mid(1,i-1); else *value = t.mid(1,i); t = t.remove(0,i+1).stripWhiteSpace(); } else { i=0; while ( !t[i].isSpace() && !t[i].isNull() ) i++; *value = t.left(i); t = t.remove(0,i).stripWhiteSpace(); } // debug ( name+" , "+attr[attrcount]+"="+value[attrcount]+";" ); } // qDebug("attr :%s; value :%s;",attr.data(),value->data() ); dict->insert( attr , value ); } } /** Insert the new tag into the Document*/ void TagDialog::insertTag(Document *w, bool insertInLine) { if (dtdTag->name() != i18n("Unknown tag")) { QString newTag = getAttributeString(); newTag = QString("<")+QuantaCommon::tagCase(dtdTag->name())+newTag; if ( dtdTag->parentDTD->singleTagStyle == "xml" && (dtdTag->isSingle() || (!qConfig.closeOptionalTags && dtdTag->isOptional())) ) { newTag.append(" /"); } newTag.append(">"); QString secondPartOfTag = QString("name())+">"; if ( !insertInLine ) { QString space=""; space.fill( ' ',w->viewCursorIf->cursorColumnReal() ); newTag += "\n" + space + " "; secondPartOfTag = "\n" + space + secondPartOfTag; } if ( (!qConfig.closeTags && !dtdTag->isSingle()) || (dtdTag->isSingle()) || (!qConfig.closeOptionalTags && dtdTag->isOptional()) ) { secondPartOfTag = ""; } w->insertTag( newTag, secondPartOfTag); } } Node *TagDialog::buildNode(Document *w) { Node *node; QString attrStr(""); QDictIterator it( *dict ); node = kafkaCommon::createNode(dtdTag->name(), "", Tag::XmlTag, w); while (it.current()) { node->tag->editAttribute(QuantaCommon::attrCase(it.currentKey()), *it.current()); ++it; } return node; } void TagDialog::showEvent(QShowEvent *ev) { QTabDialog::showEvent(ev); if (dynamic_cast(mainDlg)) static_cast(mainDlg)->focusToFirstItem(); } #include "tagdialog.moc"